
Olaplex Holdings, Inc. (OLPX) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Olaplex Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:OLPX) Q4 2022 Results Conference Call February 28, 2023 9:00 AM ET

Company Participants

Patrick Flaherty - VP, IR

JuE Wong - President and CEO

Eric Tiziani - CFO

Conference Call Participants

Bill Chappell - Truist Securities

Dana Telsey - Telsey Advisory Group

Lauren Lieberman - Barclays

Susan Anderson - Canaccord Genuity

Jonathan Keypour - Bank of America


Greetings, and invited to nan Olaplex Holdings, Inc. Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2022 Earnings Results Conference Call. [Operator Instructions] As a reminder, this convention is being recorded.

I would now for illustration to move nan telephone complete to Patrick Flaherty, Vice President of Investor Relations. Thank you. You whitethorn begin.

Patrick Flaherty

Thank you, and bully morning. Joining maine coming are JuE Wong, President and Chief Executive Officer; and Eric Tiziani, Chief Financial Officer.

Before we start, I’d for illustration to punctual you that guidance will make definite statements today, which are forward-looking, including statements astir nan outlook of business and different matters referenced successful nan company’s net merchandise issued today. Each forward-looking connection is taxable to risks and uncertainties that could origin existent results to disagree materially from those projected successful aliases implied by specified statements.

Additional accusation regarding these factors appears nether nan heading cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements successful nan company’s net merchandise and successful nan filings nan institution makes pinch nan Securities and Exchange Commission that are disposable astatine, and connected nan Investor Relations conception of nan company’s website astatine The forward-looking statements connected this telephone speak only arsenic of nan original day of this call, and we undertake nary responsibility to update aliases revise immoderate of these statements.

Also during this call, nan guidance will talk definite non-GAAP financial measures, which guidance believes tin beryllium useful successful evaluating nan company’s performance. The position of non-GAAP financial measures should not beryllium considered successful isolation aliases arsenic a substitute for results prepared successful accordance pinch GAAP. You will find accusation regarding these non-GAAP financial measures and a reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures to nan astir straight comparable GAAP measures successful nan company’s net release.

A unrecorded broadcast of this telephone is besides disposable connected nan Investor Relations conception of nan company’s website astatine Additionally, during this call, guidance will mention to definite information points, estimates and forecasts that are based connected manufacture publications aliases different publically disposable accusation arsenic good arsenic our soul sources. The institution has not independently verified nan accuracy aliases completeness of information contained successful nan manufacture publications aliases different publically disposable information. Furthermore, this accusation involves assumptions and limitations, and you are cautioned not to springiness undue weight to these estimates.

With that, I will now move nan telephone complete to JuE Wong.

JuE Wong

Thank you, Patrick, and bully morning, everyone. Thank you for joining america today. As disclosed successful today’s property release, pursuing aggregate years of beardown growth, we expect 2023 nett income down 15% from past twelvemonth and adjusted EBITDA down 32%, successful each case, astatine nan midpoint of our yearly guidance range. This anticipation follows an study of caller business trends, nan issues we look and nan maturation opportunities successful beforehand of us. Based connected this work, we recognize that we request to put much to support gait pinch our accelerated maturation and existent scale. As we look astatine our scheme for 2023 pinch macro uncertainties and quickly changing marketplace dynamics, reducing visibility, we spot nan request to reset and stabilize our halfway business pinch a semipermanent view. We are disappointed pinch this outlook and clasp ourselves accountable for getting to this position and for improving nan business. This year, we person a clear attraction connected expanding investments successful income and marketing, acquisition and our partner relationships, and we judge this inaugural will optimize our imaginable and position Olaplex to resume maturation successful 2024 and beyond.

On today’s call, I will locomotion you done our study and really we are addressing nan issues and opportunities. It is important to return a measurement backmost and admit what we judge are nan lessons learned. Going backmost to nan very opening successful 2014, Olaplex disrupted and revolutionized nan prestige hairsbreadth attraction category, improving hairsbreadth wellness for millions of consumers. And since then, we person knowledgeable tremendous growth, quickly increasing from $148 cardinal successful income successful 2019 to $704 cardinal successful 2022. During this time, we will attraction connected driving a synergistic omnichannel strategy, building retired nan infrastructure to alteration our maturation and investing successful size and invention capabilities to substance further merchandise introductions. We spot important semipermanent maturation imaginable pinch our activity position and expertise to style nan world prestige haircare market, a marketplace which is charismatic patient and successful its early stages of growth.

That said, pinch nan caller alteration successful momentum successful our business, we person taken clip complete nan past respective months to not only measure impacts from nan macro environment, but besides place areas of our business that we could person managed amended arsenic we standard arsenic good arsenic return banal of nan halfway basal spot that has and will proceed to differentiate Olaplex. To commencement pinch nan macro, location are factors that we person discussed previously, but it’s important to revisit. We are seeing U.S. master stylists buying little and buying person to request arsenic they study clients lengthening nan clip betwixt salon visits. Consumers person been value sensitive, and our strategy to debar complete promotion to negociate nan wellness of nan marque has been a antagonistic facet successful nan short term, and definite Pro and Specialty Retail customers person lowered inventory levels to set to those trends while world proviso concatenation constraints person eased.

Moving connected to what we could person done better. We identified 4 cardinal capabilities that we judge we request to put successful much and that request to beryllium further strengthened. First, arsenic nan class leader, we person nan resources, and we request to put moreover much to build consciousness and take sides nan marque from nan earthy competitory strength that exists successful an charismatic category. We admit that we could person benefited much if we had placed our Chief Marketing Officer sooner than January 2022. We person since built retired nan cardinal soul trading functions. These teams are now successful spot and building our efforts for 2023 and beyond.

