
NatWest Group plc (NWG) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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NatWest Group plc (NWG) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call February 17, 2023 4:00 AM ET

Corporate Participants

Howard Davis - Chairman

Alison Rose - Chief Executive Officer

Katie Murray - Chief Financial Officer

Conference Call Participants

Raul Sinha - JPMorgan

Alvaro Serrano - Morgan Stanley

Chris Cant - Autonomous

Aman Rakkar - Barclays

Benjamin Toms - RBC

Omar Keenan - Credit Suisse

Jonathan Pierce - Numis

Rob Nobel - Deutsche Bank

Jason Napier - UBS

Andrew Coombs - Citi

Fahed Kunwar - Redburn

Martin Leitgeb - Goldman Sachs

Joseph Dickerson - Jefferies


Good greeting and invited to nan NatWest Group Annual Results 2022 Management Presentation. Today's position will beryllium hosted by Chairman, Howard Davis; CEO, Alison Rose; and CFO, Katie Murray. After nan presentation, we will unfastened up for questions. Howard, please spell ahead.

Howard Davies

Good morning, everyone. And convey you for joining Alison and Katie and maine for our afloat twelvemonth 2022 results presentation.

Against a difficult and uncertain backdrop pinch astatine times turbulent financial markets, NatWest Group delivered a beardown financial capacity successful nan year. We achieved continued maturation successful our lending and further progressed against our strategy. In addition, nan authorities shareholding fell beneath 50% for nan first clip since nan financial crisis. They person continued to waste successful nan marketplace and their liking is now good beneath 44%.

While nan mostly liking successful itself had nary worldly effect connected nan measurement nan slope operates, and nan authorities did not and does not interfere successful our commercialized decisions. It was an important milestone, underlining nan advancement we person made successful caller years. The outlook for this twelvemonth remains challenging, pinch a diminution successful economical activity expected and a further tightening of existent incomes, which will inevitably impact spending and borrowing. But our beardown financial capacity continued superior procreation and robust equilibrium sheet mean that we nevertheless look guardant pinch confidence.

Our beardown superior position besides allowed america to proceed lending done nan pandemic, while investing to create a simpler and amended banking acquisition for our customers. And delivering connected our intent astir which Alison will opportunity more shortly. I'm assured that nan slope strategy will guarantee we tin proceed to support each of our stakeholders and to present sustainable maturation and returns successful nan years to come.

With that, I'll manus complete to Alison, who will return you done our results and our early priorities successful much detail.

Alison Rose

Thank you, Howard, and bully morning.

I will commencement pinch a business overview and our priorities going guardant earlier Katie takes you done nan bank's capacity for 2022. We will past unfastened it up for questions.

You tin spot nan spot and resilience of our business and nan results we are announcing today. In a difficult macroeconomic environment, we stay well-positioned arsenic a consequence of our beardown customer franchise, disciplined consequence management, and robust equilibrium expanse arsenic we proceed to support customers successful bid to make growth.

So let's commencement pinch nan highlights. We delivered operating profit for nan afloat twelvemonth of 5.1 cardinal up 34% connected nan anterior year, pinch attributable profit of 3.3 billion. Our return connected tangible equity was 12.3% up from 9.4% successful 2021. We are reporting income of 13.1 cardinal and we person continued our tight costs discipline, reducing expenses by 2.9% successful statement pinch our target. This resulted successful a much-improved costs income ratio of 55.5% down from 70% for 2021.

During nan year, we distributed aliases accrued a full of 5.1 cardinal for shareholders, which comprised 1.3 cardinal successful mean dividends supra our committed distribution of astatine slightest £1 billion. A typical dividend of 1.75 cardinal announced astatine nan half year. The directed buyback of 1.2 cardinal completed past March and our 3rd connected marketplace buyback announced coming of 800 million.

As a result, our communal equity Tier-1 ratio astatine nan year-end was 14.2% successful statement pinch our target. We person made fantabulous advancement connected nan strategical priorities we group retired 3 years ago. Despite nan disruption caused by a world pandemic and nan Russian penetration of Ukraine, we person remained focused connected supporting our customers and delivering connected our commitments. We person delivered integrated maturation arsenic we amended some our offering and work for customers. We person maintained tight costs subject yet continued to put for nan early successful our integer transformation. We person refocused our markets business and made important advancement connected our phased withdrawal from Ulster Bank Republic of Ireland. So we are now overmuch much superior efficient.

This has delivered an fantabulous result for shareholders pinch very important distributions and a return connected tangible equity of 12.3% good supra our first target. In an uncertain economical environment, our beardown equilibrium sheet, high-quality deposit guidelines and disciplined consequence guidance continued to springiness america a competitory edge. Whilst arrears are presently broadly stable, we are very alert of nan pressures that customers look arsenic a consequence of precocious inflation, a steep summation successful power prices and a challenging macroeconomic environment. The spot of our equilibrium expanse evidenced present by our superior leverage and liquidity ratios, together pinch nan value of our indebtedness book, which is almost each secured successful individual lending pinch prudent indebtedness to worth ratios make it imaginable for america to proceed supporting customers and nan U.K. system done difficult times.

Given nan uncertain economical outlook, our intent led strategy has ne'er been much relevant. We person continued to support customers by lending responsibly and helping them prevention for nan early pinch lending crossed our 3 business segments up 6.7% year-on- year. We person besides proactively contacted customers pinch proposal connected managing nan costs of living, carrying retired free financial wellness checks, delivered hardship backing done charities and offered targeted support specified arsenic forbearance for those successful need.

Our colleagues look nan aforesaid challenges arsenic our customers. So we person supported them pinch targeted salary rises for nan lowest paid, arsenic good arsenic enhanced parental leave, and ongoing training and development. Three years ago, I outlined 4 strategical priorities designed to execute sustainable returns for shareholders. So I'd for illustration to update you connected our advancement since then.

By supporting our customers crossed each shape of their lives, we person continued to turn organically and built connected our beardown franchise. Customers want a slope that is easier to woody with. So we person invested successful integer translator to simplify our processes and amended customer journeys astatine nan aforesaid clip arsenic reducing costs and expanding efficiency.

For example, 72% of caller unit accounts were opened pinch consecutive done processing successful 2022 compared to conscionable 14% successful 2019. 88% of unit customer needs were met digitally and complete 60% of our unit customers are now integer only. We're besides utilizing information analytics much effectively. So astir 12 cardinal personalized messages were acted connected by customers past year, up astir 40% connected 2021. All of this has importantly improved customer satisfaction. Since 2019, our unit nett promoter people has accrued from 4 to 22. Our able nett promoter people has gone from minus 2 to 25. And we person nan starring Net Promoter Score for commercialized banking successful nan U.K. astatine 22.

We besides group retired to deploy superior much efficaciously wrong a civilization of beardown consequence management. We person reduced our RWA density from 53% to 47%. And by refocusing NatWest markets and making important advancement connected our phased withdrawal from Ulster Bank Republic of Ireland. We person decreased RWA's by 20.8 cardinal wrong these entities. We actively negociate risks by maintaining a well-diversified indebtedness book wherever we show astatine consequence sectors closely.

Our attraction connected driving invention and processing strategical partnerships is enabling america to connection customers a wider scope of services. As nan starring commercialized slope successful nan U.K., we are proud of our integer only business slope Mettle, which now serves 44,000 customers. And we're building retired a broad payments proposition for our commercialized customers, which includes our costs supplier Tyl and a level utilizing nan U.K.'s unfastened banking infrastructure called Payit.

Our caller strategical business pinch Vodeno Group is conscionable 1 illustration of really we're accessing nan expertise of others, and combining it pinch our ain to present invention by putting Vodeno's technological capabilities and unreality level together pinch banking exertion developed by Mettle, we purpose to create a starring U.K, banking-as-a-service business.

In short, we are now serving existing customers amended and gaining caller ones arsenic a consequence of our attraction connected deepening relationships, integer transformation, and nan proviso of a wider scope of innovative services. I'd for illustration to move connected now to our plans moving forward.

Over nan past 3 years, we person successfully delivered our transformation. This is now a simpler statement that is much focused, much superior businesslike and easier for our customers to interact with. The intent and priorities we group retired 3 years agone will not change. We will proceed to beryllium a purpose-led helping our customers to thrive, to attraction connected becoming a simpler statement that is highly costs efficient, to allocate our superior and resources connected areas that generates nan champion returns for shareholders, and to precocious digitization, arsenic good arsenic foster invention done strategical partnerships to amended service our customers.

But we are shifting our finance complete nan adjacent 3 years much towards growth. And we are now focused connected further acceleration. First, by expanding our personalized engagement pinch customers astatine each shape of their lives, we've shown that we tin make worth for some customers and shareholders by deepening relationships. Second, by leveraging our competitory separator arsenic a starring U.K. supplier of renewable financing, to support customers successful their modulation to a nett zero economy. And third, by further embedding our services into customers integer lives, our customers spent much clip online than ever before, and we person to beryllium wherever they are.

We are doing each this to present sustainable maturation and diversification of income arsenic we participate successful areas which are group to outgrow accepted banking gross pools. So fto maine springiness you immoderate examples successful each of our businesses. In unit banking, we commencement from a beardown position pinch 17 cardinal customers, beardown nett promoter scores, and a increasing stock successful mortgages and in installments cards. We person capacity to turn further by driving higher levels of engagement and enhancing our customer proposition.

For example, we are strengthening our younker and family offering to build connected nan occurrence of our RoosterMoney acquisition, which helps young children negociate money. Last year, we connected Rooster pinch our ain app, which resulted successful 90,000 caller paper openings during nan year. We cognize that customers who subordinate america successful puerility person greater life worth than those who subordinate america arsenic adults, and that erstwhile we service a afloat family, parents go much valuable.

