
Hyatt Hotels Corporation (H) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Hyatt Hotels Corporation (NYSE:H) Q4 2022 Results Conference Call February 16, 2023 9:00 AM ET

Company Participants

Noah Hoppe - Senior Vice President, Investor Relations

Mark Hoplamazian - President and Chief Executive Officer

Joan Bottarini - Chief Financial Officer

Conference Call Participants

Patrick Scholes - Truist Securities

Stephen Grambling - Morgan Stanley

Joe Greff - JPMorgan

Shaun Kelley - Bank of America

Dori Kesten - Wells Fargo

Smedes Rose - Citigroup


Good morning. And invited to nan Hyatt Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2022 Earnings Call. After nan speakers’ remarks, we will behaviour a question-and-answer convention [Operator Instructions]. As a reminder, this convention telephone is being recorded.

I would now for illustration to move nan telephone complete to Noah Hoppe, Senior Vice President, Investor Relations. Thank you. Please spell ahead.

Noah Hoppe

Thank you, and bully morning, everyone. Thank you for joining america for Hyatt's 4th fourth and afloat twelvemonth 2022 net convention call. Joining maine connected today's telephone are Mark Hoplamazian, Hyatt's President and Chief Executive Officer; and Joan Bottarini, Hyatt's Chief Financial Officer. Before we get started, I would for illustration to punctual everyone that our comments coming will see forward-looking statements nether national securities laws. These statements are taxable to galore risks and uncertainties arsenic described successful our yearly study connected Form 10-K quarterly reports connected Form 10-Q and different SEC files. These risks could origin our existent results to disagree materially from those expressed successful aliases implied by our comments. Forward-looking statements successful nan net merchandise that we issued today, on pinch nan comments connected this call, are made only arsenic of coming and will not beryllium updated arsenic existent events unfold. In addition, you tin find a reconciliation of non-GAAP financial measures referred to successful today's remarks connected our Web tract astatine nether nan Financial Reporting conception of our Investor Relations nexus and successful this morning's net release. An archive of this telephone will beryllium disposable connected our Web tract for 90 days. And pinch that, I'll move nan telephone complete to Mark.

Mark Hoplamazian

Thank you, Noah. Good morning, everyone, and invited to Hyatt's 4th fourth and full twelvemonth 2022 net call. I'd for illustration to statesman coming by thanking each 189,000 members of our Hyatt family for their singular contributions to a genuinely transformative year. We successfully navigated a accelerated RevPAR betterment that was dissimilar thing we've antecedently experienced. We've successfully integrated Apple Leisure Group and made meaningful advancement toward our plus disposition commitment. We besides led nan manufacture successful integrated maturation for nan sixth consecutive year. These achievements are a nonstop consequence of nan bonzer efforts and thoughtful execution by our Hyatt family members, and I'm honored to lead specified an outstanding squad who is guided by our intent to attraction for group truthful they tin beryllium their best. Our financial results besides bespeak nan sizeable achievements of our team. We concluded nan twelvemonth pinch different grounds breaking quarter, bringing our afloat twelvemonth adjusted EBITDA to $908 cardinal positive $94 cardinal of nett deferrals and $63 cardinal of nett finance contracts, pinch nan sum of these 3 numbers much than 40% supra nan adjusted EBITDA we generated successful 2019. The grounds level of net and free rate travel that we achieved successful 2022 is chiefly nan consequence of successfully executing connected 2 cardinal elements of our strategy, optimizing superior deployment and investing successful caller maturation platforms. This strategy was first outlined astir 5 years agone and included a committedness to recognize proceeds from nan waste of owned existent property assets and prioritize nan reinvestment of those proceeds into plus ray maturation platforms to accelerate our interest based earnings, broaden our portfolio and heighten impermanent connectivity to Hyatt. The execution of this strategy has been thing short of remarkable.

Over nan past 5 years, we realized proceeds of astir $3.8 cardinal from nan waste of owned edifice existent estate, nett of edifice acquisitions, and we invested astir $3.6 cardinal to get 3 platforms: Miraval, 2 Roads Hospitality and Apple Leisure Group. And during this 5 twelvemonth period, we besides returned $2 cardinal to our shareholders done communal banal stock repurchases and dividends. The comparison of nan assets that we sold versus nan platforms that we acquired is notable for a fewer reasons. First, nan net publication successful 2022 from our acquisitions was astir double nan net that we mislaid from our plus dispositions. More specifically, nan implied adjusted EBITDA aggregate from nan $3.8 cardinal of existent property that was sold was complete 16 times, while nan net aggregate applicable to nan $3.6 cardinal successful platforms that we acquired was astir 8 times. Second, nan superior finance needed to support nan assets that we sold compared to nan platforms that we acquired is importantly different. The owned existent property that we sold was estimated to request connected a tally complaint ground astir $130 cardinal successful superior expenditures per twelvemonth while by comparison, nan 3 platforms that we acquired, which are predominantly plus light, collectively needed only $40 cardinal of superior expenditures successful 2022. So not only do we astir double nan net floor plan but we besides reduced nan tally complaint of our superior expenditures by astir $90 cardinal per year. The occurrence of this strategy is reflected successful some nan translator of our rate travel from operations and our superior expenditures, which resulted successful free rate travel of $473 million, a number that is astir 50% higher than immoderate erstwhile twelvemonth successful Hyatt's history.

