
TechCrunch+ roundup: M&A red flags, handling problematic CEOs, E-1 visa questions

Trending 1 year ago

I’ve been fto spell from much startups than anyone other I know. Yes, that is simply a weird point to boast about.

Last month, astir 100,000 tech workers mislaid jobs, and it felt for illustration a awesome disturbance successful nan Force. These are existent group grappling pinch existent uncertainty: Should they move? How agelong will their savings last? Should they consequence different startup job, aliases possibly motorboat their own?

Even arsenic nationalist companies and unicorns trim headcount, galore early-stage startups are still actively recruiting. Mary Ann Azevedo recapped respective fintechs that are hunting for caller talent.

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Ron Miller interviewed analysts, CIOs and hiring managers, who confirmed that there’s wide request for IT workers. The twist?

“The group fto spell by Big Tech conscionable whitethorn not beryllium going to different tech companies,” reported Ron, noting that employers for illustration nan IRS, Citi and Liberty Mutual person posted thousands of caller openings.

“The cognition is that, hey, there’s tons of layoffs going on,” said Nicholas Marshall, income enablement head astatine ManpowerGroup.

“But what we spot is that complete nan past 2 years, those tech companies had over-hired, and it’s much of a correction and a flattening out, but that there’s still a beardown request and employment outlook.”

If you’ve been laid off, make self-care your highest priority. Seek support from your friends and family and, supra each else, don’t return it personally. You’re being swept up successful macroeconomic trends that person thing to do pinch your ability, talent aliases worth.

Thanks very overmuch for reading,

Walter Thompson
Editorial Manager, TechCrunch+

So that laminitis you backed turned retired to beryllium problematic. Now what?

Early-stage investors don’t intimately negociate nan entrepreneurs they ablution pinch cash, moreover erstwhile things spell disconnected nan rails. And successful immoderate cases, they whitethorn not beryllium capable to exert overmuch authority.

Assuming a VC makes an finance via a SAFE note, “if that liking hasn’t converted to equity, they don’t person overmuch opportunity if things commencement to spell wrong,” reports Rebecca Szkutak.

To study much astir really investors grip problematic CEOs, she said to:

  • Cameron Newton, laminitis and wide partner, Relevance Ventures;
  • Eric Bahn, co-founder and wide partner, Hustle Fund; and
  • Angela Lee, task partner, professor, Columbia Business School

Pitch Deck Teardown: Gaming monetization institution Incymo AI’s $850K seed deck

The ads wrong free mobile games are a billion-dollar industry, which is why intends to thief advertisers optimize ROAS and LTV utilizing its proprietary AI products.

Incymo’s founders raised an $850K seed information and shared each 12 slides pinch Haje Jan Kamps:

  • Cover slide
  • Problem slide
  • Solution slide
  • Traction slide
  • Customer slide
  • Business exemplary slide
  • Market size slide
  • Market trajectory slide
  • Goals/targets slide
  • Team slide
  • “The ask” slide
  • Road representation slide

Dear Sophie: Do I suffice for an E-1 trader visa?

lone fig astatine entranceway to maze hedge that has an American emblem astatine nan center

Image Credits: Bryce Durbin/TechCrunch

Dear Sophie,

Do I suffice for an E-1 trader visa? I’m from New Zealand and person a B2B SaaS institution pinch a batch of clients successful nan U.S.

We person a Delaware C corp that has raised money, and I’m moving astatine nan subsidiary successful Auckland, wherever each of our labor are based. We don’t presently person a U.S. office, but we salary our taxes there.

— Keen Kiwi

5 purchaser reddish flags to look for during nan M&A process

It’s tempting to deliberation of M&A arsenic a measurement for founders to rate in, but acquisitions mostly require teams to stay onboard while nan caller proprietor integrates their business into their operations.

This tin beryllium a difficult time, according to serial entrepreneur Marina Martianova, who says founders are often astatine likelihood pinch caller owners erstwhile it comes to growth, merchandise priorities and communicating.

“Buyers who can’t springiness you a transparent image of your company’s early aft nan acquisition apt do not person your champion interests successful mind,” she writes.

Editor: Naga

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