
Kingspan Group plc (KGSPF) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Kingspan Group plc (OTCPK:KGSPF) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call February 17, 2023 3:00 AM ET

Company Participants

Gene Murtagh - CEO

Geoff Doherty - CFO

Catriona Nicholson - IR

Conference Call Participants

David O’Brien - Goodbody

Arnaud Lehmann - Bank of America

George Speak - BNP Paribas

Florence O'Donoghue - Davy

Gregor Kuglitsch - UBS

Yassine Touahri - On Field Investment Research

Manish Beria - Societe Generale

Rajesh Patki - JPMorgan

Yves Bromehead - Societe Generale

Brijesh Siya - HSBC

Jonathan Coubrough - Numis

Yuri Serov - Redburn


Good morning, and invited to nan Kingspan Preliminary Results 2022. At this time, each participants are successful a listen-only mode. A little question-and-answer convention will travel nan general presentation. [Operator Instructions] Thank you.

Now, fto maine move nan telephone complete to Gene Murtagh. So Gene, please statesman erstwhile you're ready.

Gene Murtagh

Thank you very much, and bully morning, everybody, and invited to nan 2022 preliminary results call.

We'll get consecutive into it, connected Page number 3 of nan descent presentation, which I'm judge you've sewage successful beforehand of you. So successful summary, nan gross for nan twelvemonth came successful astatine EUR8.3 billion, which was an summation of 28%. Trading profit beautiful overmuch arsenic guided came successful astatine EUR833 million, which was an operating separator of 10% and net per stock came successful astatine almost EUR3.30, which was an summation of 8% also.

Driving those increases by section was insulated panels, which were up 23%, mostly owing to inflation, which we will speak a batch much astir later successful nan call, but besides aided by a very important summation of 46% successful our world income of QuadCore, which is our proprietary exertion successful our insulated panels.

The insulation business grew by 40%. Again, ostentation played a ample domiciled here, but truthful excessively did the very important effect of territory heating, which is arsenic a consequence of nan acquisition of Logstor past year, which grew very importantly organically. And erstwhile again, we'll woody much pinch that later on.

As portion of that division, method insulation, i.e., non-building comprises astir 35% of world revenue, and is increasing significantly. We've established our Roofing & Waterproofing section pinch nan acquisitions of some Ondura and Derbigum. That section now this twelvemonth should present a tally complaint gross of astir EUR500 million. And naturally, we person immoderate different strategical initiatives successful our sites connected that beforehand arsenic well.

The Light & Air business accrued by 27%, pinch important separator summation arsenic we caput towards a 10% operating separator location complete nan coming years. And Data & Flooring has flagged, grew very importantly by astir 33%, again, very overmuch driven by nan information halfway activity successful Europe and successful North America.

I'm going to conscionable return you guardant to Slide number 11, earlier we get connected to nan financials, which is titled 2022 Planet Passionate Progress. And conscionable to nan near side, well, astir apt to nan mediate of that slide, dealing pinch nan underlying businesses capacity against nan guidelines twelvemonth of 2020. So we said astir very important and challenging and eager targets connected a bully number of fronts.

And conscionable to item nan advancement successful immoderate of nan areas that's really been highly encouraging. So astatine an emissions level from Scope 1 and 2 successful our manufacturing has really been a 41% absolute simplification successful emissions complete nan past 2 years, which is evidently very significant.

In position of our zero emanation vehicles, nan replacement complaint globally was 60% past year. And we're hurtling towards 100% there, which is 2025 target, and we'll astir apt meet that successful beforehand of that. Direct renewable energy, again, our target location is 60% by 2030. And successful each likelihood, we will meet that successful beforehand of that year. So 34% of our energy was nonstop renewable and 7% of that was from our ain sites.

Solar PV installations crossed nan group for almost 42% of our sites now incorporated that. And again, that will make a very importantly guardant successful nan coming year. And past conscionable 1 further point to item is nan discarded to landfill, which is simply a target we're again very passionate about. We've complete -- we've reduced nan discarded to landfill by complete 50% successful nan past fewer years. And again, our target location is perfectly zero, and we'd beryllium enthusiastic astir achieving that successful our target period. In position of nan integrated description , merchandise development, et cetera, we'll touch connected that later, astir apt much during nan Q&A session.

So I'm going to manus you complete to Geoff now to return you done nan financials.

Geoff Doherty

Thanks, Gene. And I'm turning to Page 17 successful nan descent deck. So conscionable immoderate of nan financial highlights. As Gene outlined earlier, group revenues up 28% to EUR8.34 billion. Trading profit up 10% to EUR833 million, EPS up 8%. A last dividend of EUR0.238, bringing nan full dividend for nan twelvemonth to EUR0.494, truthful up 8% successful statement pinch net and a payout of 15%, which is successful statement pinch our dividend policy. A decent free rate travel performance, and I'll travel to nan constituents of that successful a second. But free rate flow, EUR393 cardinal compared to EUR127 cardinal successful 2021. So sizeable progress, peculiarly successful nan 2nd half of nan twelvemonth connected reducing moving capital.

Net indebtedness came in, successful statement -- broadly successful statement pinch what we guided, a small complete EUR1.5 billion. The trading separator was 10%, down 160 ground points versus 2021, and we look astatine nan divisional floor plan of that successful nan second. The effective taxation complaint up 30 ground points, and that really reflects nan geographic operation of net year-on-year.

Net indebtedness to EBITDA astatine 1.62 times compared to 0.88 successful 2021. Return connected superior employed 15.9% aliases possibly much reasonably 16.5% erstwhile you annualize nan effect of acquisitions, base successful mind nan timing of immoderate of those later successful nan twelvemonth successful position of return connected superior employed. From a indebtedness perspective, it's besides worthy highlighting that developmentally nan business invested EUR1.3 cardinal done 2021 successful position of acquisitions and CapEx. So a twelvemonth of important investment.

