
First Solar Inc. (FSLR) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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First Solar Inc. (NASDAQ:FSLR) Q4 2022 Earning Conference Call February 28, 2023 4:30 PM ET

Company Participants

Richard Romero – Investor Relations

Mark Widmar – Chief Executive Officer

Alex Bradley – Chief Financial Officer

Conference Call Participants

Philip Shen – ROTH

Brian Lee – Goldman Sachs

Colin Rusch – Oppenheimer

Maheep Mandloi – Credit Suisse

Joseph Osha – Guggenheim


Good afternoon, everyone, and invited to First Solar's Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2022 Earnings Call. This telephone is being webcast unrecorded connected nan investors conception of First Solar's website astatine [Operator Instructions] As a reminder, today's telephone is being recorded. I would now for illustration to move nan telephone complete to Richard Romero from First Solar Investor Relations. Richard, you whitethorn begin.

Richard Romero

Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone, and convey you for joining us. Today, nan institution issued a property merchandise announcing its 4th fourth and afloat twelvemonth 2022 financial results arsenic good arsenic its guidance for 2023. A transcript of nan property merchandise and associated position are disposable connected First Solar's website astatine

With maine coming are Mark Widmar, Chief Executive Officer; and Alex Bradley, Chief Financial Officer. Mark will statesman by providing a business update, Alex will past talk our financial results for nan 4th fourth and afloat twelvemonth 2022. Following these remarks, Mark will supply a business and strategy outlook. Alex will past talk our financial guidance for 2023. Following their remarks, we will unfastened nan telephone for questions.

Please note, this telephone will see forward-looking statements that impact risks and uncertainties, including risks and uncertainties related to nan Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 that could origin existent results to disagree materially from management's existent expectations. We promote you to reappraisal nan Safe Harbor statements contained successful today's property merchandise and position for a much complete description.

It is now my pleasance to present Mark Widmar, Chief Executive Officer. Mark?

Mark Widmar

Thank you, Richard. Good afternoon, and convey you for joining america today. We began 2022 pinch nan anticipation that it would beryllium challenging from an net position arsenic we look unprecedented logistics and commodity costs. But we besides expected it to beryllium a twelvemonth of transition, mounting nan shape for maturation and profitability into 2023 and beyond. We entered this twelvemonth successful a importantly stronger commercial, operational and financial position pinch accrued R&D investment, caller home and world capacity coming online and a caller Series 7 product.

We besides began nan twelvemonth pinch a grounds contracted backlog, a important pipeline of bookings opportunity and a robust request successful our halfway markets. This momentum is driven by our points of differentiation, including a unsocial CadTel technology, vertically integrated manufacturing process, home production, beardown equilibrium expanse and committedness to responsible solar, placing america successful a position to respond to emerging opportunities, peculiarly those enabled by nan quickly evolving argumentation environment. This momentum is besides owed to nan difficult work, committedness and passion of our associates.

Beginning connected Slide 3, I will item immoderate of our cardinal 2022 accomplishments. From a commercialized perspective, successful 2022, we saw a precipitous displacement towards long-term, multiyear module procurement. This grounds measurement of multi-gigawatt deals spanning aggregate years was driven by a operation of competitory pricing, competitory technology, agile contracting, shared values and spot successful our expertise to present nan certainty that our customers are looking for. As a result, we had an fantabulous twelvemonth from a bookings perspective, securing a grounds 48.3 gigawatts of nett bookings successful 2022. This was an summation of 30.8 gigawatts from our anterior yearly grounds of 17.5 gigawatts group successful 2021. Our full backlog of early deliveries arsenic of today's net telephone now stands astatine a grounds 67.7 gigawatts.

Financially, while Alex will supply a much broad overview of our 2022 financial results, our afloat twelvemonth EPS results came successful towards nan precocious extremity of nan guidance scope we provided astatine nan clip of our 3rd 4th net call. We ended nan twelvemonth pinch a gross rate of $2.6 billion, aliases $2.4 cardinal nett of debt, which is an summation to gross and nett rate of $800 cardinal versus nan anterior year. This puts america successful a position of spot to grow our capacity, put successful investigation and improvement and exertion improvements and prosecute our strategical opportunities.

From a manufacturing perspective, we produced a grounds 9.1 gigawatts successful 2022. Additionally, astatine nan commencement of 2023, we achieved a important milestone, producing our 50th gigawatts since commercialized accumulation began successful 2002. Average watts per module produced successful 2022 accrued to 462 watts, an summation of 14 watts, and we accrued our apical accumulation bin from 465 watts successful 2021 to 475 watts successful 2022.

We exited 2022 pinch 9.8 gigawatts of nameplate manufacturing capacity and, past month, commenced first accumulation astatine our next-generation Series 7 mill successful Ohio, which will proceed to ramp done 2023. We are besides connected way to complete nan building and commence nan ramp of our Series 7 mill successful India during 2023.

Furthering our manufacturing description program, successful 2022, we announced a caller 3.5-gigawatt Series 7 mill successful Alabama and a 0.9-gigawatt summation to nameplate capacity astatine our Ohio factories. By 2026, we expect U.S. nameplate capacity of astir 10.7 gigawatts and world nameplate capacity of astir 21.4 gigawatts.

We besides announced successful 2022 an further finance and a dedicated $270 cardinal investigation and improvement installation to beryllium located adjacent our existing Perrysburg manufacturing works successful Ohio. We expect that this finance will amended cycles of learning and invention and trim downtime connected our commercialized accumulation lines, while allowing america to nutrient full-sized prototypes of some bladed movie and tandem PV modules.

Strategically, we were capable to mostly exit our bequest systems business successful 2022, which enables america to attraction connected our top exertion and competitory advantages. Alex will talk imaginable remaining bequest costs and opportunities related to this business erstwhile he provides guidance later successful nan call.

Looking forward, we proceed to measure nan opportunities for further investments successful incremental manufacturing capacity, including some greenfield description and throughput optimization astatine our presently planned capacity. This information will require, among different things, an knowing of nan anticipated IRS and treasury IRA guidelines, including nan respect to home contented arsenic good arsenic assurance successful nan beingness of robust proviso concatenation that supports our description objectives. Therefore, nary description decisions person been made astatine this time.

Turning to Slide 4. I'll adjacent talk our astir caller shipments and bookings successful greater detail. We shipped astir 2.3 gigawatts and 9.3 gigawatts for nan 4th fourth and afloat twelvemonth 2022, respectively, which was wrong nan guidance scope that we provided during nan 3rd 4th net call. As a reminder, we mostly specify shipments arsenic erstwhile nan transportation process to a customer commences, whereas gross recognition, aliases volumes sold, occurs astatine a transportation of power of nan modules to nan customer, which is commonly upon presence astatine destination larboard aliases task site.

