
What is Binary Heap

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Binary heap is simply a complete binary character wherever nan guidelines of immoderate subtree has a higher (or little based connected nan type of heap) worth than each nan nodes successful its subtree.

Example of Heap

Example of Heap

Characteristics of Binary Heap:

The pursuing are nan properties of a binary heap:

  • It is simply a complete binary tree, which intends that each levels of nan character are wholly filled, pinch nan objection of nan past one, and nan nodes successful nan past level are filled from near to right.
  • The worth of each node is greater than aliases adjacent to nan values of its children successful a binary heap.
  • The guidelines node has nan highest worth successful a max-heap, while it has nan lowest worth successful a min-heap.

Types of Binary Heap:

There are 2 types of binary heaps: nan max-heap and nan min-heap:

  • Max-Heap: The maximum constituent is ever stored astatine nan guidelines node successful a max-heap. Each node’s children person a worth that is little than aliases adjacent to that of their parent. As a result, nan guidelines node has nan highest worth successful nan heap.
  • Min-Heap: The minimum constituent successful a min-heap is ever stored astatine nan guidelines node. Each node’s children person a worth greater than aliases adjacent to that of their parent. As a result, nan guidelines node has nan lowest worth successful nan heap.

Applications of Binary Heap:

  • Priority Queue: Binary heap is utilized to instrumentality privilege queue information structure.
  • Operating systems: Prioritizing processes based connected their level of importance.
  • Networking: Prioritizing packets successful a web to guarantee timely delivery.
  • Databases: Indexing information based connected value to optimize hunt times.
  • Pathfinding algorithms: Finding nan shortest way betwixt 2 points successful a graph.

Advantages of Binary Heap:

  • Efficient insertion and removal: It takes O(log n) clip to adhd aliases region an constituent from a binary heap, wherever n is nan number of elements successful nan heap.
  • Quick entree to nan maximum aliases minimum element: Because nan guidelines node has nan highest aliases lowest value, it tin beryllium accessed successful O(1) time.
  • Sorting efficiently: A binary heap tin beryllium sorted successful O(N logN) time.

Disadvantages of Binary Heap:

  • Inefficient for searching: Finding an constituent successful a binary heap takes O(n) clip because each elements must beryllium examined.
  • Not suitable for move data: Because nan character building must beryllium maintained, binary heaps are not suitable for situations wherever nan information is perpetually changing.

What other tin you read?

  • Introduction to Binary Heap
  • Priority Queue utilizing Binary Heap
Editor: Naga

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