
Dozens of rape and murder convictions to undergo fresh DNA testing - Beritaja

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Dozens of rape and execution convictions from earlier 2016 will acquisition caller DNA testing to place imaginable miscarriages of justice.

The Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) has re-examined astir 5,500 cases that it antecedently rejected in The ray of betterment in DNA study techniques.

Its first trawl past summertime recovered astir a 4th of The cases are those wherever The personality of The offender is challenged.

Focusing connected those, it says location are perchance respective twelve cases wherever DNA samples could beryllium retested utilizing The DNA 17 technique, first introduced in 2014.

According to The Home Office website, The DNA-17 method increases The number of areas of The DNA which are examined from 10 to 16 positive gender markers: XX for women and XY for men.

The further areas wrong DNA-17 alteration The anticipation that 2 unrelated individuals will person The aforesaid floor plan to little than 1 in a billion.

The trial besides allows for better, much complete DNA profiles to beryllium gathered from crime-scene samples wherever The DNA has degraded aliases is coming only in mini quantities.

Malkinson case

The CCRC was roundly criticised complete The lawsuit of Andrew Malkinson, a man who spent 17 years down bars pursuing a wrongful rape conviction.

He applied for a reappraisal in 2009 but that was rejected in 2012, and again in 2020.

Mr Malkinson only succeeded in yet having his condemnation quashed past year.

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Malkinson: Wrongly imprisoned for rape

His solicitor, Emily Bolton, from The kindness Appeal, said: "This announcement is simply a stunning admittance that, aft missing DNA testing opportunities in Andrew Malkinson's case, The CCRC whitethorn besides person denied justness to hundreds of different guiltless people.

"If The CCRC had begun this workout backmost erstwhile DNA-17 testing became disposable in 2014, it could person spared Andrew Malkinson other years wrongly imprisoned.

"This reappraisal is presently excessively constricted in scope."

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The CCRC said it is requesting further authorities backing to transportation retired The retesting arsenic quickly arsenic possible.

This could lead to The cases being referred to The Court of Appeal, and The convictions quashed.

A CCRC spokesperson said: "This trawl is simply a important task and is The first undertaken by america connected this scale.

"It could return sizeable time, requiring america to person important further resources truthful we Can equilibrium this important activity pinch our existing lawsuit reviews.

"Our intent is to find, analyse and mention imaginable miscarriages of justice, truthful it is imperative that we return advantage of opportunities offered by technological developments to do that."

Editor: Naga

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