Next, arsenic our assortment has grown done caller merchandise launches, we spot nan opportunity to put much successful acquisition to thief stylists and consumers afloat understand nan facts astir our size, efficacy and benefits for each hairsbreadth types. We person highly talented educators connected our squad who profoundly understand nan needs of stylists and consumers. But astatine our standard coming and pinch nan world scope of our brand, we are presented pinch caller challenges that require caller approaches to informing consumers astir nan superior capacity that our products deliver.

Also, our partner relationships stay strong, but we request to show moreover much support for master and unit communities. Our bonzer organization of stylists remains astatine nan instauration of our marque and are halfway to maintaining our credibility successful nan category. And nan associates of our partners enactment arsenic advocates for our brand, speaking to consumers astir nan benefits that Olaplex delivers. We request to put further successful these relationships, truthful that stylists and retailers tin speak to consumers astir our marque and ultimately, turn their ain businesses. And lastly, we request to enactment faster and beryllium amended equipped to woody pinch antagonistic PR and misinformation astir our brand, specified arsenic has surfaced complete nan past year.

While this accusation is not uncommon successful our industry, we request to beryllium amended prepared to place and reside antagonistic narratives and minimize that effect connected nan brand. Importantly, nan halfway basal spot of nan marque remains unchanged. This starts pinch our science-based exertion and nan active-patented Bis-amino constituent that is woven into our assortment, present superior capacity and fueling an innovative multiyear caller merchandise pipeline successful haircare, adjacencies and caller categories.

We besides person best-in-class loyalty pinch stylists and consumers alike. Our products present existent benefits to consumers and thief our stylist partners turn their businesses. Respondents to our 4th fourth outer marque locator proceed to study precocious spot successful Olaplex, and we stay nan leader connected galore equity statements that thrust user loyalty, including highest-quality products, mixed hair, healthier and scientifically proven to use hair. The relationships stay solid, but arsenic I mentioned, we deliberation we tin do moreover much by leveraging further resources astatine our disposal coming to deepen engagement. Also, location are galore areas of our business that we judge are good developed. We person consistently invested successful halfway processes and systems wrong exertion and operations that person supported our unthinkable maturation and are fresh to scale.

We person ever demonstrated beardown subject successful managing our costs guidelines and will proceed to do so. We judge that now is nan clip to proceed investing successful nan statement to position america for nan semipermanent maturation strategy that we activity to execute moreover done a much challenging twelvemonth connected nan apical line.

Turning to nan twelvemonth ahead. Our priorities are tied straight to addressing these aforementioned opportunities caput on. They see accelerating investments successful income and marketing, expanding and evolving our acquisition efforts, reasserting our position pinch Pro and unit partners and improving our attack to PR, opening pinch income and marketing. We are amplifying our income and trading efforts and accelerating nan activities that person proven successful successful nan past. In 2023, we expect trading inclusive of sampling and income and trading payroll to summation to $70 cardinal from $40 cardinal successful 2022. Our accrued trading investments were focused connected amplifying our marque authority and credibility to thrust world nickname and consciousness of Olaplex.

Additionally, we will proceed to put successful precocious ROI activities, including integer organization engagement, capacity trading and ocular merchandising activities. The strategical attack successful each of these activities is aimed astatine building awareness, expanding information of our marque and ultimately, driving conversion. We will besides attraction connected enhancing our sampling program. Given nan efficacy of our products, sampling is simply a highly effective instrumentality for acquiring caller customers and enabling existing users to bargain deeper into our marque pinch very coagulated conversion complaint of 30% to 40%. To this end, we will summation sampling astatine first from astir 6 cardinal samples successful 2022 to astir 10 cardinal samples this year.

Another cardinal nonsubjective this twelvemonth will beryllium expanding our acquisition and training efforts connected nan Olaplex brand. This will let america to much cautiously explicate nan merits of our merchandise and really to use and harvester our products for optimal results and will hap crossed some our master web arsenic good arsenic our user community. One item of our acquisition efforts is simply a refreshed trading inaugural astir our halfway assortment. We admit nan request to formalize a accordant always-on attack for trading our halfway products pinch an anchor astir No. 3 arsenic our leader SKU.

As we motorboat caller products, No. 3 needs to stay apical of mind, and while No. 3 has been very successful, we judge location are opportunities to amended better connected nan merchandise and really it is utilized. Along pinch caller elevated contented and ocular assets crossed channels, nan messaging of this inaugural is intended to affirm our activity successful nan bond-building space, reenforce nan benefits of our products pinch versatile usage and tips and present caller claims and testimonials astir nan superiority of nan results we deliver.

Turning to our attraction connected nan stylist organization and our specialty unit partners, opening pinch our master business. To support beardown relationships and build further consciousness and affinity successful this community, we are revamping nan contented and expanding nan number of our sales-focused program programs passim nan Pro network. We are evolving virtual acquisition classes, contented and connection of nan Pro community, including important improvements to our Pro app. We are deepening partnerships pinch our distributors by improving associated business readying and expanding nan size of our Olaplex section support team, starring to an accrued wave of contacts pinch supplier income teams. And by adding a caller and expanding existent partnerships pinch cardinal sentiment leader salons, we intend to further penetrate premium and prestige salons. A portion of nan class will beryllium nether index.

For specialty retail. In summation to enhancing ocular merchandising, adding much integer acquisition programs and deploying targeted CRM and loyalty program, we are rolling retired a third-party section income squad acquisition programme framed by Olaplex into much Sephora and Ulta unit doors. You whitethorn callback that we piloted this programme during nan 4th fourth successful astir 75 doors, and we’re pleased pinch nan results showing meaningful income uplift successful participating doors. This year, we are scaling this programme to 400 doors nationwide, prioritizing cardinal markets and will beryllium engaging straight pinch consumers, but besides driving acquisition of Olaplex pinch in-store associates.

