
Visteon Corporation (VC) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Visteon Corporation (NASDAQ:VC) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call February 16, 2023 9:00 AM ET

Company Participants

Ryan Ghazaeri - Director, Capital Markets and Strategic Planning

Sachin Lawande - President and CEO

Jerome Rouquet - SVP and CFO

Kristopher Doyle - IR

Conference Call Participants

Emmanuel Rosner - Deutsche Bank

Luke Junk - Baird

David Kelley - Jefferies

James Picariello - BNP Paribas

Colin Langan - Wells Fargo

Itay Michaeli - Citi

Ryan Ghazaeri

Good morning. I'm Ryan Ghazaeri, Director of Capital Markets and Strategic Planning. Welcome to our Earnings Call for nan Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2022. Please note, this telephone is being recorded and each lines person been placed connected listen-only mode to forestall inheritance noise. Before we statesman this morning's call, I'd for illustration to punctual you that this position contains forward-looking statements wrong nan meaning of nan Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of early results and conditions but alternatively are taxable to various factors, risks, and uncertainties that could origin our existent results to disagree materially from those expressed successful these statements. Please mention to nan page entitled forward-looking accusation for further details. Presentation materials for today's telephone were posted connected nan Investors conception of Visteon's website this morning. Please sojourn to download nan worldly if you've not already done so.

Joining america today, are Sachin Lawande, President and Chief Executive Officer; and Jerome Rouquet, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. We person scheduled nan telephone for 1 hr and we'll unfastened nan lines for your questions aft Sachin and Jerome's remarks. Please limit your questions to 1 mobility and 1 follow-up. Thank you, for joining us.

I will now move complete nan telephone to Sachin.

Sachin Lawande

Thank you, Ryan, and acknowledgment everyone for joining america this morning.

2022 was an exceptional twelvemonth for Visteon. Our industry-leading integer cockpit electronics products performed very well, resulting successful afloat twelvemonth income of $3,756 million, an summation of 35% complete past year, compared pinch our customers conveyance accumulation maturation of astir 5%. We ended nan twelvemonth pinch nan 15th consecutive 4th successful which our income outperformed our customers conveyance production. Adjusted EBITDA was $348 million, aliases 9.3% of sales, an summation of $120 cardinal complete past year.

The Company's cost-efficient footprint mixed pinch nan displacement to platform-based merchandise improvement and operational and commercialized subject resulted successful higher income and drove separator description of 110 basis-points.

Adjusted free-cash travel for nan twelvemonth was $101 million, in-line pinch nan midpoint of nan original guidance scope that we provided astatine this clip past year. Our liquidity remains beardown pinch complete $500 cardinal successful cash. Visteon has and remains focused connected sustainability and I'm pleased to study that we person committed to trim our Scope 1 and 2, greenhouse state emissions by astatine slightest 45% by 2030 compared to 2019 and Scope 3 emissions by astatine slightest 25% compared to 2021.

These targets were formally submitted for validation to SBTI successful precocious December and they aligned good pinch our ngo to make driving safer, cleaner and much convenient. We launched 45 caller customer programs successful 2022 and extended respective existing programs connected caller conveyance models. The Company besides achieved its extremity of winning $6 cardinal successful caller business for nan year, reinforcing nan spot of our merchandise and exertion portfolio.

We introduced respective caller products and services that widen our merchandise offering to reside emerging trends successful nan industry. These see a caller unreality work for OTA that complements our app shop work and respective products for nan electrification including onboard charger, DC-to-DC converter, and smart junction container that were showcased to customers astatine CES earlier this year.

We besides announced nan collaboration pinch Qualcomm for our next-generation SmartCore strategy that is targeted arsenic software-defined vehicles of nan future. Our precocious number of launches, and caller business wins and beardown merchandise portfolio, position america good for marketplace capacity successful 2023 and beyond.

I would for illustration to convey nan full Visteon squad for their difficult activity and dedication successful what has been a difficult twelvemonth for nan industry. Our capacity this twelvemonth is nan consequence of nan team's resiliency and dedication to each different and to our customers.

Turning to Page 3. We saw a robust request for each halfway products passim nan twelvemonth that exceeded nan proviso of semiconductor and different captious components. While our customers conveyance accumulation grew by 5% year-over-year. Our income grew by a robust 21% erstwhile excluding effect of customer recoveries of supply-chain related costs.

Our marketplace outperformance was driven by nan caller launches of products that ramped-up accumulation successful 2022. The maturation complete marketplace was higher-than-anticipated owed in-part to nan accelerated ramp-up of our integer cluster programme pinch a North American OEM.

We besides benefited from nan merchandise operation shifting to higher contented products for illustration integer clusters and from smaller bequest displays to larger displays. The automotive industry's modulation to integer clusters, continued successful 2022. One retired of 4 caller cars being equipped pinch a integer cluster. This inclination benefited Visteon and our integer cluster income accrued by 40% year-over-year.

Digital clusters now correspond astir half of each clusters shipped by Visteon and was a important driver of our income maturation successful 2022. SmartCore income grew astir 75% year-over-year, driven by caller launches pinch carmakers successful Asia. The manufacture is shifting to-high capacity cockpit domain controllers to present personification experiences that thrust connected mobile devices, which is helping thrust higher SmartCore sales.

2022 was a continued play of modulation for Visteon from mini bequest displays to larger displays, some successful position of caller launches, arsenic good arsenic business wins. Recently launched multi-display systems pinch Maserati successful Europe and Nissan and Ford successful Asia, contributed to nan maturation of our displays business successful 2022, offsetting nan diminution of smaller bequest displays.