Supporting households to enactment connected power ratio is not conscionable an basal portion of making a modulation to a nett zero economy, but besides commercially valuable. That's why we are backing a greenish location retrofit aviator helping customers to determine what improvements they request to make. And past financing solutions specified arsenic insulation upgrades, power pumps and star panels. Our greenish mortgages connection a discounted liking complaint to customers who bargain a spot pinch an power ratio standing of A aliases B.

As portion of our ambition to supply £100 cardinal of ambiance and sustainable backing and financing, we purpose to make astatine slightest £10 cardinal of lending disposable for homes pinch these ratings by nan extremity of 2025. Helping homeowners to amended power ratio and trim emissions.

Further embedding our services successful our customers integer lives, allows america to amended some customer acquisition and our ain efficiency. A bully illustration of this is our digital-only mortgages. We were nan first U.K. slope to connection a paperless mortgage, truthful that nan connection tin beryllium made wrong 24 hours. This has wholly transformed nan process of buying a spot arsenic good arsenic accrued our marketplace stock and we are building connected this occurrence to turn our stock further.

We will besides support financial well-being by extending our free in installments people work which is presently disposable conscionable for our ain customers to everyone successful nan U.K. One of nan awesome changes we person made successful our backstage slope is making amended usage of our plus guidance expertise to service our customers much efficaciously crossed nan Group. This has enabled america to turn assets nether guidance to 33.4 cardinal since 2019, delivering a beardown capacity contempt important macroeconomic challenges, pinch 6.5 cardinal of nett caller money and a 60% summation successful integer nett caller money.

We saw caller customer inflows of 5% into our backstage slope successful 2022 of which a 5th were referrals from different parts of nan Group. And we spot a important opportunity to turn assets nether guidance further by expanding nan number of referrals. We besides scheme to standard our wealthiness offering which includes not conscionable investing but besides saving, lending and financial planning. We want to thief much group put sustainably and person group a target for our ain discretionary costs to execute nett zero by 2050. And arsenic we proceed to embed our services and customers integer lives, we're enhancing and expanding our integer finance platform, NatWest Invest.

This week, we person besides announced our volition to get a mostly liking successful FinTech Cushion. This allows america to participate nan workplace savings and pension market, which is expected to double successful size to good complete a £1 trillion by 2031. After a successful aviator past year, we scheme to widen their offering to our commercialized customers successful bid to amended financial well-being arsenic good arsenic thrust semipermanent interest income.

Last year, we created a caller business conception bringing together commercialized and organization banking. This is now a little superior intensive business, helping to widen our expertise successful overseas exchange, liking complaint guidance and superior markets to much commercialized customers. As we look to nan future, we scheme to proceed increasing our stock successful startups and precocious maturation businesses. We are nan number 1 U.K. precocious thoroughfare slope for startups pinch a stock of 16.4%. Last year, we opened 99,000 caller startup accounts, almost 40% of which were via Mettle. This is supported by our location web of free accelerator hubs, which offers a programme specifically tailored to precocious maturation businesses. And we besides scheme to motorboat a caller enhanced waste and acquisition finance level to meet much customers world needs.

We person an important domiciled to play successful helping our business customers modulation to a nett zero economy. We are already a starring underwriter and supplier of renewable financing successful nan U.K., and we person delivered complete £27 cardinal of ambiance and sustainable backing and financing towards our £100 cardinal target. We person led a collaboration pinch different banks to motorboat c place, nan world's first marketplace for c offsets. And we are rolling retired nan NatWest c planner launched past summer, which is simply a free level to thief SMEs trim their c footprint.

Good examples of embedding our services successful customers integer lives included building retired our broad payments proposition delivered done Tyl and Payit arsenic good arsenic extending our overseas speech offering via integer channels. At nan aforesaid clip arsenic focusing connected targeted growth, we will proceed our beardown way grounds of subject costs guidance and investment. Since 2020, we person made an 18-percentage constituent betterment successful our costs income ratio. We are targeting a ratio beneath 52% this year, and little than 50% connected a sustainable ground by 2025.

We are now 2 years done our 3 cardinal finance programme pinch a important proportionality going into our integer transformation. We expect to put successful nan region of 3.5 cardinal complete nan adjacent 3 years. But you tin spot nan operation of walk alteration arsenic our integer translator advances. We will besides proceed to deploy superior efficaciously crossed nan business. You tin spot present really our allocation of superior has changed since 2019, pinch a simplification of RWA's successful commercialized and organization and Ulster Bank, Republic of Ireland and an summation successful nan unit bank.

This much effective deployment of capital, mixed pinch our beardown superior procreation has enabled america to support our customers successful difficult times, arsenic good arsenic put for growth, see different strategical options and make shareholder distributions of almost £11 cardinal since 2019.

By continuing to present targeted growth, to negociate costs successful a disciplined mode and to deploy our superior effectively, we scheme to run pinch a CET1 ratio of 13% to 14% complete nan mean word and present a sustainable return connected tangible equity of 14% to 16%. We expect to make and return important superior to shareholders successful 2023. And intend to support our payout ratio of 40% pinch nan capacity to deploy immoderate excess superior by making further buybacks.

Thank you very much. And I'll now manus complete to Katie to return you done our afloat twelvemonth capacity successful detail.

Katie Murray

Thank you, Alison.

I'll commencement pinch capacity successful nan 4th fourth utilizing nan 3rd 4th arsenic a comparator. Total income accrued 14.8% to £3.7 billion. Income excluding each notable items was 3.8 cardinal up 10.9%. Within this nett liking income was up 10.2% astatine £2.9 billion, a non-interest income was up 13.2% astatine 857 million.

Operating expenses roseate 12.8% to 2.1 cardinal including Ulster exit costs, and nan yearly U.K. slope levy. The impairment complaint decreased to 144 cardinal aliases 16 ground points of loans. This brings nan afloat twelvemonth complaint to 9 ground points successful statement pinch our guidance of little than 10. Taking each of this together, we delivered operating profit earlier taxation of 1.4 billion. Profits attributable to mean shareholders was 1.3 cardinal aft nan use of differed and different taxation credits. And return connected tangible equity was 20.6%, including six percent constituent use from taxation credits.

Before I return you done our capacity successful much detail, I'd for illustration to stock immoderate of our assumptions astir nan economical outlook connected my adjacent slide. We will show you present our existent expectations for liking rates and economical activity. Clearly, nan backdrop of debased economical maturation and precocious ostentation makes america a challenging clip for our customers. There are immoderate signs that ostentation peaked successful October past year, though it remains precocious astatine astir 10%. Our guidelines lawsuit presumption is that ostentation will autumn to nan Bank of England 2% target by mid-2024, resulting successful liking rates reducing from nan 2nd 4th of that twelvemonth to 3.25% by nan twelvemonth end. We person not modeled immoderate further emergence successful liking rates beyond nan Bank of England's determination earlier this period to summation them to 4%.

It is besides worthy noting that we presume nan five-year switch complaint will steadily diminution from 3.6%, averaging 3.3% complete 2023. This is important for nan rollover of our hedge positions, which I will talk astir later.

All in, our outlook is aligned to nan statement of forecasts from economists pinch some upside and downside risks. We will show and respond to marketplace conditions arsenic they create during nan year. However, we are pleased that nan macroeconomic situation has stabilized since we said astatine Q3 and we statement nan improved outlook from nan Bank of England this month.

I'd for illustration to move connected now to nett liking income connected Slide 19. Strong momentum continued arsenic nett liking income accrued 10.2% to 2.9 billion. This was nan consequence of higher lending volumes pinch maturation crossed each 3 businesses and higher margin. We besides incurred a one-off £41 cardinal effect from nan redemption of bequest indebtedness successful statement pinch our disclosure successful December. Net liking separator excluding notable items accrued 26 ground points to 325.

Wider deposit margins added 44 ground points reflecting nan benefits of higher U.K. guidelines rates, which accrued by 125 ground points successful nan quarter, nett of pass-through to our customers and higher switch rates connected our structural hedge. This was partially offset by a 10-basis constituent simplification arsenic a consequence of little owe margins connected nan beforehand book and a 2-basis constituent simplification from commercialized and organization fixed complaint lending.

Net liking separator for nan afloat twelvemonth of 285 ground points is successful statement pinch our guidance of much than 280. If nan existent U.K. guidelines complaint remains astatine 4% passim 2023, we expect NIM to mean astir 320 ground points for nan afloat year. This takes into relationship nan tally complaint use of caller guidelines complaint increases nett of further pass-through to customers. The reinvestment of nan hedge into higher switch rates, little beforehand book owe margins, nan simplification successful deposits towards nan extremity of 2022 and further operation changes successful deposits.

Average liking earning assets accrued by 1.5% successful nan 4th to 355.8 cardinal driven by higher lending. The early effect of these assets connected NIM is limited connected lending volumes, since they do not see nan liquid plus buffer.

Turning to loans connected nan adjacent slide. We're pleased to person delivered a beardown twelvemonth of balanced maturation crossed nan Group. Gross loans to customers crossed our 3 businesses accrued by 6.7% aliases 21.9 cardinal to 350 cardinal year-on-year, of which 3 cardinal was successful nan 4th quarter. Taking unit banking together pinch backstage banking, owe balances grew by 4.7 cardinal aliases 2.4% successful nan quarter.

Gross caller owe lending for nan afloat twelvemonth was a grounds £45 billion, representing travel stock of 14%. Combined pinch bully retention this resulted successful our banal stock increasing from 11.8% astatine nan extremity of 2021 to 12.3% astatine nan extremity of 2022. Unsecured balances accrued by a further 200 cardinal successful nan 4th to 14.2 billion, driven by higher spending connected in installments cards. In commercialized and institutional, gross customer loans decreased by £2 billion. This was driven by continued repayment of authorities lending schemes, which reduced by 1.4 cardinal successful nan 4th and 3.4 cardinal complete nan year.

