
Mobiux Interview Experience - Beritaja

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Assignment Round:

I sewage an duty from Mobiux for a full-stack developer role. The mobility is to constitute codification to load fixed income information group without utilizing immoderate inbuilt functions. Ideally asking america to build The information building connected our own. I completed The task and submitted The solution aft which I was called for The interview.

Actual Interview:

The question and reply was held in a azygous round. The interviewer asked maine to stock The screen. Then asked to unfastened The codification I submitted. Now The interviewer asked to make changes to The codification arsenic required. I could make each The changes asked by The interviewer. But for The last change, The interviewer asked to switch The for loop pinch a much businesslike one. In that context, itertools are much efficient. But owed to nervousness, I did not get The thought of itertools in Python. Hence astatine The past step, I sewage rejected.

I had firsthand acquisition of having this unsocial style of interview. Though it was achy to beryllium rejected astatine that past step, I learnt to beryllium calm and assured during interviews. I dream this acquisition helps you each to beryllium prepared for immoderate benignant of interview.

Last Updated : 07 Aug, 2023

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Editor: Naga

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