We besides knowledgeable higher income of audio infotainment products pinch nan ramp-up of Android-based systems successful South America and Asia and caller launches of audio systems pinch an OEM successful North-America. Overall, we benefited from beardown request of our integer firm products. And nan momentum from caller motorboat activity.

Turning to Page 4. 2022 was a engaged twelvemonth for caller merchandise launches for nan company. We successfully launched 45 caller programs crossed 18 different OEMs globally. Digital clusters topped nan list, pinch 17 launches, continuing nan inclination of nan past fewer quarters, followed by displays pinch 11 launches including multi show systems pinch Maserati and Kia.

Displays and expanding an breathtaking area of maturation for Visteon and these launches will thief thrust higher income for this merchandise successful nan coming quarters. Our integer cockpit products are powertrain agnostic and astir 25% of our caller programme launches successful 2022 are for conveyance platforms that person some electrical and ICE models.

We vanished nan twelvemonth beardown pinch 13 caller programme launches successful nan 4th fourth and person highlighted a fewer connected nan bottommost half of nan slide. Going forward, we launched a caller audio strategy for respective conveyance lines supporting Ford's latest SYNC Infotainment system. The programme was launched successful North-America and Europe connected ace work trucks, nan transit, commercialized conveyance and SUV is for Ford and Lincoln brands.

In addition, we launched aggregate integer cluster programs connected nan aforesaid vehicles. In China, we launched our latest procreation of a SmartCore cockpit domain controller and halfway infotainment displays connected nan Lotus Lambda all-electric SUV successful business pinch nan ECARX. The motorboat of nan first exemplary will beryllium followed by further models successful China, arsenic good arsenic successful different regions.

Additionally, we launched a integer cluster for Stellantis that we won successful Q1 of 2021, little than 2 years from grant to production. The cluster comes successful 10 and 7 inch variance. And we launched connected aggregate brands including Jeep, Fiat and Alfa Romeo.

Our caller programme launches successful 2022 and ongoing conveyance exemplary extensions of programs launched successful anterior years, show nan continued momentum we person been building for our adjacent and midterm income growth. We are launching programs crossed each halfway merchandise lines that will thrust further maturation successful 2023 and beyond.

Turning to Page 5. We won $6 cardinal successful caller business successful 2022, achieving nan target we had set-out astatine nan opening of nan year. This is peculiarly important considering nan disruption caused by supply-chain shortages. All our halfway products did well, including complete $1.5 cardinal successful Display awards, nan first clip this merchandise class has crossed nan $1 cardinal people successful a azygous year.

SmartCore besides did very well, adding 2 caller OEMs successful Europe, representing 3 car brands and winning complete $1 cardinal for nan year. We won complete $1 cardinal of integer clusters business successful 2022, including our first world triumph pinch Toyota. Asia represented much than half of all-digital cluster wins successful nan twelvemonth arsenic much OEMs commencement to modulation to integer cockpit successful that region.

We expect that maturation of electrical vehicles will beryllium a tailwind for Visteon successful nan future. And successful 2022, astir 45% of our full integer cockpit wins were for electrical vehicles. We besides had respective early conveyance models added to our awarded BMS business arsenic customers updated their plans for EV exemplary launches successful nan coming years.

The first Q4 triumph highlighted connected nan correct is simply a halfway infotainment show for a North American OEM. The 12 inch Center show users a slim tablet for illustration creation pinch an integrated driver facing camera and will beryllium featured connected electrical type of a celebrated SUV conveyance statement for nan OEM.

We extended a SmartCore programme that's presently in-production pinch nan customer successful India to 2 caller compact SUV models that will motorboat successful 2024. Our first motorboat of SmartCore pinch this OEM has been very successful and this follow-on launches will characteristic an updated SmartCore exertion pinch further features and functions.

Lastly, nan 3rd triumph highlighted connected this descent is simply a follow-on triumph for an existing multi show strategy pinch a Japanese OEM. This follow-on triumph is connected nan high-volume mass-market vehicle. While nan lead conveyance was for nan luxury brand. So a cleanable illustration of really nan multi show inclination is starting to travel to nan mass-market vehicles segment. Our merchandise portfolio is well-aligned pinch nan awesome trends successful nan automotive manufacture and 2022 was a awesome illustration of really we expect our income operation will toggle shape successful nan coming years.

Turning to Page 6. The automotive industry, mislaid astir 4.5 cardinal vehicles to semiconductor shortages successful 2022 and while semiconductor suppliers improving nan outlook for 2023 is simply a nonaccomplishment of astir 3 cardinal vehicles. However, nan quality of nan semiconductor shortages will beryllium different successful 2023. In 2022 powerfulness and analog chips were much constrained successful microcontrollers.

In 2023, we expect gradual improvements successful analog and powerfulness chips pinch investments made in-production capacity by integrated instrumentality manufacturers for illustration Texas Instruments and connected semi. However, semiconductor suppliers that trust connected foundries for nan front-end capacity will proceed to beryllium constrained and wafer supply. As these foundries person not invested successful capacity for bequest nodes of 40 nanometer and higher that are utilized extensively successful automotive.

Weaker macroeconomic situation and geopolitical concerns are besides causing america to judge that nan beardown user demand, nan manufacture knowledgeable successful 2022 whitethorn commencement to soften, particularly if this macro issues persist passim nan year. As a result, we are forecasting world conveyance accumulation successful 2023 to beryllium up modestly to 84 cardinal units. But Visteon customers up 1% complete past year. Furthermore, we expect accumulation to beryllium little successful nan first-half owed to tighter semiconductor supply. Before improving successful nan second-half of nan year.

