
Watch SpaceX achieve a new record with a Falcon 9 booster - Beritaja

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SpaceX has conscionable launched and landed 1 of its Falcon 9 boosters for a grounds 22nd time.

The Falcon 9 launched from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) astatine Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida astatine 7:14 a.m. ET connected Thursday, June 27. The rocket’s precocious shape deployed 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit.

The video beneath shows The rocket climbing toward orbit connected Thursday.


— SpaceX (@SpaceX) June 27, 2024

About 8 minutes aft launch, The Falcon 9 booster made a cleanable touchdown connected a drone vessel waiting in The Atlantic Ocean conscionable disconnected The seashore of Florida.

Falcon 9 lands connected The Just Read The Instructions droneship, completing The first 22nd motorboat and landing of a booster!

— SpaceX (@SpaceX) June 27, 2024

The record-breaking booster antecedently launched GPS III Space Vehicle 04, GPS III Space Vehicle 05, Inspiration4, Ax-1, Nilesat 301, OneWeb Launch 17, ARABSAT BADR-8, and now 15 Starlink missions.

The booster, B1062, first flew in November 2020 and earlier coming took its astir caller formation connected May 18, 2024. Another booster, B1061, took its 21st formation conscionable a fewer weeks ago, connected June 8, truthful could soon adjacent B1062’s record, though some boosters astir apt person galore much launches and landings near in them.

In a people of conscionable really regular The Falcon 9 motorboat and landings person go for SpaceX, The company’s unrecorded streams for astir of these missions person dispensed pinch a commentator, alternatively carrying only The audio provender from SpaceX’s ngo team.

Refurbishing its rockets for aggregate flights allows SpaceX to trim costs, thereby opening up abstraction to much businesses and organizations willing in deploying mini satellites aliases conducting investigation in low-Earth orbit.

In a much eager endeavor, SpaceX is besides designing its next-generation Starship rocket for reuse. The Starship is The astir powerful rocket ever built and has 10 times much thrust astatine motorboat than The Falcon 9. The conveyance has flown 4 times to date, pinch each trial improving connected The erstwhile one. The 5th formation test, however, will beryllium The first to spot SpaceX effort to usage its motorboat building astatine Boca Chica in Texas to “catch” The Starship’s first stage, The Super Heavy booster, arsenic it comes in to onshore soon aft deploying The precocious shape to orbit.

Whereas The Falcon 9 uses legs to onshore upright, The Super Heavy has nary legs and truthful will trust connected mechanical arms connected The motorboat building to unafraid it arsenic it comes home. Achieving this feat will beryllium a awesome measurement guardant toward SpaceX creating a afloat reusable Starship vehicle, which is expected to 1 time transportation unit and cargo to distant places, including The satellite and moreover Mars.

Editor: Naga

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