
Pegasystems: Improving Cash Flow Profile Is Positive For The Stock

Trending 1 year ago

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) exertion to automate business tasks pinch AI. Concept pinch master mounting up automated package connected laptop computer. Digital translator and alteration management.



Pegasystems (NASDAQ:PEGA) has a powerful exertion stack that is utilizes AI to automate processes, and is highly adaptable and tin of digitizing various business processes. In addition, PEGA's level enables almost immoderate user, moreover nan non-IT trained, to beryllium capable to thrust process automation initiatives.

PEGA had a very successful 4Q22, pinch important gross and profit growth. Excluding nan effect of rate fluctuations, ACV maturation was successful statement pinch nan original guidance of 16% y/y and came successful 2% higher than expected. 4Q22 gross was a batch amended than I expected, acknowledgment successful ample portion to nan word licenses; this, mixed pinch little operating expenses, led to important profitability upside. The spot successful nan word licenses capacity appears to beryllium diversified alternatively than concentrated successful a fewer very ample contracts, which is an important point. My projections for ACV maturation successful FY23 are astir successful statement pinch management's guidance of 11% to 13% y/y astatine nan midpoint. PEGA besides guided to a 10% operating rate travel separator for FY23 and an 11% unlevered FCF separator for FY23. While nan year's macroeconomic developments will find really overmuch of an upside location is to nan ACV maturation guidance, I judge PEGA tin deed guidance, and I expect PEGA to proceed demonstrating its expertise to heighten its separator and rate travel profile. I expect gross separator and rate travel dynamics to statesman improving for PEGA successful FY23 arsenic nan institution completes its unreality transition.

Overall, I americium optimistic astir nan company's early prospects because of its beardown execution, and I judge that nan existent valuation of 3x EV/forward gross represents a compelling introduction constituent for semipermanent investors willing successful nan firm's sticky package plus (90% gross retention rate), ample increasing gross base, and improving rate travel floor plan arsenic it completes its unreality transition.

4Q22 results review

The wide results for 4Q22 exceeded my expectations. Upside successful word licence drove importantly higher-than-expected maturation successful full revenue, which was mostly attributable to advantageous timing of nan deals (closed successful 4Q22 alternatively than 1Q23). Other than that, Pega Cloud performed arsenic anticipated. Operating margins were importantly higher than I (and, I assume, investors) had anticipated. Together, nan uptick successful revenues and nan diminution successful expenses drove nan important betterment successful margins. PEGA banal value has accrued by 30% since nan merchandise of quarterly earnings, and I property this to investor excitement complete nan company's improving separator profile.

Pega Cloud

Term ACV grew by 12% twelvemonth complete year, mounting a caller quarterly precocious for ACV growth. Pega Cloud ACV grew by 25% twelvemonth complete year, an awesome complaint of maturation astatine complete $450 cardinal successful size, particularly fixed nan challenging macro backdrop. Pega Cloud accounted for much than 60% of caller customer commitments successful 2022, exceeding nan 50% extremity group by guidance nan erstwhile year. Pega Cloud is expected to relationship for 60-70% of caller customer commitments successful FY23, according to nan company's management. In my opinion, Pega Cloud is simply a awesome facet successful nan existent marketplace sentiment. A quicker betterment successful rate travel separator is expected by investors aliases nan statement nan sooner PEGA tin complete its unreality transition.


The FY23 ACV maturation target group by guidance is betwixt 11% and 13% twelvemonth complete year, a slowdown from nan 16% y/y maturation seen successful 2022. This is owed to nan truth that 2023 is expected to beryllium a much challenging and little predictable year. This predicts a alteration successful FY23 nett caller ACV to $140 million, from $162 cardinal successful FY22. Also, because renewals are heavy weighted toward 4Q23, guidance expects nan mostly of ACV and gross maturation will hap successful nan 2nd half of adjacent twelvemonth 2H24. In addition, For FY23, guidance estimates that a 4% simplification successful unit tin prevention $75 cardinal successful expenses, which will thief them scope their extremity of generating $150 cardinal successful unlevered FCF.


As a consequence of stronger-than-expected licence revenue, PEGA reported a beardown 4Q22 pinch gross maturation that exceeded my expectations. What's more, I'm heartened by nan coagulated improvement successful separator description , and I foresee a measurement towards an moreover quicker complaint of betterment done FY23/24. I'd for illustration to spot much sustainable operating leverage from income efficiency, arsenic expanding standard and slowing spending person been nan superior drivers of separator description truthful far. The results were positive, nan banal is not overvalued correct now, and nan rate travel separator is growing, each of which should thief thrust up nan value of nan stock. PEGA is simply a banal I urge investing in.

This article was written by

GS Investing floor plan picture

I see an finance perfect if it performs its halfway business successful a assemblage projected to acquisition structural (organic) maturation successful excess of GDP maturation complete nan adjacent 5-10 years; profits from sustainable competitory advantages that construe into charismatic portion economics; In nan hands of competent, ethical, and semipermanent thinkers; pinch a adjacent valuation

Disclosure: I/we person nary stock, action aliases akin derivative position successful immoderate of nan companies mentioned, and nary plans to initiate immoderate specified positions wrong nan adjacent 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my ain opinions. I americium not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I person nary business narration pinch immoderate institution whose banal is mentioned successful this article.

Editor: Naga

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