
Will my Apple Watch get watchOS 11? Here’s every supported model - Beritaja

Trending 1 week ago
The Palette watch look connected The Apple Watch Series 9.Andy Boxall

Apple’s yearly developers conference, WWDC 2024, is in The books. This year’s version of WWDC was special, pinch Apple going each in connected Apple Intelligence (its preferred word for its AI offerings). Besides cardinal improvements coming to devices pinch larger screens, Apple besides announced a caller type of watchOS pinch fitness-tracking enhancements, caller unrecorded widgets, and smarter transportation of wellness stats done The caller Vitals app. If you are funny to effort these caller features, you request an Apple Watch exemplary compatible pinch watchOS 11.

This astir apt leaves you wondering: “Which models of The Apple Watch will get watchOS 11?” While The short reply is The Apple Watch Series 6 and newer models, a much elaborate database pinch each The supported models follows below.

Which Apple Watch models support watchOS 11?

The Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Series 8 showing The screens.Andy Boxall

The watchOS 11 update requires precocious hardware, which is why Apple is limiting The update to The Apple Watch models pinch The computational capacity to tally The caller features. The pursuing Apple Watch models are eligible for The watchOS 11 update:

  • Apple Watch Series 6
  • Apple Watch Series 7
  • Apple Watch Series 8
  • Apple Watch Series 9
  • Apple Watch Ultra
  • Apple Watch Ultra 2
  • Apple Watch SE (2022)

In summation to these Apple Watch models, The Apple Watch X (or Apple Watch Series 10), The Apple Watch Ultra 3, and The rumored Apple Watch SE 3 will tally watchOS 11 correct from The opening erstwhile they motorboat later this twelvemonth alongside The iPhone 16.

All of these must beryllium paired pinch The iPhone Xs aliases newer iPhone models. Additionally, the iPhone must beryllium moving iOS 18 to get The latest watchOS 11 update.

With watchOS 11, Apple is dropping support for Series 4 and Series 5, some of which antecedently supported watchOS 10. Support for The first-gen Apple Watch SE has besides been dropped since it runs The aforesaid spot arsenic The Apple Watch Series 5. Meanwhile, The 2022 Watch SE is still supported — and should beryllium for a mates much years.

Certain features, specified arsenic those limited connected Double Tap, will beryllium constricted to The Apple Watch Series 9, Apple Watch Ultra, and newer Apple Watch models launching later this year.

When will watchOS 11 beryllium available?

Apple Watch watchos 11 smart stacks.Apple

The watchOS 11 update will beryllium officially released during The autumn of this year, pursuing The expected motorboat of The iPhone 16 series, The Apple Watch X, and The Apple Watch Ultra 3.

Those who want to effort The caller features sooner Can download The watchOS 11 nationalist beta preview, which is expected to beryllium disposable sometime in July. To effort The beta version, you will first person to install The iOS 18 beta connected your iPhone.

Notably, The update is already disposable for folks pinch an Apple Developer’s account. It is not recommended to instal The developer preview since it’s apt to person bugs and will almost surely effect The usability of your Apple Watch.

What’s caller in watchOS 11?

Apple Watch watchOS 11 features. Apple

The watchOS 11 update brings a big of customization features, including The Training Load functionality, which lets you complaint workouts connected a standard of 1 to 10 for The Apple Watch to understand your activity better. Additionally, The caller Vitals app keeps way of your bodily stats erstwhile you are resting and flags immoderate abnormalities. Together, these features urge if you should summation aliases alteration The strength of your workouts. For pregnant persons, The caller rhythm search features thief them way their full gestation play and alert them in lawsuit of immoderate different bosom complaint aliases somesthesia spikes.

The update besides brings caller move widget stacks that automatically look connected your watch look erstwhile required. Meanwhile, Check-in functionality now lets you pass loved ones erstwhile you caput retired astatine an different time.

The caller Photos watch look now uses much appeasing photos from your assemblage to use arsenic wallpapers, while The improved GPS search functionality lets you log your hiking trails aliases boating routes much precisely.

Finally, Apple is opening up The Double Tap exertion programming interface (API) for developers to merge The functionality wrong their apps.

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Editor: Naga

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