From a location perspective, we expect our customers successful North-America to person humble accumulation maturation astatine Mid-single-digit levels driven by caller exemplary launches and nan low-level of trader inventories. In Europe, our customers stay optimistic owed to beardown bid books. But nan ongoing economical and geopolitical uncertainties causes america to temper our outlook for nan full-year.

China has started slow successful January aft COVID-19 impacted accumulation successful nan 4th fourth of past year. While we expect conveyance accumulation to slow summation passim nan twelvemonth arsenic nan state transitions from 0 COVID to 0 lockdowns. We expect conveyance accumulation astatine our customers to beryllium down successful low-single digits year-over-year. And particularly pronounced pinch our world customers operating successful China.

In summary, we are cautious astir conveyance accumulation maturation successful 2023 connected relationship of nan request and proviso dynamics, that I conscionable mentioned. However, we besides judge that nan momentum we person built pinch our merchandise portfolio, mixed pinch nan operational capabilities of our squad will support amended than marketplace maturation successful 2023 and beyond.

Turning to Page 7. In 2023, we are anticipating income to beryllium [$4.05] cardinal astatine nan midpoint of our guidance, pinch nan scope from $3.95 cardinal to $4.15 billion. On nan right-hand broadside of nan page, we supply a waterfall floor plan bridging 2022 based income of $3.26 billion, which excludes nan affirmative effect from customer recoveries. 2023 based sales, which astatine nan midpoint of guidance is astir $3.75 billion.

As stated connected nan erstwhile slide, we are expecting only a humble betterment of 1% successful our customers, conveyance accumulation successful 2023. However, we expect that our beardown caller merchandise motorboat capacity successful nan past 2 years positive further launches successful 2023, will proceed to thrust marketplace outperformance pinch guidelines income excluding customer recoveries, increasing successful nan mid-teens.

The operation of yearly customer pricing and nan effect of foreign-exchange, it is expected to beryllium a flimsy nett headwind. Like successful 2022, we will request to mitigate nan effect of semiconductor shortages to present different twelvemonth of double-digit guidelines income growth. With anticipation of improving spot supply, we expect less open-market purchases of semiconductors arsenic compared to past year.

As a result, we expect customer recoveries successful 2023 to beryllium little than 2022 arsenic shown successful nan dotted boxes connected nan waterfall chart. Overall, I'm pleased pinch nan mid-teens maturation forecasted successful guidelines sales, which reflects our multi-year merchandise translator continued operational excellence and supply-chain capability.

Turning to Page 8. In summary, nan institution executed very good successful 2022, which helped thrust grounds income successful what continues to beryllium a challenging environment. I would for illustration to convey our customers, suppliers, labor and investors for nan support successful a challenging year. We launched a precocious number of integer cockpit programs that will thrust our marketplace outperformance successful nan adjacent to mid-term and proceed to build a beardown instauration for early growth, by bookings, $6 cardinal successful caller business during nan year.

As we look towards 2023 and beyond, we expect further income maturation and marketplace outperformance arsenic we use from nan alignment of our merchandise portfolio pinch cardinal automotive trends that's driving high-demand for our integer cockpit successful electrification products. We will beryllium sharing much accusation connected our imagination for nan early and strategy for capitalizing connected cardinal automotive trends successful a mates of weeks astatine our Investor Day connected March 7th successful New York City. I look-forward to seeing each that are capable to attend.

Now. I will move nan position complete to Jerome to reappraisal nan financial results.

Jerome Rouquet

Thank you, Sachin and bully greeting everyone.

Visteons 4th fourth financial results came successful beardown reflecting different 4th of robust commercialized and operational execution. Q4 income were $1,064 cardinal a grounds 4th for Visteon. We were capable to outperform manufacture accumulation volumes. Thanks to nan unprecedented cadence and size of our caller merchandise launches successful nan past fewer quarters, mixed pinch a very proactive supply-chain management.

Although semiconductor proviso has improved since nan first-half of nan year, we are still seeing a disconnect betwixt supply-and-demand. In nan quarter, we benefited from our proactive merchandise designs, while besides securing an important magnitude of components done brokers and distributors.

In business pinch our customers, we shared nan elevated costs and recovered costs increases done customer recoveries successful nan quarter. Compared to anterior year, income were up 35%, including nan antagonistic effect from foreign-exchange, which reduced income by astir 8%. While Visteons customer accumulation volumes were up 3%, our maturation complete marketplace excluding nett pricing was 26%. Incremental customer recoveries, partially offset by yearly price-downs besides accrued income by 14% for nan quarter.

Finally, excluding customer recoveries of guidelines income were astir 900 million, a bully parameter of really our underlying business is performing. On a comparable basis. This is besides a grounds level for Visteon. Adjusted EBITDA was $103 million, up $11 cardinal versus anterior year, and representing a separator of 9.7%. Compared to anterior twelvemonth Adjusted EBITDA benefited from higher guidelines income and year-over-year operational improvements.

The 4th besides benefited from astir $5 cardinal of catch-up successful customer recoveries related to costs incurred earlier successful nan year. Partially offsetting these benefits were nan effect of rate headwinds, nan non-recurrence of a one-time customer declare past year, arsenic good arsenic an summation successful some gross engineering and SG&A.

While we proceed to put successful various strategical areas of engineering, arsenic mentioned by Sachin, gross engineering costs were besides impacted by one-time programme expenses this quarter, while higher SG&A chiefly related to inducement compensation increases.