It's important to besides statement that this grounds free rate travel was achieved successful 2022, while RevPAR was beneath 2019 levels and includes astir $55 cardinal successful rate taxes paid related to our existent property dispositions. Beyond nan awesome translator and free rate flow, our strategy is besides greatly accelerated some our interest based net and our growth. Let maine locomotion you done a fewer areas to item this. First, for each of nan 19 hotels that we've sold successful nan past 5 years, we've maintained a agelong word guidance aliases franchise agreement. As a result, we've retained astir $40 cardinal successful tally complaint fees per year, representing a durable early interest stream, and this magnitude is not included successful nan plus waste aggregate valuation. Second, we've been successful successful integrating and scaling nan platforms we acquired. As a result, these platforms are 17% larger coming arsenic compared to erstwhile we acquired them and person a important pipeline of 18,000 rooms to substance further maturation for years to come. Third, these platforms person importantly elevated nan value of our portfolio, helping america to amended ace service nan precocious extremity customer. In only 5 years, we doubled nan number of luxury rooms, tripled nan number of resorts and quadrupled nan number of manner rooms successful our portfolio. And we now person much luxury branded hotels successful

resort locations than immoderate different hospitality institution successful nan world.

As a consequence of our transformed portfolio, which is mostly owed to nan platforms we acquired, we've been capable to thrust accrued loyalty from our guests arsenic evidenced by World of Hyatt rank expanding from 10 cardinal members to 36 cardinal members during nan past 5 years. Looking ahead, I'm excited astir our continued momentum. We person $1.3 cardinal remaining nether our existent existent property disposition commitment, and we are intent connected fulfilling this committedness by nan extremity of 2024. Additionally, we will proceed to activity retired compelling plus ray platforms that grow our portfolio and person embedded maturation while providing unsocial experiences for our guests. A premier illustration of our strategy successful action is our caller acquisition of Dream Hotel Group, a starring manner portfolio focused connected vibrant eating and nightlife experiences that we closed connected February 2nd. This woody builds upon Hyatt's manufacture starring portfolio of higher extremity manner brands, adding 12 hotels and much than 1,700 rooms and 24 signed agelong word guidance agreements that we yet expect will turn Hyatt's manner room count by much than 10%. This plus ray acquisition broadens our scope into a younger demographic, provides a differentiated acquisition for our guests and expands our beingness successful New York City by 30%. In summary, I'm incredibly proud of really we've executed connected our strategy complete nan past 5 years and look guardant to continuing this momentum into nan future.

Turning to our growth. I'm thrilled to study afloat twelvemonth nett rooms maturation of 6.7%, which was driven by a grounds level of integrated edifice openings. Despite a challenging proviso concatenation and labour environment, we were capable to adhd 120 hotels to our portfolio, 20% much than our erstwhile grounds twelvemonth successful 2021, pinch luxury, manner aliases edifice properties composing 66% of nan rooms that we added. We've been expanding successful these areas astatine an awesome rate, arsenic I mentioned a infinitesimal ago, pinch astir 135,000 luxury manner and edifice rooms now portion of our portfolio, a number that is larger than nan entirety of our portfolio conscionable a decade ago. We besides consciousness awesome astir our prospects for our early growth. Our pipeline ended nan twelvemonth astatine an each clip precocious of 117,000 rooms, bolstered by a robust twelvemonth of signings that much than offset nan awesome gait of openings. Moving to our latest business trends. Comparable strategy wide RevPAR was up 2.4% compared to 2019 levels successful nan 4th fourth aliases up 6.6% erstwhile excluding Greater China. Rates remained strong, up 14% supra 2019 levels during nan quarter, while occupancy continued to recover. From a segmentation perspective, we reached different milestone successful our betterment pinch strategy wide group gross afloat recovered to 2019 levels successful nan quarter, a testament to our relation and firm customers prioritizing successful personification relationship and connection. Leisure transient gross continued to prolong beardown momentum pinch a durable impermanent guidelines that continues to spot a precocious value connected travel, which resulted successful being 14% up of 2019 levels successful nan 4th quarter, while business transient was 18% beneath 2019 levels but showed incremental betterment from nan erstwhile quarter.

From a geographic perspective, nan betterment continued to beryllium wide pinch each cardinal geographies extracurricular of Asia Pacific trending nicely up of 2019 levels. Results successful our EMEA and Southwest Asia region were notably beardown pinch RevPAR 20% up of 2019 levels, driven successful portion by nan World Cup successful Qatar and beardown leisure request crossed Europe. In nan Americas, RevPAR was 6% up of 2019 levels, driven by our luxury brands, which were 23% up of 2019. Lastly, Asia Pacific vanished nan 4th astatine 22% beneath 2019 levels, driven by a diminution successful capacity from Greater China. Our ALG resorts had different exceptional 4th pinch nett package RevPAR up 24% compared to 2019 levels for nan aforesaid group of properties managed by ALG successful nan Americas. We besides reached a notable integration milestone during nan 4th pinch much than 20 ALG resorts crossed Europe, now bookable done Hyatt channels. World of Hyatt members tin now gain and redeem points astatine nan mostly of ALG resorts worldwide. As we look to 2023, some our bequest Hyatt business and ALG resorts proceed to execute exceptionally well. We person yet to spot signs of slowing. In fact, it's rather nan contrary. In January, strategy wide RevPAR accrued 65% compared to past twelvemonth pinch nan maturation aided by easier comparisons owed to Omicron past year. Additionally, nett package RevPAR astatine our ALG resorts was up 42%. As we look astatine early bookings, group gross for nan afloat twelvemonth is pacing 21% up of past twelvemonth astatine our Americas afloat work managed properties and gross package gross astatine our comparable ALG resorts for nan afloat twelvemonth is pacing 30% up of past year.

