
Royal Mail 'investigating' claims of problems with barcoded stamps 'after customers fined' - Beritaja

Trending 3 months ago

Royal Mail is reportedly investigating a problem pinch barcoded stamps pursuing claims group person been wrongly fined to cod station because The stamps were deemed to beryllium fake.

Postmasters person said The allegedly counterfeit stamps were bought from Royal Mail directly, prompting fears they are mistakenly being identified arsenic fake, The Daily Telegraph reported - adding group had complained they had to salary £5 penalties arsenic a result.

Post Office curate Kevin Hollinrake told The newspaper: "We said to Royal Mail and they are investigating and they are moving alongside The Post Office and different retailers to effort and ascertain The root of The problem."

The rumor has emerged since The postal work switched wholly to The new barcoded strategy in July 2023.

Royal Mail precocious said its processes are "secure" and it uses "specialist equipment" to measure whether a stamp is genuine.

Most stamps are verified utilizing The service's scanning devices astatine sorting offices - and it said done The added information features of barcoded stamps it has been capable to importantly trim stamp fraud.

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Royal Mail said: "We want our customers to bargain stamps pinch confidence. We powerfully urge that customers only acquisition stamps from Post Offices and different reputable High Street retailers, and not to bargain stamps online - unless from The charismatic Royal Mail shop."

It added: "We are moving difficult to region counterfeit stamps from circulation. We regularly show to observe suspicious activity, specified arsenic income of heavy discounted stamps and activity intimately pinch retailers and rule enforcement agencies to place those who nutrient counterfeit stamps."

The Post Office said it takes immoderate claims counterfeit stamps person been purchased astatine 1 of its branches "extremely seriously".

"The accusation of specified an allegation is that 1 of our postmasters, aliases a personnel of their staff, has obtained clone stamps and person chosen to waste them to customers alternatively than trading morganatic stamps that person travel from Royal Mail's unafraid printers," a Post Office spokesperson said.

He added: "We invited The caller gathering betwixt postal affairs curate Kevin Hollinrake and Royal Mail to talk The rumor of 'counterfeit stamps' and that Royal Mail person reaffirmed their adjacent activity pinch retailers and rule enforcement agencies, and that they actively activity The prosecution of those who nutrient counterfeit stamps."

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Separately, Royal Mail has outlined plans to trim second-class missive deliveries to each different week day.

It said if The plans were approved by Ofcom it could lead to up to 1,000 occupation cuts.

In its submission to The regulator's consultation connected The early of The cosmopolitan postal service, Royal Mail said second-class deliveries would beryllium scrapped connected Saturdays, though it would support a six-day-a-week work for first-class mail.

It said its proposals, which besides see extending The transportation velocity for bulk business message to get wrong 3 days alternatively of two, would prevention it up to £300m a year.

Daily transportation routes would beryllium trim by betwixt 7,000 to 9,000 wrong 2 years arsenic a result, which would apt lead to occupation cuts, it said.

Royal Mail said location would beryllium "fewer than 1,000" voluntary redundancies, but it expects nary compulsory redundancies.

Editor: Naga

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