Adjusted free-cash travel for nan 4th was an inflow of $141 million, driven chiefly by higher EBITDA and favorable moving capital, generated by an accrued customer betterment collections. We ended nan 4th pinch full rate of $523 cardinal and $349 cardinal of debt, resulting successful a nett rate position of $174 million.

Turning to Page 11. For nan full-year, income came successful astatine $3.75 billion. Eclipsing our erstwhile grounds of $3.15 billion. Which was achieved successful 2017 erstwhile manufacture accumulation volumes were astatine 95 cardinal units. Since 2020, manufacture accumulation volumes person accrued modestly arsenic maturation continued to beryllium constrained by semiconductor availability. Despite this challenging situation Visteon's compounded yearly income maturation was 21%, benefiting from a robust group of merchandise launches, proactive supply-chain guidance and customer recoveries.

Compared to anterior year, income successful 2022 grew 35% maturation complete marketplace excluding pricing was 21% while customer recoveries offset by yearly price-downs was a affirmative contributor of 14%. Customer accumulation volumes provided an summation of 5%, while foreign-exchange was a 5% headwind. Excluding customer recoveries, guidelines income were astir $3.26 cardinal successful 2022, an summation of 28% compared to 2020, while accumulation volumes accrued 10% successful nan aforesaid periods.

Our adjusted EBITDA separator of 9.3% successful 2022 was astir 2 afloat percent points higher than 2020. With programs launched connected higher-volume platforms relentless operational and ratio improvements, mixed pinch an improved best-cost footprints arsenic good arsenic an engineering level approach, our incremental margins person been astir 22% erstwhile excluding nan dilutive quality of customer costs recoveries. Cash-flow conversions mean astir 30% complete nan past 3 years.

Turning to Page 12. We ended nan twelvemonth pinch a full rate position of $523 cardinal and support a indebtedness equilibrium of $349 cardinal resulting successful a nett rate position of $174 million. This represents our highest nett rate position successful 5 years and demonstrates our committedness to maintaining a beardown equilibrium sheet.

In addition, we were proactive and refinance our indebtedness earlier past year, extending our indebtedness maturities done 2027 and locked-in a low-cost of indebtedness pinch a existent interest-rate of astir 3.5% erstwhile including our cross-currency swaps. In short, we person ample elasticity to put successful strategical actions and thrust shareholder value.

Adjusted free-cash travel was an inflow of $141 cardinal successful nan quarter. The inflow of rate successful nan 4th was driven by continued improvements successful profitability and our attraction connected optimizing superior expenditures. In addition, moving superior was an inflow for nan 4th arsenic we were capable to amended align nan timing effect related to semiconductor spot purchases and nan corresponding recoveries.

For nan full-year, we generated $101 cardinal of adjusted free-cash flow. In-line pinch our original guidance issued successful February of past year. The summation successful adjusted free-cash travel compared to anterior twelvemonth was chiefly driven by nan description of our adjusted EBITDA. Trade moving superior was an outflow for nan year, pinch proviso disruption, negatively impacting inventory levels.

Capital expenditures came successful astatine $81 cardinal arsenic we proceed to attraction connected nan best-cost industrialization practices arsenic good arsenic instrumentality we use. CapEx was besides little than we primitively anticipated for nan year, arsenic we benefited from favorable timing connected immoderate programs spending.

Our cash-flow for nan twelvemonth demonstrates nan team's ongoing committedness to thrust actions that are captious to make rate for nan company. With astir 30% of rate conversion for 2022, we proceed to stay diligent astir rate conversion improvements.

Turning to Page 13. On Page 13, we coming our full-year guidance for 2023. Our guidance for income is $3.95 cardinal to $4.15 billion, which astatine nan midpoint of $4.05 cardinal represents an summation of 8% year-over-year. Focusing connected nan midpoint, this assumes our customer accumulation is up 1% compared to anterior year, while maturation complete marketplace is anticipated to beryllium successful nan low-to mid-teens.

On nan pricing side, we are presently assuming that customer recoveries for 2023 are little than 2022, chiefly owed to nan little spot purchases and associated recoveries. This will construe into antagonistic pricing of astir $200 cardinal aliases 5% positive our normal yearly price-downs to customers. Excluding customer recoveries we expect based income will beryllium astir $3.75 cardinal successful 2023. On a comparable basis, this equates to a 15% year-over-year summation successful guidelines sales.

Adjusted EBITDA is expected to beryllium betwixt $405 cardinal and $445 million, representing a 10.5% adjusted EBITDA separator astatine nan midpoint, pinch a scope of 10.3% to 10.7%. Compared to anterior year, adjusted EBITDA separator is expected to summation 120 basis-points arsenic a consequence of higher volumes and operating efficiencies, partially offset by an summation successful nett engineering spend.

We presently expect nett engineering arsenic a percent of income we'll beryllium successful nan mid to-high 5% scope arsenic we proceed to put successful various strategical areas. Compared to 2022, we besides expect nan nett effect of supply-chain disruptions costs nett of recoveries will beryllium similar. Finally, we expect that margins will beryllium diluted by astir 80 basis-points owed to customer recoveries.

Adjusted free-cash travel is expected to beryllium betwixt $115 cardinal and $165 million, which astatine nan midpoint of $140 cardinal equates to a conversion of astir one-third of adjusted EBITDA into adjusted free-cash flow. We expect moving superior will beryllium an outflow for nan twelvemonth arsenic a consequence of higher income and nan ongoing supply-chain challenges.

