
The Apple Vision Pro features an M2 chip, a ton of sensors and a new R1 chip

Trending 1 year ago

Apple conscionable unveiled its augmented reality headset, The Apple Vision Pro. After showing The imaginable usage cases for The device, The institution said a spot much astir The method specifications.

From The outside, The Apple Vision Pro looks a spot for illustration skis goggles. On The beforehand of The device, Apple is utilizing laminated solid that has been polished to look perfectly smooth. The solid flows into The frame, a spot for illustration The Apple Watch.

There’s a integer crown connected The apical of The instrumentality that you Can usage for adjustments. The main assemblage of The instrumentality is made of a civilization aluminum alloy pinch immoderate holes for ventilation. There are a ton of chips, sensors and displays in The device.

The remainder of The instrumentality is simply a modular system. You Can switch The portion that rests connected your look truthful that it rests good connected your look whether you person a large caput aliases a mini head.

At The backmost of The device, location is simply a elastic headband that attaches magnetically truthful that it Can besides beryllium easy swapped. It looks a spot for illustration The Alpine Loop connected The Apple Watch Ultra.

On The broadside of The device, location are 2 speakers adjacent to your ears that present spatial audio. Apple has developed a exertion called audio raytracing for spatial audio.

Inside The headset, Apple has collaborated pinch Zeiss for glasses that magnetically connect to The lenses, pinch imagination correction if needed.

When it comes to The main strategy connected a chip, Apple uses its ain Apple M2 chip. The show strategy uses micro OLED truthful that Apple Can fresh 44 pixels in The abstraction of an iPhone pixel. Of course, those pixels will beryllium overmuch person to your look truthful that will beryllium an important facet arsenic well.

Each pixel is 7.5-micron wide and location are 23 cardinal pixels crossed 2 panels that are The size of a station stamp. For reference, a 4K TV features a spot much than 8 cardinal pixels.

Apple promises video that Can beryllium rendered astatine “true 4K solution pinch wide colors.” And matter is expected to “look ace crisp from immoderate angle.” We will person to cheque that if we Can get immoderate hands-on clip pinch The Apple Vision Pro.

Overall, location are 12 cameras, 5 sensors and six microphones. On The outside, location are 2 cameras pointing astatine The existent world, and 2 cameras pointing downward to way your hands. There’s a LiDAR scanner and a TrueDepth camera.

Inside The device, location are 2 IR cameras and a ringing of LEDs to way your eyes. With this eye-tracking technology, Apple Can show your eyes connected The extracurricular of The instrumentality acknowledgment to a 3D show that benignant of make The instrumentality look transparent. Apple calls this characteristic EyeSight.

There’s besides a new R1 chip that has been specifically designed for real-time processing of The existent world. It is besides expected to trim mobility sickness.

Finally, yes, The instrumentality useful pinch an outer artillery battalion that you Can put in your pouch for instance. It looks for illustration an iPhone 11 pinch nary show and nary camera — a soft rectangle pebble.

The institution expects to waste The Apple Vision Pro for $3,499 and it will beryllium disposable for acquisition in early 2024.

Editor: Naga

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