Turning to Page 18, conscionable to look astatine nan separator by division. Insulated panels 10.6% for nan year, down connected 2021, which was a precocious h2o marketplace successful galore ways successful position of separator performance. The separator successful nan 2nd half of nan twelvemonth of 2022, little than nan first half, arsenic we worked done our inventories of earthy materials arsenic nan tide turned connected immoderate of those inputs mid-year past year, and they were traded retired done overmuch of nan 2nd half.

Insulation margin, 10% compared to 12.4%. Again, that would person been reflective of an constituent of measurement weakness successful nan insulation boards to mention for that business down astir 10% successful volume. Although, nan Logstor business, which is now a 4th of that division, its volumes were up 18% successful nan 2nd half of nan year.

Roofing & Waterproofing very overmuch a still play successful 2022, 5.5% trading margin, but we would expect location betwixt 7% and 8% successful nan existent financial twelvemonth trending to 10% complete time. Light & Air recorded immoderate advancement 7.5%. But again, nan medium-term separator guidance location successful nan adjacent mates of years aliases truthful is 10%.

Water & Energy 5.5%. Data & Flooring, 12%, successful statement pinch 2021 and trending likewise arsenic we move into nan early portion of this twelvemonth successful that division, truthful wide 10%. And you'll spot connected nan right-hand broadside of nan -- of that peculiar page, compounded trading profit maturation of 17% since 2018.

Turning to Page 19 and conscionable nan span of group income and profitability. Dealing pinch income successful nan first instance, rate was positive 3%. Acquisitions contributed astatine 9% and underlying revenues grew by 16%, aliases a small complete EUR1 cardinal successful '22 versus '21. From a profit perspective, rate was positive 3%, acquisitions contributed astir 8% and underlying down -- somewhat down by astir 1% from a profit perspective.

Turning to free rate travel connected Page 20. Decent free rate travel capacity overall, EBITDA, a small nether EUR1 billion. Working superior accrued by EUR136 million, but base successful mind that underlying income were up by EUR1 billion. We expect to make advancement successful reducing nan moving superior income percent further advancement successful that respect successful 2023. The metric was 14.5% astatine nan extremity of December compared to 13.8% astatine nan extremity of December '21. I deliberation there's 100 ground points aliases so, of moving superior to travel retired of nan business complete nan people of nan adjacent 12 months. So that should assistance rate travel successful nan existent financial year.

Other important items connected that page, our taxation outflow is EUR158 million, broadly successful statement pinch nan existent taxation complaint for nan year, and important CapEx successful nan year, EUR250 cardinal during nan year. Our CapEx guidance for 2023 is astir EUR180 million. So it ought to beryllium a small spot little successful nan existent year. And each of that mixed to present nan EUR393 cardinal of free rate flow.

Reconciling that to nett indebtedness connected Page 21. The different important rate travel items beyond free rate travel were astatine nan acquisition walk of EUR893 million. The Roofing & Waterproofing acquisitions were a important constituent of that, on pinch Troldtekt task successful nan insulation business and different acquisitions made successful nan year. The financial plus was nan strategical number liking successful Nordic Waterproofing. Our rate dividends paid during nan twelvemonth astir EUR97 million. So we closed retired nan twelvemonth pinch a debased of EUR1.5 cardinal of debt.

On Page 22, conscionable -- we conscionable item immoderate numbers astir our equilibrium sheet, leverage nett indebtedness to EBTIDA 1.62 times. We arranged further lending accommodation of EUR800 cardinal during 2022. Our liquidity is simply a patient EUR1.45 cardinal betwixt rate balances connected manus and committed undrawn facilities. And nan weighted mean maturity of our semipermanent backstage placement notes is 5.7 years.

Return connected superior employed arsenic a metric is group retired connected Page 23. So successful position of nan annualized return aft nan effect of acquisitions 16.5%. And we ought to spot that advancement arsenic we trim nan moving superior position, successful particular, during nan existent financial year. And clearly, it's a very important metrics arsenic we deliberation astir nan business and its profile.

The income by surface science are group retired connected Page 24. No important changes geographically year-on-year. The Americas comprising 22% of nan business arsenic compared to 20% successful 2021. And nan European markets, broadly 70% aliases location -- aliases thereabouts of nan business.

So pinch that, I'll manus backmost to Gene.

Gene Murtagh

Great. Thank you very much, Geoff. If we could return you now to Slide 31, which is titled Outlook. This was conscionable arsenic a wide comment, we've astir apt ne'er seen arsenic operation an situation successful nan history of nan business. So by geography, by merchandise set, by extremity markets, location are really immense variations, which are astir apt not surprising.

In position of our benignant of existent trading, it's -- for illustration it's very difficult to look excessively acold up naturally, but year-to-date underlying like-for-like revenues are broadly akin to what they were successful nan anterior year. So that's up 6% aliases 7% successful value and down 6% aliases 7% successful volume. And erstwhile we adhd connected nan acquisitions, it's astir 7% up of nan gross for nan year-to-date.

Naturally, we're heading into astir apt nan toughest comp, which is Q2, which was nan highest capacity of nan business really ever, driven hugely by inflationary pressures astatine that constituent past year. But all-in-all, we would consciousness reasonably assured astir really we'll return nan business done nan existent year.

And that's it from nan general position perspective. Very happy to unfastened it up to questions now.

Question-and-Answer Session


Thank you. [Operator Instructions] The first mobility we person from nan telephone statement comes from David O'Brien of Goodbody. Your statement is now opened.

David O’Brien

Good morning, guys. Thanks for taking my question. And three, please, if I could. You've mentioned, Gene, successful nan outlook, conscionable nan -- I suppose, nan variabilities capacity crossed geographies and extremity markets. Just wondering, if you could possibly flush that retired a small spot for america and springiness america a spirit of nan varying regions and extremity markets by performance?

Secondly, circumstantial to nan U.S., tin you springiness america a position connected like, we've sewage nan Inflation Reduction Act, we person nan CHIPS Act, but really do they play into Kingspan's business much medium-term? And past finally, could you springiness america a spirit of what trends you're seeing successful steel, MDI and mineral fibre costs, please?