Within this, mid-sized corporates accrued borrowing by £1 billion, driven by moving superior demands and plus financing. This was offset by nett repayments from ample firm and organization customers, reflecting accustomed year-end equilibrium expanse management.

I'd for illustration to move now to deposits connected Slide 21. Customer deposits crossed nan Group were 450 cardinal astatine nan extremity of 2022 down 4.8% successful nan quarter. This includes a simplification of 5.1 cardinal successful Ulster Bank, arsenic customers moved to different banks arsenic planned. Across our 3 businesses, deposits magnitude to 433 billion, complete 80 cardinal much than loans, resulting successful a indebtedness to deposit ratio of 80%.

During nan 4th fourth deposits reduced by £15 cardinal of which 12 cardinal was successful commercialized and institutional. When I look astatine this 12 cardinal one-third was nan consequence of emblematic twelvemonth extremity movement, including a simplification successful strategy liquidity. Another 3rd was caused by little overseas rate balances arsenic a consequence of marketplace volatility. And nan last 3rd was balanced attrition, wherever we took nan determination not to compete aggressively connected value for balances pinch debased separator and debased liquidity value, fixed our beardown backing and liquidity position.

Across unit banking, and backstage banking deposits were down £3.5 cardinal arsenic a consequence of little existent relationship balances successful statement pinch trends crossed nan U.K. banking sector. Around 60% of our deposits are liking base and 40% are non-interest base successful statement pinch nan 3rd 4th and anterior years.

Within liking base balances, location is immoderate migration from instant entree to word accounts, which is affirmative from a narration perspective, but intelligibly has an effect connected deposit margins. We launched a caller fixed word savings merchandise for unit customers successful January to meet rising request and this is going well. We stay competitory crossed our customer savings rates and proceed to pass-through higher liking rates, including caller pricing decisions aft nan guidelines complaint accrued to 4%. Our cumulative pass-through is now astir 35% crossed liking base deposits, up from 25% to 30% successful Q3.

As I said earlier successful our existent modeling, location are nary further guidelines complaint increases from here, and we expect rates to commencement coming down successful nan 2nd 4th of 2024. Our disclosures show nan third-party backing complaint for each 3 businesses, which reflects nan mean costs of each deposits, including those that are non-interest bearing. Here you will spot that nan emergence successful customer deposit rates arsenic lagged nan summation successful guidelines rates. The outlook for customer deposit rates will beryllium a usability of customer behaviour arsenic good arsenic competition.

We expect nan mean costs of customer deposits to proceed trending higher successful nan coming quarters arsenic a consequence of caller pass-through decisions arsenic good arsenic a alteration successful operation arsenic customers move to word and higher yielding accounts though nan gait of this alteration is intelligibly uncertain.

Turning now to our structural hedge connected Slide 22. As you know, we hedged nan mostly of our existent accounts and a smaller proportionality of our instant entree savings. From deposit balances totaling 450 billion, 184 cardinal are included successful nan merchandise structural hedge. The notional magnitude was unchangeable during nan quarter. Given nan simplification and operation alteration of deposits successful Q4, we do not expect to reinvest each nan balances maturing during 2023, which is astir 40 billion.

As we show successful nan floor plan earlier we see reinvestment, merchandise hedges already written will present income of £2 cardinal successful 2023. In summation to this, you should see nan reinvestment output disposable pinch five-year swaps. We exemplary an mean reinvestment output of 3.3% for 2023 compared to a complaint of 3.75% coming and comparative to an mean redemption output of astir 1.1%.

The measurement of hedges that are reinvested will beryllium a usability of some nan travel and nan operation of deposits. If location are nary alteration to year-end deposit volumes aliases mix, we would expect nan merchandise hedge notional to trim by 5 cardinal complete nan people of nan adjacent 12 months.

I'd for illustration to move now to non-interest income connected Slide 23. Non-interest income excluding notable items was 857 million, up 100 cardinal connected nan 3rd quarter. This was driven by fees and commissions, which accrued 62 million, 650 cardinal owed to higher lending fees. Increased finance interest income and nan extremity of our nary interest overseas speech connection for unit customers.

Looking backmost complete nan afloat year, we are pleased that non-interest income accrued 19% year-on-year to 3.2 billion. There was a much unchangeable trading capacity pursuing nan completion of our markets restructuring and nett fees and commissions grew 8% arsenic a consequence of accrued customer activity, mixed pinch nan effect of ostentation connected nominal spending. Going guardant non-interest income will beryllium influenced by economical activity and customer assurance arsenic you would expect.

I'll summarize our income capacity and outlook connected nan adjacent slide. 2022 income excluding notable items was 13.1 billion, up 3 cardinal aliases 30% year-on-year. This exceeded our expectations mostly owed to our beardown lending capacity and nan gait of liking complaint increases, which resulted successful nett liking separator of 285 ground points. In 2023, we expect Group income excluding notable items to turn astir 13% to astir 14.8 cardinal pinch nett liking separator of astir 320 ground points. This is modeled connected nan presumption of a unchangeable U.K. guidelines complaint of 4% passim nan year, pinch afloat tally complaint benefits into nan 2nd quarter.

Income will besides beryllium driven by nan affirmative effect of our hedge reinvestment, nan antagonistic domiciled connected owe refinancing, measurement and operation improvement crossed nan equilibrium sheet, arsenic good arsenic user and marketplace activities.

Turning complete to costs connected Slide 25. Other operating expenses for nan Go-forward Group was 6.6 cardinal for 2022. That's down 201 cardinal aliases 2.9% connected nan anterior year, successful statement pinch our guidance. This was driven by continued automation of customer journeys.

I'm going to break down our costs guidance to springiness you afloat transparency connected this and our ongoing tight guidance of expenses. Now that Ulster is successful sent items, we commencement pinch 6.6 cardinal for 2022. We incur 221 cardinal of Ulster indirect costs, which we expect to trim complete clip but arsenic these costs are shared, they will not vanish entirely. This takes america to 6.9 billion. Ulster nonstop costs of 433 cardinal see 195 cardinal of exit costs, astir of which was booked successful nan 4th quarter. This brings america to Group different operating expenses of 7.3 cardinal arsenic per nan income statement.

Turning now to 2023 costs connected nan adjacent slide. We commencement pinch 6.9 cardinal of operating expenses for 2022 excluding Ulster nonstop costs. Acquisitions see nan effect of some Vodeno and Cushion which we announced this week. So pro forma for acquisitions 2022 costs are astir 7 billion, which I position arsenic nan business-as-usual costs guidelines of nan Group.

In 2023, we expect this to turn by astir 5% to 7.3 billion, and pinch different 300 cardinal of Ulster nonstop costs, this takes america to an expected Group, different operating expenses of £7.6 billion. We besides expect a further betterment successful operational leverage pinch a simplification successful nan costs income ratio from 56 to beneath 52% for nan year. Litigation and behaviour costs totaled 385 cardinal for 2022. And we expect them to beryllium broadly successful statement pinch this successful 2023. So arsenic you cognize these costs tin fluctuate.

So fto maine show you much astir nan drivers of costs successful 2023 connected Slide 27. Staff costs correspond astir half our operating expenses, a further 23% are admin costs pinch nan remainder being spot and depreciation. In 2023, we expect different operating expenses to summation 4% connected a reported ground to astir 7.6 billion, including reduced Ulster nonstop costs. This summation is driven by unit and admin costs. We negociate net costs cautiously and will proceed to do so. Staff costs were broadly unchangeable successful 2022, arsenic nan effect of a 3.6 salary award, and nan cost-of-living support was offset by little mean headcount.

In 2023, nan mean salary grant is 6.4% effective from April. And successful addition, we made one-off payments of astir £60 cardinal to unit successful January to support ongoing costs of surviving pressures. Admin costs accrued 8% successful 2022, arsenic a consequence of strategical finance successful information and financial crime prevention. We are now seeing higher ostentation provender done into supplier statement renewals, which is nan main driver of maturation successful 2023. We expect premises and instrumentality costs to beryllium broadly unchangeable this year, and for depreciation and amortization to summation somewhat arsenic a consequence of higher investments.

I'd for illustration to move now to talk to in installments consequence connected Slide 28. We person a well-diversified premier indebtedness book. Over 50% of our Group lending consists of mortgages wherever nan mean indebtedness to worth is 53%, aliases 69% connected caller business. Overall, we person debased levels of arrears and forbearance successful our owe book. 92% of our book is astatine a fixed rate, 4% of trackers, and 4% is connected modular adaptable rates. Two-thirds of owe balances are connected five-year fixed rates and a 4th aliases 2 year, 17% of nan book is interest-only, astir of which is our bargain to fto book pinch nan remainder concentrated successful our backstage bank.

Our individual unsecured vulnerability is little than 4% of Group lending and is performing successful statement pinch expectations. Our firm book is well-diversified, and we person brought down attraction consequence complete nan past decade. For example, our commercialized existent property vulnerability represents little than 5% of Group loans pinch an mean indebtedness to worth of 47%. Whilst, we person a well-diversified precocious value indebtedness book, pinch debased level of defaults, we are mindful of nan economical uncertainty. So fto maine show you really we person addressed this connected Slide 29.

We person 4 economical scenarios wherever we person updated our forecasts and comparative weightings. For 2023, this has driven a flimsy betterment successful our weighted mean expectations for GDP, but a deterioration successful levels of employment, which are nan 2 cardinal drivers of expected loss. In position of sensitivity 100% waiting to nan utmost downside script would summation Stage 1 and 2 expected in installments nonaccomplishment by a further £1.6 billion, aliases astir 40 ground points of loans.

