
Threads now reaches more 130 million monthly users, says Meta, up 30M from Q3 - Beritaja

Trending 5 months ago

Instagram Threads now has much 130 cardinal monthly progressive users, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced during The company’s fourth-quarter net today. The text-based societal networking app is 1 of The galore caller projects that person sprung up in The aftermath of Elon Musk’s 2022 acquisition of Twitter, now called X, wherever it competes pinch various startups and unfastened root projects, including Bluesky, Mastodon, Nostr, Post, Spill, and others.

Zuckerberg said that Threads is “growing steadily,” though characterized The app arsenic having blown up earlier Meta was ready.

“I’ll statement that Threads now has much group actively utilizing it coming than it did during its first motorboat peak,” said Zuckerberg. “So that one’s I deliberation connected way to beryllium a awesome success.”

Last quarter, Zuckerberg besides said highly of Threads, saying he believed The app had a bully chance of reaching 1 cardinal users wrong a fewer years. At The time, Threads had northbound of 100 cardinal monthly progressive users.

Meta said its family of apps, which besides includes Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp, were utilized by 3.19 cardinal people regular in The 4th quarter, up from The 3.14 billion it saw in The 4th ending September 2023. Monthly progressive users were astatine 3.98 billion, up from 3.96 billion in The anterior quarter.

We’ve seen grounds that Threads has been gaining traction in caller weeks. App intelligence supplier Appfigures recovered that The Instagram-owned app had tripled its downloads in December to go The No. 6 astir downloaded app in The period crossed The Apple App Store and Google Play. X, still struggling pinch its rebranding, was No. 36.

Image Credits: Appfigures

By leveraging Instagram’s friend graph, Threads had a record-breaking launch, reaching 100 cardinal registered users wrong its first 5 days past July. But liking in Threads began to taper disconnected in The fall, only returning to growth arsenic Meta gave it a push by promoting Threads’ viral posts to Facebook users. That apt helped The app unafraid its spot in The apical 10 astir downloaded apps globally in December.

Zuckerberg’s comments were apt meant to caput disconnected The concerns that had been raised during Threads’ downturn, which had immoderate critics prematurely declaring it dead.

As for Meta’s earnings, The institution saw $40.1 cardinal in gross in The 4th ending in December 2023, up of analysts’ estimates of $39.18 cardinal and net of $5.33 per share, up of estimates of $4.96. Net income was $14.02 billion. Revenue for The full-year 2023 was $134.90 billion.

Meta besides announced its first rate dividend of $0.50 per stock which will beryllium paid in March to Meta’s shareholders.

Editor: Naga

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