
The Sims 3 cheats: all cheat codes for PC, Mac, PlayStation and Xbox - Beritaja

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Sims 3n/a

Part of The nosy of The Sims 3 is being capable to, well, simulate existent life. Sure, it isn’t The astir realistic simulation, but being capable to power a person’s life from their occupation to really they decorate their location is appealing to a immense swath of players. Because The nosy comes from being capable to customize and tweak things conscionable really you want, it doesn’t really consciousness for illustration breaking The rules to usage immoderate cheats to make your crippled moreover much customizable, right? After all, you’re conscionable trying to springiness you Sim their champion life … aliases worst, depending connected what temper you’re in. However you determine to usage each these Sims 3 cheats, we won’t judge.

How to cheat in Sims 3

The basal cheats we will spell complete first request to beryllium typed into The cheat console by hitting  Ctrl + Shift + C (Command + Shift + C on Mac).

To scope The cheat console connected The PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 aliases different console, you’ll request to property each enarthrosis and trigger buttons simultaneously.

Cheats aren’t case-sensitive and Can beryllium activated astatine immoderate time.

Basic cheats

Cheat Effect
help Lists astir of The disposable commands astatine The infinitesimal (advanced cheats are besides displayed pinch testingcheatsenabled true).
help [CHEATNAME] Displays circumstantial accusation astir The cheat.
enableLlamas on/true/off/false Turns on/off The llamas. Joke notifications look in The top-right corner. Does not impact gameplay.
jokePlease Prints a random, weird, and corny joke in The console. Does not impact gameplay.
fullscreen on/true/off/false Toggles betwixt full-screen and windowed mode.
fps on/true/off/false Turns The framework complaint show in The upperright area connected aliases off.
fadeObjects on/true/off/false Toggles whether objects slice erstwhile The camera gets adjacent to them. Does not use to Sims.
testingCheatsEnabled on/true/off/false Enables The cheats beneath and The expertise to shift-click Sims to adhd them to The existent family, region moodlets by CTRL-clicking them, edit their traits, and property them up aliases edit them in CAS. It besides allows The existent household’s mailbox to beryllium shift-clicked for much debug cheats, specified arsenic “Make everyone cognize me.” With this cheat, it’s besides imaginable to resistance narration levels and needs up and down, which is simply a speedy measurement to make your Sim dice of starvation aliases go enemies pinch different Sim. In The “Ambitions” description , this cheat besides lets you descent The Job Performance barroom up aliases down, allowing you to get a Sim to The apical of their Profession in a fewer seconds.
maptags on/true/off/false Toggles representation tags connected aliases off. After The merchandise of update 1.7, an action was added allowing The subordinate to hide representation tags without this cheat, but The action unsocial fails to hide Apartment, Weather Stone, and selected-Sim tags. The cheat has nary effect in Edit Town mode.
discotags on/true/off/false Makes The representation tags alteration colour and blink.
playsounds on/true/off/false Enables aliases disables each audio features.

Building cheats

Cheat Effect
buydebug on/true/off/false Unlocks a Buy Mode slot pinch galore debug objects specified arsenic Butterfly, Beetle, Gem, Meteor generators, mature Plants, The Mysterious Mr. Gnome, The artifact box’s toys, etc.
constrainFloorElevation on/true/off/false Allows terrain accommodation sloppy of objects/Sims/etc. connected them.
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on/true/off/false When on, objects will not threat to slots while holding ⎇ Alt. After an chartless patch, this cheat was nary longer basal to activate non-snapping.
moveObjects on/true/off/false Removes footprint limitation for each entity placement in Buy Mode and Build Mode. Removes limitations placed connected manus instrumentality for erstwhile objects are in use, aliases are usually non-movable objects. Allows for The intersection of objects and off-center placement. Note that utilizing this cheat allows you to delete objects that usually cannot beryllium deleted, specified arsenic Sims, The mailbox, and The garbage can. Be observant erstwhile deleting these objects, because they either request Buydebug to get them back, aliases cannot beryllium obtained again altogether. When Sims are accidentally deleted pinch this cheat, The only measurement to retrieve them is to spell into Edit Town mode, divided The deleted Sim from The household, and merge him/her back.
placeFriezes on/true/off/false Allows usage of foundations connected apical of tiled floors.
RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings on/true/off/false All properties pinch a people of nationalist spaces (normally lobbies and entranceway halls) go editable in Buy Mode and Build Mode. While The cheat is guidelines game, it is usually only useful for Late Night buildings.
enableLotLocking on/true/off/false Allows The subordinate to lock/unlock a batch to alteration editing from The Edit Town mode. Examples of locked tons are tombs, ports, and diving areas. Strangely, it besides makes unlisted lots visible and editable in Edit Town.
allowObjectsOnRoofs [on/off] Place each entity connected The roof.
⎇ Alt Holding down ⎇ Alt while rotating an entity aliases a to-be-placed civilization batch allows free rotation of them. While not technically considered a cheat, arsenic it’s often utilized in prebuilt tons in The Mining District and Oasis Landing, it nevertheless allows ample and oftentimes abrupt caller architecture methods, e.g. placing objects in circles.
AlwaysAllowBuildBuy on/true/off/false Enables switching from Live Mode to Buy/Build Mode astatine immoderate time, moreover during. fires aliases a Sim dying. Convenient erstwhile needing to alteration to daytime/nighttime for photograph shoots.