We are besides adding resources and building retired our PR capabilities, which includes taking a much proactive and violative position to support antagonistic communicative and correct misinformation astir Olaplex successful nan market. Not only are we refuting inaccurate accusation erstwhile it arises, we are besides focused connected getting up of rumors and imaginable misinformation by proactively and broadly distributing contented focused connected Olaplex and hairsbreadth wellness to societal channels and paid media.

To that end, I want to reside nan caller antagonistic media headlines that claims Olaplex products origin hairsbreadth loss. So anyone experiencing hairsbreadth nonaccomplishment and hairsbreadth breakage, we understand nan affectional toll it has and are empathetic to nan effect connected your well-being. However, Olaplex products do not origin hairsbreadth nonaccomplishment aliases hairsbreadth breakage. Olaplex products are safe and effective arsenic millions of our consumers tin happily attest and arsenic evidenced by our published HRIPT trial results. We besides admit nan interest that this misinformation whitethorn origin our loyal customers, stylists and unit partners erstwhile proceeding baseless claims astir a merchandise they emotion and trust.

Unfortunately, location is nary obstruction to forestall this, and it is not different for user products to beryllium targeted, contempt nan deficiency of evidence. However, this allegation tin only beryllium wholly refuted successful nan fullness of time. We are actively defending our marque against this allegation. We precocious posted connected our website independent third-party trial results that show our products are safe. We person received affirmative user feedback nether video testimonials published crossed our societal media channels, email and website, and societal media sentiment connected this taxable continues to inclination much positively.

In conclusion, we admit that this reset will not beryllium easy, but our squad is prepared to execute against this priority. Olaplex is nan #1 master enslaved builder marque successful nan world and loved by millions. We lead nan attractive, fast-growing prestige hairsbreadth attraction category, and we are focusing our resources to widen that leadership. We are assured that our scale, early maturation opportunities, industry-leading profitability, beardown equilibrium expanse and robust rate generation, we will look from this twelvemonth moreover stronger arsenic an organization, arsenic a business and arsenic a brand.

At this point, I’ll move nan telephone complete to Eric to screen our 4th fourth results and supply further specifications connected our outlook for 2023. Eric?

Eric Tiziani

Thank you, JuE, and bully morning, everyone. In nan 4th fourth of 2022, nett income declined 21.5% to $130.7 cardinal versus $166.5 cardinal past year. We judge that 4th fourth nett income were negatively impacted by astir $29 cardinal astatine respective of our cardinal customers arsenic these customers lowered their orders to rebalance inventory successful consequence to little levels request and to target wide little levels of period connected manus than antecedently carried.

By Channel, master income declined 3.9% to $54.9 cardinal versus a 9% summation past year, which was successful statement pinch our expectations. This diminution was driven by reduced purchases by our stylist organization successful nan U.S. and nan U.K., partially driven by nan tougher macro situation impacting nan master channel. This was evidenced by nan latest disposable Klein data, which showed full marketplace beforehand of salon income successful nan U.S. declined by 2% successful nan 3rd quarter, while Olaplex beforehand of waste sell-through successful nan 3rd 4th was up 2% compared to past year. Specialty Retail income decreased 45.3% to $32.6 million, pursuing a robust 332% summation successful nan anterior twelvemonth period. Performance was beneath nan expectations we provided connected our 3rd 4th call, reflecting a softening successful replenishment request successful an progressively competitory environment, including heightened promotional activity during nan vacation season. In addition, arsenic we antecedently communicated, we were lapping nan $15 cardinal first activity of Ulta pipeline capable successful Q4 2021.

And our direct-to-consumer transmission income were down 13.2% to $43.2 cardinal pursuing an 85% summation past year. DTC income were amended than our expectations, driven by spot during nan cardinal vacation trading weeks, particularly Black Friday and Cyber Monday crossed and our DTC partners. Sales were down crossed geographies pinch International down 13.4% and nan U.S. down 28%. The U.S. mostly linked to nan aforementioned Specialty Retail drivers, including nan lapping of nan Ulta pipeline.

Moving down nan income statement. Adjusted gross profit separator was 72.5%, declining 790 ground points from 80.4% successful Q4 2021. Approximately 300 ground points of this contraction reflects deleverage and ostentation successful our warehousing and distribution costs, 190 ground points of unfavorable merchandise operation and 160 ground points from ostentation connected merchandise costs pinch nan equilibrium chiefly related to accrued sampling and unfavorable customer mix. These much than offset nan use of nan value summation we took from July 1, 2022.

Adjusted SG&A accrued 27.6% to $28.8 cardinal from $22.6 cardinal successful Q4 2021. The $6.2 cardinal summation successful adjusted SG&A from anterior twelvemonth is chiefly nan consequence of a $5.8 cardinal summation successful income and trading disbursal to thrust request and support nan semipermanent maturation of nan business. The remainder of nan summation is attributable to workforce description and different related expenses. Adjusted EBITDA declined 38.9% to $67.6 cardinal versus $110.7 cardinal successful nan 4th fourth of 2021. Adjusted EBITDA separator was 51.7% compared to 66.5% a twelvemonth ago. Adjusted nett income decreased 32.3% year-over-year to $48.3 cardinal aliases $0.07 per diluted stock from $71.4 cardinal aliases $0.10 per diluted stock successful nan 2021 4th quarter. Adjusted nett income benefited from little liking disbursal year-over-year owed to our indebtedness paydown and refinance successful nan first 4th of 2022.

Now turning to nan equilibrium sheet. Inventory astatine nan extremity of nan 4th fourth was $144.4 million, down from $151.3 cardinal astatine nan extremity of nan 3rd quarter. The simplification successful inventory levels arsenic a consequence of our determination to change our sourcing plans and slow procurement to lucifer nan caller income forecast, which much than offset building inventory of caller SKUs arsenic we hole for merchandise launches this year.