Lastly, we are encouraged by nan important summation successful actualized RevPAR and early bookings successful January from our Asia Pacific region. As a reminder, successful 2022, nan adjusted EBITDA publication from Asia Pacific was down much than 50% comparative to 2019 contempt being 30% larger successful room count. As RevPAR quickly recovers successful nan region, we expect it will service arsenic a important tailwind. In summary, arsenic we measure wide business trends, we support our optimistic outlook. Future bookings stay beardown and capacity continues to transcend expectations. Conversations pinch firm customers proceed to propose further betterment is up for group and business transient recreation and leisure transient shows nary signs of slowing arsenic evidenced by nan beardown bookings astatine our resorts. Finally, a speedy update connected our existent property transactions earlier turning it complete to John. We are pleased pinch investor liking and engagement connected nan plus we person been trading since past 4th and are happy to stock that we launched nan trading process for an further luxury plus this week. We stay focused connected realizing nan astir charismatic valuations and securing durable agelong word guidance aliases franchise agreements, and we stay highly assured successful achieving our $2 cardinal sell-down committedness by nan extremity of 2024. In closing, I would for illustration to again definitive my gratitude to nan Hyatt family for their difficult activity and contributions to a transformative year. Our beardown free rate travel and plus ray net operation are grounds of accordant execution of our strategy. Looking ahead, I americium assured successful our expertise to proceed to thrust occurrence and present worth to our shareholders. Joan will now supply much specifications connected our operating results. Joan, complete to you.

Joan Bottarini

Thanks, Mark, and bully morning, everyone. My commentary coming will screen cardinal drivers of our performance, including our beardown rate flow, a reappraisal of 2022 superior allocation highlights and expectations I tin stock for 2023. This morning, we reported 4th fourth nett income attributable to Hyatt of $294 cardinal and diluted net per stock of $2.69. I will reappraisal nan quality of nan taxation accommodation we recorded successful nan quarter, which importantly benefited our nett income shortly. But first, I'd for illustration to screen our capacity this quarter. As Mark mentioned, this was a grounds 4th fourth pinch adjusted EBITDA of $232 million, nett deferrals of $28 cardinal and nett finance contracts of $15 million. The 4th fourth completed a transformative twelvemonth for Hyatt, and arsenic a result, we generated a grounds level of fees successful nan 4th pinch full guidance franchise, licence and different fees of $226 million, an summation of 40% from nan 4th fourth of 2019, driven by nan continued occurrence of our plus ray transformation. It's notable that properties that person joined our strategy successful nan past 5 years, including 2 Roads and ALG contributed 34% of our full fees successful nan quarter.

Turning to our bequest Hyatt results. Adjusted EBITDA was $189 cardinal for nan quarter, which is astir 12% higher than 2019, adjusted for rate and nan nett effect of transactions. Our guidance and franchising business has benefited from our larger strategy size and much afloat recovered RevPAR environment. As Mark mentioned, strategy wide RevPAR was 2.4% supra 2019 aliases up 6.6% erstwhile excluding Greater China, powered by beardown rates pinch leisure transient mean complaint up 19% and group mean complaint up 15% compared to 2019 levels. Additionally, our owned and leased conception generated $88 cardinal successful adjusted EBITDA for nan quarter, down 11% to 2019 connected a reported ground while up 10% to 2019 erstwhile adjusted for nan nett effect of transactions. Comparable owned and leased margins were 27.9% successful nan quarter, up 330 ground points to 2019 levels for nan aforesaid group of properties, reflecting maturation successful mean complaint of 11% compared to 2019 and and different 4th of beardown operational execution.

Turning to ALG. The capacity of nan conception erstwhile again exceeded our expectations. Adjusted EBITDA was $43 million, nett deferrals were $28 million, and nett finance contracts were $15 million. ALG adjusted EBITDA included a noncash use successful nan 4th of $23 cardinal related to expired recreation credits. Free rate travel generated by ALG continues to beryllium beardown and 3 cardinal areas thrust financial results. First, nett package RevPAR for nan aforesaid group of ALG properties successful nan Americas was up 24% compared to 2019, reflecting beardown nett package ADR maturation of 30%. Total fees were $40 cardinal successful nan quarter, reflecting nan beardown RevPAR environment. Second, astir 8,300 rank contracts were signed for ALG's Unlimited Vacation Club successful nan quarter, exceeding 2019 levels by 29%. UVC now has 131,000 progressive members, marking different twelvemonth of awesome description . Third, ALG Vacations continues to make coagulated results driven by a transformed business exemplary and beardown portion pricing. In nan quarter, location were astir 563,000 impermanent departures and nan business realized a separator of 13% erstwhile excluding nan effect from nan expired recreation credits. As expected, nan adjusted EBITDA publication from ALG vacations was little successful nan 4th fourth arsenic compared to anterior quarters owed to emblematic seasonality.

As we look to 2023, we are optimistic astir nan first 4th fixed nan trends successful January, nan expected continued spot of leisure recreation demand, favorable pricing situation and nan airlift that remains supra 2019 levels for cardinal Americas destinations. I'd besides for illustration to supply an update connected our beardown rate and liquidity position. As of December 31st, our full liquidity of $2.6 cardinal included $1.1 cardinal of cash, rate equivalents and short word investments, and astir $1.5 cardinal successful borrowing capacity connected our resolving in installments facility. It's notable that our liquidity remains akin to what we reported a twelvemonth ago, moreover while reducing our indebtedness by astir $880 cardinal and repurchasing Class A shares of $369 cardinal during nan year. These actions are clear grounds of our committedness to our finance people floor plan and a testament to nan beardown free rate travel procreation of our business successful summation to nan successful execution of our plus sales. Our equilibrium expanse is strong, and we returned to a afloat finance people standing pinch each 3 agencies. I want to return a infinitesimal to supply further specifications connected our rate flow. The occurrence of our strategy is reflected successful some nan translator of our rate travel from operations, which was $674 cardinal successful 2022, astir 70% higher than 2019 and our superior expenditures, which were $201 million, astir 46% little than 2019. This resulted successful an awesome free rate travel of $473 cardinal for nan year.