CapEx is forecasted astatine astir $130 cardinal arsenic we put for early growth, expanding our manufacturing works capacity successful nan Americas, EMEA and successful India. We are besides investing successful captious capacity and capacity for our industry-leading artillery guidance systems, arsenic good arsenic optical bonding preparing for electrification and show growth.

Despite these investments and immoderate unfavorable timing of walk CapEx arsenic a percent of income will stay successful nan debased 3% range. And finally, moreover though we are not providing quarterly guidance, which is accordant pinch our existing practices, we do want to item immoderate antagonistic calendarization successful Q1 pinch manufacture accumulation volumes forecasted to beryllium down sequentially and nan unfavorable timing of customer negotiations related to supply-chain costs and recoveries. As a result, we expect our net floor plan to travel a akin cadence to nan 1 we had successful 2022.

Turning to Page 14. 2023 represents different twelvemonth successful which we expect income growth, separator description and cash-flow generation. This outlook has been years into making arsenic we embarked connected galore cardinal initiatives starting arsenic early arsenic 2015, these initiatives enabled america to use from nan cockpit secular trends while outperforming successful a challenging environment. Since 2015, we person transitioned our portfolio from chiefly analog clusters and AM FM radios to industry-leading integer clusters, centralized domain controllers precocious displays and smart artillery guidance systems.

We now person a merchandise portfolio that aligns very good pinch a cardinal secular trends successful nan manufacture and has led to a robust levels of caller business wins each year. In addition, we person been optimizing our costs guidelines pinch our best-in people engineering footprint.

The preamble of merchandise platforms that summation and nan implementation of a cost-focused organization. From 2020 manufacture accumulation volumes are forecasted to turn modestly by 4% annually arsenic maturation has been constrained by nan COVID-19 pandemic and associated supply-chain challenges.

In caller environment, we are forecasting income maturation pinch an yearly complaint of 17%, separator description of 300 basis-points and an summation successful cash-flow generation, representing beardown financial capacity arsenic a consequence of nan actions we person taken.

Turning to Page 15. Visteon remains a compelling semipermanent finance opportunity. We person positioned nan institution for top-line growth, separator description and free-cash travel procreation and our beardown equilibrium expanse provides ongoing flexibility. I would for illustration to adjacent by again thanking nan full Visteon statement for their difficult activity successful 2022 to thrust grounds capacity and pave nan measurement for early growth. As Sachin mentioned, we are hosting our Investor Day successful March, and we look-forward to sharing our ongoing maturation communicative and superior allocation thoughts pinch you successful a fewer weeks.

Thank you for your clip today. I would for illustration now to unfastened nan telephone for your questions.

Question-and-Answer Session


[Operator Instructions] Our first mobility is from Emmanuel Rosner pinch Deutsche Bank. Your statement is open.

Emmanuel Rosner

Thank you truthful much. First mobility is, I was hoping you could possibly put nan 2023 separator guidance aliases outlook I conjecture successful nan successful nan broader discourse of your benignant of for illustration existing midterm separator outlook, obviously, arsenic reported, nan separator benignant of for illustration mid-10s, but moreover if you adhd benignant of for illustration recoveries, which astir apt beryllium benignant of for illustration successful nan benignant of for illustration low-to mid-11%, possibly that some. The situation is benignant of for illustration presented immoderate challenges, but I conjecture what would it take, I guess, what benignant of Inputs are needed for you to benignant of backmost spell towards nan 12% that you saw successful nan past, you'd beryllium getting to?

Jerome Rouquet

Yes, sure. It's Jerome. I'll return that, Emmanuel, bully morning. So we are -- our guidance for '23 shows income astatine $4.05 billion. And this is, successful fact, pinch recoveries. And we've successful our deck, we've showed that nan recoveries successful 2023 will spell down from what we had successful 2022, but we'll still person astir $300 cardinal of recoveries successful 2023 pinch nary margin. So, nan correct measurement to look astatine it is really to look astatine guidelines sales, which are full income minus recoveries. And they are astatine $3.075 cardinal for 2023. So essentially, we're awkward of nan $4 cardinal target successful income by $250 million.

And if you fundamentally adhd this $250 cardinal successful income astatine a mid-20% incremental margin, you would get fundamentally to nan 12%. So -- and that's not moreover including immoderate of nan leakage that we are still factoring in, successful our guidance for '23. So bottommost line, we are very overmuch connected way towards our 12% volumes are little because manufacture volumes are not astatine 89% arsenic we had primitively anticipated erstwhile we first gave nan $4 cardinal target. And it is conscionable a mobility of a fewer quarters earlier we get to nan 12%.

Emmanuel Rosner

Okay. That's very helpful. And past 2nd one, I guess, connected nan free rate travel and specifically connected CapEx, I conjecture this is simply a beautiful meaningful measurement up, which seems to beryllium driven by finance successful growth. I conjecture really should we beryllium reasoning astir it specifically successful position of nan needed investments for this twelvemonth and past what that intends successful position of your superior allocation going forward?

Jerome Rouquet

Yes. So we had guided -- truthful we're going successful fact, from $81 cardinal this twelvemonth aliases successful '22 to $130 cardinal successful '23. And it is, to your point, a reasonably important step-up. I must opportunity first that $81 cardinal was a small spot connected nan debased extremity of what we were expecting. There's a small spot of timing betwixt '22 and '23. So we'll spot immoderate of that drifting into Q1 of this year.

In position of nan step-up, it's really very overmuch aligned pinch nan maturation floor plan that we have, investing successful BMS, fundamentally electrification, capacity and capacity arsenic good connected nan show side. We do person a small spot of works description s going on, thing major, but it's adding up arsenic good to nan CapEx for 2023.

