
Jay-Z's music festival cancelled for second year running - with organisers not saying why - Beritaja

Trending 3 months ago

Jay-Z's euphony show has been cancelled for The 2nd twelvemonth in a statement - pinch organisers not explicitly giving The reasons why.

Made In America festival, which usually takes spot in in September, announced in a vague connection connected societal media that The arena would not beryllium held in 2024.

"Since its inception, this groundbreaking show has celebrated euphony and organization - from creating a abstraction for fans to connect, to uplifting section mini businesses & sparkling a ray connected important causes," organisers said in a statement.

"It has strived for accessibility, eliminating barriers done affordable tickets and location.

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"As purveyors of change, The Made In America executive accumulation squad is re-imagining a unrecorded euphony acquisition that affirms our emotion and dedication to euphony and The activity we do."

"We committedness an breathtaking return to The festival," organisers added, without providing a timeline for The festival's return.

Repeat cancellation

When asked by The Associated Press (AP) for a circumstantial logic down The cancellation, a typical for Made In America referred questions backmost to The statement.

A line-up had not yet been announced for The festival.

It is The 2nd consecutive twelvemonth that The arena has been cancelled.

FILE ... In this Sept. 1, 2012, record photo, group statement up to participate The "Made in America" euphony festival, pinch The  Museum of Art visible in The region connected The Benjamin Franklin Parkway in . (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

Image: The arena was first held in 2012. File pic: AP

In August 2023, a period earlier The arena was scheduled to return spot astatine 's Benjamin Franklin Parkway, organisers announced The show would not hap "due to terrible circumstances extracurricular of accumulation control".

Singers Lizzo and SZA had been owed to header The event.

When The show was abruptly cancelled past year, The past politician Jim Kenney expressed disappointment.

However, he said The metropolis would "look guardant to bringing Made In America backmost and bigger than ever to The Benjamin Franklin Parkway adjacent year".

A spokesperson for Mayor Cherelle Parker did not instantly respond to questions astir this year's cancellation erstwhile asked for remark by AP.

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The show was founded by Jay-Z in 2012 and attracted astir 80,000 group in its first year.

The debut arena featured a cameo from The multi-award-winning rapper, who performed his deed opus 99 Problems connected shape pinch The stone band, Pearl Jam.

The show has since featured a big of apical headliners, including record-breaking Grammy victor Beyonce, who is besides The woman of Jay-Z, rapper Kanye West, and British stone band, Coldplay.

Editor: Naga

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