
Puzzle | The Alien Extinction Riddle

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An alien visits Earth 1 day. Each alien accomplishes 1 of nan pursuing 4 actions each day, pinch adjacent likelihood: 

  • Kill himself 
  • Do nothing 
  • Divide into 2 aliens (while sidesplitting itself) 
  • Divided itself into 3 aliens (while sidesplitting itself) 

What is nan probability that nan alien type yet dice retired entirely?

 The Alien Extinction Riddle


Suppose that nan probability of aliens yet dying retired is x. Then for n aliens, nan probability of yet dying retired is xn because we see each alien arsenic a abstracted colony. Now, if we comparison aliens earlier and aft nan first day, we get:

  • x = (1 /4) * 1 + (1 /4) * x + (1 /4) * x² + (1 /4) * x³
  • x³ + x² − 3x + 1 = 0
  • (x − 1)(x 2 + 2x − 1) = 0

We get,  x = 1, −1 − √ 2, aliases − 1 + √ 2

We declare that x cannot beryllium 1, which would mean that each aliens yet dice out. The number of aliens successful nan colony is, connected average, multiplied by 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 1.5 each minute, which intends successful wide nan aliens do not dice out. (A much rigorous statement of reasoning is included below.) Because x is not negative, nan only valid solution is x = √ 2 − 1.

To show that x cannot beryllium 1, we show that it is astatine most √2 − 1.

  • Let xn beryllium nan probability that a colony of 1 germs will dice retired aft astatine astir n minutes. Then, we get nan relation:
  • xn+ 1 = 1/4 (1 + xn + x²n + x²n)
  • We declare that xn ≤ √ 2 − 1 for each n, which we will beryllium utilizing induction.
  • It is clear that x1 = 1 /4 ≤ √ 2 − 1. Now, presume xk ≤ √ 2 − 1 for immoderate k. We have:
  • xk+1 ≤ 1/4 (1 + xk + x²k + x³k) ≤ 1/4 ( 1 + (√ 2 − 1) + (√ 2 − 1)² + (√ 2 − 1)³ ) = √ 2 − 1
  • Which completes nan impervious that xn ≤ √ 2 − 1 for each n. Now, we statement that arsenic n becomes large, xn approaches x.

Using general notation, x = lim (n →∞) xn ≤ √ 2 − 1, so x cannot be 1.

Editor: Naga

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