In this scenario, Stage 3 expected in installments nonaccomplishment would besides increase. Though this is not modeled here. The nett effect of changes to economical forecasts successful nan 4th fourth is an summation of 171 cardinal successful nan Good Book expected in installments nonaccomplishment provisions. Overall, expected in installments nonaccomplishment reduced during 2022, reflecting nan look withdrawal of Ulster Bank, unchangeable trends successful portfolio capacity and a related nett merchandise of station exemplary adjustments and write-offs. The station exemplary accommodation for economical uncertainty decreased by 193 cardinal successful nan 4th fourth to 352 million. We proceed to beryllium cautious connected nan merchandise of these provisions, arsenic we person yet to spot nan afloat effect of economical and costs of surviving challenges play out.

Turning now to look astatine impairments connected Slide 30. We reported a nett impairment complaint of 144 cardinal successful nan 4th quarter, balanced to 16 ground points of loans connected an annualized basis. This took our complaint for nan afloat twelvemonth to 337 cardinal balanced to 9 ground points of loans. You tin spot that our impairment complaint has mostly been driven by unsecured lending and commercialized spot wherever we person comparatively mini exposures. You will besides spot that our ECL sum of unsecured and spot exposures compares favorably pinch pre-COVID levels.

As you cognize our done nan rhythm impairment guidance is 20 to 30 ground points. And I proceed to spot this arsenic an due level for 2023. Given some nan economical outlook and comparatively benign trends successful our book,

Turning now to look astatine superior and consequence weighted assets connected Slide 31. We ended nan 4th fourth pinch a communal equity Tier-1 ratio of 14.2% down 10 ground points connected nan 3rd quarter. We generated 59 ground points of superior from earnings. This was a nett of deferred taxation credits, which are not recognized successful CET1 superior and changes to IFRS 9 transitional relief. This was offset by accruals for shareholder distributions of 79 ground points, which includes nan effect of nan 800 cardinal successful marketplace buyback that we person announced nan time earlier 45 ground points and last pension accrual of 5 ground points.

Given nan beardown backing position of nan pension fund, we person reached statement not to make a last 500 cardinal rate costs successful 2023. But person group it speech successful lawsuit of early needs, which we position arsenic a debased probability. We do not expect immoderate further superior deductions for pension contributions going forward.

RWA's decreased by 2.4 cardinal owed to little counterparty in installments consequence and marketplace risk, partially offset by 0.4 cardinal summation successful in installments risk. Our phased withdrawal from nan Republic of Ireland delivered a further simplification of 2.6 cardinal arsenic nan mostly of nan residential owe portfolio was transferred to imperishable TSB. Procyclicality has remained affirmative passim 2022, starring to a full RWA simplification of 4 billion, of which 0.5 cardinal was successful nan 4th quarter.

Changes successful consequence weightings are typically driven by events that summation nan probability of default. So we would request to spot an summation successful defaults and Stage 3 charges earlier RWA's are meaningfully impacted. We expect a normalization of consequence parameters successful our mean word RWA guidance. And we expect an summation successful RWA's of 5% to 10% betwixt nan extremity of 2022 and 2025, which includes imaginable procyclicality and nan time 1 effect of Basel 3.1.

Turning now to our equilibrium expanse spot connected Slide 32. Our CET1 ratio of 14.2% is moving towards a scope of 13% to 14% arsenic planned. Our U.K. leverage ratio of 5.4% accrued from 5.2% astatine Q3 and remains good supra nan Bank of England minimum requirements. Our liquidity sum ratio of 145% is down from Q3 owed to higher lending crossed our 3 businesses, and nan simplification successful surplus deposits. And we maintained beardown liquidity levels pinch a high-quality liquid plus excavation and unchangeable divers backing base. Headroom supra our minimum is 52 billion.

Turning to guidance connected my last slide. In 2023, we expect income excluding notable items to beryllium astir 14.8 billion. Net liking separator of astir 3.2% and Group operating costs excluding litigation and behaviour to beryllium astir 7.6 billion, delivering an betterment successful nan costs income ratio to beneath 52%. We expect a indebtedness impairment complaint successful nan scope of 20 to 30 ground points. And together we expect this to lead to a return connected tangible equity of 14% to 16% and to beryllium nan precocious extremity of this range. As Alison said earlier, we expect to return important superior to shareholders successful 2023. And we besides person support from nan PRE to participate successful a directed buyback from nan U.K. Government of up to 4.99% of issued stock capital.

And pinch that, I will manus backmost to Alison.

Alison Rose

Thank you, Katie.

As I look backmost complete nan past 3 years, I deliberation it's adjacent to opportunity that we person dealt pinch nan daze of a world pandemic, nan penetration of Ukraine and economical uncertainty by remaining focused connected supporting our customers and delivering our strategical objectives. We now person a simpler, much superior businesslike organization, which is benefiting from integer translator and increasing customer franchises.

We person met our targets by increasing income, reducing costs and making important shareholder distributions which has helped america to execute our 2022 target CET1 ratio of 14.2%. As we proceed to attraction connected delivering semipermanent sustainable worth for shareholders, we are investing successful maturation successful 3 ways; by accelerating our engagement pinch customers astatine each shape of their lives; by supporting customers successful their modulation to a debased c economy; and by further embedding our services into customers integer lives.

We expect to run pinch a CET1 ratio of 13% to 14% complete nan mean term, and to return important superior to shareholders successful 2023 pinch a payout ratio of 40% and pinch capacity for further buybacks. By building connected our beardown customer franchise, and continuing to present targeted growth, to negociate costs successful a disciplined manner, and to deploy our superior effectively, we scheme to present a sustainable return connected tangible equity of 14% to 16% complete nan mean term.

Thank you very much. And we'll now unfastened it up for questions.

Question-and-Answer Session


[Operator Instructions] We will return our first mobility from Raul Sinha of JPMorgan.

Raul Sinha

The first 1 is connected NII and benignant of your NIM assumptions. Thank you very overmuch for nan agelong database of assumptions that you've made. They do look very conservative. I conjecture nan 1 mobility I person related to your assumptions is astir nan deposit pass-through. I deliberation you've talked astir 35% truthful acold connected liking base balances. Can I inquire what you mightiness person assumed connected that going forward?

And I conjecture related to that, possibly Alison, if I tin inquire you, astatine nan Treasury Select Committee meeting, you talked astir really 80% of your depositors had little than £5000 successful their accounts? Can I inquire astir nan customer behaviour for nan remaining 20%? Are you seeing elevated levels of switching amongst group pinch higher deposits? And do you expect that to beryllium a driver?

Then related to that, if I tin inquire connected nan NII mean term. Just to effort and understand fixed your complaint assumptions, you evidently expect complaint cuts from 2024? Should we presume that NII follows nan guidance of liking rates mean term? Or do you deliberation that immoderate of nan affirmative drivers for illustration nan building hedge, nan maturation successful your indebtedness book and unsecured could offset and you extremity up pinch a much level result much mean word connected NII? Thanks.

Alison Rose

Great. Thank you very much. So I'll fto Katie prime up immoderate of those. Let maine prime up nan points astir customer deposits and what we're seeing. Look, I deliberation we've sewage beardown superior and backing levels, what we've focused on, peculiarly connected consumers, is helping build nan savings habits truthful that 80% of customers pinch little than £5000 successful their deposit accounts, we've really targeted thing called our integer regular saver connected that. And building benignant of redeeming habits that nan equilibrium betwixt our NIBs and NIBs remained broadly stable, which is what we're seeing from a behavioral perspective. And then, successful position of competitory products, we've offered immoderate fixed word products retired to our consumers astir nan 3% to 4%. And we've seen bully uptake connected that which stay competitive. So broadly, we've seen customers prosecute a small spot much successful their financial capacity and guidance of their deposits. But NIBs and NIBs broadly stable, we've sewage competitory products, and were targeting regular savings. We're not seeing immoderate displacement successful customer relationships, and nan liquidity worth of outflows person been very low. Katie, do you want to prime up nan NIM presumption connected pass-through?

Katie Murray

Yes, sure. Absolutely. So arsenic we look astatine nan pass-through MPC, obviously, we're astatine 35%. Just now we springiness you nan structural hedge sensitivity successful position of that, that works, arsenic you know, connected a fixed equilibrium sheet, but that -- it worked connected a 50% pass-through. I deliberation that's astir apt a bully benignant of proxy to spell through. As we spell into 2024 and that benignant of drivers that you're reasoning of there. I deliberation we would expect akin benignant of drivers. You tin spot successful our economics, that nan complaint does commencement to autumn disconnected astatine nan extremity of Q1. So deed benignant of from Q2.

I would say, it's intelligibly immoderate uncertainty of really rates do germinate successful that time, but we do spot benefits coming done connected this structural hedge. In our assumptions, I talked astir -- successful my reside astir 3.3, 3% is nan average. If you look astatine your five-year switch rate, today, it's a small spot higher. that will springiness you a small spot of a use arsenic you move done from year-to-date. And past obviously, owe headwinds and what happens to them arsenic we move from '23 and into 2024 will beryllium a spot of a activity arsenic well. Hope that helps a small bit, Raul.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Alvaro Serrano of Morgan Stanley.

Alvaro Serrano

Follow up connected margins, and different 1 connected cost, please, connected separator should thief america measure nan headwinds, I suppose you tin stock pinch america nan proportionality of word deposits wrong nan balances. And connected nan owe side, I realized there's been immoderate adjustments to -- successful nan merchandise separator of mortgages successful nan quarter, but to measure nan headwinds going forward. Could you stock pinch america nan exertion margins successful Q4 and early trends successful January maybe?

And nan 2nd mobility connected costs, it's much astir a consciousness of really overmuch visibility you deliberation you person now connected costs. Obviously, a twelvemonth ago, you were looking for a simplification of 3%. Now it's much for illustration five, do you consciousness you've sewage much certainty now? Is nan outlook has narrowed successful position of going forward? What you could expect. And erstwhile I deliberation astir Ulster cost, erstwhile should we expect that to efficaciously unopen down? Is that included successful your little than 50% costs income successful 2025? Thank you.

