
The Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses are about to get new competition - Beritaja

Trending 2 days ago
A promotional image of The Solos AirGo Vision smart glasses.Solos

Solos, makers of The AirGo smart glasses, sees what Ray-Ban Meta is doing and wants immoderate of The same. Announced today, The Solos AirGo Vision adds a beforehand camera to The frames, group in The area conscionable for illustration The celebrated Ray-Ban models, and is fresh to supply on-the-go entree to AI-powered ocular hunt and different interactive features.

The institution gives immoderate wide examples of what you’ll beryllium capable to do pinch a camera connected your face. Using its camera, AirGo Vision Can supply accusation connected what it “sees” for extended ocular hunt accusation and absorbing further features for illustration summarization for shopping, navigation, cooking, and different activities. It harnesses ChatGPT-4o and is The first brace of smart glasses to do so, but its unfastened architecture intends you Can switch to Google Gemini and Anthropic Claude’s AI models, too.

A promotional image of The camera connected The Solos AirGo Vision smart glasses.Solos

It’s stated you Can usage sound to return photos pinch The Vision’s camera, but it does not sprout video. Interestingly, arsenic we Can spot from The images of The AirGo Vision, The camera is portion of The limb alternatively than being built into The framework itself, which is wherever The lens sits. This is besides portion of The AirGo’s magic, arsenic these are modular smart glasses wherever you Can switch The beforehand sheet retired for a different design, arsenic The exertion is portion of The AirGo’s arms.

The AirGo Vision has different characteristic acquainted to Ray-Ban Meta owners: an LED notification ray in The frame, which will supply a ocular parameter of messages arriving connected your phone, and a flash to fto others cognize The camera is taking a photo. The AirGo Vision will beryllium retired later this twelvemonth for an undisclosed price. In summation to The Vision, Solos will merchandise 3 styles of its AirGo smart glasses without The camera but pinch The LED notification light, taking advantage of The modular format. These will costs $250 and will beryllium disposable arsenic a afloat brace of glasses aliases arsenic solely The framework and arms. These will beryllium released in July.

A promotional image of The modular pieces of The Solos AirGo Vision smart glasses.Solos

The AirGo Vision and Solos’s caller LED framework characteristic comes soon aft The institution announced its Live Search package feature for each AirGo models, which is disposable done a package update.

Editor: Naga

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