Gene Murtagh

Okay, David, yeah. In position of nan location performances -- successful position of nan location performance, let's say, starting pinch North America, I'd say, it's astir apt 1 of nan amended performing regions that we've got. Naturally, our important vulnerability location is non-residential, which is still performing good arsenic a backdrop, but besides our sectoral vulnerability location is very overmuch to our advantage arsenic well. So immense vulnerability to nan information side, immense vulnerability to nan automotive modulation towards EV, which is driving an atrocious batch of our task measurement astatine nan moment. And nan pipeline, we're looking guardant to location really for nan adjacent 18 months aliases 2 years is highly encouraging.

Moving crossed to Europe. France and Germany would beryllium reasonably dependable for astir of our businesses. Benelux and Central Europe and successful particular, Poland, we would item that arsenic very weak. And then, nan U.K., I would say, understandably, not an outstanding performer either. And that's it broadly successful position of nan location variations. In position of nan IRA Act successful nan U.S., I'd opportunity successful position of really that will impact us, that's benignant of a TBC. It's very early days for america successful that area.

And then, from a costs perspective, and there's a batch moving astir location really astatine nan moment. So I would opportunity that our costs person astir apt bottomed out. So if anybody was anticipating further deflation successful our costs guidelines and successful our trading prices, I deliberation that has surely halted for nan clip being. So alloy people will beryllium our biggest purchase, past chemicals and past to a smaller extent, mineral fiber.

So steel, we would really expect to spot it rising successful nan 2nd quarter. Difficult to put a percent connected it, yes, and obviously, that will beryllium commercially delicate enough. But successful position of guidance of travel, it's going to spell up and truthful excessively pinch our trading prices, but pinch nan emblematic lag. MDI, similarly, we would expect to harden successful nan foreseeable early arsenic good arsenic request picks up again.

And past from a mineral fibre perspective, obviously, we devour a batch of that. Developments much precocious is that there's a batch of capacity available, we are seeing much availability. We're seeing much value reductions. Difficult to telephone wherever that will go. But obviously, power is simply a immense driver for that peculiar segment.

Energy prices now are astir apt akin to what they were a twelvemonth agone for nan accumulation of those products, and trading prices a twelvemonth agone were astir apt 30% little than what they are now. So let's spot wherever that travels complete nan adjacent mates of months.

David O’Brien

That’s brilliant. Cheers. Thanks. Very helpful.

Catriona Nicholson

Thanks, David.


Thank you, David. Our adjacent mobility comes from Arnaud Lehmann of Bank of America. Arnaud, your statement is open.

Arnaud Lehmann

Thank you very much. Three questions arsenic well, if I may. Firstly, I guess, you remark connected Q1 profit, but you do not people Q1 profit. So could you springiness america an denotation of typically really overmuch Q1 contributes to your first half results, let's say, really overmuch was it successful 2022, was it 30%, 40%, I presume it's smaller than half, but immoderate denotation would beryllium helpful?

Secondly, I deliberation you mentioned that you're going to harvester nan ray and aerial and nan h2o and power divisions. Could you please explicate nan fundamentals for that? And, lastly, you gave america immoderate denotation successful your first comments connected nan free rate flow, but is it correct to presume that excluding acquisition you could trim your indebtedness by, let's say, EUR500 cardinal to EUR600 cardinal connected little CapEx and affirmative moving superior this year? Thank you.

Geoff Doherty

Okay. Just to woody pinch nan mobility astir Q1, I mean, very directionally successful an mean twelvemonth Q1 would beryllium astir 20% of yearly profitability, springiness aliases take, but that's, arsenic I say, successful an mean year. And possibly conscionable to woody pinch your past mobility connected rate flow, absolutely, EUR600 cardinal is nan nett rate procreation earlier acquisitions that ought to beryllium deliverable this twelvemonth successful ray of that moving superior percent coming down and CapEx being sub EUR200 million. So, absolutely, that's nan wide number there.

Gene Murtagh

Thanks, Geoff. Yeah. And successful position of nan light, aerial and water, arsenic we grow, we people request larger platforms, very overmuch a portion of creating a larger merchandise level world crossed this mixed business unit, location is going to beryllium transmission synergy, location will be, I'd say, a important boost successful nan online channel, which is good established successful nan h2o business, little truthful successful nan ray and air, and nan products will beryllium very suitable for that transmission and location is besides a very important work magnitude to some of these businesses, which is different than nan remainder of nan group and we would spot nan opportunity to overtime amalgamate that and turn importantly connected a world scale, hence nan rationale for amalgamating these businesses.

Arnaud Lehmann

Thank you very much.


Thank you. Our adjacent mobility comes from nan statement of George Speak pinch BNP Paribas Exane. Please spell up erstwhile you're ready.

George Speak

Good morning, all. Thanks for taking my question. Just first 1 connected Logstor. So, clearly, a very charismatic business proposition and charismatic measurement growth, do you deliberation that's sustainable going guardant aliases what's nan semipermanent measurement trajectory of that business?

Gene Murtagh

So, arsenic Geoff pointed out, 18% integrated growth, which is really very encouraging, very significant. And we would beryllium very enthusiastic astir nan longer-term prospects for this business and that's people arsenic a consequence of nan modulation successful power sourcing mostly astir cities successful Europe, truthful couldn't really beryllium precise connected it, but location is increasing liking successful territory heating arsenic a conception alternatively than nan other and Logstor would beryllium nan important marketplace leader successful Europe connected that front. So, yes, we will be, I would say, very enthused astir nan prospects for that business and related tributary businesses arsenic good that we hopefully will create complete clip arsenic well.

George Speak


Geoff Doherty

I think, George, our capacity plans besides bespeak nan ongoing affirmative prospects for that peculiar business, and we scheme to summation our capacity by 30% successful nan existent twelvemonth and by a further 50% astatine 3 years retired from this year. So, yeah, nan structural maturation successful that business ought to beryllium affirmative successful nan coming years.

George Speak

Okay. And that, benignant of, feeds rather nicely into conscionable wider M&A intentions and intelligibly you person a agelong shopping database of different verticals and products that you're looking at, but really do you equilibrium those, what's nan cardinal privilege correct now, what are you looking at, what's interesting?