With regards to bookings, we person sustained our caller momentum pinch 12 gigawatts of nett bookings since nan 3rd 4th net telephone astatine an mean guidelines ASP of $0.308 per watt. As antecedently noted, we are seeing a perceptible displacement successful procurement behaviour arsenic evidenced by nan measurement of multiyear, multi-gigawatt orders placed by our customers.

Since nan opening of 2022, ample developers specified arsenic Intersect Power, Lightsource BP, National Grid, Origis Energy, Savion, Silicon Ranch and Swift Current, among others, person placed orders for astatine slightest 2 gigawatts. The truth that galore of these transactions are pinch repetition buyers is an denotation of nan spot and shared values that underpin our customer relations. And it is simply a clear differentiator from nan astir much transactional attack taken by galore of our competitors.

After accounting for shipments of astir 2.3 gigawatts during nan 4th quarter, our early expected shipments, which now widen into 2029, are 67.7 gigawatts. Excluding India, and including our year-to-date bookings, we are sold retired done 2025. We have, successful caller months, pivoted from negotiating solely for 2026 measurement to activity pinch customers who are looking to unafraid multiyear contracts complete nan remainder of nan decade.

As a consequence of this commercialized shift, we person not, arsenic antecedently expected, arsenic of nan 3rd 4th net call, afloat sold retired of our non-India accumulation successful 2026. We person sold much measurement than antecedently expected for deliveries successful 2027 and beyond. In total, we now person 25.5 gigawatts of planned deliveries successful 2026 and beyond, an summation of 12.3 gigawatts from our anterior net call.

I'll now move nan telephone complete to Alex, who will talk our Q4 and afloat twelvemonth 2022 results.

Alex Bradley

Thanks, Mark. Starting connected Slide 5, I'll screen our financial results for nan 4th fourth and afloat twelvemonth 2022. Net income successful nan 4th fourth were $1 billion, an summation of $0.4 cardinal compared to nan anterior quarter. Our module conception nett income were $846 million, an summation of $226 cardinal from nan anterior period. The summation successful module gross is driven by higher volumes sold, partially offset by a flimsy simplification successful ASPs. The remaining summation successful our nett income was attributable to nan completion of nan waste of our Luz del Norte task successful Chile.

For nan afloat twelvemonth 2022, nett income were $2.6 cardinal compared to $2.9 cardinal successful nan anterior year. This alteration was driven by $0.4 cardinal of little gross from our residual business operations owed to nan divestitures of our task improvement businesses successful nan United States and Japan, on pinch nan divestitures of our North American and world O&M businesses. The alteration successful our Other conception gross was partially offset by a $0.1 cardinal summation successful our module conception gross owed to higher volumes of modules sold, partially offset by a simplification successful ASPs.

Gross separator was 6% successful nan 4th fourth compared to 3% successful nan 3rd quarter, chiefly owed to little module and freight costs, partially offset by a simplification successful ASP. For nan afloat twelvemonth 2022, gross separator was 3% compared to 25% successful nan anterior year. The afloat twelvemonth gross separator was negatively impacted by reductions successful module ASPs, nan waste of definite projects successful nan anterior year, higher income complaint and demurrage charges and nan nett impairment successful waste of our Luz del Norte project, partially offset by little module costs.

Sales complaint successful logistics costs adversely impacted our financial results, reducing gross separator by 19 percent points successful 2022 compared pinch 11 percent points successful 2021 and 6 percent points successful 2020. Given nan caller diminution successful spot rates and nan reversion of nan shipping marketplace towards pre-pandemic conditions, we expect income complaint and logistics charges to beryllium little of a headwind successful 2023.

As a reminder, galore of our module manufacturing peers study income complaint arsenic a abstracted operating disbursal extracurricular of gross margin. For comparison purposes, we promote you to see this facet erstwhile benchmarking our module gross separator percent pinch our peers.

SG&A, R&D and accumulation start-up expenses totaled $107 cardinal successful nan 4th quarter, an summation of astir $11 cardinal comparative to nan anterior quarter. This summation was driven by a $13 cardinal summation successful accumulation start-up expense, chiefly related to nan summation of our 3rd mill successful Ohio, which was partially offset by little share-based compensation expense.

Our 4th fourth operating nonaccomplishment was $46 million, which included depreciation and amortization of $71 million, accumulation start-up disbursal of $33 cardinal and share-based compensation disbursal of $8 million. Our afloat twelvemonth 2022 operating nonaccomplishment were $27 million, which included depreciation and amortization of $270 million, accumulation start-up disbursal of $73 million, nett losses of $48 cardinal associated pinch nan waste of our Luz del Norte task and share-based compensation disbursal of $29 million, partially offset by a $254 cardinal nett summation from nan waste of definite businesses.

With respect to different income and disbursal successful relationship pinch nan waste of our Luz del Norte task successful nan 4th quarter, nan project's lenders agreed to forgive a information of nan outstanding indebtedness balance, which resulted successful a summation of $30 cardinal recorded wrong different income. Separately, liking income successful nan 4th fourth was $18 million, an summation of $8 cardinal compared to nan anterior quarter. And liking income for nan afloat twelvemonth 2022 was $33 cardinal and leases to $27 cardinal compared to nan anterior quarter. Both increases were driven by higher liking rates connected our rate and marketable securities balances.

We recorded an income taxation disbursal of $1 cardinal successful nan 4th quarter. For nan afloat year, we recorded taxation disbursal of $53 million, chiefly attributable to nan waste of our Japan task improvement level and owed to definite losses successful Chile for which nary taxation use could beryllium recorded. Fourth 4th nonaccomplishment per diluted stock was $0.07, compared to $0.46 successful nan anterior quarter. For nan afloat twelvemonth 2022, nonaccomplishment per diluted stock was $0.41, compared to net per diluted stock of $4.38 successful 2021. Our 2022 EPS consequence came successful supra nan mid-point of nan guidance scope that we provided during nan 3rd 4th net call.

Let’s move to Slide 6 to talk prime equilibrium expanse items and summary rate travel information. The aggregate equilibrium of our cash, rate equivalents, restricted cash, restricted rate equivalents and marketable securities was $2.6 cardinal astatine nan extremity of nan year, an summation of $0.7 cardinal from nan anterior 4th and $0.8 cardinal from nan anterior year.

Our year-end nett rate position, which includes nan aforementioned equilibrium little indebtedness was $2.4 billion, an summation of $0.7 cardinal from nan anterior 4th and $0.8 cardinal from nan anterior year. The increases successful our nett rate equilibrium were chiefly driven by module conception operating rate flows, including higher precocious payments received for early module sales, partially offset by superior expenditures associated pinch our caller plants nether building successful nan United States and India. Cash flows from operations were $873 cardinal successful 2022, compared to $238 cardinal successful 2021. Capital expenditures were $327 cardinal successful nan 4th quarter, compared to $223 cardinal successful nan 3rd quarter. Capital expenditures were $904 cardinal successful 2022, compared to $540 cardinal successful 2021.

