
The Division 3: release date speculation, news, and rumors - Beritaja

Trending 2 months ago
The Division 2 Warlords of New YorkUbisoft

For galore fans of looter-shooters, it’s difficult to find a bid rather arsenic compelling arsenic The Division. With 2 successful games in The franchise already nether its belt, Ubisoft is intelligibly alert that it’s a meaningful portion of its ever-expanding catalog, truthful it’s unsurprising that it’s difficult astatine activity connected a 3rd entry. With The advent of newer hardware and a heap of lessons learned from The first 2 games, The Division 3 is each but definite to onshore pinch a bang and further cement The franchise arsenic 1 of Ubisoft’s astir beloved.

We cognize The Division 3 is in development astatine Massive Entertainment pinch Julian Gerighty arsenic The executive producer. Beyond that, though, not overmuch has been shared astir what to expect from The crippled yet. Even so, here’s everything we cognize astir The Division 3.

Release date

The Division 3 does not presently person a merchandise date. And since The crippled hasn’t moreover received immoderate trailer yet, it’s safe to presume we astir apt won’t spot it until astatine slightest 2025 — though alien things person happened.

As of May 15, Ubisoft canceled The Division Heartland, which was group to beryllium a free-to-play spinoff group in The aforesaid beingness arsenic The first 2 titles in The series. However, because that crippled was being developed by Red Storm Entertainment, it doesn’t look that The cancelation will velocity up The improvement of The Division 3. Instead, Ubisoft has stated that Red Storm Entertainment “will beryllium transitioning to caller projects wrong our company, including XDefiant and Rainbow Six.”


No announcement has been made regarding The Division 3’s merchandise platforms. Judging by erstwhile entries in The Division franchise, however, we expect that The crippled will onshore connected PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC. Given The imaginable for the adjacent Nintendo console to yet location a spot much powerfulness than The Switch, there’s moreover a mini anticipation we could spot it yet make its measurement complete to that platform, too. Only clip will tell.


The Division bid Can mostly beryllium played solo, but it’s designed astir a operation of cooperative and competitory gameplay. If The Division 3 follows in The footsteps of The first 2 games — and we person nary logic to judge it won’t — fans Can expect to squad up for missions and raids, arsenic good arsenic conflict different players in The Dark Zone.


The Division 3 is presently not disposable for preorder, but based connected erstwhile Ubisoft releases, players should expect aggregate editions pinch tiers of other add-ons. More costly editions will apt see versions sporting a play walk for early DLC, arsenic good arsenic further in-game goodies.

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