And past beyond manufacturing, I would opportunity we are investing arsenic good a small spot successful IT. So that's portion of nan step-up successful investment. Generally we're staying astatine adjacent to nan 3% scope that we've been utilized to successful nan past.

Emmanuel Rosner

Okay. Thank you very much.


The adjacent mobility is from Luke Junk pinch Baird. Your statement is open.

Luke Junk

Good morning. Thanks for taking nan question. First, Jerome nan mobility connected operating disbursal guidance. I'm conscionable hoping you could grow connected nan investments successful engineering and SG&A that you said successful nan prepared remarks and specifically, I'm conscionable trying to quadrate it pinch nan onetime items and inducement comp impacts that we saw successful nan 4th fourth present conscionable successful position of tally complaint levels going guardant for those items?

Jerome Rouquet

Yes. So overall, our -- I'll commencement pinch engineering, and I'll fto Sachin arsenic good springiness immoderate colour successful position of nan investments. But conscionable successful position of numbers, we ended nan twelvemonth pinch engineering being reasonably low. In fact, we were adjacent to $200 cardinal successful position of engineering, a small spot of a higher gross engineering because of nan onetime that we incurred, but fundamentally offset by higher recoveries arsenic well.

So overall, we were, I think, astatine 5.2% for nan afloat twelvemonth successful position of engineering, which is somewhat little than what we had guided to originally. So a small spot for illustration akin to CapEx, we're starting pinch a debased base. In position of investments for adjacent year, it's very overmuch aligned pinch what we've been talking about, electrification. Sachin talked arsenic good successful his prepared remarks astir online services.

Sachin Lawande

Yes. Maybe I tin jump successful here.

Jerome Rouquet

Yes, Sachin.

Sachin Lawande

So yes, Luke, truthful we are anticipating that nan exertion trends successful automotive are going to accelerate some connected nan firm arsenic good arsenic successful EV powerfulness train and electronics. And nan inclination towards a software-defined conveyance for nan manufacture are going to spell done these 2 domains initially, and we are anticipating and preparing for that.

Now we person really bully assets coming successful those areas, specified arsenic SmartCore and our BMS technology. But we are looking astatine opportunities to widen these assets and reside moreover beyond nan rider conveyance market, two-wheelers, commercialized vehicles, et cetera.

And arsenic Jerome mentioned, adhd caller features and functions, particularly successful nan areas of unreality services, and for BMS and for powerfulness electronics, adhd caller features and capabilities, there's a push towards faster charging and higher levels of information for EV powerfulness train electronics. And we are really driving nan cutting separator of that technology, and this is going to require immoderate investments from our broadside arsenic we spell forward.

Jerome Rouquet

So successful position of engineering percent for adjacent year, we are anticipating a flimsy summation versus wherever we were. So arsenic I said, 5.2% this twelvemonth connected '22 and will beryllium astir apt betwixt 5.5% and 6% engineering costs arsenic a percent of income for 2023. In position of SG&A, humble finance there, ostentation arsenic good and investments successful IT, we will fundamentally support our percent level year-over-year versus what we had successful 2022.

Luke Junk

Okay. Great. Very adjuvant detail. Thank you some for that. And past Sachin, for my follow-up, hoping to inquire astir nan motorboat that you mentioned pinch Lotus successful business pinch ECARX, I was conscionable hoping to amended understand nan mechanics of that narration and really nan 2 companies are moving together? Thank you.

Sachin Lawande

Yes. Great. Right. So erstwhile you talk astir China, nan marketplace is, arsenic you know, different from nan remainder of nan world successful position of nan level of unreality work integration that's expected successful vehicles successful China for nan cockpit. So we supply our SmartCore platform. So that's each of nan hardware, middleware, OS and each of these features and functions that SmartCore brings and ECARX has their services connected apical of it arsenic good arsenic nan HMI and nan unreality services. So this is thing that we don't expect Visteon successful China to beryllium capable to connection to nan grade that our partners can.

And truthful this collaboration brings nan champion of breed of some sites. Our proven SmartCore exertion that we person now launched connected much customers than virtually immoderate different supplier and this has really been good accepted successful nan marketplace.

And ECARX pinch their capabilities and assets that they bring, particularly connected nan unreality services, smart sound utilizing AI and different applications and besides ADAS, by nan way, that's getting much and much integrated pinch nan cockpit successful China. So that's nan quality of our collaboration. We person had respective vehicles launched already. And truthful beautiful excited astir what that intends for our early maturation for SmartCore successful China.

Luke Junk

That's very helpful. I will time off it there.


The adjacent mobility is from David Kelley pinch Jefferies. Your statement is open.

David Kelley

Good morning, guys. Thanks for taking my questions arsenic well. I wanted to commencement pinch recoveries, and I admit nan colour connected nan expected effect connected 2023 sales. I guess, really should we deliberation astir nan visibility to those recoveries? How overmuch has been negotiated successful coming versus ongoing discussions pinch your customers?

Jerome Rouquet

Yes, that's a bully question. Good morning, David. So very pleased first pinch nan level of recoveries we had successful 2022. Net leakage was adjacent to $20 million, somewhat better, successful fact, versus our original target. As we spell into 2023, mechanically, I would opportunity that astir of nan surcharge aliases recoveries are benignant of a reset.