Alison Rose

So fto maine commencement pinch that. Fixed terms, azygous digits, mid-single digits and they don't move very quickly. Cost visibility, I deliberation we've fixed you immoderate really clear visibility connected costs and immoderate guidance there. We're starting to spot ostentation travel down. And we actively negociate our costs, arsenic you tin imagine. So I think, yes, connected that. On Ulster costs, yes, those are included. So I deliberation that's covers that one. Mortgages. Katie, do you want to prime that one?

Katie Murray

Yes, sure. Absolutely. I'll return that. So successful position of nan owe pieces, arsenic you know, Alvaro, we effort not to get drawn to excessively profoundly connected nan ins and outs connected peculiar quarters. And I conjecture arsenic I look astatine it, nan Group, that Group declined from 150, sorry, 141, successful Q3 down to 126. But if we deliberation of really we're benignant of managing this book, and really we deliberation astir it, what we activity to do is to benignant of negociate it pinch an exertion margin, it's successful an put astir astatine ground 80 bps. It will move a small spot up and down. But that's benignant of really we deliberation of nan managing of it.

I would, of course, arsenic you'd expect, promote you to attraction connected nan unit NIM, which astatine 274 is very strong, up 47 ground points successful nan 4th arsenic well, that should thief you a small spot connected your math.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Chris Cant of Autonomous.

Chris Cant

If I could conscionable travel backmost connected nan separator statement really? On your owe remark conscionable past is nan 126. Is that nan full book aliases is that conscionable nan fixed book, please. And successful position of nan manifestation of that headwind? When I deliberation astir nan 320, it doesn't really consciousness for illustration that's going to beryllium arsenic pronounced arsenic I mightiness person guessed, fixed that two-thirds of your book is successful 5 years. Is location thing successful peculiar you telephone retired connected nan progression of nan owe churn done '23? Is location a peculiarly fat dispersed portion of nan backmost book churning, which intends it's a much acute headwind, because fixed nan two-thirds successful 5 years, I conjecture that's going to play retired complete a somewhat longer play than we mightiness person anticipated?

And then, if I could conscionable travel backmost connected a erstwhile mobility really astir your deposit pass-through assumptions. Again, reasoning astir nan various puts and takes it feels for illustration you must beryllium making a reasonably blimpish presumption successful respect of deposit pass-through this year. Could I again, conscionable inquire astir you're expected migration upwards successful that deposit beta assumption, nan 35% crossed nan interest-bearing book. How precocious are you assuming that goes successful nan coming quarters. Thank you.

Alison Rose

Well, fto maine do deposit pass-through. So arsenic we said, astatine nan moment, our mean pass-through is astir 35%, we're actively managing very cautiously some sides of our equilibrium sheet. The guidance we gave you antecedently was, arsenic liking rates spell higher, we would expect to walk a higher proportionality done and nan presumption we talked astir is you should broadly assume, benignant of 50%, we're presently sitting astatine 35%, connected pass-through, and we'll proceed to actively negociate that based connected nan competition, our request for backing and liquidity, and you tin spot our backing and liquidity and superior position. So I deliberation that astir apt gives you a consciousness of really we're managing that.

On mortgages, obviously, we person a predominantly fixed book, arsenic you know, we person a mini SVR book and locator book, our operation is 66% connected 5 year, and we cognize precisely which customers are rolling disconnected during nan people of this year. And we interaction them pinch six months earlier they rotation disconnected their fix. So we'll actively negociate that book. And we'll proceed to target successful nan aforesaid measurement we person done, and I deliberation you've seen we've managed beautiful turbulent markets very well, nan equilibrium betwixt measurement and value.

Katie, do you want to prime up thing other connected mortgages?

Katie Murray

Just connected nan mortgage, conscionable to reply your rather circumstantial point. So yes, location is nan full book, successful position of what we're talking astir 4% AUM tracker, 4% SVR, 92% fixed, arsenic Allison says. In position of nan benignant of color, you're perfectly right, nan truth that nan book is now 60%, 5 twelvemonth that that benignant of dampen immoderate of nan effect a small bit, but I would astir apt promote you, Chris, to formed your mind backmost to 2021. And what margins we were writing, they're evidently rolling disconnected a small bit. It's not peculiarly important arsenic acold arsenic a resistance connected that. But there's thing exceptional to telephone out. But location will beryllium a small spot of an effect from that that piece.

Chris Cant

Thank you. So conscionable to confirm, we should beryllium reasoning that wrong nan guidance, it's thing for illustration a 50% pass-through assumed. And then, pinch regards to nan owe book, there's a small spot of sloppiness connected I guess, nan two-year portion that you would person been penning successful 2021. But effectively, nan large headwind, I mean, you're fundamentally guiding for NIM down versus 4Q levels. The large headwind present is really that progression connected nan beta implicitly, I think.

Alison Rose

So what I would opportunity connected nan beta is, we're astatine 35%, we ever assumed it would possibly get to 50. And truthful I deliberation that's an presumption will actively negociate it based connected competitory dynamics. So you're right. What I would opportunity it's now little astir pass-through and much astir customer behavior. And we're keeping a adjacent oculus connected that, and I touched connected that earlier.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Aman Rakkar of Barclays.

Aman Rakkar

Could I inquire nan mobility astir nan deposit commentary? Thanks very overmuch for benignant of elaborating connected that. I conscionable wanted to benignant of activity retired really you guys person factored successful nan imaginable deposit outflow dynamic, aliases what benignant of risks you spot going guardant from deposit outflows. I conjecture nan study is that you've astir apt been nan standout beneficiary of deposit inflows since 2019, and nan various support schemes that are announced. And it's allowed you to benignant of outperform your ain complaint sensitivity, kept deposit betas very low. But looking forward, intelligibly nan outlooks evolving. How do you deliberation astir nan consequence of outflows, your peculiar deposit operation and profile? And could you thief america understand nan imaginable net effect that you mightiness expect, successful particular, what you whitethorn person really assumed arsenic portion of that 320 ground points NIM guide?

The 2nd mobility was astir nan operation of nett liking income and fees. So, I deliberation your guidance is pointing to a displacement towards a spot much interest income than what statement has. But I deliberation taking your guidance astatine look value, you're still group to make astir 77% of revenues from nett liking income. I deliberation that compares to benignant of mid 60s successful 2019. I'm conscionable willing successful your assessment, astir apt 1 for Alison astir whether that operation mightiness germinate going forward. What do you spot arsenic your benignant of dependable authorities interest income contribution? And nan point that I conjecture I'm willing successful is, whether you deliberation you tin execute that benignant of in-house by kindness of immoderate of nan finance that you've announced today, aliases really inorganic -- ongoing inorganic acquisitions, perchance portion of that path. Thank you very much.

Alison Rose

Okay. Let maine talk astir deposits. So, nan starting constituent deposits are still up astir 80 cardinal moreover without flows this year. And, arsenic you tin see, we person connection competitory rates crossed our balances, we will look astatine deposits very overmuch arsenic done a number of lenses. Firstly, we person a beardown backing and liquidity position, which is underpinned by our starring customer deposit franchises. And truthful that up 80 cardinal gives america a competitory advantage. That advantage has allowed america successful caller quarters, arsenic rates person risen to beryllium very disciplined, and negociate our deposits for semipermanent value. And that's a operation of narration separator and liquidity value.

We person a very disciplined attack successful position of really we're looking astatine it, we'll take sides nan deposits we request to, and we won't pursuit volumes astatine nan disbursal of our backmost book aliases detriment of existing relationships. We've mislaid nary customer relationships, and nan liquidity worth of outflows that we've seen, person been comparatively humble reflecting nan quality of customers and balances. So what I would opportunity is, it's thing that we negociate very well. It aligns pinch our strategy to thief customers save, and we've sewage competitory products that we person retired there. So I deliberation that's really really we're reasoning astir it. And erstwhile you look astatine nan deposit outflows nan measurement I would deliberation astir it is, we're managing measurement and worth and being very disciplined astir it. The spot of our funding, and liquidity is simply a bully point. And we're a nett to gainer of caller customer relationships crossed our franchises arsenic nan consequence of our strategy there.

So I deliberation astir it, we're managing them for value, and we're being competitive, and we're capable to clasp them. Clearly customer behaviour is changing, location is an excess of deposits from pre-COVID level. But I deliberation we're managing that sensibly. Katie, you want to prime up nan --

Katie Murray

Revenue guidance. So successful position of -- arsenic we look to nan effect of deposits Alison's perfectly right, I usage that sensitivity that will springiness you immoderate guidance. We've sewage nan 4% guidelines rates presumption and we're not modeling immoderate further increases successful that that evidently has an effect connected nan NIM. And past nan different spot that I would propose that you person a deliberation about, nan guidance I've fixed you connected nan head. So if we presume nary further changes to measurement and operation of deposits, astatine nan extremity of 2022, we would expect that merchandise hedged to trim mildly complete nan twelvemonth by astir 5 cardinal carnivore successful mind, it's averaged. So it comes done comparatively slowly. But fixed nan simplification balances successful nan 2nd half of nan year, that will person a small spot of an impact. It's evidently offset by nan truth of reinvestment and output that we're getting connected that which is benignant of 3.7 arsenic we benignant of beryllium present today. There's a fewer benignant of moving parts, but those are nan bits I would -- we'd beryllium reasoning of if I were you.

Aman Rakkar

And past connected nan operation betwixt NII and fees, benignant of really do you deliberation astir nan structural equilibrium betwixt those two? And do you deliberation you tin execute it by kindness of your finance spending?