With that, I’ll move nan telephone backmost to Mark to supply a business and strategy update.

Mark Widmar

All right. Thank you, Alex. Looking guardant to 2023, we are pleased to participate nan twelvemonth pinch coagulated fundamentals, including a grounds backlog of orders and a manufacturing capacity maturation scheme that is good underway.

We are connected way to adhd 6.2 gigawatts of world nameplate manufacturing capacity this twelvemonth arsenic our caller Series 7 factories travel online successful nan U.S. and India. We expect to exit 2023 pinch 16 gigawatts of yearly nameplate capacity. We besides expect 2023 to beryllium a pivotal twelvemonth arsenic we build connected nan foundations established successful 2022 to standard manufacturing, put successful R&D and germinate our exertion and merchandise roadworthy maps.

In addition, we expect to statesman benefiting from nan precocious manufacturing accumulation taxation credits provided for nether Section 45X of nan Inflation Reduction Act. We await IRS and Treasury guidance that we expect will bespeak nan statute’s connection and intend to incentivize nan home accumulation of modules and nan related components.

Given our afloat integrated bladed movie manufacturing process, we expect that this guidance will entitle america to integrated taxation credits for wafers, cells and module assembly, which we estimate will adjacent astir $0.17 per watt for modules produced successful nan United States and sold to a third-party.

Finally, we expect to big an Analyst Day arena astatine our manufacturing installation successful Ohio later this year, connected a day to beryllium announced, to present an overview of our technology, merchandise and manufacturing roadworthy maps arsenic good arsenic to item our newest Ohio factory.

Turning to Slide 7. As antecedently noted, our caller Series 7 factories stay connected schedule. The U.S. mill commenced first accumulation successful January of 2023 and will proceed to ramp complete nan remainder of 2023.

Our India mill is forecast to statesman accumulation successful nan 2nd half of 2023 and ramp into 2024. Once afloat ramped, these factories are expected to lead nan fleet successful position of module wattage and ratio and regionally connected a cost-per-watt basis. Based connected our existent exertion roadworthy map, we spot nan imaginable for meaningful betterment successful our module performance, pinch a mid-term extremity of achieving a 570-watt monofacial Series 7 module.

As we importantly summation our nameplate capacity, we judge this anticipated growth, erstwhile balanced pinch liquidity and profitability will thrust net accretion arsenic publication separator description is leveraged against a mostly fixed operating disbursal structure.

As a reflection of this description roadworthy representation and continued optimization of nan existing fleet, we person summarized our expected exit nameplate capacity successful accumulation for 2023 to 2026 connected this slide.

Turning to Slide 8. Our full bookings opportunities of 93.1 gigawatts stay robust pinch 58 gigawatts successful mid to late-stage customer engagement. When mixed pinch our existent grounds backlog of 67.7 gigawatts, we judge we are well-positioned for maturation pinch a coagulated instauration of request visibility. As it relates to converting nan pipeline into early bookings, our grounds bookings successful 2022 were driven by nan favorable equilibrium of adjacent to mid-term disposable supply, aligned pinch customer request for ample measurement multi-year procurement.

The clip statement into which we are now trading is longer-dated than historical U.S. income cycles. As a consequence, this could consequence successful year-on-year simplification successful bookings measurement arsenic we look to waste semipermanent forecasted proviso successful 2026 and beyond. Our commercialized strategy remains mostly focused connected supporting semipermanent multi-year customers who prioritize value and merchandise readiness certainty arsenic good arsenic ethical and transparent proviso chains.

Furthermore, this request situation supports nan rationale of evaluating early capacity growth, taxable to nan aforementioned considerations related to description , including those related to IRA home contented guidance and nan appraisal of our proviso chain.

Before turning nan telephone backmost to Alex, I would for illustration to return a little infinitesimal to touch connected nan world argumentation environment. Broadly speaking, 2022 placed america connected nan cusp of important maturation successful home star manufacturing wrong our halfway markets.

As policymakers present successful nan United States and starring democracies overseas demonstrates, they are superior astir tackling nan unhealthy overconcentration of star proviso chains successful China and nan vulnerabilities that travel pinch it. In fact, 2022 saw business argumentation designed to spur finance and create jobs astatine scale. The twelvemonth saw a tangible advancement successful nan U.S. pinch nan transition of nan Inflation Reduction Act successful India pinch nan production-linked inducement programme and activity towards spurring home manufacturing wrong nan European Union pinch nan preamble of nan Green Deal business plan.

Furthermore, we’ve besides seen a important uptick successful authorities focused connected tackling nan rumor of forced labour pinch nan transition of nan Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act successful nan United States and akin laws and initiatives, either implemented aliases nether consideration, successful Europe, nan United Kingdom Australia and Japan. These important caller and ongoing argumentation developments show that governments astir nan world are supportive of star technologies that tin beryllium scaled successful a sustainable mode for some group and nan planet.

I’ll now move nan telephone backmost complete to Alex, who will talk our financial outlook and supply 2023 guidance.

Alex Bradley

Thanks, Mark. Before discussing financial guidance, I’d for illustration to reiterate our attack to maturation and gross separator description . As discussed connected our 2nd 4th net call, this strategy includes our attack of contracting retired our capacity respective years successful beforehand of production. The anticipated simplification of our costs per watt produced, nan expected benefits from capacity description done scaling a mostly fixed overhead building successful bid to make incremental publication separator and our agile contracting attack would some provides nan imaginable realization of incremental gross and is expected to mitigate freight and definite commodity risks.

As we look to 2023 guidance, we proceed to spot this attack benefiting our forecasted financial results comparative to 2022. For nan afloat year, we expect to admit an mean ASP sold of $0.285 per watt, astir $0.01 higher than successful 2022.

Looking crossed nan horizon, arsenic is showed successful nan 10-K filing, arsenic of 31 December 2022, we had a full contracted backlog of 61.4 gigawatts pinch expected early gross of $17.7 cardinal for a portfolio mean guidelines ASP of $0.288 per watt, earlier nan exertion of imaginable adjusters.

As it relates to costs grant and our contracting attack and their impacts connected some nan imaginable worth of nan exertion adjusters, which are reflected successful nan 10-K filing and our 2023 financial guidance, I’d for illustration to supply a little update connected nan timing of our exertion and costs roadworthy maps.

From a exertion roadworthy representation perspective, we proceed to activity to beryllium retired some bifaciality and our copper replacement aliases cure programme and are progressing good pinch some initiatives. However, moreover if fresh for high-volume manufacturing deployment, we expect to elite to push retired implementation of these technologies crossed nan mostly of nan fleet for 2 reasons.