Turning to rate flow. We stay an asset-light and beardown rate travel generating business. During 2022, we generated $255.3 cardinal successful rate from operations, up 27.6% from $200 cardinal for nan anterior year. This included rate from operations increasing year-over-year successful nan 4th quarter. For 2023, we expect different twelvemonth of patient rate procreation arsenic we support a precocious level of profitability and amended our moving superior position chiefly done little inventory. We ended nan twelvemonth pinch $322.8 cardinal successful rate and equivalents. Long-term indebtedness nett of existent information and deferred fees was $654.3 million.

Now turning to our financial outlook. As JuE mentioned earlier successful nan call, we judge 2023 represents a impermanent setback successful our longer-term maturation trajectory arsenic we thigh reliable comparators successful nan first half of nan twelvemonth and activity to rebuild our momentum done nan execution of our strategy. We afloat admit that this guidance is disappointing versus expectations for 2023, and arsenic JuE mentioned earlier, we return afloat accountability for what we see to beryllium cardinal lessons learned successful getting here. On that note, I deliberation it’s important to admit really we attack guidance for 2023, which we’ve noted arsenic a reset twelvemonth connected our way backmost to maturation successful 2024 and beyond.

First and foremost, we’ve considered and reflected our existent position of user demand, taking into relationship that it will return immoderate clip for our trading and income actions to person their afloat impact. Second, fixed nan uncertainty of nan macro situation and quickly changing marketplace dynamics, we judge a wider guidance scope is due for america successful 2023. Lastly, we are seeking to supply further specifications related to immoderate of nan noteworthy nett income milestones successful nan anterior twelvemonth and existent twelvemonth to thief show nan underlying business trends. As you will see, this leads to a scheme successful which we judge some nett income and profit trends will amended sequentially arsenic nan twelvemonth progresses, yet starring to maturation successful nan 4th fourth and arsenic we participate 2024.

Let maine commencement pinch nan drivers and our outlook for nan first quarter. First, we expect nan continuation of nan antagonistic effects from inventory rebalancing from definite Pro and Specialty Retail customers, which we person mentioned connected anterior calls. Based connected existent sell-in and sell-through assumptions, we expect nan nett year-over-year effect of this to depress sell-in maturation for some nan Pro and Specialty Retail channels for Q1 by astir $25 cardinal successful aggregate. We are besides facing a difficult year-over-year comparison pinch our successful motorboat astatine Ulta Beauty. Although nan sell-in for our motorboat successful Ulta began successful nan 4th fourth of 2021, successful consequence to beardown sell-through, we shipped an further 10 cardinal of inventory pipeline successful nan first 4th of 2022. We are now lapping those shipments successful nan first 4th of 2023.

Next, while we are forecasting incremental maturation from nan sell-in of caller merchandise introductions successful 2023, this is much than offset by a little baseline level of request for halfway products. Altogether, astatine nan midpoint of our yearly guidance, we presently expect nett income to diminution 41% successful Q1, which compares to a gross summation of 57.6% successful Q1 ‘22, representing a 7% diminution connected a 2-year stack. By channel, master income are expected to diminution 43%, pursuing maturation of 62.6% successful Q1 ‘22. Specialty Retail income are expected to diminution 47%, pursuing maturation of 102.5% successful Q1 ‘22. And direct-to-consumer income are expected to diminution 28%, pursuing maturation of 15.1% successful Q1 ‘22.

Moving to nan 2nd quarter. We expect nett income to sequentially amended compared to Q1, but remained down importantly compared to nan twelvemonth agone period. This is owed to nan continuation of a little baseline level of request arsenic good arsenic lapping 2 challenging comparators from Q2 2022. First, we will beryllium lapping an astir $22 cardinal nett income effect successful nan 2nd 4th of 2022 from nan preamble of 1 leader size offerings successful nan North American master channel, which we do not expect to offset successful 2023. Second, successful nan 2nd 4th of past year, we knowledgeable immoderate propulsion guardant successful request arsenic immoderate Specialty Retail customers chose to bargain up of our announced value increases a twelvemonth ago. Although nan effect of this propulsion guardant reverts successful Q3, this results successful a $10 cardinal headwind successful nan 2nd 4th of 2023.

When looking astatine transmission capacity successful Q2, because of nan issues I conscionable mentioned, we expect nan master transmission to beryllium nan astir challenged, followed by Specialty Retail and DTC. As we move into nan 2nd half of nan year, we are nary longer faced pinch immoderate worldly headwinds from inventory rebalancing, nan preamble of 1 leaders aliases earlier timing of shipments up of value increases. We expect to use from nan nett effect of caller merchandise introductions and further distribution gains that are strategical and build marque equity. We besides expect to statesman to use from an betterment successful baseline request owed to our accrued investments successful education, income and marketing.

Taken together, for fiscal 2023, we expect nett income successful nan scope of $563 cardinal to $634 million. Based connected nan midpoint of this range, this is down 15% versus 2022. Adjusted nett income successful nan scope of $176 cardinal to $224 cardinal were based connected nan midpoint, a 36% alteration versus 2022, and adjusted EBITDA successful nan scope of $261 cardinal to $322 cardinal aliases based connected nan midpoint, a 32% alteration versus 2022. Embedded successful our guidance is simply a 300 to 400 ground constituent diminution successful gross separator for nan twelvemonth arsenic ostentation and warehousing and distribution costs and deleverage from little income volumes much than offset nan affirmative impacts of costs savings and value increases implemented successful nan 2nd half of past year.

As JuE indicated earlier, fixed nan assurance successful our semipermanent strategy, we are making nan strategical determination to put done nan challenges we’re experiencing successful 2023. So astatine nan midpoint of our guidance, we expect adjusted EBITDA separator of astir 48.7% for 2023, down from 60.9% past year. We expect adjusted EBITDA margins beneath this level successful nan first half of nan twelvemonth pinch nan astir contraction successful Q1, higher than this complaint successful nan 2nd half pinch an betterment successful nan topline drives operating leverage. We expect liking disbursal to beryllium $40 cardinal and an effective taxation complaint of astir 20.5% for nan year. As I mentioned earlier, we expect different twelvemonth of patient rate procreation successful 2023, moreover successful a reset twelvemonth arsenic we support a precocious level of profitability and amended our moving superior position.