Before I move to guidance, I'd for illustration to supply an important taxation update. As a reminder, successful 2021, we entered into a 3 twelvemonth cumulative nonaccomplishment position for our US operations, which required america to grounds a $215 cardinal noncash valuation allowance against our deferred taxation assets. In nan 4th fourth of 2022, nan nett taxation use for income taxes successful nan consolidated connection of income included a $250 cardinal accommodation representing nan reversal of this erstwhile disbursal now that some caller and early expected pretax US income level supply capable grounds that our US deferred taxation assets are apt to beryllium realized. Lastly, and astir importantly, some of these adjustments had zero rate impact. Finally, I'd for illustration to supply a fewer comments connected our existent outlook for 2023. We expect afloat twelvemonth 2023 strategy wide RevPAR maturation successful nan scope of 10% to 15% compared to 2022 connected a changeless rate basis. We expect larger maturation rates complete nan first half of nan twelvemonth successful nan mid 20% range. And while visibility into nan backmost half of nan twelvemonth is limited, we expect RevPAR maturation successful nan 2nd half of nan twelvemonth to beryllium successful nan mid azygous digits. Continued betterment successful Asia Pacific and ongoing improvements successful group and business transient request service arsenic cardinal contributors to our RevPAR maturation expectations complete nan backmost half of nan year.

We're assured that we'll spot different robust twelvemonth of nett rooms growth, driven by a beardown pipeline and our expertise to execute connected conversion opportunities. Our afloat twelvemonth nett rooms maturation outlook for 2023 is astir 6%. We expect adjusted SG&A to beryllium successful nan approximate scope of $480 cardinal to $490 cardinal successful 2023, inclusive of astir $15 cardinal of onetime integration expenses associated pinch carryover projects from 2022 for ALG and nan acquisition of Dream Hotel Group. Our SG&A guidance is inclusive of incremental tally complaint SG&A related to nan Dream Hotel acquisition arsenic good arsenic different strategical investments to fortify our competitory positioning. We expect superior expenditures to beryllium astir $200 million. This is inclusive of ALG arsenic good arsenic nan transformative finance into nan Hyatt Regency Irvine, which accounts for astir 1 4th of 2023 superior expenditures. As a reminder, nan Hyatt Regency Irvine acquisition past twelvemonth and nan planned superior finance provides america strategical distribution successful an important market. We look guardant to welcoming guests for a spectacular reopening this fall. Lastly, by measurement of reminder, I want to item a mates of onetime items we commented connected during nan people of 2022 that will not reoccur successful 2023. First, nan adjusted EBITDA publication of astir $34 cardinal from owned hotels and astir $4 cardinal from associated ventures sold successful 2022 will not reoccur successful 2023. Further specifications connected this tin beryllium recovered connected Schedule A11 successful nan net release, including a breakdown of nan adjusted EBITDA publication for sold hotels by 4th successful 2022. Second, ALG gross and adjusted EBITDA benefited successful 2022 by astir $4 cardinal successful nan 3rd 4th and astir $23 cardinal successful nan 4th quarter, chiefly from nan expiration of unredeemed pandemic related recreation credits.

I will reason my prepared remarks by saying we are very pleased pinch our 2022 operating and free rate travel results. We delivered RevPAR maturation exceeding 2019 levels complete nan backmost half of nan year, drove a grounds level of fees and free rate flow, expanded our improvement pipeline and delivered manufacture starring integrated nett rooms maturation for nan sixth consecutive year. We're proud of nan execution of our agelong word strategy that has enabled america to accelerate our plus ray maturation while astatine nan aforesaid clip reducing leverage and returning superior to shareholders. As our guidance for 2023 implies, we judge our momentum is group to proceed this year. Early results are disconnected to a awesome start. Our Asia Pacific region is recovering quickly and we expect it will service arsenic a tailwind passim nan year. Our differentiated exemplary positions america uniquely to proceed to return advantage of nan betterment successful recreation successful summation to providing a compelling worth proposition for owners looking to subordinate nan Hyatt family of brands. And 1 last update to share. We will beryllium hosting our Investor Day connected May 11th of this year, astatine Secret Moshe and Secrets Impressions Moshe, 2 awesome luxury all-inclusive properties successful PlayaDelKarma successful Mexico, wherever we scheme to grow connected galore of these important topics. Further specifications will beryllium shared successful nan coming weeks. Thank you. And pinch that, I'll move it backmost to our usability for Q&A.

Question-and-Answer Session


[Operator Instructions] Our first mobility comes from Patrick Scholes from Truist Securities.

Patrick Scholes

I’mm getting a number of questions from investors astir -- and again, I don't mean to sound accusatory here. A number of your peers person fixed either EPS and/or EBITDA guidance. Curious arsenic to what's holding caller folks backmost from providing similar.

Joan Bottarini

Well, Patrick, I'll commencement by giving you a consciousness of really nan RevPAR guidance that we’ve provided will way quality anticipation for 2023. So if you deliberation astir nan $1.65 cardinal that we generated successful adjusted EBITDA, nett deferrals and nett request contracts and past you region from that nan onetime items that I noted successful my prepared remarks, you onshore astatine a baseline of astir $1 billion. And we proceed to find that nan EBITDA sensitivity that we've been -- that we shared pinch you successful 2019 person continued to clasp existent astatine a constituent of RevPAR maturation will lead to astir $10 cardinal to $15 cardinal successful EBITDA connected nan bequest Hyatt business. So if you return nan midpoint of our RevPAR scope and use that sensitivity, you'll get to -- you'll beryllium capable to exemplary what to expect for 2023. I conscionable want to make a mates of comments pinch respect to ALG. So arsenic you deliberation astir that business and really well, exceptionally well, it performed successful 2022, connected each cylinders. We said all-time highs successful that package RevPAR and nan pricing associated pinch our rank nine income and besides our package prices for ALG. As we look astatine this year, we look astatine nett package RevPAR, we expect directionally akin move betwixt nan first half and nan 2nd half. And a batch of that is driven by nan business and nan easier comps, if you will, successful nan first 4th and going into nan 2nd quarter. And nan 2nd half of nan twelvemonth will besides person a moderated RevPAR -- nett package RevPAR maturation rate.