Firstly, exertion implementations typically necessitate manufacturing downtime, some to make tooling and process changes and to behaviour preproduction trials. And arsenic we’re sold retired done 2025 pinch constricted expertise to hold shipments, important downtime would beryllium suboptimal to executing connected our transportation commitments.

Secondly, we typically rotation retired exertion improvements astatine our Perrysburg accommodation and then, erstwhile afloat optimized, crossed nan remainder of nan fleet. This leads to a imaginable for greater downtime successful Perrysburg during first rollout, which has nan highest opportunity costs fixed nan anticipated worth of domestically produced modules, some from an IRA home contented and Section 45X perspective.

Our caller dedicated R&D facility, projected to beryllium operational successful mid-2024, is expected to alleviate nan request for choosing betwixt downtime and implementation by providing a intends to optimize these exertion improvements pinch importantly little disruption to our commercialized manufacturing lines.

With respect to nan imaginable worth of nan adjusters related to imaginable early exertion improvements, arsenic reflected successful nan 10-K, nan push retired of these exertion programs will consequence successful a simplification successful nan proviso of products pinch these exertion improvements, starring to an expected simplification successful exertion adjusters, peculiarly successful 2024 and early 2025. We person correspondingly reduced our estimate for these adjusters from $0.7 cardinal crossed 31.4 gigawatts successful Q3 to $0.5 cardinal crossed 31.5 gigawatts successful Q4.

From a costs simplification roadworthy representation perspective, arsenic it relates to costs per watt produced, we ended Q4 2022 5% little than Q4 of nan erstwhile year, astatine nan midpoint of our original forecasted accumulation scope of 4% to 6%. This was utilized to throughput, output and ratio improvements and reductions successful adaptable costs, somewhat offset by increases successful fixed costs. We’ve been capable to execute a sustained costs per watt simplification roadworthy representation complete nan past respective years, having reduced our costs per watt produced by 18% from Q4 2019 to Q4 2022.

On a afloat twelvemonth 2022 to 2023 basis, we expect a 1% to 2% simplification successful costs per watt produced, driven by improvements successful throughput, yield, ratio and inbound freight, partially offset by higher fixed costs and a headwind from nan conversion of each accumulation to precocious mechanical load modules successful 2023 to optimize bid fulfillment guidance and logistics. With regards to precocious versus modular mechanical load modules, we whitethorn reintroduce nan stand-alone merchandise successful early years. And successful doing so, we would expect to spot a costs per watt benefit.

As it relates to exit rates, comparing Q4 2022 to Q4 2023, we’re forecasting a costs per watt produced summation of 4% to 6% aliases astir $0.01 per watt. This is driven by respective factors, including costs driven by nan expected implementation of bifaciality astatine our lead statement successful Perrysburg successful Q4 of 2023, which results successful a simplification successful beforehand broadside watts, offset by a higher power accumulation profile; planned downtime associated pinch our Series 6 throughput optimization successful Ohio; and a headwind associated pinch our Series 7 mill successful Perrysburg, exiting its ramp shape successful mid to precocious 2023, but not yet operating astatine afloat standard by year-end. As it relates to costs per watt sold, we ended Q4 2022 pinch a 2% year-over-year summation complete Q4 2021, successful statement pinch our astir caller forecast. This was mostly owed to higher income freight and logistics costs.

In 2023, we expect income freight and logistics costs inclination backmost towards pre-pandemic levels passim nan year. Several cardinal metrics, including reliability of schedule, transit times and congestion are presently trending positively. However, transit clip volatility mostly and labour relations successful West Coast ports station imaginable headwinds. We are moving to mitigate these issues done shipping way and port-of-entry optimization and done further utilization of our warehousing network.

In addition, arsenic portion of our contracting strategy, astir 67% of our volumes sold successful 2023 has immoderate shape of income freight consequence coverage. Although fixed nan forecasted simplification successful income freight and logistics costs, we expect constricted excess betterment successful 2023.

On a cents per watt basis, we expect our afloat twelvemonth income freight and logistics costs to beryllium astir $0.027 per watt, pinch world transit costs remaining supra pre-pandemic norms.

Taken together, we forecast costs per watt produced, ramp and underutilization and income freight and logistics costs to harvester to output a Q4 2022 to Q4 2023 nett simplification successful costs per watt sold of 9% to 11% and afloat twelvemonth 2022 to 2023 costs per watt sold simplification of 7% to 9%. On a afloat twelvemonth basis, expected ramp and underutilization costs effect our costs per watt sold simplification by astir 4 percent points.

With respect to different commodities, we proceed to mostly mitigate vulnerability to solid costs done strategical long-term, predominantly fixed value agreements pinch home suppliers that person economical benefits to america arsenic we execute precocious levels of production.

We do expect nan near-term volatility successful solid pricing, fixed that nan contractual provisions successful our proviso contracts relating to input costs adjustments operates connected a backward-looking basis. And therefore, we are seeing a flimsy summation successful costs successful nan first half of 2023, which is expected to past trim successful nan 2nd half of nan year.

From a framework perspective, there’s been a reversion of aluminum and alloy rates backmost to humanities levels. We expect these costs to beryllium little of a headwind successful 2023. Related to framing costs, we person hedged 90% of our aluminum vulnerability for our Series 6 U.S. plants successful 2023, which is astir 1/3 of our Series 6 production. In addition, substantially each of our Series 7 production, which utilizes a alloy backmost rail, is taxable to contractual alloy adjusters.

And lastly, pinch respect to operating expenses, contempt a forecasted summation successful operating expenses successful 2023, peculiarly related to investigation and development, we proceed to standard manufacturing capacity astatine a greater complaint than operating expenses, leveraging our fixed costs building to trim operating disbursal per watt and summation operating margin.

So pinch this successful mind, I’ll adjacent talk [indiscernible] 2023 financial guidance. Please move to Slide 9. Strategically, successful 2022, we completed nan income of our Japan task improvement business, our Japan O&M business and our Chilean Luz del Norte asset. In January of this year, we completed nan waste of our 10-megawatt Maricao operating plus successful India, bringing our PV star powerfulness systems equilibrium connected our equilibrium sheet, arsenic of today, to zero.

With these sales, we person efficaciously transitioned backmost to a module-only company. We do person definite remaining risks, liabilities, indemnities, warranty obligations, accounts payable, accounts receivable, earn-outs, rate collection, conflict solution and different bequest involvements related to our erstwhile systems business.

Given nan declining effect of our different segment, we will nary longer supply segment-specific guidance, but shall successful nan early statement immoderate important effect from nan different conception to our consolidated financials. As it relates to capacity description , our mill description and upgrades stay connected schedule and are expected to effect operating income by astir $195 cardinal to $220 cardinal successful 2023. This is comprised of start-up expenses of $85 cardinal to $90 cardinal chiefly incurred successful relationship pinch our caller factories successful Ohio and India; an estimated ramping connected nan utilization costs of $110 cardinal to $130 million. We expect these description s and upgrades will lend meaningfully to our accumulation plans successful 2024 and beyond.

