
'I love you Lizzo!': Beyoncé shouts out lawsuit-hit singer in latest performance - Beritaja

Trending 10 months ago

Beyoncé has seemingly expressed her solidarity pinch vocalist Lizzo arsenic she gave The lawsuit-hit creator a outcry retired during her latest performance.

"I emotion you Lizzo!" echoed from The shape arsenic The aggregate Grammy-winning Single Ladies vocalist performed arsenic portion of her Renaissance World Tour in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Beyoncé's nationalist show of support comes aft she seemed to skip a reference to Lizzo in a unrecorded capacity of The aforesaid opus - Break My Soul (The Queens Remix) - earlier this month.

The way celebrates achromatic women in entertainment, and lists The likes of Nina Simone and Lauryn Hill.

The shoutout follows 3 of Lizzo's erstwhile dancers filing a civilian suit against her and her accumulation institution Big Grrrl Big Touring Inc (BGBT).

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Lizzo dancer: 'I was terrified for my job'

She was accused of pressuring 1 dancer to touch a nude performer astatine an Amsterdam portion club, and allegedly made comments astir 1 performer putting connected weight earlier firing her.

Claims from The dancers besides see belief harassment, disablement discrimination, assault, and mendacious imprisonment - each of which The 35-year-old prima denies.

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Lizzo, who is famed for championing assemblage positivity, has insisted she is "not The villain" pursuing The accusations in an Instagram statement.

It besides said The allegations were "as unbelievable arsenic they sound" and were "too outrageous to not beryllium addressed".

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She was past further accused by 2 of The dancers of "gaslighting" and "victim blaming" them by denying their allegations.

Crystal Williams and Noelle Rodriguez some said to Sky News, saying they had impervious their claims were existent adding: "Everything [had] been documented complete time."

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Lizzo accused of 'gaslighting'

Since their interview, further complaints are being investigated by lawyers representing her accusers.

Speaking to NBC News, Ron Zambrano said his patient was looking astatine fresh allegations from six group who opportunity they toured pinch Lizzo, arsenic good arsenic others who worked connected her TV show, Lizzo's Watch Out For The Big Grrrls.

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Mr Zambrano said The allegations are of a "sexually charged environment", and nonaccomplishment to salary staff, adding immoderate of The claims are perchance actionable.

Since her connection defending herself, Lizzo has not posted connected immoderate societal media sites.

Editor: Naga

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