
'Dead inside': Bride and groom 'numb' after wedding fire kills more than 100 people - Beritaja

Trending 9 months ago

A bride and groom, whose wedding ceremony ended in disaster aft a occurrence killed much than 100 of their guests, person told Sky News they are "dead inside" pursuing The tragedy.

Revan, 27, and bride, Haneen, 18, survived The blaze, which started wrong a packed wedding hallway in Qaraqosh, in The Nineveh state of bluish Iraq.

It is not known if The bride and groom survived The inferno

Image: Revan and Haneen connected their wedding day

At slightest 150 others were besides injured.

Revan says he mislaid 15 members of his family in The fire, while he says his bride "can't speak" aft The nonaccomplishment of 10 of her relatives, including her mother and brother. Her begetter is besides in a captious condition.

He says: "It's existent that we're sitting present in beforehand of you alive. But wrong we are dead. We are numb. We are dormant inside."

The wedding connected Tuesday nighttime is understood to person had astir 900 guests, pinch The occurrence starting astatine astir 10.45pm section time.

While first reports suggested fireworks lit for The couple's slow creation were to blasted for The blaze, Revan says he believes The occurrence someway started in The ceiling.

"It could beryllium a short-circuit, I don't know. But The occurrence started in The ceiling. We felt The heat… When I heard The crackling I looked astatine The ceiling," he says.

"Then The ceiling, which was each nylon, started to melt. It only took seconds."

Groom Revan, 27, and his bride, Haneen, 18

Image: Revan, 27, and Haneen, 18, opportunity they Can nary longer enactment in their hometown

Video footage shared soon aft The calamity shows The mates dancing arsenic burning pieces of worldly fell from The roof.

It was during The creation he says a powerfulness trim took spot - and erstwhile The energy came backmost connected he "saw fire" in The ceiling.

He says it was past that group started to "scream" and "run away".

He goes connected to picture helping his woman who he says couldn't locomotion because of her wedding gown.

"I grabbed my woman and I began to resistance her. I kept dragging her and trying to get her retired of The room entrance. As group were fleeing, group were trampling connected her. Her legs are injured."

Revan says he blames The hallway head for The disaster, saying "he didn't person information precautions" and only bought 1 occurrence extinguisher, which Revan says "didn't work".

Describing really events unfolded, he says 2 mini fireworks were lit arsenic they started to dance, followed by 4 much a fewer minutes later.


Image: An image from wrong The venue earlier The fire. Pic: Rudaw

Fireworks look to group occurrence to a hallway hosting a wedding in Iraq

Image: An image of The ceiling decoration arsenic The occurrence takes hold

He says his family had antecedently declined The fireworks, which he says The hallway organisers had mentioned could beryllium added into The ceremony astatine an other cost.

He besides said his begetter had asked questions astir The consequence of specified fireworks causing sparks which could "land connected The bride's gown" and "catch fire" but had been told by The hallway owners that The fireworks were electric, truthful "you could put your manus aliases moreover integrative [on it] and it won't burn".

He says The disaster intends they Can nary longer enactment in their hometown, saying: "That's it, we can't unrecorded present anymore. We can't unrecorded present anymore. I mean each clip we effort to person immoderate happiness. Something tragic happens to america and destroys The happiness. So, it's champion for america to leave."

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He adds: "On The wedding night… why did this happen? What did we do? Why did this happen?"

Highly flammable building materials person been pointed to by some civilian defence officials and authorities media arsenic a imaginable contributory facet for The building's accelerated collapse.

Following The fire, Iraq's Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al Sudani said connected societal media that he had contacted The provincial politician of Nineveh and his country's location and wellness ministers, directing them "to mobilise each efforts to supply alleviation to those affected by The unfortunate incident".

Qaraqosh, besides known arsenic Hamdaniya, is simply a Christian town, and survived Islamic State occupation.

Editor: Naga

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