Gene Murtagh

Yeah. Probably a much encouraging pipeline we've ever had, which is simply a bully starting point, and we will beryllium characteristically disciplined successful position of our equilibrium expanse arsenic we've been successful nan past. So, I'd say, we're cautiously optimistic astir really we return that schedule forward. In position of geographic exposure, nan important opportunities will beryllium Continental Europe and America, some Latin America and North America, and location are opportunities correct crossed nan merchandise portfolio, virtually each section location are important opportunities and nary much to beryllium said successful that really. Yeah.

George Speak

Okay. Understood. Maybe 1 conscionable last mobility then. Just returning to nan outlook, I admit you haven't published nan panels' measurement backlog, but do you mind conscionable giving an denotation of really it compares to past year?

Geoff Doherty

Well, we haven't fixed nan circumstantial backlog number, because fixed nan scope of markets that we're in, nan scope of applications and different things moving astatine different speeds, nan guidance of recreation you tin return it is accordant pinch what Gene outlined successful position of our measurement capacity year-to-date being down 7% aliases location aliases thereabouts, that feels for illustration life for now.

George Speak

Okay. Understood. Thank you, guys. Thanks for your time.

Catriona Nicholson

Thank you.

Gene Murtagh

Thanks, George.


Thank you, George. We now person Flor O'Donoghue of Davy. Please spell ahead, erstwhile you are ready.

Florence O'Donoghue

Thank you. Good morning, everyone. Just a mates for me. The first is conscionable successful narration to Slide 12 successful nan deck, a very absorbing schematic you ever put up, conscionable willing to statement there, it looks for illustration thing for illustration complete 10 projects coming to fruition this year, conscionable possibly to get a consciousness of what nan gross opportunity complete clip from that level of benignant of capacity coming onstream is? And then, nan 2nd one, conscionable a consciousness of nan warranty complaint past year, conscionable really that's evolved, if that's okay?

Gene Murtagh

Yeah. So, connected nan Slide 12, nan integrated description , Flor, it's -- to beryllium honorable pinch you, location is astir much soul request than we're physically capable to fulfill successful nan consciousness of really building facilities, sourcing nan equipment, et cetera. And arsenic nan group intelligibly expands and nan divisional footprint expands, nan request gets bigger, on nan lines Geoff conscionable highlighted successful position of Logstor arsenic an example. So, request virtually for 2 caller accommodation location correct now.

And arsenic you tin spot from this, it's covering each divisions and beautiful overmuch each geographies, truthful there's astir apt astir EUR400 cardinal of CapEx request connected that descent itself and, typically speaking, nan gross would beryllium astir doubly nan CapEx. So, erstwhile we benignant of get this -- erstwhile we get each of this done -- and carnivore successful mind now that there's respective years of developments here, but these are each projects that are either underway aliases very overmuch successful our readying pipe. So, it's encouraging to opportunity nan least. But nan request is location from nan businesses for this CapEx.

Geoff Doherty

Yeah. And conscionable a mobility connected nan warranty, full proviso astatine nan extremity of December 2022 astir EUR180 cardinal and nan income connection complaint astir EUR48 million.

Florence O'Donoghue

Great. Thank you. And conscionable 1 last travel up, if that's okay. Just connected Rooftricity, I deliberation you mentioned successful archive conscionable immoderate proviso constraints astir getting, I think, parts of nan merchandise and conscionable possibly to remark connected that and possibly really that's going, successful general, anyhow your thought process astir that and nan PowerPanel?

Gene Murtagh

Yeah. Absolutely, Flor. So, not surprisingly, a batch of nan world's star comes from China and truthful do nan margins for this peculiar product. And truthful location has been some, I'd say, upwind disruption successful that full transmission and, also, I would opportunity immoderate delays successful conscionable nan certification process and conscionable owing to logjams of testing requirements mostly astir nan markets. So that's each going to spell perfectly good and we besides -- we're trying to widen nan proviso bases good astir apt to beryllium little reliant connected nan areas wherever we commenced. In position of nan appetite, like, nan appetite is really highly important and, to beryllium frank, we're conscionable trying to clasp that backmost until we're physically afloat fresh for it all.

But, arsenic you look ahead, it's very conceivable that wrong a play of 4 aliases 5 years, nan request for star incorporated into this will beryllium multiples higher than what it presently is. And this is each astir readying ourselves for that. And arsenic you tin spot from nan descent 12, location are a number of different accommodation speech from nan UK that we expect to get fresh for PowerPanel complete nan adjacent twelvemonth aliases two. So, yeah, for illustration of each merchandise sets, astir apt nan 1 I'd beryllium astir encouraged by.

Florence O'Donoghue

Super. Thanks, Gene, and thanks, Geoff.


Thank you. We now person Gregor Kuglitsch of UBS. Your statement is open. Please spell up whenever you are ready.

Gregor Kuglitsch

Good morning. I dream you're well. I've sewage fewer questions, please. Maybe tin we commencement pinch nan waterproofing business. So, I think, you're benignant of saying EUR500 cardinal tally rate, tin you benignant of show america what you deliberation nan benignant of first separator is connected that? I admit you person to merge that business and past benignant of nan mean word aspiration. Maybe related to that, I deliberation you benignant of called retired that there's much opportunities present strategically.

I think, location has been -- location is 1 ample woody nan different day, which was astir apt a spot excessively large for you, correct maine if I'm wrong, successful nan US, but conscionable springiness america your thoughts connected benignant of nan size and standard that you want to push this business into nan adjacent fewer years? And that's benignant of mobility one, 1 and two, I guess.

Then nan 2nd mobility is, tin you conscionable punctual america successful unsmooth terms, I admit it's a spot commercially sensitive, successful unsmooth position wherever we are now, what was nan alloy and chem's measure past year, truthful we tin get a spot of an thought really to deliberation astir that? And past related to that, I think, you called retired successful H2 that you've had a spot of a headwind from, I suppose, overpriced aliases high-cost inventory. Can you quantify really overmuch of that really was, like, successful euro cardinal position aliases thing for illustration that?

