
Elon Musk tells Tim Cook he doesn’t want Apple’s ‘creepy spyware’ - Beritaja

Trending 1 week ago

Elon Musk has deed retired astatine Apple’s scheme to partner pinch OpenAI to bring artificial intelligence features to The iPhone, telling Tim Cook straight to “stop this creepy spyware” and threatening to prohibition iPhones connected The premises of his companies — SpaceX, Tesla, and X (formerly Twitter).

Apple announced The business pinch The ChatGPT shaper connected The opening time of its Worldwide Developers Conference connected Monday. But conscionable a fewer hours later, Musk fired disconnected a number of X posts expressing his annoyance astatine The plan, calling it “an unacceptable information violation.”

He moreover replied straight to a station connected X by Apple CEO Tim Cook that introduced Apple Intelligence, saying: “Don’t want it. Either extremity this creepy spyware aliases each Apple devices will beryllium banned from The premises of my companies,” describing it in different station arsenic “an unacceptable information violation.”

Don’t want it.

Either extremity this creepy spyware aliases each Apple devices will beryllium banned from The premises of my companies.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 10, 2024

Musk said that if Apple integrates OpenAI astatine The OS level, group coming onto The premises of immoderate of his companies “will person to cheque their Apple devices astatine The door, wherever they will beryllium stored in a Faraday cage.”

Warming to his theme, Musk wrote in different post: “It’s patently absurd that Apple isn’t smart capable to make their ain AI, yet is someway Can of ensuring that OpenAI will protect your information & privacy! Apple has nary hint what’s really going connected erstwhile they manus your information complete to OpenAI. They’re trading you down The river.”

Apple unveiled a slew of caller features for iOS 18 during its keynote connected Monday arsenic portion of its highly anticipated push into artificial intelligence. They see Siri gaining immoderate much-needed improvements that will see The expertise to usability pinch OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot.

A organization note attached to different of Musk’s X posts said: “Apple Intelligence does not springiness your individual information to OpenAI. ChatGPT Can beryllium utilized by Apple Intelligence, specifically Siri, but is not required. A punctual is offered up of clip earlier sending your petition to OpenAI, and only punctual information is shared.”

On its website, OpenAI said: “Privacy protections are built in erstwhile accessing ChatGPT wrong Siri and Writing Tools — requests are not stored by OpenAI, and users’ IP addresses are obscured. Users Can besides take to link their ChatGPT account, which intends their information preferences will use nether ChatGPT’s policies.”

Musk co-founded OpenAI in 2015 earlier stepping down from The committee 3 years later. Musk has been taking regular pops astatine OpenAI since it gained wider vulnerability in early 2023 pinch The occurrence of its AI-powered ChatGPT chatbot, claiming that it ditched its founding ngo to deploy its exertion for The use of humanity broadly. Musk has besides had run-ins pinch Apple complete a number of issues, most notably in 2022.

Musk is besides moving to build retired his ain AI venture, xAI, which launched in March past year conscionable arsenic The generative AI bandwagon really started to get rolling.

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Editor: Naga

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