
TCS CodeVita and Interview experience - Beritaja

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TCS CodeVita is simply a title wherever we are fixed 6 questions. For The TCS NQT question and reply call, we request to lick immoderate 1 mobility and for The TCS Digital question and reply call, we request to lick astatine slightest 3 questions. I sewage an question and reply telephone arsenic I solved 3 retired of 6 questions. There is only 1 information in The interview. Both method and HR teams asked The questions simultaneously.

Technical Questions:

Total 4 questions are asked.

  • What is The main quality betwixt C and Python? (Ans: C is compiler connection while Python is interpreted language)
  • What is The quality betwixt a compiler and an interpreter? (Ans: Interpreter executed codification measurement by measurement while compiler execute full codification astatine once).
  • Explain astir linked list. (Linked database is simply a Data Structure pinch each node containing information and nexus to The adjacent node)
  • Choose immoderate taxable betwixt merge benignant and speedy benignant and explicate The process. (I chose speedy benignant and explained The sorting process).

HR Questions:

  • Tell maine astir yourself
  • Why did you take TCS
  • Are you good pinch inheritance verification (I said YES)

After a fewer days, I sewage The TCS Digital connection letter. TCS CodeVita is simply a awesome opportunity to participate into TCS arsenic it contains a minimal number of rounds.

Last Updated : 07 Aug, 2023

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Editor: Naga

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