And then, finally, I cognize your QuadCore income are increasing rather nicely and they are now really becoming rather large chunk of nan segment. Can you conscionable springiness america an thought of really overmuch other separator you make connected that benignant of, I admit again commercially sensitive, but directionally, please? Thank you.

Gene Murtagh

All right. So, I'll conscionable commencement pinch nan roofing. So, nan roofing broadside of it, you talked -- there's been tons of M&A activity successful that sector, which you cognize good astir complete nan past mates of years. I deliberation we've been moving distant reasonably discreetly ourselves connected that front. That was past woody announced precocious successful nan US. In position of scale, it's not remotely excessively ample for america actually. And truthful we were astatine that [Multiple Speakers]

Gregor Kuglitsch

I think, successful nan end, it adds value.

Gene Murtagh

No, no, no, nan aggregate was way, arsenic if anything, we'd beryllium prepared today, which is simply a different rumor than nan absolute figure. So, that's really each we person to opportunity connected that front. Yeah. It's that type of business that would precisely fresh nan floor plan of what we're astir to put. We're a very returns focused business and that conscionable wouldn't fresh our profile. And, Geoff, possibly you tin return immoderate of those.

Geoff Doherty

Yeah. Just connected nan effect of higher priced inventories successful nan 2nd half of nan year, astir 100 ground points of separator successful nan insulated panels business successful nan 2nd half of nan twelvemonth will beryllium broadly attributable to that. On nan roofing and waterproofing separator profile, 5.5% successful 2022 is efficaciously conscionable reflective of nan truth that wherever we acquired nan businesses precocious successful nan twelvemonth and nan acquisition costs and truthful distant were besides reflected successful 2022. This twelvemonth ought to beryllium astatine aliases astir 7.5% aliases 8%, but very overmuch nan guidance of recreation present is simply a 10% return connected income section and we've beryllium moving difficult successful nan coming years to execute that.

Gregor Kuglitsch

Thank you. And connected alloy and chemicals?

Geoff Doherty

Yeah. On alloy and chemicals, Gregor, we -- for nan past number of years, we've been reluctant to springiness circumstantial numbers connected that for reasons of commercialized sensitivity. So, I think, astatine this outing, we're not emotion immoderate otherwise astir that.


Thank you. The adjacent mobility we person comes from Rajesh Patki of JP Morgan. Please spell up erstwhile you are ready. We will move connected to nan adjacent questioner. The adjacent mobility is Yassine Touahri from On Field Investment Research. Please spell up erstwhile you are ready.

Yassine Touahri

Yes. Good morning, gentlemen. A mates of questions. Could you springiness a small spot much colour connected nan measurement developments and pricing improvement that you knowledgeable successful nan first 4th of 2023? I deliberation you mentioned 5%, 6% measurement decline, but I conscionable want to double check? And is it adjacent to assume, based connected your comments, that nan measurement were down double digits successful nan 4th fourth of 2022? So, mobility connected volume.

Then 2nd mobility connected nan pricing move successful your sheet business. Could you explicate a small spot really nan pricing speech useful pinch installer and really assured are you successful your expertise to person a affirmative aliases neutral value costs move for 2023 fixed nan volatility successful chemic price, alloy prices? And that would beryllium my 2nd question.

Geoff Doherty

Okay. Just to woody pinch nan measurement mobility successful Q1, successful nan early portion of this year, volumes are -- globally are down by astir 7%; connected pricing, it's astir 7% ahead, truthful our underlying income beautiful level -- beautiful overmuch level year-to-date and that's nan guidance of recreation done Q1.

Gene Murtagh

And that takes into relationship utmost variations, which we highlighted earlier on. Like, immoderate of nan businesses are, like, importantly up and immoderate are importantly behind. What Geoff highlights, that's nan mean return connected what it looks like. And successful position of really nan pricing dynamics works, it's reasonably straightforward. We effort to get nan highest value arsenic we tin and nan customer tries to get nan lowest value arsenic we can, and that's beautiful overmuch really it useful out.

Now, arsenic I highlighted earlier on, we would consciousness that our costs base, surely for nan foreseeable future, has bottomed out. So, we're looking astatine -- really astatine an expanding costs guidelines and coming pinch that will people beryllium efforts to summation our trading prices with, arsenic I said, nan emblematic lag. But our pricing naturally, correct now, is nether unit because of nan existent debased level of -- sorry, comparatively debased level of our costs base. But we would expect that to beryllium reasonably short-lived if nan expected maturation successful our earthy worldly costs transpires.

Catriona Nicholson

And you've made immoderate comments this twelvemonth that volumes [Technical Difficulty] double-digit successful Q1 2022. I think, that's nan script arsenic nan volumes spell up successful Q1 past year.

Yassine Touahri

No, no, successful Q4 2022?

Gene Murtagh

For Q4.

Yassine Touahri

Last quarter. Yeah. Yeah.

Catriona Nicholson

[Multiple Speakers] 2022 volumes connected a quarterly basis.

Gene Murtagh


Yassine Touahri

Or successful nan 2nd half of nan year, and actually…

Gene Murtagh

You tin return it, they were nether pressure. Yeah, absolutely.

Yassine Touahri

And conscionable to travel up connected nan pricing -- follow-up connected nan pricing, do you spot immoderate accrued title from you’re -- nan alloy shaper for illustration Tata Steel and Arcelor successful an situation wherever volumes are down, aliases do you consciousness group aliases nan manufacture rationale?

Gene Murtagh

I would opportunity nan downstream businesses of alloy mills are ne'er peculiarly rationale, but that's nary different coming than it was past twelvemonth aliases 5 years ago.

Yassine Touahri

Thank you very much.

Catriona Nicholson

Thank you.


Thank you. We now person Manish Beria of Societe Generale. Please spell up whenever you are ready.

Manish Beria

So, yes -- truthful my first mobility is besides nan mobility asked by Gregor. Last clip was that, nan QuadCore has go very important for you. It's already 17% of nan panels business. So conscionable trying to understand, do you get a mixed effect erstwhile nan QuadCore income grew faster than nan remainder of nan business, I mean? So is location a separator quality successful there? This is my first question.