But astatine nan aforesaid time, we person had discussions pinch our customer for nan past fewer months, indicating that these costs increases would proceed into 2023. So, we are still successful nan mediate of negotiations arsenic acold arsenic recoveries are concerned. And location is decidedly an anticipation that 2022 costs increases will rotation into 2023. And we'll adhd evidently immoderate level of true-ups for nan 2023 costs increases aliases decreases that we'll have.

So correct successful nan mediate of that, we've indicated arsenic well, I think, for illustration a batch of different suppliers that our net floor plan will beryllium a small spot distorted again this twelvemonth by nan level of occurrence we'll person successful Q1 versus nan different quarters. And you'll spot astir apt a ramp-up successful position of net floor plan passim nan twelvemonth arsenic we are much and much successful to adjacent negotiations connected recoveries.

David Kelley

Okay. Got it. That's helpful. And past possibly conscionable a follow-up mobility connected nan operation effect from nan ongoing proviso concatenation disruptions. I guess, A, were you held backmost connected let's telephone it, for illustration higher dollar contented shipments owed to nan proviso shortages successful 2022? And does nan alteration successful nan type of those shortages moving to you admit micro-controllers and distant from immoderate of nan analog and integer issues of past year. Does that astatine each person an effect connected operation successful 2023?

Sachin Lawande

Yes. No, that's a bully question. And fto maine effort to explicate really that operation has impacted america successful '22 and nan displacement that we expect successful '23. So arsenic I mentioned, chiefly successful 2022, nan shortages were successful nan area of powerfulness and analog chips. And arsenic such, they trim crossed each products. One of nan things you tin support successful mind is each merchandise that we build requires these powerfulness chips to thrust nan remainder of nan circuitry. And if location are displays involved, location are immoderate analog chips that besides travel into nan picture.

So virtually each of our products were impacted to immoderate level successful 2022. Towards nan extremity of 2022, we started to spot nan proviso of these powerfulness and analog log chips started to improve. And besides connected relationship of nan activity that we person done that I deliberation is up of astir successful our manufacture successful position of moving pinch nan circumstantial suppliers. So arsenic we commencement present successful 2023, we spot our business pinch respect to powerfulness and analog chips improve.

We person already seeing those improvements, and we expect that to proceed to improve. But location are emerging shortages successful nan areas of micro controllers that is much driven by nan deficiency of wafer proviso from foundries to our semiconductor suppliers that -- nan visibility of that was not very awesome towards nan extremity of past year.

And arsenic we started to travel to nan extremity of nan year, it became much evident that we will commencement pinch a shortage business successful those micro controllers. Those micro controllers, successful particular, impact our integer clusters aliases our merchandise statement much than, say, SmartCore aliases others. So we expect immoderate effect there. And we expect that to amended successful nan 2nd half of nan year, arsenic I've besides mentioned before.

At nan aforesaid time, we are continuing to redesign immoderate of our products to springiness america much elasticity truthful that we would beryllium successful a position to reside much request arsenic we expect arsenic we spell forward, particularly connected nan clusters pinch nan launches that we've had that we would beryllium past successful a position pinch nan redesigns to activity astir immoderate of nan shortages, and that's what is factored successful our forecast, particularly nan maturation complete marketplace forecast that we person forecasted for '23.

David Kelley

Got it. That's really, really helpful. Thank you.


The adjacent mobility is from James Picariello pinch BNP Paribas. Your statement is open.

James Picariello

Good morning. Back to nan proviso chain, you're still taking immoderate choppiness from a semi-supply standpoint done nan first half, past assuming immoderate request weakness successful nan backmost half to get to your full-year LVP presumption of supra conscionable 1%. But again, from a spot proviso perspective, if request were to beryllium much resilient successful nan 2nd half, to what grade do you deliberation nan manufacture tin grip amended accumulation growth. Like comparative to your up 1%, what's nan proviso concatenation limiting MAX maturation for accumulation this twelvemonth arsenic you spot it?

Sachin Lawande

Yes. So first of all, I would for illustration to explain that request arsenic we spot it moreover coming is stronger than what we judge nan proviso concatenation moreover pinch nan improvements tin address. But having said that, if nan request holds up, particularly successful nan 2nd half, past I expect that nan conveyance accumulation to amended beyond nan 84 cardinal units that we person outlined.

Now really acold from -- up from 84, it mightiness go, that's difficult for maine to say. And truthful my anticipation would beryllium that if you deliberation astir 2021 to 2022, wherever nan manufacture added astir 5 cardinal units of production, that would beryllium nan benignant of scope that I would expect that nan manufacture would beryllium capable to do again if nan proviso constraints were to beryllium someway lifted.

James Picariello

Got it. And if we do adhd -- again, hypothetically, if we were to adhd 5 cardinal units of accumulation growth, would that unit Visteon to apt person to reenter nan spot buy, nan agent marketplace for chips? Or astatine this point, your champion appraisal would beryllium perchance that your contracted proviso could support that? How should we beryllium reasoning astir that?

Sachin Lawande

Right. In general, we expect that it would beryllium little moreover successful nan lawsuit that nan request is higher because of each nan redesigns that we person done. So location are 2 dynamics that will thief america successful '23. One, we do expect nan proviso levels themselves to spell up connected relationship of nan activity that has been done by our suppliers.

And that circumstantial area that we are now highlighting a bigger problem, which is nan micro controllers. With nan redesigns that we are doing, I expect that we would beryllium capable to activity astir it successful nan 2nd half. So overall, I expect that our spot bargain request to beryllium little moreover successful nan arena wherever we spot our proviso summation and keeping up pinch nan demand.

