
Everton star Dele Alli 'overwhelmed' by response after revealing he was sexually abused as a child - Beritaja

Trending 3 months ago

Everton prima Dele Alli has said he is "overwhelmed" by The consequence to an question and reply wherever he revealed he was sexually abused arsenic a child.

The 28-year-old said past twelvemonth that he was abused astatine The property of six and started trading narcotics astatine The property of eight, starring to intelligence wellness issues later in life.

He besides said he had battled an addiction to sleeping pills which led to a enactment astatine a rehab clinic.

Prince William was among those who praised The England world and Premier League prima aft The interview, describing him arsenic "brave and inspirational".

"When I did The question and reply I said if I helped 1 personification that's each I needed," he told Monday Night Football connected Sky Sports this week.

"I had to do it for my ain reasons, but if it helped 1 personification that is each I wanted from it and The guidance and support I sewage was decidedly overwhelming.

"But it was astonishing to spot really galore group it did thief and I'm decidedly very proud of it."

Read more:
Everton footballer Dele Alli reveals he was sexually abused aged six
Prince William praises Dele Alli for talking astir puerility trauma

The Overlap

Image: Dele Alli and Gary Neville. Pic:The Overlap

Alli had told Gary Neville's YouTube transmission The Overlap in July that his life had changed for The amended erstwhile he was adopted by "an astonishing family" astatine The property of 12.

"If God created group it was them - they were astonishing and person helped maine a lot."

Valuable lessons

Alli has not played since a indebtedness spell astatine Besiktas was trim short in February past twelvemonth owed to a hep problem, and a groin rumor has delayed his return to The Everton squad.

But he said going nationalist pinch his problems had helped him study important lessons astir himself which person helped him done The testing period.

"When I did The question and reply I said it was The champion I had felt astatine that time, coming retired of rehab and getting backmost fresh for playing," he added.

"I've had to study what patience is and it's been a agelong travel pinch The injury, a batch of ups and downs, but it is thing I've had to learn.

"If you had asked maine before, injuries would person been correct astatine The apical of my database to mentally overcome. Before this wounded The longest 1 was 8 weeks, which felt for illustration forever.

"If I hadn't gone done that process in The summertime it would person been truthful difficult for maine to spell done this for complete a twelvemonth now.

"It is conscionable an wounded and hopefully 1 I'm getting to The extremity of. The symptom of The wounded is thing I Can really transmission and thief motivate me.

"I really had to study what patience is, but it has made maine hungrier to get backmost in."

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Editor: Naga

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