Money and gameplay cheats

Cheat Effect
resetSim [FIRSTNAME LASTNAME] Resets The Sim pinch neutral motives, nary moodlets, and teleports Sim backmost home. It’s useful if they sewage stuck, and very useful if they conscionable died and person not vanished yet, for illustration erstwhile a Sim dies astatine The area and sits location for weeks without The Grim Reaper coming to prime them up. It makes it truthful they haven’t died.
quit Exits The game.
kaching Adds 1,000 to progressive household.
motherlode Adds 50,000 to progressive household.
familyfunds [HOUSEHOLD] [AMOUNT] Sets The magnitude of Simoleons of The family to [AMOUNT]. For example, “familyfunds Landgraab 10000” sets The family costs of The Landgraab family to 10,000 Simoleons, moreover if they primitively had 50,000 simoleons. Note: If a abstraction is utilized in a household’s sanction (such arsenic De Luca), The sanction must beryllium surrounded by quotation marks. The cheat for The De Luca family would look for illustration this: familyfunds “De Luca” 50000. Also, this cheat will not activity if location are aggregate households pinch The aforesaid name.
unlockOutfits on/true/off/false Enter this earlier going into CAS in bid to usage profession and NPC outfits.
freerealestate Allows Sims to bargain tons for free.
discoverAllUnchartedIslands Unlocks each uncharted islands in Isla Paradiso.[TS3:IP] While galore online guides declare it’s spelled arsenic unlockAllUnchartedIslands,[2] The crippled does not admit that spelling.
speed [0-8] Changes crippled velocity from 0 (normal speed) to 8 (slowest possible).
ageuptonpc Makes a toddler who grows up to kid go an NPC (non-playable character) in The household.


Testingcheats are a typical type of cheat that activate erstwhile you shift+click on circumstantial objects erstwhile you alteration it. To move it on, unfastened The cheat paper and participate “testingCheats true”. To disable this mode, simply switch “true” pinch “false.” Here are The options you get erstwhile selecting different objects:

  • Make All Happy
Sets temper to Max. (Removes astir antagonistic Moodlets and maximizes Needs).
  • Make Friends For Me
Gives The Sim a number of random friends from The neighborhood.
  • Make Needs Static
Needs are maximized and do not decay connected their own. The pastry paper changes to “Make Needs Dynamic”.
  • Make Needs Dynamic
Needs return to normal decay rate. The pastry paper changes to “Make Needs Static”.
  • Make Me Know Everyone
Makes Sim cognize everyone in The location vicinity and The World Adventures neighborhoods.
  • Force Visitor
Forces a random visitant to arrive.
  • Force NPC…
Forces a peculiar NPC to arrive.
  • Set Career…
Sets The existent Sim’s profession to The specified path, branch, and rank.
  • Supernatural organization power (requires Supernatural)
Gives The action to region aliases adhd supernaturals to The game Work Place
  • Force Opportunity
Seems to only unit work-related opportunities; nary accomplishment related opportunities are caused.
  • Force Event
  • Force All Events
Forces each imaginable arena from workplace. All Community Lots and Neighbors’ Houses (requires Ambitions)
  • Spawn Job …
  • Note No. 1: This is only disposable to Sims employed in Professions aliases in The Medical Career.
  • Note No. 2: It besides depends connected The Profession aliases Career. For example, Architectural Designers activity only in clients’ homes, while Doctors Can clasp Clinics in immoderate Community Lot.
On Floor
  • Teleport maine here
Teleports Sim to that location
  • Build/Buy connected this batch (after spot 1.7) Note: Clicking either enables some actions (i.e., Click Buy and you Can still entree Build mode connected The lot).
  • Seasons… (requires Seasons)
    • Note: With this action, players Can power various aspects of upwind wrong The game, specified arsenic upwind intensity, what type of precipitation will travel adjacent and really aggravated it will be, and existent temperature.
All Sims
  • Trigger Age Transition
  • Add to progressive household/family
  • Favorite Music… (after spot 1.7)
  • Edit Sim in CAS (after definite patch)
Prior to spot 1.38, occults don’t person this option. However, immoderate life states are still abnormal from being edited in CAS done this cheat, specified arsenic Mummy and SimBot. Edit Sim in CAS will not activity if The targeted Sim is pregnant aliases wearing their activity uniform. Active Sim
  • Modify Traits for Active Sim
Non-Household Sim
  • Add to Active Household
Any Object (after spot 1.7)
  • Object… Delete It

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Editor: Naga

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