Finally, for vacations, vacations business. You mightiness callback that successful our 2nd 4th net merchandise past year, we noted that there's a seasonally adjusted activity level for vacations, typically successful nan 3rd 4th and nan 4th quarter. And what we saw successful nan 3rd 4th really, really exceeded expectations. So this is what we telephone a enarthrosis play wherever request is typically little and we person less departures connected nan vacations business. And it really conscionable exceeded nan pent-up request coming from nan first half of 2022 into nan 3rd 4th was exceptionally supra our expectations. And truthful you'll spot successful nan 4th fourth of 2022, we saw a seasonally little publication from that portion of nan business. So arsenic we deliberation astir vacations this year, we expect to return to much normal seasonal levels successful nan 2nd half of nan year. So that hopefully gives you an thought astir really we're reasoning astir nan move first half, 2nd half. And my last statement is that successful nan 4th fourth connected nan vacations business, nan different seasonal effect that we acquisition is nan request to put into nan business going into nan precocious season. So those are a mates of dynamics, ins and outs that we tin provide, some connected nan sensitivity, to nan Hyatt bequest business, nan onetime items you request to return into information and what we expect for ALG going into 2023.

Mark Hoplamazian

I would conscionable adhd 2 speedy things, Patrick. First, fixed booking windows, which are extending, but still comparatively short, we felt for illustration we would summation a batch much visibility arsenic we walk done first 4th and that's going to beryllium by comparison to past year, a monolithic quarter. We're seeing really coagulated pace, some for resorts, ALG up 30 US -- I mean bequest Hyatt resorts bookings successful January were positive 20%. So leisure is showing nary signs of slowdown whatsoever. Group, I mentioned positive 21% gait into nan year. We consciousness really powerfully astir that. We had pickup past twelvemonth that was pinch -- successful excess of booked rooms connected a accordant basis. None of that is included successful that guidelines number. And that includes immoderate existent weakness later successful nan twelvemonth that we are presently watching and seeing what we tin do to ameliorate really successful 3 cardinal cities: Chicago, Atlanta and New Orleans, they conscionable person really anemic citywide patterns. But moreover pinch that, we're showing really bully gait because it's inclusive of that. The last point is, we are -- embedded nan backdrop to each of this is simply a slowing successful nan 2nd half pinch respect to comparative macroeconomic conditions. So I deliberation our sentiment is we spot spreads, in installments spreads compressing, but rates remaining comparatively higher for nan clip being. We person these dynamics, which are showing awesome signs of spot crossed our business lines, including business transient, by nan way. But we consciousness for illustration we'll person dramatically amended visibility station Q1 into Q2.

Patrick Scholes

That's a awesome colour there, a batch to digest. Just a speedy follow-up mobility connected nan Hyatt Irvine. Would you see that edifice benignant of a impermanent ownership until it's benignant of up and moving and stabilized and that would beryllium thing you'd see trading pinch a agelong word franchise aliases guidance contract?

Mark Hoplamazian

Yes, that's nan intention. That's -- erstwhile we underwrote nan acquisition itself, first of all, we took afloat relationship of nan renewal programme that we're now executing against. And our volition is that arsenic soon arsenic we show what we deliberation is going to beryllium bonzer request that we tin propulsion into that hotel, we will return it to market.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Stephen Grambling from Morgan Stanley.

Stephen Grambling

From a strategical standpoint, you completed a number of acquisitions, moving plus light. Are we successful digestion mode astatine this point, are location still different areas that you would opportunity you want to fill? And fixed immoderate of your peers person made a bigger push down concatenation scales and really moreover doubled down, successful immoderate cases, connected constricted work and much franchise agreements. How are you reasoning astir franchise operation and constricted work arsenic a imaginable area of maturation longer term?

Mark Hoplamazian

A mates of things. First, our integration process pinch ALG has gone extraordinarily well. nan taste alignment of nan 2 companies has allowed america to move very quickly. There are only a mates of areas -- we mostly accomplished everything that we group retired to execute successful 2022, there's immoderate carryover items, mostly successful nan area of finalizing immoderate cyber and power situation topics. We consciousness really bully astir wherever we stand, but we want to do immoderate further activity successful those areas, positive a batch of what we are spending successful 2023 is really enhancements of capabilities, specifically successful digital. So nan number 1 finance successful nan integration walk successful 2023 has to do pinch integer finance successful improving nan World of Hyatt acquisition for those World of Hyatt members staying astatine ALG properties, which is highly applicable because we launched World of Hyatt successful May, we ended nan twelvemonth astatine a 17% room penetration for World of Hyatt members, which is bonzer successful a short abstraction of time, and we signed up complete 315,000 caller World of Hyatt members astatine ALG properties. So nan World of Hyatt accumulation for ALG properties is connected a awesome ascendancy and we're conscionable getting going. So enhancing that and really leaning into that further will let america to amended distribution operation and little distribution costs. So I'm conscionable giving you immoderate colour connected benignant of wherever we guidelines connected that integration process.

Dream is marque caller to us. We brought complete a important measurement of resources, meaning group and capabilities, they person an bonzer team, particularly successful nutrient and beverage readying and programming and nightlife and entertainment. And those are areas that we person existing -- well, we don't person immoderate resources successful nan intermezo and nightlife piece, they do, and we're bringing that in. And that's really an finance successful nan full manner portfolio that we've got, which, arsenic you know, is large and growing. But we judge that each of that integration activity will beryllium done this year. So we consciousness really bully astir wherever we guidelines connected nan integration front. We don't consciousness for illustration we are dragged down by further integration efforts that are going to really devour a batch of our clip and mind share. So we will proceed to look for platforms. The cardinal watercourse that we usage is, first, does it fresh successful pinch respect to our wide strategy and our portfolio. Second -- and Dream does perfectly for nan reasons that we cited. Secondly, does it really heighten -- strategically heighten nan web effect. So if you look astatine Lindner, 1 of nan cardinal drivers of that woody was that we were adding important practice successful Germany, Germany is nan number 1 feeder marketplace into nan Balearic Islands and nan 2 feeder marketplace into nan Canary Islands. So we're really creating a overmuch bigger impermanent guidelines to thief really create powerful web effect for each of our resorts that we brought connected to ALG, that's an illustration of nan web effect that we deliberation is really important.