The 2nd mobility I wanted to inquire connected your pricing strategy this time, because Kingspan had been delivering affirmative value costs dispersed successful nan past 2 to 3 years now. So is location a consenting to springiness backmost this clip value costs aliases you conscionable for illustration proceed to person a affirmative value costs dispersed besides into 2023?

Geoff Doherty

Absolutely, for illustration immoderate invention that Kingspan has, clearly, nan separator floor plan for nan latest tech is positive. So location is simply a affirmative effect successful nan panels business and that did lend to nan -- it did lend to nan separator capacity successful 2022, base successful mind that wide volumes successful nan section were down, QuadCore was ahead. So, again, for commercialized reasons, we wouldn't want to talk specifically astir nan separator different than it is simply a -- it has a affirmative operation effect and that often play retired further successful nan coming years arsenic QuadCore becomes an moreover much meaningful portion of nan insulated sheet business.

Manish Beria

Okay. And nan value cost, nan pricing strategy this year?

Gene Murtagh

There's evidently a very adjacent narration successful position of inclination wise betwixt our costs and our trading prices, which is why I would opportunity we're astir apt -- we're successful aliases astir astatine nan lowest level presently, I would say. But arsenic we expect costs expanding naturally, our quotations, very shortly, are going to person to bespeak that successful position of our incoming successful Q2. So, we will beryllium expanding prices very soon successful surely nan insulated panels business.

Manish Beria

So is it adjacent to say, I mean, arsenic you say, location is immoderate lag always, truthful this twelvemonth besides possibly location is immoderate lag, but you'll person immoderate inventory, because past clip you suffered because of nan high-cost inventory, truthful that will beryllium beneficiary. So, successful that sense, I mean, it will still beryllium neutral to affirmative this year, nan value cost?

Gene Murtagh

Yeah. Probably successful nan -- you're right, absolutely. So we will people participate Q2 pinch low-cost inventory, but that will emergence arsenic we spell done towards mid-year.

Manish Beria

Okay. So, yeah, acknowledgment for that. But conscionable wanted to see, like, really do you consciousness astir nan consensus, that is for EBITDA this twelvemonth for EUR750 million. I mean, you did EUR833 cardinal this year, 2022, and now nan statement is expecting for illustration 10% decline. So, are you happy? Do you seeing this arsenic a reasonable scope aliases is it thing for illustration you tin perfectly -- it's a very debased number, nan statement now, really do you deliberation astir that?

Geoff Doherty

Yeah. I mean, nan statement number that we cod shows EUR751 cardinal of trading profit for 2023. And while we're not giving circumstantial guidance for 2023, nan EUR751 cardinal is simply a number that we would beryllium comfortable pinch astatine this early shape successful nan year.

Manish Beria

Okay. Yeah. Makes sense. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Gene Murtagh

Thanks, Manish. Thank you.


Thank you. We now person Rajesh Patki, JP Morgan. Your statement is open.

Rajesh Patki

Yes, hi. Good morning, all. I dream you tin perceive maine now.

Catriona Nicholson

Yeah. Hi, Rajesh.

Gene Murtagh


Rajesh Patki

Great. I've sewage 3 arsenic well, please. So, nan first 1 is, if you could springiness america a unsmooth thought of nan group's costs base, possibly successful position of fixed and adaptable cost, I admit you don't want to supply specifications connected alloy and MDI individually, and you've commented connected nan trends connected alloy and MDI, you spot them moving, but possibly if you tin remark connected really you spot nan fixed costs guidelines germinate this year?

The 2nd mobility is, 1 of nan listed competitors past week said they expect a double-digit diminution successful topline for nan afloat year. Appreciate nan quality successful merchandise profiles, but is that thing you broadly work together with? And if not, why? And, lastly, I deliberation you mentioned prices trending astatine astir 7% for nan first 4th pinch perchance further increases successful nan 2nd 4th from a -- purely from a costs perspective, do you spot immoderate competitory risks to this value increases and peculiarly fixed nan challenging measurement environment? Thank you.

Geoff Doherty

Just connected nan fixed versus adaptable costs floor plan of nan business, I mean, connected average, our gross margins are location betwixt 28% and 29% and our overheads beneath that are 18% to 19% and those overheads are astir 50% fixed and 50% variable. So, I suppose if you hold agelong capable each costs is variable, but successful nan short word that's nan outlines visible.

Gene Murtagh

Yeah. And successful position of nan mineral fibre produce, like, arsenic you're referring to, that came retired past week talking astir double-digits, I'm not judge what it was volume.

Catriona Nicholson

[Multiple Speakers] topline.

Gene Murtagh

Volume, yeah. Like, it's really a very different manufacture pinch different dynamics going connected in. It's highly power led from a costs perspective. As I highlighted earlier, power is beautiful overmuch astatine nan aforesaid value arsenic it was a twelvemonth ago. So, I guess, what they're astir apt highlighting is that, their trading prices, et cetera, are going to bespeak that very soon and tons of free capacity there, which we've noticed complete nan past mates of months look arsenic well. Our business is very different. As we said, we're really expecting costs increases and immoderate of it rather important successful Q2. So, location is nary replacement for our spot to thrust backmost done successful our trading prices, arsenic successful up.

Catriona Nicholson

Thank you, Geoff.

Rajesh Patki

Thank you.


Thank you. We now person Yves Bromehead from Societe Generale. Please spell up whenever you are ready, Yves.

Yves Bromehead

Good morning. Hope you're each well. Can you perceive me?

Catriona Nicholson


Geoff Doherty

Yeah, Yves. Good morning.

Gene Murtagh


Yves Bromehead

Great. Hope you're well. Just a speedy follow-up connected nan PowerPanel. I conscionable wanting to know, tin you really quantify nan marketplace imaginable that you spot here? And tin you besides grow whether aliases not nan gross vulnerability of that merchandise would beryllium much tilted towards renewal versus caller builds? That would beryllium really helpful.

