
Ubisoft confirms Assassin’s Creed remakes are in the works - Beritaja

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Basim perched connected a ledge overlooking BaghdadUbisoft

In a institution interview pinch CEO Yves Guillemot posted connected The Ubisoft website Thursday, The executive reveals that location are remakes of Assassin’s Creed games in The works, though he doesn’t specify which ones.

“Players Can beryllium excited astir immoderate remakes, which will let america to revisit immoderate of The games we’ve created in The past and modernize them,” he says, implying that it could pertain to games made before Odyssey. “There are worlds in immoderate of our older Assassin’s Creed games that are still highly rich.”

This would beryllium in statement pinch unconfirmed reports that an Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag remake was in The works. According to Kotaku, however, The crippled was still early in improvement and astir apt won’t motorboat for years. Black Flag is 1 of The much beloved entries from The series’ earlier years, pinch pirate vessel mechanics that yet made their measurement to Skull & Bones with a questionable grade of success.

Regardless of if The adjacent games are remakes aliases caller works, Guillemot promised “variety” for players in position of gameplay. Assassin’s Creed Hexe, which we still don’t cognize overmuch about, will beryllium a very different acquisition from erstwhile entries in The series, though Ubisoft has been quiet connected what that entails.

“There are a batch of bully things to come, including Assassin’s Creed Hexe, which we’ve announced, which is going to beryllium a very different crippled from Assassin’s Creed Shadows. We’re going to astonishment people, I think,” he says.

Guillemot besides discussed his thoughts astir The existent video crippled industry, including really it could usage generative AI to amended NPCs and really he condemns online toxicity.

“One point I americium concerned astir correct now is The malicious and individual online attacks that person been directed astatine immoderate of our squad members and partners. I want to make it clear that we, astatine Ubisoft, condemn these hateful acts in The strongest imaginable terms, and I promote The remainder of The manufacture and players to denounce them, too,” he says.

It’s apt he’s talking astir societal media attacks in consequence to The Assassin’s Creed Shadows reveal. Many online were not happy pinch The latest crippled in The series, which features a Black protagonist, The legendary real-life samurai Yasuke.

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