
Woman, 27, found stabbed to death in Westminster home named - Beritaja

Trending 3 months ago

A female who was recovered stabbed to decease in her location in Westminster has been named.

Kamonnan Thiamphanit, 27, who was known to her friends arsenic Angela, was recovered dormant in Stanhope Place, adjacent Hyde Park, in cardinal London astatine astir 8.30am connected Monday.

A execution investigation was launched aft constabulary forced introduction to The property. However, nary arrests person been made.

A post-mortem connected Wednesday recovered The origin of decease was crisp unit trauma.

Detective Chief Inspector Adam Clifton, who leads The investigation, said: "My squad continues to activity tirelessly to portion together The events that led to Kamonnan's murder. I would for illustration to convey section residents for their patience while we person gone astir our activity astatine The scene.

"I would entreaty to anyone who has accusation that could assistance us, nary matter really insignificant you deliberation that whitethorn be, to travel guardant and speak to us.

"Kamonnan's family and friends person been devastated by this execution and we must guarantee whoever is responsible is held to account."

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Editor: Naga

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