And maybe, secondly, connected chromatic wool, you've intelligibly mentioned that you've sewage immoderate scheme here, truthful I was wondering what benignant of exertion are you looking at? Are you looking to spell afloat connected electric? And then, tin you possibly specify which region you're looking to penetrate? And what benignant of CapEx we should beryllium looking for if you're really going done nan chromatic wool European description program? Thank you very much.

Gene Murtagh

Thanks, Yves. From a PowerPanel perspective, location is -- successful position of nan potential, well, like, it's conscionable difficult to call. But it's not inconceivable that 50% of rooms wrong 5 years will person immoderate shape of star incorporated into them. So that people has very important implications for nan worth of an insulated panel, base successful mind that it's astir apt astir 3x nan quadrate metre gross versus what it is currently. So, that's big.

And past from a refurb perspective, again, we're trying to good tune nan Rooftricity model, which is simply a funded solution. So, successful essence, what we'll beryllium doing location is, benignant of, fundamentally knocking connected doors of existing inefficient and aged building owners to effort and promote them to move without having nan superior retired location to commencement pinch first. I think, nan refurb opportunity will beryllium much important than nan refurb opportunity presently is -- would beryllium our position connected it.

And, I'd say, we will person a overmuch crisper position of this wrong six to 9 months arsenic we astir apt get up and running. But, arsenic I said earlier, nan -- if anything, we're trying to clasp backmost liking successful it until we're logistically fresh for takeoff. From a chromatic wool perspective, conscionable to put immoderate discourse astir this, we person a very clear ambition and we're astir 95% connected way to beryllium nan only world multi-technology arsenic successful each insulation exertion supplier correct crossed nan portion arsenic successful 8, 10 technologies. Like a spread we person is chromatic wool.

As you know, astir 11% aliases 12% of our world insulated panels incorporated that arsenic a core, which people is our cardinal liking and location are immoderate countries that person that arsenic a penchant successful definite applications and it's a spread successful our portfolio, but we would expect this moreover successful 5 years' clip to beryllium a comparatively mini portion of nan group. It's not an perfect exertion for a batch of applications, it's usually power and emanation consumptive, which is not really Kingspan's guidance of travel.

And to your constituent astir electrification, our sole extremity present successful position of nan manufacturing floor plan is renewably-powered electrification and we will only travel to marketplace pinch a -- and besides debased c alternatives, which is not tally of nan mill, arsenic you cognize from nan existing incumbents. So, it will beryllium very overmuch portion of nan Kingspan ethos erstwhile it comes to nan power profile.

Yves Bromehead

Thank you. Would that unfastened nan doorway arsenic good to perchance looking astatine solid wool, wood wool, hemp wool, and each nan remainder of it?

Gene Murtagh

Probably nan second ones absolutely. Glass, very unlikely.

Yves Bromehead

Thank you very much.

Catriona Nicholson

Thank you.


Thank you. We now person nan Brijesh Siya from HSBC. Please spell up whenever you are ready, Brijesh.

Brijesh Siya

Hi. Good morning, all. I person 2 questions. The first 1 is, if I conscionable spell backmost to nan chemic and steel, I admit you are not consenting to springiness america an absolute number, but if you could conscionable springiness america what benignant of for nan ostentation past twelvemonth and what do you expect this twelvemonth is -- year's ostentation to get each that chemical, alloy and mineral wool?

And nan 2nd 1 is connected marketplace share. I mean, your competitor highlighted past week astir rumor location and perchance I cognize you nutrient insulation, which are astatine nan precocious end, but do you spot a chance of you gaining marketplace stock successful that market, because nan pricing differentials are rather different from what it was 1 twelvemonth back?

Gene Murtagh

Sorry, what was nan past question, Brijesh?

Catriona Nicholson

Can you stock immoderate [Multiple Speakers]

Brijesh Siya

Well, I was talking astir nan mineral wool and, yea -- and nan pricing differential, I admit that, I mean, past twelvemonth you had a antagonistic dispersed versus them, but this twelvemonth it's benignant of nan opposite, truthful do you expect nan marketplace stock displacement backmost to you?

Gene Murtagh

Like -- Brijesh, like, we don't really compete caput on. For start, a very important information of our panels business really is that arsenic a core. So, it's not, it's not competition, it's beforehand and halfway for america wrong Kingspan. And arsenic a axenic insulation, they are not that substitutable aliases interchangeable and they are mostly utilized successful different applications, which is nan only logic we would see being successful nan crippled successful nan first place.

So, like, I would opportunity to you as, successful general, a mineral fibre and I'll conscionable bonding (ph) solid and chromatic into 1 for nan clip being, it's astir apt astir one-third of nan value per quadrate metre of our technology. So if that moves 10% aliases 15% up aliases down aliases likewise us, it doesn't importantly alteration nan competitory dynamics, because nan spread is already truthful large. Now, obviously, location are different exceptions to that successful position of merchandise spectrum and pricing. They're not arsenic interchangeable from a commercialized position arsenic it mightiness meet nan eye.

Geoff Doherty

Yeah. And conscionable arsenic regards inflation, I mean, our value maturation during 2022 was of nan bid of 20% aliases location aliases thereabouts, truthful that was to retrieve nan important ostentation inflicted connected nan business past year. We're still only very early into 2023, truthful it's not imaginable to benignant of beryllium circumstantial connected what nan inflationary aliases different outlook would beryllium for this twelvemonth different than to opportunity that we're saying successful Q2, we afloat expect immoderate level of ostentation successful steel, successful particular, Q2 versus Q1. I think, we would mostly estimate that we're highly improbable to spot nan quantum of ostentation complete nan people of this twelvemonth arsenic we had past year, but let's spot really nan twelvemonth plays out.

Brijesh Siya

Sure. Can I conscionable follow-up 1 past 1 successful position of nan renewal activity and immoderate benignant of power ratio regulations. Looking astatine nan measurement declines, we do not spot overmuch of nan pickup successful that segment. Could you please elaborate if location is immoderate benignant of circumstantial authorities plans which has travel done and you're excited about?

