
Higher egg prices yield demand for alternatives

Trending 1 year ago

Should startups spell all-in aliases hold and see?

Price parity with accepted foods is 1 of nan main challenges for replacement macromolecule startups. However, nan avian flu, a shortage of cage-free eggs and a consequent emergence successful prices successful precocious 2022 seems to supply an “in” for replacement ovum companies to show they tin compete.

Egg prices roseate from a mates of dollars, depending connected geographic location, to complete $5 a twelve successful December arsenic nan avian flu dispersed crossed each 50 states, sidesplitting millions of chickens and turkeys, and causing shoppers to rethink purchasing nan pantry staple and early repast plans. New data from nan Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that ovum prices roseate 8.5% betwixt December and January, while nan year-over-year pricing jumped 70%.

There is immoderate bully news: Cases of avian flu fell successful January pinch fewer than 500,000 successful full poultry deaths compared pinch much than 5 cardinal successful December, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. However, Rosemary Sifford, nan USDA’s main veterinary officer, told The Wall Street Journal that this could beryllium short-lived. She said that erstwhile chaotic birds migrate successful nan spring, nan microorganism is apt to surge again.

While this mightiness look for illustration an opportunity, I said pinch immoderate startups successful this assemblage and investors to spot if replacement ovum companies tin and should return advantage and title to get their merchandise to marketplace aliases grow their user base.

Editor: Naga

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