Operationally, successful 2023, we’re expecting to nutrient 11.5 to 12.2 gigawatts of modules, and aft taking into relationship reductions successful inventory, fell 11.8 to 12.3 gigawatts. From a superior building perspective, our beardown equilibrium expanse has been and remains a strategical differentiator, enabling america some to upwind periods of volatility arsenic good arsenic providing elasticity to prosecute maturation opportunities including self-funding our Series 6 and Series 7 transitions.

We ended 2022 successful a beardown liquidity position. And coupled pinch beardown forecasted operating rate flows, modular beforehand payments and our existing India in installments facility, we expect to beryllium capable to finance our existent superior programs without acquiring outer financing. We are evaluating putting successful spot our revolving in installments installation to support jurisdictional rate guidance arsenic good arsenic to supply short-term optionality and expect to reside much specifications connected our superior building and liquidity outlook astatine our Analyst Day.

And finally, a fewer words connected nan Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA offers, amongst different incentives, accumulation taxation credits for star modules and star module components manufactured successful nan U.S. and sold to 3rd parties. Although we proceed to await guidance from nan IRS and Treasury regarding these credits nether Section 45X of nan statute, based connected our position of some nan volition of nan in installments and nan connection of nan legislation, we intend to statesman signaling a corresponding use successful our financial statements successful Q1 of 2023. Following consultation reappraisal pinch extracurricular advisers, our auditors and nan SEC, we expect to admit these credits arsenic a simplification to costs of income successful nan play specified modules and nan integrated eligible components are sold to customers.

In addition, these credits will besides beryllium shown arsenic authorities grants receivable connected our equilibrium sheet. We promote you to reappraisal nan safe harbor statements contained successful today’s property merchandise and position for nan risks related to our receiving nan afloat magnitude of taxation benefits that we judge we are entitled to nether nan IRA.

I’ll now screen nan afloat twelvemonth 2023 guidance ranges connected Slide 10. Our nett income guidance is betwixt $3.4 cardinal and $3.6 billion; gross separator is expected to beryllium betwixt $1.2 cardinal and $1.3 billion, which includes $660 cardinal to $710 cardinal of precocious manufacturing accumulation taxation credits nether Section 45X of nan IRA; and $110 cardinal to $130 cardinal of ramp and underutilization costs. SG&A disbursal is expected to full $175 cardinal to $185 cardinal compared to $165 cardinal successful 2022 and $170 cardinal successful 2021.

R&D disbursal is expected to full $155 cardinal to $165 cardinal compared to $113 cardinal and $99 cardinal successful 2021 and 2022, respectively. The 2023 disbursal is expanding chiefly owed to our anticipation of adding headcount to our R&D squad to further put successful precocious investigation initiatives.

SG&A and R&D disbursal mixed is expected to full $330 cardinal to $350 million. And full operating expenses, which includes $85 cardinal to $90 cardinal of accumulation start-up expense, are expected to beryllium betwixt $415 cardinal and $440 million.

Operating income is expected to beryllium betwixt $745 cardinal and $870 million, arsenic inclusive of $195 cardinal to $220 cardinal of mixed ramp and underutilization costs and works startup expenses, and $660 cardinal to $710 cardinal of Section 45X credits.

Turning to non-operating items. We expect liking income, liking disbursal and different income to nett to $60 cardinal to $75 million, which is predominantly driven by higher expected liking rates for deposits. Full twelvemonth taxation disbursal is forecast to beryllium $60 cardinal to $85 million. Tax disbursal to 2023 is mostly driven by nan U.S. blended taxation complaint of astir 25%. However, we besides expect a important nonaccomplishment successful nan twelvemonth arsenic we statesman manufacturing for which we will not person a existent benefit, starring to a higher effective taxation rate. This results successful a afloat twelvemonth 2023 net per diluted stock guidance scope of $7 to $8.

Note from an net cadence perspective, we expect our net floor plan will beryllium higher successful nan 2nd half of nan year, some owed to contractual transportation schedules arsenic good arsenic nan timing of first income of our Series 7 products, which are forecast to statesman shipping successful Q3 of this year. This is forecasted to consequence successful an summation successful inventory astatine our distribution centers successful nan first half of 2023, which is expected to reverse successful nan 2nd half of nan year. Additionally, Section 45X credits, recognized, will summation aft Q1, driven by some nan timing of volumes sold arsenic good arsenic nan inventory lag, whereby products sold successful nan early portion of 2023 whitethorn person been manufactured successful 2022.

Capital expenditures successful 2023 are expected to scope from $1.9 cardinal to $2.1 cardinal arsenic we complete nan building of our Ohio and India Series 7 plants, commence building connected our Alabama Series 7 plant, instrumentality throughput upgrades to nan fleet and put successful different R&D-related programs.

Our year-end 2023 nett rate equilibrium is anticipated to beryllium betwixt $1.2 cardinal and $1.5 billion. The alteration from our 2022 year-end nett rate equilibrium is chiefly owed to superior expenditures, which we expect will beryllium partially offset by financing proceeds and customer beforehand payments.

Turning to Slide 11, I’ll summarize nan cardinal messages from today’s call. Demand has been robust, pinch 12 gigawatts of nett bookings since nan anterior net call, starring to a grounds contracted backlog of 67.7 gigawatts. Our opportunity pipeline remains beardown pinch a world opportunity group to 93.1 gigawatts, including mid- to late-stage opportunities of 58 gigawatts.

On nan proviso side, we proceed to grow our manufacturing capacity and expect to exit 2026 pinch astir 21.4 gigawatts of nameplate capacity, including astir 10.7 gigawatts of nameplate capacity successful nan U.S. We are, arsenic antecedently announced, adding a caller dedicated R&D installation successful Ohio, projected to beryllium operational successful mid-2024, which we judge will let america to optimize exertion improvements pinch importantly little disruption to our commercialized manufacturing lens.

We ended nan twelvemonth pinch a gross rate equilibrium of $2.6 cardinal aliases $2.4 cardinal nett of debt, which is an summation to some gross and nett rate of $800 cardinal versus nan anterior year. We judge this puts america successful a position of spot to grow our capacity, put successful research, improvement and exertion improvements and prosecute different strategical opportunities. And finally, we’re forecasting afloat twelvemonth 2023 net per diluted stock of $7 to $8.

And pinch that, we reason our prepared remarks and unfastened nan telephone for questions. Operator?

Question-and-Answer Session


Thank you. [Operator Instructions] And now we’ll return a mobility from Philip Shen of ROTH.

