
WhatsApp for iOS gets picture-in-picture feature for video calls

Trending 1 year ago

WhatsApp is rolling retired a picture-in-picture characteristic for its iOS app pinch its latest update. This allows users to entree WhatsApp aliases different apps without shutting retired nan video provender connected nan call.

The institution rolled retired this characteristic pinch nan 23.3.77 type of its iOS app. Until now, if you switched to different app connected your iPhone while you were connected a WhatsApp video call, nan different personification stopped seeing your video feed. The caller characteristic allows you to respond to a connection aliases look for immoderate accusation connected your telephone without interrupting nan call.

WhatsApp first announced this characteristic last December and said it was testing nan picture-in-picture for iOS for video calls pinch prime people.

Along pinch this feature, WhatsApp is besides releasing nan expertise to adhd a caption while sending documents some connected iOS and Android.

The institution is besides testing a characteristic that allows users connected iOS to nonstop 100 pictures aliases documents astatine 1 go. This characteristic is disposable to Android users pinch nan latest update.

Earlier this month, WhatsApp introduced a bunch of Status-related features — nan app’s ain implementation of nan Stories format — including sound updates, emoji reactions to Statuses, rich | nexus previews successful Statues, restricting who tin position an update, and showing rings astir floor plan image if they person uploaded a caller Status.

Editor: Naga

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