
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage delayed because of Life is Strange: Double Exposure - Beritaja

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 Bloom & Rage.Don't Nod

Don’t Nod decided to hold its communicative escapade crippled Lost Records: Bloom & Rage to early 2025 in The aftermath of Life is Strange: Double Exposure’s announcement and imminent motorboat this October.

For those retired of The loop, Don’t Nod created The Life is Strange bid pinch Square Enix. Although Don’t Nod moved connected from The bid aft Life is Strange 2, neither statement progressive stopped making communicative escapade games. Don’t Nod went connected to make Tell Me Why in 2020, and immoderate Life is Strange alumni formed a caller Don’t Nod workplace in Montreal that aforesaid twelvemonth to create The Lost Records franchise.

The first Lost Records game, Blood & Rage, was announced astatine The Game Awards 2023 and follows a group of friends who acquisition immoderate still unrevealed traumatic arena in The summertime of 1995 and must woody pinch The fallout of it 27 years later. Think Life is Strange meets Yellowjackets. Don’t Nod planned to merchandise Lost Records: Bloom & Rage this year, but plans changed.

Concurrently to each of those goings-on astatine Don’t Nod, Square Enix continued The Life is Strange bid done games for illustration Before The Storm and True Colors pinch developer Deck Nine. Deck Nine and Square Enix announced Life is Strange: Double Exposure, which continues The communicative of The first Life is Strange protagonist Max Caufield, astatine The Xbox Games Showcase this year. It’s retired connected October 29, truthful Don’t Nod decided to push Lost Records: Bloom & Rage back.

We've made The determination to move The merchandise dates of Lost Records: Bloom & Rage to early 2025. We cognize you're each excited for some Lost Records and The caller Life is Strange game, and we wanted to guarantee some person capable abstraction to shine. The hold will beryllium worthy it!

— DON'T NOD (@DONTNOD_Ent) June 28, 2024

“We’ve made The determination to move The merchandise dates of Lost Records: Bloom & Rage to early 2025. We cognize you’re each excited for some Lost Records and The caller Life is Strange game, and we wanted to guarantee some person capable abstraction to shine,” Don’t Nod explained connected X (formerly Twitter). “The hold will beryllium worthy it!”

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage will motorboat for PC, PS4, and Xbox Series X/S in early 2025. Life is Strange: Double Exposure comes retired connected PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S connected October 29, and a Nintendo Switch type is in development.

Editor: Naga

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