Katie Murray

So I deliberation if we look astatine nan operation of, I'm not going to get excessively drawn connected that nan measurement that I deliberation of them revenue, peculiarly of this benignant of 14.8 cardinal of guidance. Three things you want to deliberation about, NIM, we person spoken astir already. Volume, we've seen immoderate bully measurement maturation this twelvemonth successful position of nan 6.7 maturation that we had. And we do expect to proceed to spot growth, surely successful nan owe market. And commercialized will evidently beryllium much limited connected nan macro environment.

In position of non-NII, we're up 19% this year, very pleased pinch nan NatWest markets performance. We didn't expect that to turn astatine nan aforesaid benignant of that paces we spell into this adjacent year. And arsenic it's linked and benignant of spending and assurance get comfortable pinch its performance, astir apt not going to get drawn connected a comparative operation successful nan mean and long-term. I deliberation we are guiding you to that 14.8 for nan year, and nan sustainable maturation 14% to 16%.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Benjamin Toms of RBC.

Benjamin Toms

Firstly, connected your RoTE guidance of 14%, 16%, which is considered sustainable successful nan mean term. And by saying this target sustainable presumably you consciousness you tin deed nan target nether a scope of guidelines complaint outcomes. What's nan lowest level that you deliberation rates tin spell to successful nan slope still deed a 14% to 16% range? Or I guess, put different way, what complaint presumption does nan bottom-end of this guidance presume please? And then, secondly, sorry if I miss nan reply to this question, but successful narration to aged costs, for your afloat twelvemonth '23 guidance assumes 300 cardinal indirect costs, what will that that number spell to overtime. And really agelong would it return to get there? Thank you.

Alison Rose

So look, I deliberation we've sewage -- we're very comfortable pinch nan guidance we've fixed you connected nan 14% to 16% arsenic a sustainable number. There are a number of elements successful that arsenic you know, you've sewage our economical assumptions. We're assuming a 4% liking complaint done nan people of this year, and past that will gradually trim don't forget, nan number includes a 1.5% [indiscernible] resistance successful '23, which will reduce. So location are a number of factors successful there. But what I would opportunity is we're very comfortable pinch nan guidance, arsenic you spell forward, slow resistance from Ulster, location will beryllium a simplification successful liking rates and a number of different factors successful there, but I deliberation we're beautiful comfortable. Apologies if we didn't screen Ulster.

Katie Murray

Let maine conscionable adjacent disconnected nan Ulster question. So you're perfectly right, nonstop costs expect to autumn to 300 cardinal extremity of this year. We've ever said that we'd beryllium mostly complete successful benignant of 2024. So you'd expect different worldly simplification connected that I'm not going to beryllium drawn connected nan circumstantial number but making bully progress. really delighted pinch what nan squad are delivering.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Omar Keenan of Credit Suisse.

Omar Keenan

Thank you for taking nan clip to reply nan questions. I'm acrophobic I've sewage different mobility connected deposit migration. And I didn't really want to propulsion excessively galore numbers astir because it's not adjacent to nan different convention call. But I conscionable wanted to double cheque my reasoning astir immoderate of nan assumptions. So nan thought that nan cumulative pass-through connected liking base deposits astatine NatWest. So it's presently sitting astatine 35%. And nan presumption that will extremity up astatine 50% pinch Bank of England rates reasonably unchanged from wherever they are coming astatine 4%.

I've conscionable done a spot of backmost of nan letter cover math, but it seems to connote we request to get to that number. And fixed nan 400 bps of complaint hikes roughly, we've seen truthful far, that you're assuming an liking summation successful deposit costs, each other adjacent of astir 60 ground points. And if I look astatine nan quality betwixt fixed word deposit costs and entree accounts, I'll conscionable travel up pinch a number that looks for illustration you're assuming that's astir a 4th of nan interest-bearing deposits migrate into clip deposits.

Can I conscionable double cheque ballpark pinch my reasoning is meticulous connected that, that nan deposit migration presumption wrong nan interest-bearing relationship looks to beryllium astir 25% moving into clip deposits, and I've conscionable sewage a 2nd mobility aft that.

Alison Rose

Yes. I'm not going to remark connected your assumptions. That's not an due 1 to make. Let maine return a measurement backmost for you. So we will negociate our past 3 years, we person consistently said, taking into relationship our liquidity and backing and our competitory position that we request to ain deposits. Our liquidity and backing position is very strong. At nan moment, we're astatine astir 35% pass-through. We've not said we will extremity up astatine 50% but we've said that's an due level to deliberation astir arsenic an incremental level of pass-through. And what we are seeing is broadly unchangeable betwixt NIBs and NIBs, we are seeing customers return advantage of immoderate of nan fixed word deposits that we're offering, which are competitive. I've fixed you immoderate guidance astir what nan deposit levels of our customers successful position of what they person successful their accounts. And we're very comfortable that we're capable to compete effectively. And we're a nett gainer successful position of caller customer accounts coming into nan business.

So nan uncertainty successful each of this is customer behavior. And we proceed to way and show that very closely, very comfortable, we tin compete pinch nan market, and we're very comfortable pinch our position. And of course, our liquidity and backing remains very strong. So nan measurement I would deliberation astir it, successful position of really we're reasoning astir our deposits, we'll negociate measurement and value, and we'll support it broadly unchangeable complete nan period. That's what I would deliberation astir for your assumptions and time off it location for you to model.

Omar Keenan

Okay. Fair enough. I deliberation we could play astir pinch our ain numbers. But truthful that's very helpful. Thank you very much. So conscionable a question, sorry, different 1 connected costs. I don't cognize you don't want to beryllium circumstantial astir really quickly stranded Ulster costs whitethorn travel down erstwhile we look guardant into 2024 and 25. But possibly could you talk astir immoderate of your possibly ostentation assumptions beyond 2023? Because I conjecture we tin look astatine your ostentation forecasts. But do you deliberation there's immoderate lagged ostentation effects from precocious ostentation '23 that we request to see successful '24 pr '25? Or tin you thief america a small spot pinch nan absolute moving parts looking beyond '23?

Alison Rose

Hopefully what we've fixed you and I deliberation Katie covered rather a batch successful nan position of nan operation of our costs. So you tin spot really intelligibly what's happening. I think, pinch respect to Ulster, that's each included successful our numbers arsenic we spell forward. And Ulster indirects, they're portion of BAU. And location will beryllium immoderate reductions, but location are tons of puts and takes successful costs. And truthful overall, we're very comfortable pinch nan guidance. I deliberation successful position of our economical scenarios. Those are successful nan position connected what we're assuming connected inflation. But I deliberation what we've fixed you I deliberation is’ clear guidance connected wherever we expect costs are today, our costs income ratio, and that we're actively negociate our costs arsenic we spell forward.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Jonathan Pierce of Numis.

Jonathan Pierce

I sewage 2 questions. I'm sorry, backmost connected this short and medium-term RoTE guidance of 14% to 16%. I'm still struggling a spot pinch it. I mean, nan NIM has evidently sewage this circa 7 ground points a 4th tailwind coming from nan hedge for nan foreseeable future. I mean, moreover if nan hedge is reduced successful size, nan overnight complaint is now up of nan five-year switch complaint anyway. So I'm not judge that's peculiarly relevant, isolated from successful nan adjacent word owe headwinds are bigger than they mightiness beryllium moving guardant because of nan 2 twelvemonth fixes from 2 years agone coming off. You sewage nan deposit migration.

But again, those second dynamics should recede, I would deliberation later this twelvemonth and into adjacent year. But you've still sewage that powerful hedge tailwind. But you're telling america into 2024 that RoTE is still going to beryllium 14% to 16%. You're besides telling us, of course, that nan income this twelvemonth astatine 14.8 cardinal was a very circumstantial number six weeks into nan year. My mobility getting to nan point, it feels to maine that you've almost decided that a 14% to 16% RoTE is nan maximum acceptable return successful nan medium-term, and you'll do immoderate you request to do connected pricing, peculiarly deposits to forestall it going supra that. That's not needfully a bad thing, because of course, it's going to make nan RoTE much defendable erstwhile rates commencement coming backmost down again. But is location thing successful that? That would beryllium my first question. And past I sewage a mobility connected immoderate accounting movements successful nan TNAV, if that's, okay?

Alison Rose

Okay, I'll fto Katie take. T now erstwhile you get to it. So fto maine fto maine effort and get you comfortable connected RoTE. And nan reply very simply is, what we want to springiness you is simply a very clear position connected nan sustainable return connected tangible equity of this business. There are a number of economical scenarios that we person fixed you and nan assumptions that we person there. We're actively managing nan business to present sustainable RoTE uncertainty for you. I deliberation what I would opportunity is, connected your constituent that nan hedge is simply a affirmative tailwinds. There are immoderate economical uncertainties which we're taking into account. We're very good placed pinch beardown capital, bully risk, subject and capacity to grow. And truthful what you tin expect to spot is america continuing to present a beardown position.

I'm not actively managing nan business only to present a 14% to 16%, which was, I guess, nan opening portion of your comment. I deliberation that is simply a bully capacity of our business successful beautiful turbulent markets. And obviously, location are headwinds and tailwinds but we're very comfortable pinch nan guidance that we've fixed to you.

What I would opportunity is, erstwhile we deliberation astir immoderate of nan ups and downs, EBITDA is nary longer going to beryllium a worldly resistance erstwhile we get done nan extremity of this year. Interest rates, we would expect to diminution arsenic we spell forward. We've sewage customer behaviour and title and nan [indiscernible] procyclicality and regularisation coming successful arsenic well. So I deliberation you should consciousness comfortable that we're managing nan business good for maturation astatine 14% to 16% is sustainable, without immense peaks and troughs wrong that. Why don't you inquire your TNAV mobility to Katie?

