
TikTok to launch live ‘TikTok Trivia’ game with $500K in prize money

Trending 1 year ago

Today, TikTok announced “TikTok Trivia,” a caller unrecorded 5-day trivia crippled for U.S. users 18 years aliases older to get nan chance to triumph a stock of a $500,000 prize excavation by answering multiple-choice questions related to beauty, lifestyle, euphony and sports.

The acquisition is besides presented by Lionsgate and “John Wick Chapter 4,” truthful users will spot trivia questions based connected nan “John Wick” franchise arsenic good arsenic “surprises and integrations,” nan institution wrote successful today’s announcement. “John Wick Chapter 4” premieres March 24.

Users tin participate successful TikTok’s unrecorded trivia sessions by going to nan @TikTok transmission connected TikTok LIVE. Users must be nan trivia sessions connected clip and reply each questions correctly for a chance to triumph a stock of nan prize money.

TikTok Trivia originates adjacent week connected February 22 and ends connected February 26.

Starting today, 18+ users successful nan U.S. tin registry for nan acquisition by clicking connected a trivia widget connected nan For You feed. Users tin besides hunt for #TikTokTrivia aliases straight sojourn nan @TikTok account.

Image Credits: TikTok

During nan first 3 days, TikTok Trivia will person 2 unrecorded sessions per time that are each an hr long. The first convention will statesman astatine 8 p.m. ET and nan 2nd convention is astatine 9 p.m. ET.

There will besides beryllium typical “Survival Rounds,” wherever nan questions get harder and harder arsenic they go. The past group opinionated will divided a $100,000 prize pool.

After each trivia session, TikTok will urge creators that are presently livestreaming connected TikTok LIVE for users to cheque out. The short video app precocious raised nan property requirement for hosting livestreams to 18 years old.

The big of TikTok Trivia is contented creator James Henry, whom you whitethorn admit from nan “You’ve been scrolling for measurement excessively long” videos that utilized to popular up connected your For You feed. Henry has 4.2 cardinal TikTok followers.

“Game shows and trivia person been a portion of celebrated civilization for years, and I’m thrilled to activity pinch TikTok to bring this engaging intermezo format to TikTok Live. TikTok Trivia has nan powerfulness to bring group together, creating an electrifying ambiance filled pinch excitement and a shared consciousness of community,” said Henry successful a statement.

The caller trivia acquisition will apt beryllium breathtaking to galore TikTok users, not only “John Wick” fans but besides users that retrieve HQ Trivia, nan 12-question unrecorded video trivia crippled wherever users could participate successful aggregate regular games and gain existent money. HQ Trivia shut down successful 2020.

There person been reports that TikTok whitethorn beryllium readying to adhd minigames to LIVE videos. There’s besides a study that shows that nan institution could beryllium looking for partners to rotation retired a live shopping offering successful nan U.S.

Editor: Naga

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