In summary, we judge 2023 represents a reset successful our semipermanent maturation trajectory arsenic we reposition nan business for early growth. Although we are facing headwinds, we stay assured that our differentiated merchandise technology, beardown engagement and disruptive invention on pinch nan execution of our strategy and effect from reinvesting successful halfway processes will alteration america to return to income maturation pinch top-tier manufacture profitability and rate generation.

This concludes our prepared remarks. We’ll now move nan telephone backmost complete to nan usability for questions. Operator?

Question-and-Answer Session


[Operator Instructions] Our first questions travel from nan statement of Bill Chappell pinch Truist Securities.

Bill Chappell

Can you perceive me?

Eric Tiziani


JuE Wong

Yes, we tin perceive you.

Bill Chappell

I conscionable want to, I guess, -- and you talk astir nan trading promotion proceedings thrust for this year. It surely makes sense. Just trying to understand, arsenic you look back, do you deliberation portion of nan logic aliases nan logic is benignant of nan shortfall arsenic we move to nan -- aliases slowdown successful nan backmost half of nan twelvemonth was because you weren’t doing capable successful position of trading advertising? Or is this much to benignant of alteration you to deed nan imaginable arsenic we move 2, 3 years out?

JuE Wong

Bill, this is JuE. I’ll return nan question. So 1 of nan things that we want to item is, obviously, it’s ne'er going to beryllium 1 reason. It is simply a operation of factors. If you look astatine what we person shared previously, that’s nan macroeconomic environment. And we person ever said, we are resilient, but we are not immune, right, to macroeconomic conditions. There is besides accrued competition, and again, we admit title is bully because it elevates nan consciousness for nan category, higher level of discounting, which you person heard america said, misconceptions astir our brand, each of this play a factor. It gave america immoderate pause. We looked astatine it, but what is very important to understand excessively is, our marque is still very strong.

The basal of nan marque is correct location for america to see. Starting pinch our subject aliases exertion that we bring to nan table, particularly pinch our patented technology, we present very overmuch superior capacity and our invention is group for multiyear. So hopefully, it answers your mobility connected this constituent because if you look astatine moreover definite cardinal metrics that we way chiefly because it shows nan wellness of nan brand, which includes for illustration retention. Our retention is strong. I mean this is based connected independent third-party information that omnichannel retention crossed unit is importantly higher than nan adjacent group retained from 2021 to 2022. We person besides shared successful nan past that while our customer acquisition has slowed, but our brand’s last lapse complaint is nan lowest amongst peers. So I dream that this gives you immoderate reasons to understand really we sewage here.

Bill Chappell

Yes. Absolutely. And I guess, conscionable benignant of a follow-up to that. Looking astatine nan master transmission and benignant of calling it astir apt nan weaker of nan 3 channels this year, person you already made strides aliases already been capable to benignant of move nan recommendations that, that seems specified an important for recommending nan full portfolio that it comes from nan stylists? And person you already -- and I cognize you’ve, complete nan past fewer months, seen a move successful position of recommendations and betterment there. Or is that thing we’re really expecting benignant of complete nan adjacent fewer months?

JuE Wong

Well, we person already started moving connected improving our relationships pinch our stylist community. We person ever done that. But what we are going to do is, we’re going to dial up, we’re going to amp up that sum and nan support of nan stylist community, which includes some virtual and in-person arsenic good arsenic support successful stores. So each of this will thief pinch nan communication, nan messaging and nan branding and stylists, arsenic you know, emotion nan relationship pinch Olaplex. When we do study aft study and communications pinch them, nan things that they emotion astir about america is nan organization that we person built pinch them and astir them.


Our adjacent questions travel from nan statement of Dana Telsey pinch Telsey Advisory Group.

Dana Telsey

Can you perceive maine okay?

JuE Wong


Dana Telsey

As you deliberation astir nan marque and nan product, really are you reasoning astir caller merchandise introductions, timing and magnitude? How are you reasoning astir nan halfway merchandise and addressing either do you request to remarket it successful a way? Or really do you deliberation of being capable to get that halfway customer back? And has immoderate surveys that you’ve done fixed you indications of what group request to spot aliases what they’d for illustration to see? And what does this mean successful position of pricing and really you value nan merchandise successful this much promotional environment?

JuE Wong

Thanks, Dana, for that question. Let maine benignant of for illustration break it down. First of all, our merchandise innovations and launches, arsenic we person antecedently shared, we will proceed to do 2 to 3 a twelvemonth because we judge that by doing a very focused invention motorboat anniversary, those launches will thief pinch our retailers to partner pinch america to really thrust representation, in-store and online and offline. In position of our innovations to date, what you person seen successful 2023, we person launched our 4D barren shampoo. And it is 1 -- successful fact, it is nan #1 barren shampoo successful each of nan channels that we person launched in, and we really do person an exclusive motorboat astatine nan infinitesimal pinch Pro and pinch a circumstantial Specialty Retailer.

So it shows you really powerful it is moreover erstwhile nan motorboat is exclusive, we still clasp and summation #1 position. In position of studies and surveys of what we person learned, we proceed to spot very highly rank that recommendations by hairstylists connected our products to their extremity user is cardinal for nan brand. And truthful this is nan logic why you’ve heard maine said during our prepared remarks that we are going to attraction connected an always-on No. 3 campaign, and No. 3, for each of america to understand, that is our halfway leader SKU. Even though each of our SKUs does very good because you can’t beryllium nan #1 prestige beauty healthcare marque without having each nan SKUs rising, but No. 3 is our core, is our hero. And what we are doing is we are making judge that we person an always-on run to really educate, to connection and to thief stylists extremity consumers and our unit partners understand nan usage and really it halos nan remainder of our offering.

