
Landis+Gyr Interview experience for GET (On-Campus)

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I arrived astatine my assemblage for nan on-campus thrust of Landis+Gyr, excited for nan opportunity to question and reply for a Graduate Engineer Trainee position. After submitting my resume, I was shortlisted on pinch astir 80 different students for nan group chat round.

Group Discussion:

The group chat taxable was nan effect of online learning connected education. We had astir 30 minutes to talk and coming our views. During nan discussion, I tried to beryllium an progressive subordinate and shared my views while besides listening to others. Some of nan different participants besides shared their experiences and opinions, which made for an absorbing discussion. Out of 80 students, astir 40 were shortlisted for nan method question and reply round. 

Technical Round:

The method question and reply lasted for astir 1 hr and covered a scope of topics, including DSA problems connected backtracking and graphs, CS fundamentals basics, and machine networks. I besides talked astir my task and internship experiences during nan interview.


After nan method interview, location was an HR round, which was much casual and consisted of basal wide managerial questions. I was asked astir my strengths, weaknesses, and what I could bring to nan company. I was besides asked astir my semipermanent profession goals and really I planned to execute them.

After nan HR round, nan institution shortlisted 26 students for nan role. Overall, nan acquisition was challenging but rewarding. The group chat and method question and reply allowed maine to showcase my knowledge and skills, while nan HR information gave maine nan opportunity to show my characteristic and imaginable fresh pinch nan institution culture.

Editor: Naga

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