
Vikings: Valhalla’s third and final season gets premiere date, trailer - Beritaja

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A female tied up in an effort to beryllium burned astatine The stake.Bernard Walsh / Netflix

The Vikings are disconnected connected their last voyage in The 3rd and last play of Vikings: Valhalla.

Netflix announced that Vikings: Valhalla season 3 will premiere connected July 11, 2024. The streamer besides released a trailer, which teases 1 epic, bloody conclusion. Serving arsenic The sequel bid to Vikings, Vikings: Valhalla follows The adventures of 3 of The astir celebrated Vikings: Leif Eriksson (Sam Corlett), his sister, Freydís (Frida Gustavsson), and The Norwegian prince Harald Sigurdsson (Leo Suter).

“Now, it is clip for america to conflict 1 past time,” Harald declares in The footage. Season 3 undergoes a important clip jump, picking up 7 years aft The events in play 2. Freydís is now The leader of pagan Jomsborg, but she finds herself in problem and astatine consequence of being burned astatine The stake. Harald and Leif Eriksson person achieved occurrence in Constantinople. Their adjacent travel awaits arsenic they yearn to find a caller home. Whatever way they choose, The trio will do it pinch a limb in manus because they’re not going retired without a fight.

Vikings: Valhalla | Season 3 Official Trailer | Netflix

Besides The headlining trio, Vikings: Valhalla season 3 formed includes Laura Berlin arsenic Queen Emma, David Oakes as Earl Godwin, and Bradley Freegard arsenic King Canute. Two caller additions see Florian Munteanu arsenic General George Maniakes and Goran Visnjic arsenic Erik The Red

Vikings: Valhalla co-creator and executive shaper Jeb Stuart said astir why ending The bid aft 3 seasons is The correct point to do. “I americium truthful grateful to person had 3 seasons to show The stories of Leif, Harald, and Freydís,” Stuart told Netflix. “I knew from The opening that I wanted to show The improvement of really 3 of The astir celebrated Vikings became The icons we cognize today, and we person done conscionable that. I dream erstwhile The assemblage gets to spot The caller season, they’ll beryllium excited by each The caller heights that we’ve taken these heroes.”

Stream The first 2 seasons of Vikings: Valhalla on Netflix.

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