Philip Shen

Hi guys, acknowledgment for taking my questions. First taxable present is connected bookings. Congrats connected your Silicon Ranch ray root deals. It looks for illustration you had 7 gigawatts of incremental bookings successful nan quarter. Can you stock what nan pricing mightiness look like? Is it incrementally higher aliases little versus nan past quarter? I think, from Q3, your incremental bookings were possibly $0.316 versus $0.301 per watt successful Q2. And past really should we deliberation astir bookings momentum ahead? It

sounds for illustration you’re expecting much multiyear agreements? And what do you expect connected pricing there?

And past shifting complete to home content. I deliberation successful nan past call, you guys talked astir contracting 1.4 gigs of home content, I deliberation successful 2023, representing astir $0.04 a watt of value. How overmuch person you done since then? And really overmuch of that is yet factored into guidance?

And past finally, for a housekeeping mobility here. I deliberation you shipped 2.4 gigawatts successful Q4, but really galore megawatts were recognized successful gross versus nan $846 cardinal of module gross successful Q4? Thanks very much.

Mark Widmar

All right. On nan bookings side, truthful we -- since our past net call, we booked 12 gigawatts, okay? Since year-end, we booked 7.3 gigawatts. If you look astatine our disclosure that’s successful nan K, I deliberation Alex referenced it arsenic well, our contracted backlog gross is simply a small little than $18 cardinal arsenic of nan extremity of nan year, it’s for illustration $17.7 billion. The implied ASP connected that is for illustration $0.288. And if you do nan math, nan locomotion from nan anterior quarter, I mean, you’ll get thing astir $0.31, I believe. If you’d look, there’s a batch of rounding and worldly that’s going connected successful there. What we did opportunity is that connected nan 12 gigawatts that we booked since nan past net call, nan ASP connected that was $0.308.

If I look astatine nan ASP for what we booked successful nan first 4th this twelvemonth truthful far, right, done nan net telephone present today, that ASP is higher than that $0.308. So nan mean ASP that we booked for nan $0.073 is higher than nan 5 that we booked since nan different information of nan full booking since nan past net call. So ASPs are beautiful – successful a beautiful coagulated position. I conjecture nan different measurement I look astatine it is conscionable from nan Q3, 10Q to nan 10K astatine nan twelvemonth end.

I deliberation we added astir 8 tenths of a cent aliases thing to nan mean ASP. So you saw it, I deliberation it was for illustration $0.28 aliases thing for illustration that nan anterior quarter. Now it's for illustration $0.288. And we're seeing a batch much bookings now, evidently higher than that. And if you were to see nan bookings that we person for January and February, I deliberation nan – you adhd astir $2.3 cardinal of gross aliases thing for illustration that successful nan mean ASP connected that contracted backlog, I deliberation goes to beryllium somewhat supra $0.29.

So we're very happy pinch what we're seeing from an ASP standpoint and evidently nan trajectory. And remember, we're booking a batch much measurement than is not conscionable successful 2026, which is what we said we were targeting from nan past net telephone we were going to beryllium booking into 2027 and 2028. We now person 47 gigawatts aliases truthful of 27 – 24 gigawatts I deliberation aliases truthful of volumes that spell retired into 2026, 2027 and 2028. It's astir 45% of our capacity excluding India. So we're booking comparatively acold retired each nan measurement up done 2029, and we're getting, bully ASPs pinch which, truthful we're beautiful pleased pinch that.

Momentum wise, Phil, I conjecture nan challenges proceed to beryllium is uncovering customers that want to statement that acold retired successful nan horizon. And 1 of nan things that we're trying to do alternatively of conscionable waste each discrete twelvemonth out, we're trying to waste retired aggregate years, right? So we're not conscionable trading 2026, we're trying to bring successful 2026, but bring successful your 2027, 2028 aliases moreover 2029 measurement into nan discussions pinch nan customer.

So, we will spot really that goes. I mean, nan pipeline intelligibly says nan momentum's location and there's opportunities we've sewage much than capable pipeline of opportunities that we could adjacent on. So we're happy pinch that momentum. But again, it's changing benignant of nan normal cadence and nan dynamics of bookings and successful peculiarly successful nan U.S. astir group wouldn't spell retired aggregate years. But we are seeing a batch of customers that are consenting to do that. And not only conscionable retired 3 aliases 4 years, but successful immoderate cases retired 5 aliases six years.

Domestic content, Alex whitethorn person a much precise number than I do. I know, we ended up booking a small spot of incremental measurement from nan past net call. It wasn't a important magnitude of nan fewer 100 megawatts. But nan ASP uplift that we're getting location is still successful that scope of astir $0.03 to $0.04. So we are seeing bully momentum there. And we're retired aggressively talking 2024 and 2025 correct now pinch customers to get incremental ASP uplift for home accumulation that we would supply our customers. So that's an ongoing activity from that standpoint.

And Alex whitethorn person nan existent gigawatts from a gross standpoint.

Alex Bradley

Yes. So Q4 we shipped 2.3, but from a star measurement it was 3.2. So that takes afloat twelvemonth numbers. So 2022, we ended up shipping astir 9.2 from a [indiscernible] perspective, 8.9, yes.


And our adjacent mobility will travel from Brian Lee of Goldman Sachs.

Brian Lee

Hey guys. Good afternoon. Kudos connected nan 4th and nan beardown guidance for nan year. I guess, 1 mobility we’ve been getting a batch from investors lately is conscionable fixed your business is shifting to much of these long-term, multi-year contracts versus spot. Can you benignant of punctual america really your deposits activity connected those contracts? And past what benignant of recourse, you are mounting up – erstwhile you group up these multi-year deals?

And past I conjecture what impact, if immoderate – are you seeing successful discussions aliases pricing from expectations that crystal silicon sheet pricing and poly will proceed to autumn present successful nan mean term. And past conscionable possibly arsenic I compression successful a travel up, immoderate thoughts astir to Phil’s mobility astir nan pricing, thing you are seeing aliases proceeding aliases discussing pinch customers and partners astir home contented requirements and your expertise to get that successful your price? Thanks guys.

Mark Widmar

Yes, truthful Brian, connected nan deposits, we typically return location up to 20% successful deposit. We don’t needfully return each of that successful cash, but we do inquire immoderate cash. We’re besides depending connected nan in installments worthiness of nan counterparty and nan size of nan deal, consenting to return immoderate of that successful different liquid information patient surety bond, perchance impairing guarantees. If it gets to beryllium very ample deals and multi-year deals, and that number would get very large. We sometimes return information and past rotation that done nan deal. So it continues to enactment pinch america until we get towards nan extremity of that deal.

If you look connected nan equilibrium expanse arsenic of twelvemonth end, you’re going to spot something, a region of $1.2 cardinal of customer deposits successful position of early bookings connected nan equilibrium expanse broadside of today. And we would expect that to emergence arsenic we spell done nan year. There will beryllium immoderate of that recognized arsenic revenue. So it’ll travel disconnected being deferred revenue, but fixed nan bookings trajectory and nan timing of deposits placed from immoderate of nan deals that we’ve already signed successful nan past year, we would expect that number to emergence done nan year.