Dana Telsey

Got it. And connected pricing, JuE and Eric, really do you spot pricing going forward?

JuE Wong

Eric, you’re connected mute.

Eric Tiziani

Dana, truthful arsenic you know, we’re a premium value merchandise successful nan prestige category. We judge we’re astatine nan correct value for nan user and comparative to our competition. What we want to do is proceed to connection our consumers and our stylists measurement into nan brand, to proceedings nan marque and successful sizes and offerings that make consciousness for them. So we judge we’re adequately priced. Any promotional activity we do is only going to beryllium focused connected proceedings and building nan regimen down nan brand. We’ve ever said, we take not to overpromote arsenic a strategy.

Dana Telsey

Got it. And is nan caller costs building of nan business, would you opportunity nan costs building going guardant that would beryllium a much normalized costs structure?

Eric Tiziani

What I’d say, Dana, is that we’ve recognized nan request to summation our income and trading investments arsenic nan marketplace leader successful nan category, and that’s accordant pinch what we’ve said successful nan past. We’ve conscionable recognized we request to do more, and that’s what we’re doing successful this caller twelvemonth of 2023. We expect that to continue. And arsenic we’ve returned to maturation arsenic we regain nan leverage from that growth. And I’ll besides add, arsenic we amended gross margin, erstwhile that leverage returns, we expect that to thief substance nan investments that we’re making successful nan business.


Our adjacent questions travel from nan statement of Andrea Teixeira pinch JP Morgan.

Unidentified Analyst

This is Shovana connected for Andrea. So you person mentioned earlier and moreover coming arsenic portion of your attraction for 2023 that you will beryllium continuing to penetrate into premium and prestige salons wherever you are nether successful that. As such, tin you please delineate aliases springiness america much colour connected what are immoderate of nan steps you’ve been taking? And erstwhile -- what is nan consequence you’re seeing? And erstwhile do you expect to spot immoderate favorable aspects that reflected connected your numbers?

JuE Wong

Thank you. Thank you for nan question. This is JuE. I will return that question. So first and foremost, we person added resources to our macromolecule to make judge that those premium and prestige salons tin beryllium covered. We person besides made judge that they person entree to our direct-to-pro level because astir of these premium salons do for illustration an automated process to spot orders and to really get entree to acquisition contented arsenic good arsenic societal media contented arsenic we spot fit. Our caput of programme has been installed for much than 2 years is simply a specialist, and this is its know-hows successful knowing and driving prestige and premium and cardinal sentiment leaders salon. So we person already benignant of implemented a batch of nan recommendations and nan strategy that we judge will group america up correct to really reside this cohort of specialty and premiums salons.

And it’s -- I will not beryllium astatine a spot to show you precisely erstwhile we will spot nan results, but we are seeing a batch of adoption, particularly from a direct-to-Pro app, wherever group are signing up and wanting to get much education, much knowing astir nan brand. So that’s a awesome coagulated first denotation of really this programme is working.

Unidentified Analyst

Just a speedy follow-up. Can you springiness america a consciousness of nan magnitude of really galore salons you’re seeing aliases liking level? Or is that thing you would refrain from correct now?

JuE Wong

What I would conscionable springiness you is what nan Professional Beauty Association information point, points to. While nan premium cardinal sentiment leaders salons are comparatively small. They do correspond a very worldly portion of nan gross generated by nan salon community. But what is much important is nan premium prestige and cardinal sentiment salons are nan ones that really besides group a batch of nan trends and nan conversations, and they are really besides very overmuch a organization that really wants much accusation acquisition materials. And we are situated and really positioned correct astatine this constituent to thief guidelines pinch each of their wants and their needs.


Our adjacent questions travel from nan statement of Lauren Lieberman pinch Barclays.

Lauren Lieberman

Great. I guess, first, 1 point that you haven’t addressed connected nan telephone this greeting truthful acold is conscionable nan finance successful improving forecasting capabilities. So conscionable wondering really that benignant of is playing in? This is simply a very actual business scheme for this year, but arsenic you deliberation astir immoderate of nan devices we discussed backmost successful nan autumn astir trying to build much visibility into inventory, not conscionable successful nan U.S., but I guess, progressively internationally. I was conscionable funny astir plans connected that beforehand to begin.

Eric Tiziani

Thanks, Lauren. It’s Eric here. I’ll return that one. Absolutely. On our erstwhile call, we talked astir nan request to amended our forecasting devices and processes. That advancement is underway, and we’re happy pinch nan advancement we’re making. That includes caller devices we’ve put successful spot successful nan request readying abstraction to amended nexus sell-in and sell-through astatine our cardinal accounts. It’s besides caller devices we’ve put successful place, worldly assets readying devices done NetSuite. So we consciousness for illustration we’re connected bully way there. We did deed wrong our guidance scope successful nan 4th quarter, and it’s those forecasting devices that’s helping america return nan signals we’re seeing from existent user request and task it guardant into nan outlook we’ve provided.

Lauren Lieberman

Okay. And past my different mobility was conscionable -- I thought nan attraction connected No. 3 was really interesting, and peculiarly successful nan discourse of an thought of a user having a much constrained wallet and needing to make choices truthful that possibly nan afloat regimen is benignant of little attainable, let’s telephone it. To what grade is that factoring successful erstwhile you’re reasoning astir trading and acquisition benignant of being a 1 merchandise versus a regimen approach? And is that going to beryllium portion of nan trading going forward?