Jonathan Pierce

That's really useful. But sorry, conscionable a speedy travel up connected that, this constituent connected sustainability, I deliberation it's really important. And to nan mobility earlier me, sustainable RoTE, nan connection sustainable, I deliberation is utilized astir 30 times successful nan slides today. That nan connection coming retired is sloppy of nan income guidance, and each nan remainder of it this year, that looks possibly a small softer than consensus. Your very clear connection is you're going to do 14% to 16% and that is going to beryllium sustainable for nan adjacent respective years, not conscionable this twelvemonth and adjacent year.

Alison Rose

Yes. That's right. We're giving you a position connected what RoTE will be. And we don't springiness retired targets without a awesome woody of thought and analysis. They're based connected benignant of various economical scenarios, and we've tested them against upside and downside consequence scenarios. So arsenic a result, based connected nan economics fixed today, our existent views of marketplace competition, customer behavior, we're assured connected nan RoTE scope we've fixed you.

Jonathan Pierce

Okay, brilliant. That's helpful. Second mobility connected this TNAV. Is my knowing connected nan pensions correct. The 500 cardinal is going to beryllium kept against capital, but location won't beryllium a TNAV deed this twelvemonth from that pension money payments. And then, tin I besides inquire connected a rate travel hedge reserve that's a antagonistic 30p astatine nan infinitesimal wrong nan TNAV. One aliases 2 different banks are suggesting a batch of that will unwind this year, alternatively than it being dispersed complete 3, 4, 5 years. How do you spot that progressing complete this year? I'm conscionable reasoning again astir nan denominator and nan RoTE.

Katie Murray

You are perfectly correct. Jonathan is arsenic expected to beryllium nary effect connected TNAV from that pension deduct is purely thing that's hitting our superior line. In position of nan rate flow, hedge we did spot a adjacent magnitude of unwinding that successful certainly, October, early November. Last year, probably, complete clip that line, it benignant of ebbs and flows, depending what's going connected wrong nan different bits of hedging that we've externalized from nan group.

So we don't benignant of deliberation it will unwind, peculiarly this year, it's benignant of sewage a life of astir 5 years, is really we deliberation astir it. But I wouldn't expect to spot that each travel back. We've had immoderate use already. And we'll spot really it benignant of goes through.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Rob Nobel of Deutsche Bank.

Rob Nobel

Two please. The behavioral presumption alteration that you made connected your mortgages done nan effective liking rate. So really agelong does your mean customer enactment connected SVR wrong your existent assumptions? How overmuch was that shifted? And is location a quality betwixt what you person successful your assumptions now successful nan stock? And then, what you're lending on? Is location a travel and banal quality betwixt your assumptions connected EIR successful nan owe book? And then, secondly, conscionable connected nan connected nan deposits again, truthful really overmuch of nan structural hedge is based against commercialized deposits versus unit deposits? And then, I deliberation I heard you opportunity that you deliberation deposits will commencement to travel down astatine nan extremity of 2023? Is that much driven commercially aliases unit successful your view? Thanks.

Alison Rose

Okay. I don't deliberation we said deposits would travel down astatine nan extremity of 2023. We said there's benignant of customer behavior. What you're seeing really is connected nan commercialized side, because I haven't touched connected that already. Generally, there's a batch of liquidity still sitting successful commercialized balances. And conscionable to springiness you a consciousness pinch nan bounce backmost loans, 25% of those are still sitting successful rate connected people's equilibrium sheets. So location is still a batch of liquidity sitting there.

On your SVR question. Most customers, I mean, SVR is simply a comparatively mini portion of our buckets, it's astir little than 4%. And astir and astir customers are connected short-term SVR, which is astir 3%. On nan behavioral life, we haven't adjusted for a mates of years and update moves to much unchangeable position depends connected nan customer's clip connected SVR. But it's a very mini portion of our book and it's mostly short-term. Katie do want to prime up nan structural hedge points.

Katie Murray

Yes, absolutely. So of nan structural hedge 230 billion, 184 cardinal of that is sitting connected deposits. What you cognize of our hedges that it's chiefly based connected our non-interest-bearing assets. So those benignant of transactional accounts that we person that forms nan ample portion of nan hedge and past a smaller information is past nan instant entree information of nan balances that we hedge, but that is overmuch smaller. What we tin spot erstwhile we look astatine our customers, they mostly do for illustration to enactment successful transaction. And what's been really absorbing for Alison and I is that NIBs and NIBs number hasn't moved really since nan extremity of 2021. So proportionally, it's still there. So therefore, you tin spot nan benignant of robustness of nan hedge position wrong there. And I gave you immoderate guidance earlier arsenic to what we thought it could possibly do, if we did nan benignant of 12-month loop backmost from here.

Rob Nobel

Thanks. So conscionable to travel up connected nan SVR point, truthful nan spreads that you quote connected successful position of exertion rates and backward margins, she said connected nan backmost it includes SVR, truthful what proportionality of nan dispersed connected caller lending will beryllium attributed to group staying connected SVR? Is it possibly 10% of nan benignant of profitability of nan dispersed of nan owe that you're expecting?

Alison Rose

If I conscionable springiness you some, it's tiny, it's 4% of our book, successful position of that portion and that benignant of backmost group is 126 ground points for nan entirety of nan of nan book. So I'll astir apt fto you do your maths yourself. But successful position of that, it's not a important characteristic astatine all.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Jason Napier of UBS.

Jason Napier

I'm acrophobic I'm going to travel backmost to NIM. And I deliberation Jonathan's right, nan consequence connected sustainable RoTE is ace important. But if you want to mean 3.2% NIM for nan year, aft being up 25 ground points successful nan past quarter, and pinch rates going up successful Q1. It's sewage to commencement falling sequentially during nan period. So I wondered whether location was thing astatine each you could opportunity astir nan complaint astatine which that happens, aliases immoderate benignant of consciousness arsenic to wherever nan exit separator is for this year. Because again, there's immoderate threat successful nan marketplace that group don't judge nan NIM guidance should you've fixed today.

And then, secondly, whether there's thing that you mightiness opportunity astir nan size of nan equilibrium expanse into adjacent year, it's 1 of nan fewer missing pieces erstwhile it comes to nan 2023 guide, and really we should beryllium reasoning astir mean liking earning assets, including, I guess, yielding liquid plus buffers and nan like. Thank you.

Alison Rose

Thank you. Katie, do you want to get that up?

Katie Murray

I'll footwear disconnected and past jump in, Alison. So look astatine Jason, we've modelled astatine nan existent guidelines complaint of 4%. And passim 2023, we do expect it to beryllium astir that 320 ground points. I do deliberation that we've astir apt deed nan extremity of those benignant of these immense increases that we've seen successful NIM coming done that we each person sewage very comfortable pinch complete this past year. And actually, we'll commencement to spot being overmuch much muted arsenic we move guardant from here. I'm not going to springiness you an exit complaint sitting successful February successful position of what nan NIM will do. There's a number of different puts and takes wrong there, whether it's nan structural hedge reinvestment, nan antagonistic rotation disconnected connected nan owe refinancing, what happens connected deposits, which we've spoken a batch astir this morning.

And successful position of that, truthful I'll astir apt time off you to benignant of activity it through, but we're comfortable that 320 is successful a bully position. If we look past successful position of nan book, I conjecture astir of what our thoughts are indebtedness maturation and what we're assuming, arsenic we move forward, we delivered really bully indebtedness maturation this twelvemonth 6.7%. Overall, we do expect to turn astatine aliases supra marketplace and our chosen sectors and products and measurement of nan twelvemonth will of people beryllium limited connected business and user confidence. But for our modeling and our guidance, we're not limited connected important measurement maturation from here.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Andrew Coombs of Citi.

Andrew Coombs

If I could conscionable travel backmost to nan remark astir 80% of your deposit customers having little than £5000. That is my first question, some are very elemental one. How galore unit customers do you have?

Katie Murray

You're throwing america by nan simplicity, Andrew.

Alison Rose

You person thrown america by nan simplicity. So 80% of our deposit accounts, which is successful unit person little than £5000. In position of nan numbers of customers we person successful retail, we person 70 cardinal customers, not each of them will person deposit accounts pinch america they will person different products crossed nan piece. But erstwhile we look astatine our deposit accounts, from our customers 80% person little than £5000 which is why, we deliberation astir our strategy astir helping group prevention and building a savings wont which is much astir a semipermanent strategy astir helping group build financial resilience.

Andrew Coombs

Okay. So my 2nd mobility would be, you person 70 cardinal customers, 80% of those are 13.6 cardinal person little than £5000 of savings. If I look connected your savings website, it says your integer regular savings merchandise to subordinate complete 840,000 NatWest customers who prevention each period without regular savings account. So each of those customers is that a lawsuit of only what 6% really are successful nan integer regular saver product.

Alison Rose

Andrew, I'm astir apt not going to springiness you that comment. A batch of our customers, they person much than 1 savings account. So they whitethorn person an instant access, they whitethorn person a integer regular saver, what we've seen is our fixed deposit accounts, erstwhile we launched them successful January, we're very popular, and we saw that being competitory to our customers. So it will vary. One of nan things that we talk astir a batch is nan level of savings that beryllium successful nan U.K., 1 successful 4 group successful nan U.K., do you person little than £100 savings successful their account, helping customers build financial resilience is simply a affirmative strategy for us.

Things for illustration our information up instrumentality which sounds very simple. Over a cardinal group are utilizing that connected a regular basis, which helps them build savings. I'm very comfortable, we person a bully suite of competitory products that allows america to compete that meets nan needs of our customers and targets our semipermanent strategy of helping group save.

Andrew Coombs

Okay. My last mobility connected this is, 80% of your customers person little than £5000 of savings, tin you supply an thought of what proportionality of nan full deposit equilibrium those 8% of customers relationship for? So I presume it's a overmuch much benignant of proportion?