Alex Bradley

Yes. Brian, arsenic it relates to nan concerns astir customer’s views astir wherever silicon pricing will go, I mean, I deliberation you’re going to person – you person immoderate customers which are mostly ones that we’re not evidently negotiating and closing deals pinch that will benignant of return their starring indicators from what they’re seeing pinch Chinese excess capacity that’s being added and poly prices which person benignant of assistance benignant of around. I deliberation they dropped beautiful significantly, past they benignant of stepped up backmost to, I deliberation they’re location successful nan $30 aliases thing for illustration that per kilogram, which is down somewhat from twelvemonth end. But I deliberation they were trending down to successful nan 20s, debased 20s, and they bounced backmost from there.

So immoderate customers are taking their clues from there. Others are looking astatine if they will. Let’s look astatine nan Christmas silicon proviso that is really capable to reside whether it’s nan U.S. marketplace aliases moreover nan India market. And that’s mostly going to beryllium successful India particular, it’ll beryllium home production. In nan U.S., there’s perchance immoderate proviso that tin travel from Southeast Asia and reside nan U.S. market, but it besides mostly is going to person to usage non-Chinese poly. And evidently that’s much of a constrained disposable assets than Chinese poly.

And truthful – and past there’s besides nan constituent astir home contented and argumentation criteria and yet what defines home content. And there's still a batch of activity to beryllium done there, but I deliberation location is momentum going connected that says location has to beryllium existent constituent for accumulation successful nan U.S. successful bid to meet nan home contented criteria, which is much than – astir apt conscionable module assembly and it could perchance see nan cell.

And arsenic of correct now, there's not a batch of announcements successful nan U.S., wherever there'll beryllium really not conscionable module assembly but compartment accumulation present successful nan U.S., and again, having to usage non-Chinese poly to do that. And truthful I deliberation erstwhile everybody takes each those dynamics together and measure where, what type of consequence floor plan they're wanting to accept, nan awesome point astir IRA is that there's a portion for everyone, right? The opportunity for everyone, whether you're nan developer aliases whether you're nan module shaper aliases whether you're nan IPP aliases nan inferior who's going to ain nan generating plus complete time, there's opportunity for everybody.

And truthful nan mobility is, do you want to benignant of unafraid your business scheme and return consequence disconnected nan table? And if you're consenting to do that and do that astatine a adjacent price, past First Solar is simply a awesome action to do that. If you're trying to return immoderate consequence and you're wanting to find opportunities to avail yourself to perchance replacement supplies that possibly will still let you to use to nan maximum imaginable nether IRA, past that's a consequence that immoderate whitethorn want to return and wait. But what we spot correct now is that we've sewage much than capable opportunity to engage. Yes, it's an point that is successful immoderate of our customers' thought process. But for nan astir part, astir group aren't paying a batch of attraction to it successful that regard.

Pricing-wise, successful nan U.S. and home content, look nan deals that we're pricing coming see some home accumulation and see world production. We are differentiated successful nan pricing. We're not reflecting that successful nan breakout into nan bookings ASP, but we are differentiated pricing. So our home accumulation will beryllium mostly astatine a premium to our world production. So that is being captured successful nan bookings that we're recognizing today. Now, location is simply a full bunch of measurement that sits successful 2024 and 2025 that we are engaging pinch customers connected to person conversations for certainty of allocation, because nan contracts successful 2024 and 2025 do not require circumstantial allocation from a circumstantial factory.

So successful those cases, we are talking astir if we are allocating from a home accumulation location should beryllium immoderate information for that and imaginable adjustments to ASPs, which is what we referenced earlier successful nan past quarter. We booked 1.4 gigawatts successful nan past net call, this past 4th we booked a fewer much hundreds of megawatts, not a lot, but a fewer more. And astir of that's coming done astatine a bully uplift astir $0.03 to $0.04. So a batch of opportunities still to spell get that and activity to beryllium done. We'll update you complete nan adjacent fewer quarters if we recognize that benefit.


Thank you. [Operator Instructions] And now we will spell to Colin Rusch of Oppenheimer.

Colin Rusch

Thanks truthful much, guys. Can you talk conscionable a small spot astir nan cadence of CapEx arsenic good arsenic nan unwind connected nan deferred revenue?

Mark Widmar

Yes. So nan forecast is astir 2 cardinal of CapEx done this twelvemonth connected nan building plus broadside of nan plant. You're going to spot that connected a reasonably regular cadence done nan twelvemonth for Alabama. On nan U.S. and India side, you're going to spot nan remaining CapEx walk connected those plants beryllium towards nan beforehand extremity of nan year. There's immoderate much R&D CapEx occurring astatine nan backmost extremity of nan year, truthful you're going to spot that beryllium comparatively moreover crossed nan twelvemonth connected a blended basis, but from different areas.

In position of nan unwind we don't expect to spot important amounts of nan existent deferred gross really recognized this year. There's astir 1.2 connected nan equilibrium expanse today. I deliberation it's going to beryllium thing recent. 100 cardinal to 200 cardinal of that will rotation disconnected this twelvemonth and beryllium recognized arsenic revenue, truthful not a meaningful number added to that existent deposit base. As I said, we expect to adhd worldly amounts to that this year.

The important information of that is from deferred deposits for deals that person already been signed and therefore, it's simply a mobility of nan timing of that posting. There is simply a portion that relates to early bookings and our assumptions, and that will dangle a small spot connected nan timing of bookings, nan full measurement of bookings for this year. But nan mostly of our anticipation is for deals that person already signed and that we'll get deposits conscionable based connected nan clip schedule already agreed.


And adjacent we will spell to Julien Dumoulin-Smith of Bank of America.

Unidentified Analyst

Hey guys, it's Alex [indiscernible] for Julien. Just 1 speedy one. You mentioned immoderate be aware astatine this constituent astir announcing further description s, I'm conscionable funny if you tin elaborate what benignant of guidance aliases indications you're looking for successful bid to deliberation astir description ? And past would you deliberation astir perchance doing thing successful nan U.S. arsenic acold arsenic a produced ground to waste into different markets, reasoning places for illustration Europe specifically, if you were to denote further description s astatine this point? Thanks.

Mark Widmar

Look, arsenic it relates to nan description , we'd for illustration to make judge – we judge we person a thorough knowing of nan intent of nan IRA and nan policies that are applicable to home manufacturing successful nan ITC, manufacturing taxation credit, excuse me, arsenic good arsenic nan home components that would avail to an ITC bonus, but there's still clarity for definitions that we want to make judge that we understand. So wherever we are correct now is we're actively evaluating to nan constituent of engaging pinch our instrumentality vendors, to nan constituent of moreover looking astatine tract selections and getting to a constituent wherever we tin beryllium shovel-ready arsenic quickly arsenic possible. But we want to get nan further clarity conscionable truthful there's thing that pivots successful a guidance that we're not envisioning astatine this constituent successful time.