James Picariello

Okay. Super helpful. Just 1 speedy one. Any chance to get a finer constituent connected nan cadence for nan year? I cognize it's a sequential ramp akin to past year. Just possibly a marker connected 1Q comparative to 4Q aliases connected a year-over-year basis, conscionable to get a amended consciousness for really nan twelvemonth starts off?

Sachin Lawande

We won't springiness immoderate guidance for Q1, but it's really impacted by 2 things. First, nan recoveries and nan cadence of nan negotiation. And past nan 2nd constituent is production. I deliberation IHS is already showing 5% down for Q1. So that's fundamentally what drives nan quarters passim nan year, accumulation levels arsenic good arsenic nan level of recoveries.


The adjacent mobility is from Colin Langan pinch Wells Fargo. Your statement is open.

Colin Langan

Great. Thanks for taking my questions. Just wanted to inquire astir nan caller business wins. When I look astatine nan operation of this twelvemonth versus past year, clusters is conscionable 17%, I deliberation it was for illustration 41% past year. That would beryllium astir $1 cardinal swing, obviously, offset by different areas. Is location a reclassification that's impacting that? Is location thing going connected successful that conception aliases timing this twelvemonth that would origin nan large swing? Just benignant of wondering if there's immoderate colour there?

Sachin Lawande

No, no. So Colin, this is Sachin. So I don't deliberation there's thing structural there. It's conscionable a timing issue. Last year, we had a beautiful bully twelvemonth for clusters, but immoderate of nan different sectors were not arsenic strong, and this seems to beryllium reversed successful 2022. So I wouldn't opportunity that we are expecting thing different pinch respect to our go-forward views connected clusters.

Colin Langan

Okay. Got it. And if I look astatine nan guidance, it looks for illustration thing for illustration a 16% incremental connected nan sales, excluding nan effect of recoveries. I deliberation you've mentioned conscionable connected this telephone a debased 20s arsenic normal. I conscionable want to make judge I get each nan offsets. The R&D is simply a headwind and past input costs, -- immoderate colour connected nan size of these input costs that we're expecting? And is location immoderate -

Jerome Rouquet

Yes. So we are - sure. Sure, Colin. So you're right. So look value, we are -- I deliberation we are 26% incremental but removing nan recoveries, we are astatine 16%. So volumes are converting astatine nan normal levels successful nan mid-20% range. The offsets are, arsenic we said, engineering, and it's not conscionable nan increases that we are nan absolute levels that we are seeing successful '23. It's arsenic good nan comp, which is simply a small spot harder fixed that engineering came successful debased successful 2022, mostly because of recoveries. We person arsenic good a humble summation successful SG&A. And past each this is offset by operational improvements.

In position of, I would say, what I would telephone nan leakage, successful position of nan proviso concatenation disruptions. We're fundamentally assuming that nan nett leakage of $20 cardinal that we had successful 2022 will transportation guardant into 2023. So aforesaid magnitude of leakage. The surface science whitethorn beryllium a small spot different, but nan aforesaid magnitude is forecasted for 2023.

Colin Langan

And that's related to -- and this twelvemonth is astatine nan aforesaid arsenic past twelvemonth because I thought past twelvemonth it was much semiconductor costs and nan timing of getting those recoveries? Or is this labor-related because a batch of different suppliers person called that out?

Sachin Lawande

It's much -- for us, it's decidedly much semi-related. Absolutely, yes.

Colin Langan

Okay. Thanks for taking my questions.


The adjacent mobility is from Itay Michaeli pinch Citi. Your statement is open.

Itay Michaeli

Great, thanks. Good morning, everyone. Just possibly a bigger image mobility connected nan GOM sustainability -- mid-teens this twelvemonth evidently is strong. How sustainable do you deliberation that is beyond 2023? And what benignant of bookings should we -- are you targeting this twelvemonth that tin benignant of support that sustainability into early years?

Sachin Lawande

Yes. So let's talk astir this present and we'll spot really -- what happens successful position of nan marketplace going into nan future. But we will be, again, targeting $6 cardinal of wins this year, arsenic we person done past year. And pinch that level of win, we should beryllium capable to proceed our GOM mid-teens and astatine slightest successful nan adjacent term.

Now arsenic we spell forward, arsenic our guidelines income summation it is going to beryllium having immoderate effect connected nan GOM percentages simply because of nan summation of nan base. But we will talk much astir nan early connected our Investor Day present that's coming up connected nan 7th of March, and we will supply much colour connected really we spot nan outer years develop.

Itay Michaeli

Terrific. That's helpful, Sachin. And possibly conscionable a speedy follow-up. Back to nan cadence of nan settlements this year, to make judge I person it clear, truthful is that conscionable a timing rumor from benignant of normal people value downs? Or are immoderate of these recoveries are proving to beryllium much challenging early connected present successful nan year?

Sachin Lawande

It's very akin to what we had successful 2022. So it takes immoderate clip to discuss pinch nan recovery. So nan cadence we are anticipating successful '23 will beryllium akin to nan cadence of speech and successful closing of nan speech that we had successful 2022. So nary awesome differences betwixt nan two.

Itay Michaeli

Perfect. That's very helpful. Thank you.

Kristopher Doyle

This does reason our net telephone for nan 4th fourth and afloat twelvemonth of 2022. Thank you, everyone, for participating successful today's telephone and your ongoing liking successful Visteon. If you person immoderate follow-up questions, please interaction me, Chris Doyle aliases Ryan Ghazaeri directly. Thank you.


This concludes Visteon's 4th fourth and afloat twelvemonth 2022 results net call. You whitethorn now disconnect. Thank you.

Editor: Naga

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