
Multi School ERP Software System

Trending 1 year ago

Multi School ERP Software strategy offers complete solutions for extended school
management, successful one accelerated and responsive web-app (PHP / MySQL).

This package strategy is an online schoolhouse guidance level which has 4 types
of users (Admin, Teacher, Parent, Student). Every personification has its ain domiciled for
example a coach tin negociate students, people routines, subjects, people outlines (syllabus), exams,student's attendance, study worldly and messages while a genitor tin spot each nan accusation astir his/her children, connection different parents. A student
can position each nan accusation of related to ain relationship for example, timetable, examinations, upcoming events, etc. The admin tin negociate each nan features and functionality of nan ERP strategy arsenic proprietor of school.

We sewage your back.

Admin Login

-Email: [email protected]

-Password: 12345

Teacher Login

-Email: [email protected] & &

-Password: 12345

Parent Login

-Email: [email protected]">[email protected]& [email protected]">

-Password: 12345

Student Login

- Email:[email protected] & &

-Password: 12345

This package strategy tin beryllium installed connected Windows, cPanel (shared hosting),Mac (desktop), and Linux servers (VPS, cloud, dedicated).

Contact america by email if you request support for nan installation aliases configuration.

Editor: Naga

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