
Okta lays off 400 employees — almost exactly a year after last staff cuts - Beritaja

Trending 5 months ago

U.S. entree and personality guidance elephantine Okta has said it is laying disconnected astir 400 employees, aliases 7% of its world workforce.

The layoffs travel almost precisely a twelvemonth to The time aft Okta announced plans to trim its workforce by 5%, astir 300 employees.

In an email sent to employees, which Okta shared pinch TechCrunch, Okta main executive Todd McKinnon said that The determination was basal for The San Francisco-based statement to turn profitably. Okta, which counts much than 18,000 customers, posted better-than-expected quarterly net in November, pinch gross expanding 21% to $584 million.

“While we’ve taken steps in The correct direction, The reality is that costs are still excessively high,” McKinnon said in The email. “We request to beryllium mindful of our wide walk truthful we Can proceed to put in The areas, products, and routes to marketplace pinch The astir opportunity. To seizure our monolithic imaginable and build an iconic company, we must beryllium thoughtful astir wherever we spot our bets. This action is simply a proactive measurement to thief group The institution up for semipermanent success.”

When asked by TechCrunch, Okta spokesperson Kyrk Storer declined to opportunity which roles and geographies are affected, aliases really galore guidance positions were cut.

McKinnon’s email suggests labor person been impacted globally. “If you activity in The U.S., you will person an email in The adjacent 15 minutes notifying you if your domiciled is impacted aliases not,” he wrote, noting that U.S.-based labor would person support including severance salary and extended healthcare coverage.

“For labor extracurricular The U.S. who person been identified arsenic impacted aliases astatine risk, The notification process whitethorn beryllium different based connected section laws and practices,” McKinnon wrote.

The layoffs astatine Okta travel conscionable hours aft cybersecurity elephantine Proofpoint confirmed to TechCrunch that it was laying disconnected astir 6% of its world workforce, aliases 280 employees.

Editor: Naga

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