And third, successful each azygous case, nan platforms that we acquired had growth, embedded growth. In each cases, we've really enhanced that comparative to our original underwriting, which is why we've sewage a batch of momentum successful those areas. So we will proceed to look for those sorts of opportunities, but location are besides portfolio deals that we will proceed to activity on, I would see Lindner a portfolio deal, not a marque acquisition, and we will proceed to attraction connected that. Our strategy, arsenic you know, has been to attraction connected nan precocious extremity customer and service and run astatine nan precocious extremity of each conception that we serve. And correct now, we proceed to attraction connected filling retired our portfolio to beryllium capable to adhd a number of experiences and nan captious wide that we person to that precocious extremity traveler. I'm a believer successful ne'er saying ne'er astir hold into different segments. But that has been our clear, very deliberate strategy complete nan past 5 years, which I consciousness for illustration we've done -- we've made tremendous advancement against. So that's wherever we guidelines astatine nan moment.

Stephen Grambling

And possibly arsenic a speedy follow-up. The puts and takes that were outlined connected nan guidance seemed to get to, telephone it, a $1.2 cardinal EBITDA range, which would mean that you're person 2 turns of nett debt-to-EBITDA versus peers much for illustration 3 turns aliases above. Is that nan correct mathematics and really are you reasoning astir nan correct leverage level successful this complaint situation and arsenic you move plus ray down nan line?

Joan Bottarini

I would say, Stephen, that we are making awesome advancement and successful portion owed to nan awesome performance, our awesome EBITDA capacity and we've said connected a maturation ground that we're targeting astir 3% to 3.5%. So there's different measurements for that leverage ratios that we're managing pinch our finance people profile. So that is our commitment. And arsenic we make much rate flow, we'll person much investments to beryllium capable to make decisions astir really to put backmost into nan business and return superior to shareholders erstwhile appropriate.

Mark Hoplamazian

I would conscionable add, we talk astir mix, net mix, and we talk astir free rate flow. Just salary attraction to nan truth that 100% of reported adjusted EBITDA positive nett deferrals positive finance contracts from ALG converts to cash. So nan rate conversion efficaciously is 100%. There possibly timing differences to moving superior that carries over, but moving superior is nett zero complete nan people of immoderate 12 period period. Secondly, our rate conversion is simply a nett rate travel from bequest Hyatt is rising. Our franchise proportionality is increasing. We're expanding our franchise guidelines successful Europe, successful particular, and uncovering much and much opportunities connected franchising successful immoderate different markets, notably South America. So I judge that you'll spot a maturation successful our franchise percent complete time. We still are dominantly a managed business but I deliberation franchise will beryllium a grower. And secondly -- and thirdly, rather, nan CapEx transportation for nan portfolio is coming down and will proceed to travel down. So I deliberation those are nan cardinal drivers to having awesome assurance that our rate position and rate procreation has really been transformed already.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Joe Greff from JPMorgan.

Joe Greff

Two comments connected really you're reasoning astir 2023. One, would you expect ALG to turn adjusted economical EBITDA year-over-year, fixed nan onetime use of $27 cardinal from nan recreation in installments expirations?

Mark Hoplamazian

I deliberation nan short reply is no, because location is -- that was a merchandise of a liability. While it didn't person a rate impact, it was a simplification successful nan liabilities that we took connected erstwhile we bought nan company. So from a valuation perspective, it is applicable that that sewage released because they lapsed. A batch of nan colony pinch travelers who had books holidays that were not capable to beryllium taken because of COVID were settled successful recreation credit. These recreation credits really expired. So that's really what gave emergence to that. But erstwhile we bought nan company, we were not conscionable acquainted pinch it, we took into relationship successful nan liabilities that we assumed. So effectively, we took connected nan liability that turned retired to beryllium -- person nary costs associated pinch it. So while it wasn't a rate use successful nan reported earnings, this is simply a GAAP surface science issue. It was a pickup successful benignant of valuation, truthful to speak. But no, that's a one-timer.

Secondly, correct now, we are assuming that nan seasonality issues that Joan mentioned earlier will not look for illustration they did successful '22, because it was exceptional that we filled in. And truthful we are fundamentally expecting that we will return to a much normal seasonality effect. So for those reasons, I would say, no, we wouldn't expect maturation from nan 22% level. Having said that, 3 things are true. First, nan package RevPAR successful January was up 42%, good up of our expectations, pacing for ALG is positive 30% for nan year. Again, up of our expectations. And third, we're growing, we're adding properties. So I deliberation that location are offsets to immoderate of nan structural things that we're expecting to effect ALG's business. So I would opportunity enactment tuned. Right now, if things stay arsenic robust arsenic they started, we will beryllium incorrect astir being capable to turn from wherever we were successful '22. But it's really excessively early to say. The booking model is little than 60 days aliases it's astir 60 days, I should say. So I would conscionable opportunity enactment tuned, we're going to beryllium search this highly closely.

Joe Greff

And past finally, could you break down nan rooms maturation betwixt ALG and Hyatt's non ALG portfolio for '23, nan delta successful '23.

