
SciPlay Q4 Earnings: Long-Term Story Intact With Some Near-Term Catalysts

Trending 1 year ago

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Phiromya Intawongpan


The mobile games developed and operated by SciPlay (NASDAQ:SCPL) are chiefly societal casinos that are free to play. I for illustration to group nan expectations upfront that aft experiencing a melodramatic summation successful income during nan pandemic, SCPL should beryllium reverting to a much normalized maturation complaint for staple titles. In addition, from an integrated constituent of view, I cannot envision a measurement for multiples to turn beyond nan existent stage. That said, a re-rating successful nan mobile games manufacture arsenic a full aliases nan successful motorboat of caller games successful nan casual genre could service arsenic a catalyst for multiples reversion SCPL.

The dynamics of SCPL's capacity comparative to manufacture peers and nan results of their personification acquisition initiatives are apt to stay astatine nan halfway of nan investor statement complete nan coming quarters. In nan long run, I expect SCPL to beryllium a driving facet successful nan description of mobile gaming, some mostly and wrong circumstantial sub-verticals that will outpace nan wide gaming industry. If you want vulnerability to nan aforementioned imaginable catalysts, I'd propose starting pinch a mini position size and gradually expanding it arsenic we move past nan normalization successful growth.

However, I must stress that nan roadworthy up for SCPL investors will not beryllium smooth. SCPL's maturation is limited successful portion connected nan company's expertise to consistently merchandise and standard up caller games that bring successful important gross and ROI. As such, nan acquisition of caller games aliases nan accelerated merchandise of a caller title would beryllium bullish for SCPL banal price. However, nan institution would suffer if celebrated games mislaid a batch of their audience. Furthermore, location are fewer obstacles to introduction successful nan societal gaming market. In spite of this, I deliberation nan exclusive room of well-known IP owned by SCPL helps to mitigate nan consequence of players migrating to different platforms easily.

4Q22 results

Few important insights tin beryllium gleaned from SCPL's 4Q22 results. The astir important takeaway, successful my opinion, is contempt a challenging extremity marketplace environment, SCPL continues to study coagulated gross momentum. Furthermore, SCPL has knowledgeable an summation successful maturation and trading return connected finance owed to nan effective acquisition of caller users, description of its superior crippled titles, and implementation of varied trading tactics. Finally, I admit really guidance is continuing to prioritize investments successful halfway franchises and nan strategy for acquiring caller users. This is important because it shows that guidance is not compromising connected nan semipermanent objective.

SCPL reported $182 cardinal successful gross and $59 cardinal successful adjusted EBITDA for 4Q22. Total bookings accrued 18% year-over-year, pinch nan halfway portfolio increasing 14% (up from 13% successful nan erstwhile quarter). The maturation successful regular monthly payers, astatine 13%, is faster than nan 11% seen successful 3Q22. Management has besides pointed to developments successful nan company's UA strategy for attracting caller cohorts and for converting existing ones arsenic cardinal reasons for nan company's continued maturation successful payers. An further driver of profits was nan 0.5% regular conversion complaint of SCPL's three-year non-payers.


Although it did not connection immoderate circumstantial guidance for 2023, SCPL is assured that it will execute maturation faster than nan industry. Management further mentioned that February subordinate spending was search likewise to December, which, if it holds, could connote year-over-year maturation successful nan mid-teens for 1Q23. On nan disbursal side, SCPL said it would spot a dip successful separator from Q4 to Q1 owed to accrued spending connected trading innovation, but that separator would retrieve connected a quarterly basis.


In conclusion, SCPL mobile games person knowledgeable important maturation during nan pandemic, and it is important to group realistic expectations for nan company's early performance. The societal casino genre, which makes up a important information of SCPL's games, whitethorn not beryllium capable to prolong nan aforesaid level of maturation successful nan short-term. Also, investors should support an oculus connected nan company's expertise to consistently merchandise and standard up caller games that bring successful important gross and ROI. On that point, SCPL's caller 4Q22 results show nan company's coagulated gross momentum and successful personification acquisition strategy, which are cardinal drivers of its growth.

Overall, while nan roadworthy up whitethorn not beryllium smooth, I judge that SCPL has nan imaginable to beryllium a driving facet successful nan description of mobile gaming, some mostly and wrong circumstantial sub-verticals. For those willing successful vulnerability to this imaginable catalyst, I would propose starting pinch a mini position size and gradually expanding it arsenic we move past nan normalization successful growth.

This article was written by

Vader Capital floor plan picture

Ex-long only investor turned business owner. Operate successful nan existent property and chemicals industry. Read and put successful companies connected nan broadside each night. I position finance arsenic a never-ending-journey that allows maine to perpetually study caller industries and business models. While I americium not nan champion today, I strive to beryllium amended pinch each deep-dive and analysis. Finally, this is simply a very profitable task that pays good astatine nan extremity of nan travel if nan process is done right.

Disclosure: I/we person nary stock, action aliases akin derivative position successful immoderate of nan companies mentioned, and nary plans to initiate immoderate specified positions wrong nan adjacent 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my ain opinions. I americium not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I person nary business narration pinch immoderate institution whose banal is mentioned successful this article.

Editor: Naga

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