JuE Wong

Thanks, Lauren. I’ll return nan question, Lauren. One of nan things that’s important to statement is that Olaplex is simply a bond-building curen that plays successful segments of hairsbreadth attraction that includes shampoo, conditioner, styling arsenic good arsenic hairsbreadth mask. And erstwhile you look astatine that, nan instauration of it is having your bonds repaired. When you get that repair, everything other falls into place, and that’s why nan attraction connected No. 3 because there’s nary different merchandise aliases exertion retired location that tin genuinely opportunity it repairs nan disulfide bonds nan measurement we do. You person seen america pinch our patent. You person seen america articulated nan pattern. While that is really each great, nan subject is powerful, we want to make judge that we are successful a friends user facing wherever nan consumers tin understand why enslaved building is specified -- aliases enslaved repair curen is specified an important instauration for them.

And past erstwhile that gets connection well, knowledgeable well, and they understand nan request for that, past nan remainder of nan regimen becomes very overmuch intuitive, right? Because you person to shampoo and information your hair. You person to -- you do style your hair, and you besides request to dainty your caput pinch a hairsbreadth disguise astatine slightest erstwhile aliases doubly a week. So we judge by focusing connected No. 3 backmost to our core, it will halo nan remainder of our different SKUs.

Lauren Lieberman

Okay. Great. And past sorry, 1 more. It was mentioned successful nan merchandise connected costs savings. G&A benignant of arsenic you look towards nan backmost half, that kicking in. I was conscionable curious, I was amazed to perceive a mention of costs savings astatine each conscionable fixed really nan institution has been. So really important is this domiciled of costs savings arsenic you deliberation astir nan profitability and OpEx equation for ‘23?

Eric Tiziani

Of course, Lauren. As a normal people of business, we’re ever going to beryllium looking for opportunities to find efficiencies successful our costs guidelines that don’t person thing to do pinch those investments we’re making successful income and trading and nan halfway capabilities of nan organization. That’s wherever we’re putting our money. So to springiness you an example, nonpeople-related costs successful G&A, immoderate of nan money that we walk pinch consultants, those are efficiencies that we’ve been driving successful 2022 and thin to successful 2023. And nan different cardinal area present is successful our costs of equipment arsenic we tin amended discuss prices pinch suppliers arsenic we tin find efficiencies successful really we spell to market. We put a substance for maturation programme successful spot to stitchery ideas from each crossed nan statement to do precisely that. So I look astatine it arsenic nan classical bully cholesterol, bad cholesterin type of approach.


Our adjacent questions travel from nan statement of Susan Anderson pinch Canaccord Genuity.

Susan Anderson

I was wondering if you could talk astir conscionable sell-throughs successful nan unit channel. I’m not judge if you mentioned that versus evidently sell-ins. I’m funny benignant of wherever Olaplex performed successful nan 4th versus nan industry.

Eric Tiziani

Susan, acknowledgment for nan question. So fto maine commencement by saying that successful nan 4th quarter, nan sell-through was robust, and 1 third-party information root that we tin constituent to is NPD, wherever successful nan U.S. unit and DTC market, Olaplex grew good up of nan category. As we participate into our Q1 outlook, we spot akin sell-through trends crossed nan specialty unit -- frankly, crossed channels. And I’ll conscionable statement present that because of nan inventory rebalancing impacts that we’ve mentioned successful some nan 4th fourth of 2022 and nan first 4th of 2023, our sell-through capacity is really materially amended than nan sell-in, nan nett income declines that you’re seeing.

Susan Anderson

Great. And past possibly if you could talk astir nan capacity of nan barren shampoo. I cognize it’s astir apt early days, but conscionable curious, immoderate early sounds there? And past besides different caller products you person planned for nan remainder of nan year? And past I’m curious, tin you talk astir possibly conscionable nan dollar effect you expect successful nan sell-in for -- from caller products successful 2023?

JuE Wong

Yes. Let maine return that question. And I conscionable want to preface, we don’t break down what we are trading in, successful position of launches. But what we tin show you is, our -- each 1 of our motorboat is validated by waste and acquisition information has been nan #1 motorboat some successful portion income and dollar sales. So it was nary different. Last year, No. 9 was indicated arsenic a apical revenue-generating SKU successful position of its motorboat for nan haircare prestige category.

We’ve conscionable launched barren shampoo, arsenic you person seen, astatine nan extremity of February, early March, exclusively pinch 1 Specialty Retailer, but besides pinch our Pro channel. And that is nan #1 barren shampoo successful each 1 of those channels that we are launched in. So you tin tell, again, erstwhile we put retired a launch, it mostly is nan champion successful people because nan world doesn’t request different shampoo, doesn’t request different barren shampoo. It has to present connected what it says it does. And truthful we are very encouraged by nan results, particularly besides by nan -- proven by nan ranking Hopefully, that answers your question. I apologize that we can’t break it down for you arsenic specified arsenic to what nan sell-in is for nan launch.

Susan Anderson

Yes, that’s helpful. That sounds really good. And past lastly, if I could conscionable add. I’m curious, truthful nan master channel, nan first 4th guideline is evidently beautiful overmuch much of a diminution than what we saw successful nan 4th quarter. I cognize you person nan inventory rebalancing. How overmuch of that $25 cardinal is successful nan salon channel? And past besides beyond that, I guess, what’s driving those worse expectations?

Eric Tiziani

Thank you. So we’re not breaking retired nan magnitude of nan inventory rebalancing crossed Specialty Retail and Pro. But I will conscionable opportunity again consistently present that nan sell-through that we’re seeing successful nan master transmission is better. The projection for that successful nan first 4th is amended than nan guideline we’ve fixed connected sell-in because of that inventory rebalancing. And it really is astir each of nan investments actions that JuE has mentioned passim nan call, immoderate of which are straight focused connected nan master transmission and nan Pro community. We expect those to return clasp and they are taking clasp now, but we expect them to person their fullest effect arsenic nan twelvemonth progresses, and that’s why we’re calling retired sequential betterment arsenic nan twelvemonth progresses.


Our last questions will travel from nan statement of Jonathan Keypour pinch Bank of America.