For america personally arsenic good arsenic what nan criteria is going to beryllium for crystalline silicon manufacturing arsenic good to statesman accumulation successful nan U.S., we judge that nan intent of IRA is to create enduring semipermanent proviso chains, which would truthful motivate and align nan incentives to existent manufacturing successful nan U.S., much than conscionable last module assembly pinch each nan build worldly being originated from world locations.

And if everything lines up on those lines, past that benignant of helps pass our position location arsenic it relates to nan inherent worth of much home manufacturing, positive we want to make judge that, while we judge we're afloat entitled to nan vertically integrated manufacturing taxation credit, to nan grade that we tin get confirmation done guidance from IRS and Treasury, that would beryllium very beneficial arsenic we deliberation astir mill description .

And past nan different is conscionable moving done our proviso concatenation glass, successful particular. Our caller Series 7 merchandise successful nan U.S. is 90-plus percent of nan accumulation of nan build materials present successful nan U.S. And we've sewage to proceed to grow our proviso concatenation for things for illustration steel, backmost rails and solid – screen solid and substrate glass, for example.

So we're moving done each that. And truthful we conscionable – we're being patient. We're evidently focused very overmuch connected continuing to spot nan request and beardown bookings that we person been capable to seizure complete nan past respective quarters. So that bodes good for furthering that finance decision.

As it relates to exports, I deliberation we sewage to each beryllium existent observant pinch that. I deliberation that successful immoderate constricted capability, that would make immoderate sense. But if you look astatine moreover what's going connected successful India correct now, that they've provided a batch of incentives to nan home industry, which are, unfortunately, choosing a group of supporting nan home market, exporting products into nan U.S. correct now because of higher ASPs successful nan U.S., and clearly, that's not aligned pinch nan mode management and what they intended to do pinch nan incentives that they put successful place, I deliberation we person to beryllium observant arsenic an manufacture arsenic good that if we are availing ourselves to important incentives present successful nan U.S.

And not supporting our home needs, and past I deliberation we could each discuss nan – and put astatine consequence nan IRA and nan benefits that person been created done IRA. And nan point we should conscionable – my position astir this is we've sewage 10 years of has been very good documented and very good thought retired from an IRA standpoint, let's stay, existent to nan tone and intent. And that is to thief nan U.S. create semipermanent power independency and information successful manufacturing successful nan U.S. and past exporting internationally, I'm not judge aligns pinch what nan original tone was of nan Act.


And now we'll return a mobility from Maheep Mandloi of Credit Suisse.

Maheep Mandloi

Hi, Maheep Mandloi from Credit Suisse. Thanks for taking nan questions. And somewhat to talk astir nan revolving in installments facility, could you conscionable talk astir nan timing connected that? And Also, does that benignant of debar nan request for immoderate different superior needs arsenic and erstwhile you determine to adhd caller capacity here? Thanks.

Alex Bradley

Yes. So nan main logic location is if you look astatine rate travel generated crossed nan business, we waste coming nan immense mostly of our products into nan U.S., some from our U.S. accommodation and our Malaysia and Vietnam facilities. However, nan measurement that our profitability useful is we transportation price, nan important magnitude of nan profitability associated pinch accumulation of nan world modules backmost to nan world locations, and we besides nonstop rate backmost arsenic well.

If you look astatine our CapEx for nan year, astir 3 quarters of nan forecast CapEx for nan twelvemonth is going to beryllium successful nan U.S. And truthful what we expect to spot complete nan twelvemonth is that arsenic our rate floor plan comes down, we're starting nan twelvemonth astatine astir $2.4 cardinal of nett cash, we have, astir a forecast, $2 cardinal CapEx program. You look astatine nan year-end cash, nan guideline takes america $1.2 cardinal to $1.5 billion, that implies astir $1 cardinal of cash. What we're going to spot is we're going to person our U.S. rate equilibrium travel down much than our world rate balance.

So what a revolver does is it gives america elasticity successful position of being capable to negociate jurisdictional operation of cash. In position of timing, we're not successful a unreserved to do this. We've sewage plentifulness of liquidity successful nan U.S. today. So it's thing we're looking astatine correct now, but not thing we're rushing into. In position of different capital, arsenic we mentioned connected nan call, if you look astatine our existent forecast walk profile, our existent forecast, manufacturing description and R&D profile, we tin finance everything that we person successful beforehand of america without nan request to spell retired and raise further capital. That said, if we were to adhd incremental capacity, thing that we proceed to look at, aliases if we were to find different opportunities successful nan R&D space, we whitethorn request to raise superior astatine that point.

So thing we're continuing to look at. And arsenic Mark mentioned successful his prepared remarks, we intend to clasp an Analyst Day later this year. We'll springiness a much update location astir our liquidity and superior plans.


And now we will spell to Joseph Osha of Guggenheim.

Joseph Osha

Hi, thanks. Further to nan speech we're conscionable having, if you deliberation astir nan manufacturing in installments and nan truth that it looks to me, based connected your rate guide, for illustration you're going to book a batch of it this year, but astir apt not monetize it until adjacent year, I'm curious, connected a go-forward basis, could we spot that activity a small amended because this enforces nan first year, truthful you're booking it but not really receiving. And I'm besides curious, Alex, if you thought astir immoderate ways to making nan early monetize that in installments much frequently, say, connected a quarterly ground aliases thing for illustration that? Thank you.

Alex Bradley

Yes. As it stands correct now, you're going to spot it reflected successful nan P&L connected a quarterly basis. But what's going to hap is astatine nan extremity of nan year, we'll spell done our regular cadence taxation filing, which coming is typically occurs location astir six to 9 months aft nan extremity of nan year. That will past spell complete to treasury to nan IRS, and there'll beryllium immoderate time, aft which, they will reappraisal that and past process a nonstop paid rate payment. So we expect that to beryllium astir apt slower successful nan first year. As this programme gets underway, there's immoderate chance that it whitethorn velocity up a small bit. But it's not going to beryllium a lawsuit wherever you're going to spot rate coming in, successful nan aforesaid twelvemonth arsenic you're recognizing worth from nan in installments successful nan P&L. So it's 1 of nan reasons why if you look astatine our rate equilibrium today, you're right, there's nary rate reflection from nan IRA in installments successful 2023.

We expect that will travel done successful 2024 and perchance moreover up into 2025. As I said, nan first twelvemonth mightiness return a spot of time. We whitethorn spot immoderate summation successful velocity thereafter.


And pinch that, everyone that does reason today's question-and-answer convention and today's call. We'd for illustration to convey everyone for your participation, and you whitethorn now disconnect.

Editor: Naga

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