Mark Hoplamazian

In '23, I deliberation nan maturation is -- ALG is up 12%. Is that right? Okay. So I deliberation ALG will outpace bequest Hyatt growth. The logic why we were debating that present is because we do person assumptions pinch respect to conversions. Conversions past twelvemonth represented astir 35% of our full growth. I deliberation that nan cardinal point to note, Joe, is that nan entirety of nan building floor plan crossed nan hotels that person been nether construction, we person adjacent to 40% of our pipeline nether building has shifted right. We had complete 8,400 rooms that we thought we were going to open. This year, they sewage pushed into '23. But concurrently, we are taking nan position that we will person a important number that gets pushed into '24 arsenic well. So it's almost for illustration nan entirety of nan building floor plan has shifted right. And what's making up nan quality correct now is, first of all, ALG properties are not taxable to nan aforesaid dynamics because of nan markets successful which they're being constructed. So we person much durable and much higher visibility to nan openings really and building being completed connected time. So nan biggest area wherever that move is existent is China. Things sewage shifted retired to nan correct importantly and we'll enactment shifted to nan correct until astir apt sometime successful '24, because it's going to return nan existent property assemblage clip to drawback up. So that's been a move that's conscionable a reality that we're surviving with, that's not a agelong word marque wellness aliases maturation issue. It's a short word move pinch respect to nan building floor plan of what we're dealing with. But we did person important conversions successful '22. We expect to person a adjacent number of conversions successful '23 arsenic well, higher than our historical 20% to 25% levels, possibly not arsenic tight arsenic nan 35% we posted successful '22, but significant. And truthful meanwhile, I deliberation nan number of opportunities that we're seeing pinch respect to ALG maturation do see immoderate portfolio transactions connected which we're working. So therein lies nan comparatively higher maturation complaint for ALG comparative to bequest Hyatt.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Shaun Kelley from Bank of America.

Shaun Kelley

I was hoping we could get a small spot much colour possibly connected nan owned and leased margins. You've done a awesome occupation america benignant of span pinch immoderate of nan plus sales. I judge you mentioned successful nan 4th quarter, margins connected a comp basis, still up astir 330 ground points twelvemonth complete -- versus 2019. As we commencement to get into a overmuch much normalized environment, ostentation having been a existent costs complete a 4 aliases 5 twelvemonth cumulative period, we're starting to perceive edifice owners retired location talking a small spot much astir those pressures. So benignant of what's nan anticipation for holding connected to immoderate of those separator gains for '23 and beyond?

Joan Bottarini

So Shaun, I'd beryllium happy to reply that. The anticipation that we person shared consistently is that we expect to beryllium 100 to 300 ground points supra pre-COVID levels. And that's really driven by imperishable improvements that our teams successful nan section person made pinch respect to integer capabilities and a very, very disciplined attraction connected productivity. So immoderate of that is helping to minimize nan costs inflation, costs complaint maturation that we've seen successful nan quarter. In nan 4th quarter, we had an fantabulous consequence of 330 ground points, that's connected a comparable basis. You mentioned a alteration successful nan portfolio. So that is nan aforesaid group of properties to 2019. That is helped by complaint correct now being up astir 11%. And we besides person a little operation of SMB arsenic a proportionality of full revenue, which is simply a spot little connected nan separator side. But I would conscionable reiterate that we proceed to expect that scope of 100 to 300 ground points into nan future.

Shaun Kelley

And past arsenic my follow-up, possibly a small spot much strategic. Mark, you conscionable talked a batch astir immoderate of your expectations for nett portion maturation by immoderate of nan different segments for '23. Just thief america deliberation astir returning to possibly a small spot of your longer word -- longer term, you've been capable to present connected an integrated ground arsenic overmuch arsenic 5% to 7% and beautiful overmuch lead nan broader benignant of precocious level industry. Any logic you spot that we can't get backmost to those types of levels erstwhile nan improvement situation benignant of stabilize and improves a small bit, appreciating immoderate of nan delays astir China coming and past astir apt immoderate successful nan US arsenic well. But arsenic we get to a small spot much of a much normalized benignant of world retired there, is location a logic guidelines effect aliases immoderate different that we can't get backmost to, let's telephone it, 5% to 7% successful nan mean to agelong term?

Mark Hoplamazian

There's perfectly nary logic why we can't get backmost location and we expect to. There are a mates of drivers to that. The first is our marque capacity continues to turn and improve. We've knowledgeable awesome marketplace stock gains. Urban has been an upside surprise. We're gaining important stock successful group -- Urban Group, amazingly beardown and transient. So nan transient floor plan that we realized we ended nan 4th fourth -- nan 4th fourth was 18% disconnected of 2019 levels. January started disconnected overmuch higher than that, but ended astatine 17% of nan first 2 weeks of February aliases 12% of, truthful we spot an betterment successful that domain. And concurrent pinch that, we person measurement relationship activity that will output precocious azygous digit ADR increases. So we are seeing that nan operation of our business and nan important description of our leisure and manner portfolio is enhancing nan worth of nan World of Hyatt proposition and really driving a overmuch higher penetration. Just for reference point, our Americas afloat work hotels ended 2022 for nan afloat twelvemonth astatine astir 50% World of Hyatt penetration. And for nan full strategy wide, we were successful excess of 42%. These are really beardown numbers, up significantly. So nan World of Hyatt programme is gaining a batch of traction. We had -- I deliberation I mentioned successful nan book that we were up to complete 36 cardinal members now. Our in installments paper holder guidelines has accrued importantly and nan walk complaint connected that paper has accrued significantly. So I would show you that nan web effect that we're seeing is going to proceed to thrust performance, which will proceed to thrust request for our brands. So I consciousness really powerfully astir each of that, not to mention nan truth that we ended nan twelvemonth pinch an all-time precocious pipeline of 117,000 rooms. So I not only don't spot immoderate logic why we won't get backmost to those integrated maturation levels, I'd beryllium shocked if we did.


Our adjacent mobility comes from Dori Kesten from Wells Fargo.