Gene Murtagh

I could say, arsenic a wide backdrop, we astir apt ought to beryllium much excited than we are. There is evidently a batch of talk and chat astir refurb and power conservation and each of that and nan guidance of recreation is intelligibly encouraging, but does not astir arsenic overmuch of it being activated arsenic needed to beryllium successful position of immoderate of nan ambiance goals. So, it's -- let's say, that's besides look guardant to -- first, very small spot successful spot truthful acold from our perspective.

Brijesh Siya

All right. Thank you very much.

Catriona Nicholson

Thank you.


Thank you. Our adjacent mobility comes from Jonathan Coubrough of Numis. Please spell up whenever you are ready, Jonathan.

Jonathan Coubrough

Good morning. Thanks very overmuch for taking my questions. I've sewage three, if that's okay. The first 1 is connected alloy prices. And I'd beryllium willing to perceive what gives you assurance that you deliberation alloy prices will summation done Q2, and besides what you deliberation nan capacity is for your extremity markets to sorb further value rises and what it could mean for volumes?

And past secondly connected inventories, they -- it remained elevated, arsenic you pointed retired astatine nan extremity of 2022 versus revenues and you’ve alluded to them benignant of normalizing done 2023, do you expect that will person a further effect to nan margin, aliases is location -- is that afloat played retired arsenic acold arsenic you're concerned?

And past thirdly conscionable connected nan Q1 guidance, I'd beryllium grateful to perceive your thoughts connected benignant of visibility for this twelvemonth astatine this stage. How does that comparison to a emblematic twelvemonth and what are nan factors affecting that astatine nan moment? Thanks.

Gene Murtagh

So, successful position of what gives america confidence, earthy mat alloy successful peculiar is going to rise. It's conscionable -- I suppose it's not moreover confidence, it's conscionable going to happen. Like, we've astir apt gone through, I would say, a mendacious debased successful position of alloy demand, arsenic you cognize well, location has been -- location was important inventory build successful aggregate materials, insulation, of course, but besides alloy was -- very important inventory build done nan past twelvemonth arsenic group were concerned, past group pulled distant from nan marketplace very overmuch successful Q4 and successful truth successful Q1, which would arsenic beryllium our acquisition arsenic we effort and flush done a higher costs inventory from past year.

So that benignant of created -- from an extremity marketplace perspective, it didn't really bespeak nan existent demand. So, a spot of a mendacious precocious and a spot of a mendacious low. And people request past increases arsenic inventory levels are heading towards a very debased level. The alloy manufacture knows that. And, arsenic a consequence -- and it's global. We are definite that we will spot increases successful nan 2nd quarter.

Geoff Doherty

Yeah. And past arsenic regards nan separator effect of, if you like, that destocking done nan 2nd half of past year, I mean, overmuch of nan dense lifting has been done connected that. There are still immoderate markets wherever location is simply a spot to do, but overmuch of it has already happened done nan backmost extremity of 2022.

Catriona Nicholson

Thanks, Jonathan.

Jonathan Coubrough

Thanks. And, sorry, conscionable pinch respect to nan expertise of extremity marketplace to sorb nan value rises, what's your anticipation location astatine nan moment?

Gene Murtagh

Like, depending connected nan quantum of increases, location would really beryllium nary choice. Our acquisition complete aggregate cycles has been to walk done up and down pinch immoderate lag and assuming that there's going to beryllium a sustained increase. And, arsenic Geoff pointed out, each we really cognize is what's happening successful nan 2nd quarter. But if it is sustained, location is simply nary action aliases nary scope not to walk it off.

Jonathan Coubrough

Thanks. Thanks very much.


Thank you. Our last mobility comes from Yuri Serov of Redburn. Please spell ahead. Your statement is open.

Yuri Serov

Yes. Good morning. Let maine inquire my questions 1 by one, if that's okay. First of all, your acquisition expense, truthful you are talking astir rate procreation earlier acquisitions of EUR600 million, your EBITDA is apt to autumn successful 2023, does that mean that -- I mean, and you spent EUR1 cardinal connected acquisitions past year, that tells maine that you decidedly going to walk little than EUR600 cardinal successful 2023 and astir apt moreover little than that, what do you think?

Gene Murtagh

That conscionable -- it's astir apt conscionable not rather a consecutive statement arsenic that, it could beryllium thing aliases it could beryllium a batch more. It depends connected nan opportunities, depends connected nan value, depends connected nan returns' propositions, but I conjecture you tin return it, it's not peculiarly our ambition to thrust our nett indebtedness floor plan to EBITDA higher than what it is now.

Yuri Serov

So, you would not want to summation it?

Gene Murtagh

Ideally not.

Yuri Serov

Okay. Understand. Secondly, connected volumes, truthful you were conscionable talking astir destocking successful alloy and nan -- your ain manufacture went done destocking past twelvemonth successful 2nd half and successful Q4, and you're saying that successful alloy you're going to spot measurement rises. Does that mean that we're going to spot measurement rises successful nan 2nd half for your business arsenic well?

Geoff Doherty

We don't know. The 2nd half [Multiple Speakers]

Yuri Serov

Does nan business logic clasp there.

Geoff Doherty

And I suppose nan 2nd half is simply a agelong measurement away. I mean, astatine this point, we conscionable don't cognize what nan floor plan of nan business will beryllium successful nan 2nd half of nan year.

Yuri Serov

But you're rather assured that nan request is going to emergence successful steel? I mean, you should person much visibility connected your ain business?

Gene Murtagh

Well, acknowledgment for that. I don't really get you. So nan 2nd half is simply a agelong measurement away. We'll return this month-by-month, quarter-by-quarter, alloy going up successful Q2, that's what we know, but that's not benignant of a possibly aliases whatever, it's going up and what happens aft that will evidently beryllium very overmuch request led.

Catriona Nicholson

All right. Yuri. Thanks for that. Actually, we've tally retired of clip for nan call. So, acknowledgment everybody for your clip today, and we look guardant to seeing those of you connected nan roadworthy show complete nan adjacent mates of days and weeks. Thank you.

Gene Murtagh

Thanks, everybody.


Thank you each for joining. That does reason today's call. Please person a beautiful day. You whitethorn now disconnect your lines.

Editor: Naga

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