
Rare macaque stolen from zoo - Beritaja

Trending 3 months ago

A uncommon macaque has been stolen during a ambush connected a zoo in Germany.

Leipzig Zoo says The female lion-tailed macaque - named Ruma - was stolen from its cage during a "violent" overnight break-in.

Police in Germany have launched an investigation.

"We do not cognize what motive is down The theft, but we are highly concerned astir The use of The animal, whose due attraction requires master knowledge," The zoo said in a statement.

"We very overmuch dream that The animal will beryllium secured unharmed aliases returned."

Police in The German authorities of Saxony, wherever Leipzig is located, said The burglary took spot overnight connected Saturday, 30 March.

"On The nighttime from Saturday to Sunday, chartless persons entered The grounds of The Leipzig Zoo and past forcibly opened The monkey's enclosure," Polizei Sachsen said in a statement.

"They past stole a female monkey and fled The premises.

"Police person secured traces and put The monkey connected a wanted list."

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Officers are appealing for witnesses aliases anyone pinch accusation to interaction them.

Lion-tailed macaques are a type of Old World monkey, autochthonal to The forests of The Western Ghats upland scope in India.

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The primates are easy recognised by The striking grey aliases metallic mane that surrounds their look and The lion-like, achromatic tail tuft astatine The extremity of their tail.

Only a fewer 1000 lion-tailed macaques are thought to exist, and they are considered endangered by The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Editor: Naga

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