In my pursuit of a promising career, I precocious had The opportunity to participate in The Chubb field thrust for The esteemed Technology Associate Program. The action process comprised 4 rounds, each posing its ain group of challenges. Let maine locomotion you done my experience.
Round 1: HackerRank Test
The first information consisted of a coding situation connected HackerRank. Divided into 2 sections, it put my problem-solving skills to The test. Section 1 comprised 3 comparatively straightforward questions, while conception 2 presented 2 much analyzable problems. Success in conception 2 importantly boosted The chances of advancing to The adjacent round. I managed to tackle 3 questions from conception 1 and 1 and a half from conception two, which qualified maine for The adjacent stage.
Round 1 Questions:
Section 1:
1. Maximize Count of Pairs (i, j) from Two Arrays: Solving pairs of elements from 2 arrays based connected circumstantial criteria.
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2. Instance Counter Class: Implementing a people to way lawsuit counts in a program.
3. Reduce String to Minimum Length: Minimizing a string’s magnitude utilizing a fixed operation.
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Section 2:
1. Length of The Longest Subsequence specified that XOR of Adjacent Elements is Equal to K.
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2. Rearrange a Linked List specified that each Even and Odd Positioned Nodes are Together.
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Round 2: L1 – Technical Interview
This virtual method question and reply lasted astir 30 minutes and progressive 2 question and reply sheet members. The questions ranged from database guidance systems (DBMS) and object-oriented programming (OOPs) to full-stack improvement and information engineering. Additionally, I faced inquiries astir connection syntax and projects listed connected my resume. Behavioral questions were besides portion of The discussion. The question and reply level was intermediate, and I successfully cleared this round, advancing to The adjacent phase.
Round 3: L2 – Technical Interview
Conducted virtually, this information lasted astir 20 minutes and featured five-panel members. Compared to The L1 interview, it posed a higher level of difficulty. The attraction was connected The projects mentioned in my resume, requiring in-depth knowledge of The technologies I had utilized. Furthermore, questions astir my internship acquisition and immoderate HR-related inquiries were besides portion of The session. While I did not clear this round, it proved to beryllium a valuable learning experience.
Round 4: Senior Manager Discussion Round
In The last round, I had an insightful chat pinch The caput of Chubb. This information allowed for a much informal and unfastened conversation, further assessing my fresh for The program.
This is my question and reply travel pinch The Chubb Technology Associate Program. Though it had its ups and downs, I americium grateful for The invaluable acquisition it provided maine connected my way to a successful career.
Last Updated : 31 Jul, 2023
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