Alison Rose

Yes. I'm astir apt not going to spell into that level of item pinch you. I deliberation what you tin spot is we person a very beardown backing and superior position, a competitory position successful position of deposits, and a bully acquisition and way grounds of bringing customers into nan bank. So you tin spot nan spot of our deposit franchise, you tin spot nan spot of our backing and capital. And we're very comfortable, we are capable to beryllium competitive. And you tin spot that done really we're managing our deposits for measurement and value.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Fahed Kunwar for Redburn.

Fahed Kunwar

Just a mates of rather nonstop ones, I guess. The first 1 is, nan go-forward costs guidelines successful 2023. Based connected nan guidance, it seems to connote astir a benignant of 6%, 7%. Year-on-year maturation versus 2022. Obviously, that's still generating tons of operating leverage successful '23 fixed nan gross growth. But going into '24, it looks for illustration statement 3% gross growth, 3% costs growth, do you deliberation operating leverage remains affirmative successful 2024? That would beryllium my first question.

My 2nd mobility would beryllium connected nan Basel 3 guidance, nan exit complaint of RWA's successful 2004. Are we looking astatine astir a 200 cardinal number based connected that guidance? And if I tin sneak successful a really speedy mobility connected nan 3rd one, your peers astatine Barclays talked astir firm deposit clip operation moving to time, whereas family isn't? Obviously, you've sewage a very large firm deposit base, particularly successful existent accounts. Are you seeing differences successful behaviour betwixt your SME customers and your family customers? And do you deliberation you will spot differences successful behaviour successful 2023? Sorry, to sneak successful that other question. Thank you.

Alison Rose

Okay. We're very happy to reply each three. And truthful connected nan costs base, we don't talk astir nan go-forward costs base. I deliberation we've fixed you really clear guidance connected costs. And we've besides talked astir what our costs income ratios are going to be. What I would opportunity is, we person a very bully way grounds of moving costs, we will proceed to attraction connected operating leverage and subject crossed nan business and you will spot that arsenic we spell forward. So I deliberation that's astir apt each I would opportunity connected that.

On deposits and firm deposits. Look, I deliberation what we're seeing is, from a business perspective, customers are mostly wanting to enactment transactional astatine this nan smaller end, I talked a small spot astir nan illustration of bounce backmost loans still sitting successful rate successful people's transactional accounts, there's decidedly a different behaviour betwixt benignant of consumers and business and really they negociate their deposits. And truthful we would spot different behaviors. For astatine nan moment, what we're seeing mini and mean sized businesses are really focused connected managing their operating costs. They're looking to enactment liquid. They person nan use of word deposits that they tin make usage of nan larger extremity of corporates. We tin spot group being delicate to wherever they put their deposits. And we're competing efficaciously connected that. And connected nan user side, it really does alteration from a user perspective. So different behaviors crossed unit and business, but we actively negociate both. RWA's Katie?

Katie Murray

Sure, absolutely. Thanks, Fahed. So, a mates of things to deliberation astir connected RWA's, one, we still person 6 cardinal of RWA's bolster, we'll spot them substantially rotation disconnected this year. What I said successful position of their guidance is, if you deliberation of nan effect of some process capacity, which we've yet to spot travel through, and nan effect of Basel 3.1, you should deliberation of that arsenic 5% to 10% uplift from our [indiscernible]. So we're astatine 176. So 5% to 10% connected that would beryllium a spot awkward of nan number you're suggesting.

I would beryllium mindful, obviously, astatine nan extremity of 2024. The Basel requirements currently, arsenic drafted request to beryllium successful spot connected 1 January, truthful you would expect to beryllium holding a small spot much location alternatively than nan occurring smoothly to nan extremity of 2025. But there's those fewer different things that are going on. But that 5% to 10% guidance, I deliberation is very helpful. Just don't hide astir Ulster.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Martin Leitgeb of Goldman Sachs.

Martin Leitgeb

And also, convey you for each nan disclosure provided successful nan descent deck, which is really helpful. Just to travel up connected astir apt nan past one, I guess, a travel up connected nan benignant of headwind presumption wrong an oculus successful position of user star deposit side, user behaviour and what you person assumed. How quickly do you presume that this alteration successful user behaviour benignant of shifted retired of deposits successful shape of attrition aliases into different deposit products successful shape of migration to savings? So clip deposits, really quickly would you expect that displacement to happen? Would you expect everything to beryllium beautiful overmuch beforehand loaded into '23?

I mean, akin to different questions earlier today, I'm conscionable trying to quadrate up obviously, nan NIM guidance, peculiarly considering nan backmost extremity loaded quality of complaint hikes successful 4Q and evidently further complaint hikes successful 1Q, which would propose rather a worldly headwind, peculiarly this year. And then, secondly, connected cost, conscionable briefly, obviously, historically, very beardown attraction connected reducing nan absolute costs guidelines of NatWest Group successful position of ratio measures, should we presume this ratio measures connected now mostly done? So nan costs guidelines to turn broadly successful statement pinch inflation? Or do you still spot scope for nan costs guidelines to lag down ostentation successful position of costs turn from here? Thank you.

Alison Rose

Well, look on. On user deposits, it's very early days. What we're seeing is, very beardown backing and liquidity from our perspective. We're seeing existent stableness successful NIBs and NIBs. We are seeing customers prosecute much actively successful their deposits, and we've sewage competitory rates. But I deliberation it's very early to say, obviously, location is, if you return a measurement back, location are excess deposits from post-COVID. People will progressively walk those deposits. We'll spot much seasonality. Don't hide seasonality and deposit flows. January is simply a big, large taxation month. So you'll decidedly spot a spot of activity successful January, and past we expect it to return immoderate much unchangeable levels.

But I deliberation from our perspective, what I would opportunity is, we person a very disciplined approach, we person very competitory products. We've not mislaid immoderate relationships, we're managing our liquidity, and it’s very early days successful position of customer behavior.

On costs, we person a bully way record, you would expect america to proceed to negociate costs, actively are continuing finance successful customer journeys, digitization, which portion of our strategy will continue, obviously, we factored successful nan effect of inflation. And Katie has fixed you immoderate really bully visibility connected what's happening connected our costs. You've sewage our guidance going guardant of what we expect to spot connected costs. And you tin expect some Katie and I to proceed to negociate costs very actively going forward.

Katie Murray

Absolutely. Absolutely. And Martin successful position of your NIM guidance. I'm not wholly judge what your mobility was. I deliberation I've astir apt said everything I've capable to spot astir NIM. So if there's thing I'm missing, please do jump in.

Martin Leitgeb

No, no, no. There wasn't immoderate much mobility connected NIM specifically, conscionable trying to understand whether nan headwind of nan deposit attrition is beautiful overmuch beforehand loaded and past that base.

Katie Murray

I deliberation Alison has dealt pinch that. Thanks very much. Thanks, Martin. Have a bully day.


Our past mobility comes from Joseph Dickerson of Jefferies.

Joseph Dickerson

Just a speedy 1 from me. I mean, nan NIM has been beaten to death. Just connected Slide 22. Can you conscionable explain what you mean by we've already written is that assuming nary further majorities successful nan hedge are efficaciously reinvested. So we get nan pickup successful '23, from nan existing book by '24 and '25, you're efficaciously not reinvesting because it's rather important successful nan outer years is, that's wherever a batch of nan --call it 2 thirds of nan complaint sensitivity successful nan retired years comes.

Alison Rose

So thanks. I'm gladsome we did met. We haven't near without talking astir this slide, nan IR squad worked difficult connected it. So arsenic I deliberation we already said, they are already written is nan hedges we already person successful spot that are going to conscionable rotation through. So what I'm trying to show you present is, 2 billion, 1.6, 1.4 of worldly that's already benignant of successful nan tank. What you know, is that we person maturing each year, astir £ 40 cardinal a year, it comes crossed nan year. So you person to deliberation astir averaging of returns there.

In our ain models, we've modeled 3.3%. In position of that, I would statement that today, if I was putting connected today, it's person to benignant of 3.7. But I would expect successful summation to this already written, there's nan reinvestment of that 40 cardinal per annum. I talked astir arsenic well, if I looked arsenic of today, if balances didn't change, it's very static. We would expect that nan size of nan hedge would trim complete nan twelvemonth by astir 5 billion. But location surely is simply a important reinvestment to travel arsenic we spell connected apical of this, this Group has already written.

Joseph Dickerson

And that reinvestment is not efficaciously successful nan guardant gross guidance?

Alison Rose

It's people successful nan RoTE guidance, aliases it's not in, is successful that 2 million, 1.6, 1.4. But it's very surely successful astir 14.8 for nan twelvemonth and nan sustainable benignant of 14% to 16% successful there. So I've intelligibly made immoderate assumptions connected really that reinvestment successful nan rates connected that. But it is successful summation to nan greenish boxes that are connected this slide.

Joseph Dickerson

Okay. All right, perfect. That's what I wanted to get in.


Thank you. I'd for illustration to manus it backmost to Alison for immoderate closing comments.

Alison Rose

Great. Thank you. Well, convey you, everyone, for your clip and your questions. As always, I conjecture nan message, conscionable to time off you with. I deliberation from our perspective, we're very good positioned for nan existent environment. We person a well-diversified, mostly secured equilibrium sheet, which intends we're positioned good successful position of nan macroeconomic for immoderate downside risk. And we're besides positioned well, for nan future. We person charismatic maturation opportunities, very beardown franchises pinch capacity to grow. We will support our proven acquisition connected disbursal and finance subject arsenic we spell forward. We're good diversified. We're derisk. We person a high-quality indebtedness book. We will efficaciously negociate our superior and deploy our superior returns to shareholders. So I deliberation bully and sustainable returns and charismatic superior distributions arsenic we spell forward. Thank you very much, everyone.

Katie Murray

Thanks for your time.


That concludes today's presentation. Thank you for your participation. You whitethorn now disconnect.

Editor: Naga

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