
Bitwarden review: This open-source password manager unlocks choice - Beritaja

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The Bitwarden hold is unfastened in a browser showing an article astir password managers.

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“Bitwarden’s free scheme is difficult to beat, while its Families scheme offers bully worth for a ample group.”


  • Excellent information record
  • Easy entree to logins, files, and more
  • Good cross-platform support
  • Free type is full-featured
  • Low prices connected individual and family plans


  • Limited sharing
  • Family setup Can beryllium confusing

Bitwarden is one of The champion password managers, helping you shape and stock logins and much crossed aggregate devices. It’s besides among The astir celebrated open-source password managers, providing a awesome free type pinch plentifulness of customization options.

Bitwarden offers much precocious versions if you go a subscriber, truthful I signed up to reappraisal The paid type to find retired if it’s easier to usage and has capable features to warrant The added expense.

Tiers and pricing

It's difficult to hit free, but you request Bitwarden Premium aliases Families to stock logins.It’s difficult to hit free, but you request Bitwarden Premium aliases Families to stock logins.

Bitwarden offers a free type of its password manager that supports unlimited devices and passwords pinch apps for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. It’s a awesome solution and mightiness beryllium each you request if you only request to stock logins pinch 1 different person.

Bitwarden’s Premium subscription costs conscionable $10 each year. It adds an integrated authenticator that generates The six-digit codes required for immoderate accounts. Instead of opening an authentication app to get these time-based, one-time passwords (TOTP), Bitwarden makes this information characteristic accessible from The browser extension.

Bitwarden’s Families scheme allows up to six members for $40 per twelvemonth and includes a 2nd gigabyte of unafraid group storage. Being capable to stock pinch much group is simply a invited addition. Still, fewer password managers limit password sharing.

A Teams scheme costs $48 annually per personnel and allows unlimited sharing and business-oriented features for illustration arena logs, personification groups, and a directory. An Enterprise scheme costs $72 per twelvemonth for each personnel per and lets an administrator group policies, retrieve accounts, and makes each personnel relationship a Families scheme account.

Paid plans see 1GB of encrypted retention for notes and uploaded record attachments. Unlike The subscription plans disposable from 1Password and Dashlane, I Can adhd much unreality retention to my Bitwarden plan. The costs for other retention is $4 per gigabyte annually, truthful this won’t switch your usage of iCloud Plus aliases Google One unreality storage.


I Can shop encrypted logins, notes, files, and much in my Bitwarden vault.I Can shop encrypted logins, notes, files, and much in my Bitwarden vault.

Bitwarden setup is easy for individuals. After subscribing, I installed The Windows app and browser extension. Bitwarden useful in astir browsers, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, Vivaldi, Opera, Brave, Tor, and DuckDuckGo. That wide support is imaginable owed to its 344 open-source contributors.

As pinch different password managers, mounting a maestro password is simply a captious step, and I wrote this concealed cardinal down connected paper, truthful it’s safely stored offline. After exporting my browser passwords and importing to Bitwarden, I installed The iPhone app and enabled permissions, and my logins were already there.

I tested The Bitwarden Families plan, which supports up to six people. At first, I thought thing was incorrect pinch my subscription, because my relationship said I was a Premium member.

Bitwarden's terminology Can beryllium confusing erstwhile mounting up a family account.Bitwarden’s terminology Can beryllium confusing erstwhile mounting up a family account.

When I opened my “admin console,” I recovered that I could adhd much members to my “organization” to make a shared postulation of passwords. The terminology useful for businesses, but I recovered it confusing for a family.

Once I understood The wording, everything other made sense. The apps and browser extensions person a elemental but cleanable creation that gets The occupation done.


Bitwarden offers much autofill and information options than competitors.Bitwarden offers much autofill and information options than competitors.

Some antivirus package for illustration Norton and Bitdefender include password managers, but dedicated solutions usually connection much features.

Bitwarden automatically fills passwords and offers much customization options than competing password managers. In The browser extension, I Can take really autofill happens, erstwhile my vault times out, and whether my relationship is logged retired wholly aliases if I Can unlock to summation entree again. With Bitwarden’s Windows app installed, I Can usage Windows Hello to unlock my vault.

The iPhone app has its ain options and useful pinch Face ID and Touch ID to simplify access. Everything useful arsenic expected, truthful I Can stock among family members, motion into each my favourite accounts, entree unafraid notes, and download encrypted files from my iPhone.

My vault travels pinch maine crossed devices for quick, elemental entree pinch nary hassle. I Can shape my favourite accounts and credentials, place issues pinch anemic and leaked passwords pinch admin reports, and cleanable up unused accounts to debar confusion. It’s a robust measurement to negociate a ample postulation of passwords.


Bitwarden's customer support is by email, but answers Can beryllium recovered in The extended documentation.Bitwarden’s customer support is by email, but answers Can beryllium recovered in The extended documentation.

Bitwarden customer work is via email. Bitwarden’s organization seems very progressive and responsive, but charismatic support could return up respective hours. That’s not different for password managers. I sent my petition connected a Sunday and received an reply in little than 3 hours.

If you want quicker help, Bitwarden’s website lists its societal media accounts connected X, Reddit, and GitHub. Bitwarden has extended archiving in The support center.

Privacy and security

Bitwarden is SOC 2 certified and uses end-to-end encryption.Bitwarden is SOC 2 certified and uses end-to-end encryption.

Bitwarden has ne'er suffered a breach, but it’s imaginable to self-host a Bitwarden relationship truthful each information remains connected your ain server. However, that only improves privateness if your server is arsenic unafraid arsenic Bitwarden’s.

Bitwarden uses AES 256-bit end-to-end encryption, truthful The institution can’t position your passwords aliases unafraid files. It’s besides SOC 2 certified pinch yearly third-party information audits.

You mightiness person seen immoderate articles questioning Bitwarden’s security. Researchers highlighted a imaginable weakness if you alteration The action to autofill arsenic soon arsenic a web page loads. This action is disconnected by default, truthful it’s not an inherent danger.

Since your information is encrypted, it’s safe, but immoderate relationship information is utilized to supply service, arsenic good arsenic for billing and support. According to Bitwarden’s privateness policy, Bitwarden won’t waste aliases stock your information pinch advertisers.

Bitwarden will comply pinch ineligible requests for information and mightiness nonstop advertisements astir upgrades to your Bitwarden account, unless you opt out.

Is Bitwarden correct for you?

Bitwarden’s free scheme is difficult to hit since it offers The basics pinch fewer limitations beyond sharing. If you request to stock pinch 1 different person, Bitwarden Premium mightiness beryllium The astir affordable and complete solution.

For a mini group, The Families scheme is an inexpensive measurement to shape accusation to securely stock passwords, notes, IDs, and files, but you should expect to walk immoderate clip getting utilized to The controls.

Bitwarden is one of The champion password managers for easy cross-platform use and 1 of The fewer built by an open-source community. If you person coding experience, you Can subordinate in and thief amended The app’s usability and characteristic set.

1Password’s Families scheme is easier to group up and costs astir The same, while Dashlane’s Family and Friends plan offers further information features for illustration a VPN and acheronian web monitoring. It Can beryllium difficult to constrictive in connected The correct prime since everyone’s needs are different, but Bitwarden is simply a worthy consideration.

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Editor: Naga

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