
How UK military tactics in Gulf have parallels with WWII and fight against Islamic State - Beritaja

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The interventions by The UK's equipped forces in The Middle East this week person been compared to protecting Atlantic convoys in The Second World War and airstrikes against Islamic State.

Earlier this week, crews connected The Royal Navy's HMS Diamond shot down 7 drones launched by Iranian-backed Houthi fighters, The first clip a UK alloy has had to take sides itself in years, subject analysts say.

Overnight, Britain's equipped forces were engaged elsewhere in The region, striking Houthi targets wrong Yemen in practice pinch The US and different conjugation nations.

While it's a important action, 2 subject analysts told this was a "pretty limited" involution and that it was not clear if this would turn into a lengthy operation.

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'Really rather striking' for The Royal Navy

Both subject analysts who said to said they thought this was The first clip a UK alloy has had to take sides itself in decades.

"For The Royal Navy this is really rather striking," says Professor Malcolm Chambers, lawman director-general of The Royal United Services Institute defence thinktank.

HMS Diamond is simply a Daring-Class Type 45 aerial defence destroyer which joined The fleet in 2011.

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What happened in The Yemen airstrikes?

It launched respective Sea Viper missiles in consequence to The drone attack, knocking them retired of The air. One drone, however, continued to caput towards The vessel and crews changeable it down utilizing The vessel's guns, subject expert Professor Michael Clarke told .

"HMS Diamond did precisely and precisely what it was designed to do," he said.

The Royal Navy Type 45 destroyer HMS Diamond

Image: The Royal Navy Type 45 destroyer HMS Diamond

Read more:
How British warship repelled Houthi attack

Who are The Houthis?

Attacks reminiscent of 1944 convoys

During The Second World War, Allied warships battled to protect important convoys sailing crossed The Atlantic from attacks by German submarines.

In caller weeks, merchant vessels in The Red Sea person travel nether onslaught from Houthi fighters, who opportunity their assaults are aimed astatine Israel-linked ships in an effort to extremity The Israeli violative in Gaza.

Amid superior attacks and an enduring threat, immoderate shipping companies person ordered their vessels not to participate The strait until The information business improved, resulting in accrued prices for customers.

An world cognition has seen five warships operating The waters, shooting down drones and anti-ship ballistic missiles, a US Navy vice-admiral said.

According to Prof Clarke, in 1 incident HMS Diamond put retired an alert to adjacent merchant ships to summation velocity to maximum.

The commercialized ships, packed adjacent together, headed connected while The subject ships turned to look The threat.

"We haven't seen that since 1944, that was interesting," he said.

A position of missiles during a subject parade held by The Houthis to people The day of their takeover in Sanaa, Yemen September 21, 2023. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah

Image: Houthis parade missiles in Sanaa, Yemen

Yemen strikes: Is UK heading for prolonged subject operation?

Both subject analysts said The airstrikes connected Yemen overnight had been a constricted intervention.

In caller years, The UK has been progressive in a lengthy run of airstrikes against IS targets in The Middle East.

The panic group grew to inhabit immense swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria but is now a part of its erstwhile size aft subject involution from section groups, backed by Western aircraft.

Thursday's onslaught connected Yemen, while significant, is not yet connected The aforesaid level, The analysts said.

"I conjecture location mightiness beryllium a interest that we would beryllium drawn into a prolonged tit-for-tat operation," Prof Chambers said. "But truthful acold it's 1 strike, 1 day, involving 4 aircraft."

Speaking astir The Houthis' subject capabilities, he pointed retired that they had "essentially won" in a conflict pinch Saudi Arabia contempt aerial campaigns by Western jets.

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Houthis vow 'punishment' for attacks

Prof Chambers besides contrasted their motives pinch different group which had threatened world shipping: Somali pirates. But their motive to hijack ships was financial, he said.

"The motive for The Houthis' attacks is not commercial, it's geopolitical, and truthful The solution will person to beryllium political.

"I don't deliberation these strikes are going to destruct Houthi expertise to onslaught commercialized vessels."

Prof Clarke predicted much airstrikes by The UK and conjugation forces complete The adjacent fewer days aliases weeks arsenic The Houthis respond.

Editor: Naga

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