Dori Kesten

How do you spot nan portion maturation of AMR complete nan adjacent fewer years alteration your location exposure? I conjecture what I'm trying to fig retired is that there's greater vulnerability successful Europe. Does that summation your likelihood of much marque acquisitions complete there?

Mark Hoplamazian

So nan maturation for AMR is beautiful balanced correct now. The resorts successful Europe thin to beryllium somewhat smaller successful room count than nan ones successful nan Americas. We person a larger pipeline and rooms successful nan Americas than we do successful Europe. We would for illustration to widen and grow successful Europe further, truthful we are focusing connected that. But I don't deliberation it's going to materially displacement nan mix.

Dori Kesten

And wrong your bequest system, tin you punctual america what nan emblematic quality is successful walk for a World of Hyatt guests versus nonloyalty guests, and conscionable really that's changed complete time?

Mark Hoplamazian

So first of all, World of Hyatt members are, successful general, paying higher ADRs. And nan full walk for World of Hyatt members tends to tally mid teens to 20% higher than non-World of Hyatt members, and that's been consistent. We're seeing that aforesaid dynamic, by nan way, for World of Hyatt members staying astatine our all-inclusive assets arsenic well. We're conscionable starting. I mean I'm really extraordinarily encouraged to spot 17% roomnight penetration by nan extremity of nan twelvemonth for World of Hyatt members. This is simply a important description of nan number of all-inclusive resorts that we've got. And nan World of Hyatt members are discovering that edifice acquisition astatine a pace, which is remarkable. And truthful I person accrued enthusiasm and assurance that we're going to spot a increasing level of World of Hyatt engagement and penetration complete time.

Dori Kesten

I whitethorn person missed this. But person you said what percent do you deliberation it could turn to complete time?

Mark Hoplamazian

Well, correct now, if you look astatine our Ziva and Zilara hotels, which don't person nan use of a captive wholesale level to our operating platform, which we person called ALG vacations, and they don't person nan use of a rank programme astatine this point, UVC successful our case. We've gotten to complete 50% penetration from Hyatt channels into those hotels. That is, but nonstop digital, but whether that’s mobile web aliases app, second, World of Hyatt and third, group business. We had a speech yesterday pinch our Head of National income -- Global Sales rather. And I asked astir his outlook pinch respect to trading group business into nan AMR portfolio this year, and he's very enthusiastic astir that. So I deliberation nan nonstop transmission is going to proceed to grow. And our reference point, frankly, is nan Ziva and Zilara acquisition that we've had, wherever Hyatt represents much than 50% of nan postulation into those hotels.


Our past mobility will travel from Smedes Rose from Citigroup.

Smedes Rose

I conscionable wanted to inquire you a small spot much astir China. If you could conscionable punctual america what percent of your pipeline is now successful China and possibly conscionable connected nan improvement side, benignant of what you're seeing successful position of -- is that starting to benignant of rev backmost up arsenic good arsenic operations overall?

Mark Hoplamazian

Yes. China is performing successful a mode that we would person hoped it would, which is to spot a important threat backmost erstwhile restrictions were lifted. January was a stunning period of performance. And we started -- conscionable to springiness you a reference constituent for really bonzer nan volume, instantaneous measurement of postulation is. The first weeks of February, we were astatine higher occupancies successful our strategy successful China than we did successful nan United States. So it has been conscionable an astonishing betterment that happened instantaneously. So our outlook for nan twelvemonth was astir apt rather blimpish going into nan year, but -- because we expected a slower ramp complete nan first half. Now it's existent that January was benefited tremendously by a monolithic magnitude of nan twelvemonth travel, and Lunar New Year was successful January, which was conscionable complete nan vacation period, I deliberation we ran 15% supra our anterior peak. So there's a batch of request that was leisure focused and that's emblematic successful what we would expect and that's what we've seen successful thing elsewhere. The business recreation is coming back. We spot that, first and foremost, successful our [Eurco] by Hyatt, which is our precocious midscale successful dense municipality locations wherever it's mostly business travel, and we're seeing awesome capacity successful those brands.

In position of nan pipeline, astir 40% of nan full pipeline is successful China. So we person a important measurement of maturation up of us. We expect to unfastened 24 hotels successful China this year, that's moreover pinch nan building lags that I referenced earlier, and astir 2 thirds of that -- of nan room count that's opening, possibly moreover higher than that, possibly 3 quarters is what I would picture arsenic bequest Hyatt brands and nan remainder is [Eurco] by Hyatt. So it's still dominated wrong our portfolio, not successful nan precocious midscale marque that we launched, but growing. I deliberation that nan outlook for building this twelvemonth is mixed. Yes, nan restrictions person been lifted, but immoderate of nan backstage developers, not authorities controlled aliases ain are digesting 2 things. One, they're digesting still nan aftermath of [Everbrand] and immoderate of nan indebtedness statement challenges that beryllium successful China. But secondly, they person been targeted subsidies aliases targeted investments made by nan authorities and particularly successful residential improvement successful China to complete projects that are underway. And nan logic is because nan authorities wants to guidelines down really a soft landing for residential existent estate, which is simply a large finance for galore Chinese citizens. So that's going to get digested and nan authorities will person immoderate backstop pinch respect to that segment, that plus class. And I deliberation by nan extremity of this year, our anticipation is by nan extremity of this year, nan normal cadence of building of hotels into nan first 4th of adjacent twelvemonth will return. So we deliberation that this twelvemonth is going to beryllium a spot sloppy arsenic we activity our measurement done immoderate of those dynamics that I conscionable described. But I consciousness really bully about, first of all, secular maturation successful nan marketplace. And secondly, nan value of our halfway partners -- improvement partners successful China is very, very strong, very precocious value level. So we consciousness bully astir nan mean to agelong word prospects.


This will reason today's convention call. Thank you for your participation, and person a awesome day. You whitethorn each disconnect.

Editor: Naga

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