
MRC Global: Better Positioned But Not Cheap Enough

Trending 1 year ago

Oil Refinery, Chemical & Petrochemical plant


Things haven't panned retired for MRC Global (NYSE:MRC) shareholders complete nan past decade. Shares person declined astir 60% complete nan past 10 years arsenic gross and EBITDA person fallen 40+% driven by important declines successful its upstream lipid and state equipment distribution business.

However, I judge that nan early will beryllium amended than nan past arsenic ~40% of nan company's business now comes from its unchangeable and increasing state inferior segment. Similarly, nan volatile upstream/midstream business now represents conscionable 32% of gross and could beryllium poised for a rebound connected nan backmost of a much favorable outlook for commodity prices. In addition, MRC has paid down astir half its indebtedness complete nan past 5 years and now sports a nett indebtedness to EBITDA ratio of conscionable 1.2x.

While shares are inexpensive astatine little than 6x 2023e EV/EBITDA, they aren't quite inexpensive capable for maine to bargain them. As discussed below, I estimate adjacent worth for MRC to beryllium $14-$16 per share. As a worth investor, I look to bargain successful astatine a 30+% discount to my adjacent worth estimate. As such, I'd beryllium willing successful becoming a shareholder should shares dip backmost to nan ~$10 range.

Historical Results

As shown below, financial results for MRC person fluctuated wildly complete nan past 11 years:


MRC Global Historical Results (Company Filings)

A decade ago, MRC derived astir 3/4 of its gross from supplying instrumentality to nan volatile upstream and midstream segments. In 2012, nan upstream conception saw precocious levels of drilling activity arsenic lipid prices were northbound of $100 per barrel. The midstream conception benefitted from some nan precocious expectations for early power prices arsenic good arsenic a very debased costs of superior (recall that precocious yielding Master Limited Partnerships were nan finance spirit of nan day).


10 twelvemonth Historical Brent Futures (Seeking Alpha)

As lipid prices declined (bottoming successful 2016 and 2020) and nan midstream roar became a bust, MRC saw important erosion successful its financial results pinch EBITDA bottoming astatine $75 cardinal successful 2016 (down 80% from 2016 levels!). Of people lipid and state prices person since improved and nan dependable maturation of different business lines person made for what looks to beryllium a much unchangeable business going guardant (discussed below).

Improved Mix


MRC Revenue Mix (Investor Presentation)

As shown above, MRC is overmuch little reliant connected nan much volatile upstream and midstream segments (just 32% of gross versus ~75% a decade ago). Importantly, state inferior customers person grown to astir 40% of gross (with a 10% gross CAGR complete nan past respective years). As shown below, MRC expects to spot continued beardown maturation successful this customer segment.


Gas Utilities Outlook (Investor Presentation)

It is besides worthy noting that MRC has been a beneficiary of nan resurgence of US chemic and business assemblage (which are driven by a structural advantage successful earthy state pricing).


Downstream, Industrial & Transition (Investor Presentation)

While these segments should beryllium much resilient than nan upstream segment, I expect chemicals, industrial, and refining request will grounds cyclicality based connected customer superior expenditures.


At $12.15 per share, I person MRC trading astatine 5.7x management's expected 2023e EBITDA and 6.8x 11-year mean EBITDA. Over nan past 5 years, MRC has traded successful a wide scope of 5-11x guardant EBITDA.

On nan 1 hand, MRC's starring marketplace position and improved business operation propose that a 5x aggregate is unreasonably low. On nan different hand, 11x seems precocious fixed that nan institution is still exposed to nan lipid & state rhythm (albeit to a lesser extent) and could look unit from chemical/industrial capex cuts. As specified I deliberation a 7.5-8x EBITDA aggregate (on 11-year mean EBITDA) is warranted which gets maine to a adjacent worth of $14-$16 per stock aft taking into relationship preferred banal and nett debt. At a caller value of $12.15, this suggests upside of 15-30%.


MRC has travel a agelong measurement complete nan past decade pinch an improved equilibrium expanse and much diversified customer base. While shares are inexpensive astatine little than 6x 2023e EV/EBITDA, they aren't rather inexpensive capable for maine to bargain them. As discussed below, I estimate adjacent worth for MRC to beryllium $14-16 per share. As a worth investor I look to bargain successful astatine a 30+% discount to my adjacent worth estimate. As such, I'd beryllium willing successful becoming a shareholder should shares dip backmost to nan ~$10 range.

This article was written by

Weighing Machine floor plan picture

Former world buyside analyst/PM doing basal investigation for complete a decade (2001-2012). Long word (5 year) clip sky erstwhile investing.

Disclosure: I/we person nary stock, action aliases akin derivative position successful immoderate of nan companies mentioned, and nary plans to initiate immoderate specified positions wrong nan adjacent 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my ain opinions. I americium not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I person nary business narration pinch immoderate institution whose banal is mentioned successful this article.

Editor: Naga

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