
CBSE Class 7 Geography Revision Notes

Trending 1 year ago

CBSE Class 7 Geography is simply a taxable that helps students summation a amended knowing of nan world and its various beingness and quality features. The taxable intends to understand nan relationships betwixt group and their environments, and really places create and alteration complete time. Scoring good successful this taxable is important for Class 7 students, arsenic it tin thief uplift their wide marks. To thief students hole for their exams and summation a deeper knowing of nan subject, CBSE Class 7 Geography Notes are an fantabulous resource. These NCERT notes screen each nan important concepts and topics successful an easy-to-understand language, making them perfect study worldly for students. 

CBSE Notes for Class 7 Geography (Our Environment)

Chapter 1: Environment
Chapter 2: Inside Our Earth
Chapter 3: Our Changing Earth
Chapter 4: Air
Chapter 5: Water
Chapter 6: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
Chapter 7: Human-Environment – Settlement, Transport and Communication
Chapter 8: Human-Environment Interactions – The Tropical and nan Subtropical Region
Chapter 9: Life successful nan Deserts

Get chapter-wise notes for CBSE Class 7 Geography and ace your exams! Find broad notes connected Environment, Inside Our Earth, Our Changing Earth, Air, and much below.

Chapter 1: Environment

The first section of surface science successful nan Social Science program is Our Environment. It deals pinch nan basal concepts of nan situation for illustration components and nan ecosystem. The nonsubjective of nan section is to springiness an thought astir nan Environment and quality influences successful it.

  • Components of Environment
  • Natural Environment
  • What is Ecosystem?
  • Human Environment

Chapter 2: Inside Our Earth

The 2nd section is astir Inside Our Earth. It deals pinch basal concepts for illustration nan interior of nan earth, rocks and minerals. The nonsubjective is to familiarize america pinch nan processes progressive successful nan interior of nan world and really nan different types of rocks and minerals travel into effect.

  • Interior of nan Earth
  • Rocks and Minerals
  • Rock Cycle

Chapter 3: Our Changing Earth

The 3rd section is astir Our Changing Earth. It deals pinch basal concepts for illustration nan improvement of landforms, volcanoes, earthquakes, and awesome landforms. The main nonsubjective is to familiarize america pinch nan processes some soul and external, successful knowing nan changing Earth.

  • Evolution of Landforms
  • Earthquake
  • Volcano
  • Major Land Forms
  • Work of a River
  • Work of Ice
  • Work of Sea Waves
  • Work of Wind

Chapter 4: Air

The 4th section is astir Air. It deals pinch creation of nan atmosphere, building of atmosphere, upwind and climate. The main nonsubjective of nan section is to familiarize america pinch nan components of aerial and functioning of its components.

  • Composition and building of nan Atmosphere
  • Composition of Atmosphere
  • Weather and Climate
  • Temperature, Humidity, Air Pressure and Wind
  • Cyclones
  • Global Warming

Chapter 5: Water

The 5th section is astir Water. It deals pinch basal topics for illustration h2o cycle, distribution of h2o bodies, circulation of ocean, astir Tsunami, and water currents. The nonsubjective is to familiarize pinch concepts of h2o circulation and aspects of processes related to h2o and h2o bodies.

  • Water Cycle
  • Distribution of Water Bodies
  • Ocean Circulation 
  • Waves
  • Tsunami
  • Tides
  • Ocean Currents

Chapter 6: Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

The sixth section is astir Natural Vegetation and Wild Life. The section deals pinch basal concepts related to types of forests, grasslands, and nan different types of chaotic life successful different types of vegetation. The main nonsubjective of nan section is to familiarize pinch nan different types of vegetation and their features, on pinch nan beingness of different wildlife.

  • Forests
  • Natural Vegetation of India
  • Tropical Evergreen Forests
  • Tropical Deciduous Forests
  • Temperate Evergreen Forests
  • Temperate Deciduous Forests
  • Mediterranean Vegetation
  • Coniferous Forests
  • Grasslands
  • Temperate Grasslands

Chapter 7: Human Environment- Settlement, Transport, and Communication

The seventh section is astir Human Environment. It deals pinch nan various types of settlement, carrier and connection successful discourse of quality environment.  The nonsubjective of nan section is to familiarize america pinch nan settlement, carrier and communication; and really they lend to nan economy.

  • Settlements
  • Transport
  • Roadways
  • Railways
  • Waterways
  • Airways
  • Communication

Chapter 8: Human-Environment Interactions: The Tropical and Subtropical Region

The eighth section is astir Human-Environment Interactions. The section mostly deals pinch Amazon Basin, climate, rainforests, life successful nan Ganga-Brahmaputra basin and lakes. The nonsubjective of nan section is to familiarize ourselves pinch quality and biology relationship and really they lend to nan system and society.

  • Life successful The Amazon Basin
  • Climate
  • Rainforests
  • People of nan Rainforests
  • Life successful nan Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin
  • Lakes

Chapter 9: Life successful nan Deserts

The ninth section deals pinch Life successful nan Deserts. The section deals pinch mostly nan godforsaken environment, by studying 2 deserts closely, Sahara and Ladakh. These 2 deserts are studied successful item pinch respect to climate, plants and fauna, and people.

  • The Hot Desert- Sahara
  • Climate, Flora and Fauna, People successful nan Sahara Desert
  • The Cold Desert- Ladakh
  • Climate, Flora and Fauna successful Ladakh


With CBSE Class 7 Social Science Geography notes, get sum of each nan topics mentioned successful nan textbook, these notes thief students to grasp nan concepts amended and callback them quickly during exams. Additionally, these notes tin beryllium utilized for speedy revision, making nan full learning process easier and much effective. Students tin trust connected these notes to supply them pinch nan knowledge and knowing they request to people good successful nan exams and summation a deeper knowing of nan subject.

FAQs connected CBSE Class 7 Geography Notes

Q. What are Class 7 Geography notes? 

Answer: Class 7 Geography notes are broad study worldly that covers each nan important topics and concepts mentioned successful nan NCERT Class 7 Social Science Geography syllabus. These notes supply a amended knowing of nan taxable and thief students to people good connected their exams.

Q. How tin I usage Class 7 Geography notes to hole for exams? 

Answer: Students tin usage Class 7 Geography notes to hole for exams by going done each section successful item and knowing nan concepts mentioned successful nan notes. These notes tin besides beryllium utilized for speedy revision earlier exams, making it easier for students to callback nan concepts and people good successful nan exams.

Q. What is nan connection utilized successful Class 7 Geography notes?

Answer: The connection utilized successful Class 7 Geography notes is elemental and easy to understand, making it suitable for students of each levels. The notes are written successful English and screen each nan topics mentioned successful nan syllabus.

Editor: Naga

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