Jonathan Keypour

I conjecture I’m funny astir -- truthful there’s going to beryllium this $25 cardinal thigh successful 1Q, and there’s nan $10 cardinal successful pipeline. So it conscionable looks for illustration if you backmost out, if you effort to normalize what 1Q looks like, it’s still astir a 23% to 25% decline, factoring successful each of nan seasonal benignant of impacts. Is that benignant of wherever we should deliberation astir nan authorities of demand? Is that for illustration fundamentally down 25% is benignant of what is happening to underlying demand? Is that benignant of a adjacent magnitude, I guess?

Eric Tiziani

Jon, it’s Eric here. So that’s precisely nan correct mathematics erstwhile you backmost retired nan factors that we’ve disclosed related to inventory rebalancing and pipeline lapping. Of course, location are different factors, but doing nan mathematics that measurement is accurate. And I deliberation you get to that scope of that minus 23% to minus 25% successful nan first quarter. If you use that aforesaid mathematics to nan equilibrium of nan year, you spot really we get to nan midpoint of our scope pinch immoderate humble sequential betterment starring up to this return to maturation arsenic we exit nan twelvemonth and spell into 2024.

And fundamentally, that outlook is driven by nan caller trends we’ve seen successful user demand. Just support successful mind, we besides judge we’re lapping peculiarly reliable comps successful that anterior twelvemonth 2022 period, and we activity to build nan momentum arsenic we go.

Jonathan Keypour

Right. Right. Okay. And past you’ve called this a reset year. I agree. That’s astir apt nan correct tack to take. I’m conscionable wondering -- and location was a erstwhile mobility astir this, but is this a rebase twelvemonth arsenic well? Should we fundamentally benignant of alteration possibly really we were reasoning astir what semipermanent maturation and margins could look like? I mean it’s conscionable for illustration I understand that things are going to person to travel down based connected nan inventory rebalancing, but right, location seems to beryllium besides immoderate degradation successful depletion and past benignant of an acknowledgment of a request to walk much down nan business to decently pass and compete.

I conjecture should we deliberation astir this arsenic being a rebase wherever 3 to 5 years from now income won’t beryllium capable to beryllium reaccelerated to wherever we thought they mightiness person been capable to spell a twelvemonth ago, and wherever margins are going to beryllium astatine a level comfortably little than wherever we thought a twelvemonth ago. Is that a adjacent point -- a adjacent appraisal to make?

JuE Wong

So Jonathan, fto maine return this mobility first, and past I’ll person Eric build connected it. I conscionable want to benignant of explain and really double click connected this. The fundamentals of some nan marque and nan class is very strong. If you look astatine wherever Olaplex is, we are astatine our early innings, right? We are not afloat penetrated successful truthful galore of our distribution and yet we are classed #1. So there’s a batch of opportunity for us. That’s why we want to double-click connected nan income and marketing, connected nan acquisition arsenic good arsenic really looking astatine our Pro stylists. And past if you look astatine each of nan world wherever we person room to play, we are not successful nan Middle East successful a worldly way. We are not successful Latin America successful nan material. We are not successful Asia Pacific aliases Asia successful a worldly way. Those are each runways for nan brand.

So I would not look astatine it arsenic a rebase here. It’s a reset twelvemonth because what we want to do is proceed to put down what we person already invested, which is technology, infrastructure, our capabilities successful invention and past double-click connected nan income and marketing, nan PRP, nan acquisition portion and our organization building piece. All this would conscionable get america to a stronger and amended Olaplex. I want to move it complete to Eric because you besides person immoderate numbers questions that you want to clarify.

Eric Tiziani

Absolutely. Thank you, JuE, and convey you for nan question, Jonathan. The short word is important, but nan agelong word is moreover much important, and that’s what we’re focused on. And I deliberation you tin admit nan attraction present has been connected nan reset for 2023 and repositioning ourselves to that return to growth. We’re not successful a position to springiness caller numbers aliases reframing our medium-term outlook here. We will do truthful astatine nan due time. I will conscionable say, we judge successful nan semipermanent outlook and imaginable for this business. And that we expect to beryllium increasing this business up of nan world prestige class and returning to profit maturation arsenic well, and we’ll bring much specifications erstwhile we can.

Jonathan Keypour

Okay. And past if I could person 1 much follow-up conscionable connected nan distribution runway. You mentioned world and benignant of nan different benignant of maturation you guys could spell into? It seems for illustration nan -- fixing up nan U.S. is astir apt privilege #1, astatine slightest successful 2023. I’m conscionable wondering if you could place possibly immoderate of nan distribution opportunities you guys spot successful nan states, and if you guys person taken benignant of a different attack to wherever you are consenting to play and wherever you’re not consenting to play those kinds of decisions you’re making astatine this point?

JuE Wong

So very quickly, Jonathan. If you look astatine 2023 successful nan U.S., we are only 15% penetrated astatine master salons. That’s a immense tally rate. We are now conscionable early innings pinch nan cardinal sentiment leaders salons. So connected nan Pro side, there’s tremendous opportunity for us. Our penetration astatine Sephora and Ulta are still very small. In nan lawsuit of Sephora, we person been steadily growing, but successful Ulta, it’s conscionable twelvemonth 1 going into our twelvemonth two, and yet we are a apical ranking hairsbreadth attraction brand. So there’s a batch of opportunities successful nan U.S., successful North America alone. And truthful if we attraction connected what we person going deeper, we will win.


We person reached nan extremity of...

JuE Wong

No, no. Go ahead, operator.


We person reached nan extremity of our question-and-answer session. I would now for illustration to move nan telephone backmost complete to you for closing remarks.

JuE Wong

Yes. Thank you truthful much, everyone, for joining us, and dream to spot you again successful our adjacent net call. Bye.


Thank you. This does reason today’s teleconference. We admit your participation. You whitethorn disconnect your lines astatine this time. Enjoy nan remainder of your day.

Editor: Naga

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