Year ends are clip for reappraisal and reflection… but, pursuing nan reliable markets of 2022, I uncertainty location are galore maturation equity investors who want to look backmost astatine nan past 12 months. Such periods of extended marketplace declines and volatility are an unpleasant but basal reminder that occurrence does not travel successful a consecutive way and that markets move successful cycles.
The twelvemonth was challenging for our business too, peculiarly for nan Baron Funds invested successful higher-growth and technology-driven companies. Those of you who person publication our caller quarterly letters, aliases listened to Ron and our investigation squad speak, would cognize that nan mediocre marketplace capacity of nan past twelvemonth has not affected our semipermanent outlook. We stay optimistic astir nan early of nan U.S. system and nan semipermanent opportunities for equity investors and our shareholders.
Last year, Baron celebrated its 40-year anniversary. Our 4 decades successful business person been filled pinch memorable experiences, successes, and occasional stumbles, each of which person taught america thing – not conscionable arsenic investors but besides arsenic stakeholders successful a continuously increasing business. During difficult times, nan lessons we person learned person fixed america assurance and reassurance to instrumentality to our values and finance approach. At nan Baron Conference this past November, I shared pinch nan assemblage immoderate valuable lessons we person learned astir our business, and beneath is an edited type of my speech.
The past 4 decades person been rather eventful. As nan floor plan beneath shows, we person witnessed aggregate recessions, marketplace crashes, wars, a pandemic, grounds ostentation and unemployment, and crazy elections, among different things. But we person besides seen immense technological progress, aesculapian advancements, amended accusation and marketplace accessibility for investors, and nan longest bull marketplace ever. Since nan inception of Baron Capital connected 3/16/1982, nan S&P 500 Index has returned a staggering 9,413% (including dividends).
The Past 40 Years Have Been Eventful12/31/1979 - 12/31/2022S&P 500 Index and Various Events
S&P 500 Index and Various Events (12/31/1979 - 12/31/2022)
Notes: The capacity information quoted represents past performance. Past capacity is nary guarantee of early results. It is not imaginable to put successful an index.
Since I person been astatine Baron for 4 decades, I person a unsocial perspective, and I besides asked immoderate of our labor what they person learned. The communal denominator down each instruction is people.
People are nan halfway of our business, accordant pinch our motto “we put successful people:” our investors, partners, guidance teams of nan companies successful which we put and, astir importantly, our employees. Here are 5 of nan lessons that we person learned.
Lesson #1: Build nan Right Team and Cultivate a Healthy Work Culture
When you build nan correct team, 1 + 1 is greater than 2. We person built a squad that is much than nan sum of its individuals. And, conscionable for illustration nan measurement we conception portfolios, we person built nan Baron squad 1 personification astatine a time. Finding nan correct group and training them takes time, but we person learned to beryllium diligent and return a semipermanent view. It is important for america to prosecute smart, intelligent, and funny individuals, pinch divers backgrounds and shared values. It is besides important that they complement nan squad we person built. We judge these fundamentals person helped america execute success. We ever look for much than conscionable bully workers. As Jim Barrett, our caput of organization income said, doing business successful our manufacture pinch humanity makes a difference. So we besides look for characteristic traits for illustration honesty, empathy, and moreover humor; and we judge this has helped america combine an exceptional team. We don’t ever get it right, but we do ever learn.
To person nan correct team, you request nan correct culture. Teamwork is astatine nan bosom of Baron’s culture, and teamwork starts pinch trust. I work together pinch Alison Bray, our head of investor information, that “Trust is nan astir important rate astatine activity – meaning – you’ll do what you say, you’re paying attention, and you attraction astir what different group are trying to accomplish.” Trust allows our labor to beryllium open-minded and to perceive to what others person to say. Creating an situation that encourages speech of ideas builds morale and growth, and fosters innovation.
Our mean retention complaint complete nan past 15 years has been complete 90%, which attests that we must beryllium doing thing right. We person galore long-tenured employees, and our first squad is still here: Peggy Wong (CFO), Susan Robbins (a long-time elder investigation analyst), David Schneider (Head of Trading), Ron (of course), and me.
As nan array shows, arsenic of 12/31/2022 much than half of Baron’s full labor and much than two-thirds of our investigation unit person been astatine nan Firm for 5 years aliases more. Over a 3rd of each labor person been present for astatine slightest a decade, and 17 person been present for complete 20 years. For context, 20 years agone Baron’s squad consisted of conscionable 49 employees.
Baron’s Employees Have Been astatine The Firm for a Long Time
In addition, nan immense mostly (12 retired of 15) of Baron’s non-research group heads person been astatine nan Firm for astatine slightest 7 years. Something I americium peculiarly proud of is that 8 retired of nan 15 groups are headed by women (myself not included) and astir half (19 retired of 40) of Baron’s managerial roles are held by women. In addition, Baron’s Director of Research is simply a woman, and 4 retired of nan 10 Board members of nan Baron Funds are women.
Lesson #2: Learn to Make Tough Decisions
We strive to supply exceptional investor work and finance results. Particularly successful our industry, achieving this requires a delicate equilibrium of opportunity and risk, and often location are immoderate reliable choices to beryllium made.
During nan Financial Crisis successful 2008, our assets had dropped from $23 cardinal to nether $10 cardinal and nan financial world was collapsing. We had 3 options:
A) do thing – and dream for nan best;
B) trim costs, including laying disconnected employees; or
C) put successful increasing our business.
Notwithstanding our constricted resources, we picked action C. Here is why: if you build nan champion widget successful nan world and it sits successful your factory, group aren’t going to bargain it unless it gets marketed and distributed. While everyone successful nan plus guidance manufacture was picking action B, we saw an opportunity to grow our income effort – a difficult determination that has paid disconnected handsomely.
But this wasn’t nan first aliases nan past clip we made a difficult choice. The adjacent floor plan shows that we person launched caller products during bully and bad economical conditions, and correct earlier – aliases aft – aliases successful nan mediate of marketplace declines. Our decisions to turn Baron’s business person ever been driven by our semipermanent views and conviction. The bars connected nan floor plan show that our squad has expanded gradually and consistently pinch our business.
Baron’s Team and Business Have Grown Steadily
Baron Capital – Employees and Assets Under Management (3/31/1987 – 12/31/2022) New Asia Sources: Baron Capital, The National Bureau of Economic Research. Note: Employee information not disposable anterior to 1997.
When it comes to making decisions – whether astir increasing our operations, launching caller products, aliases optimizing our statement – we person learned that it pays disconnected to trust connected our semipermanent position and large image focus, and instrumentality to our values.
Lesson #3: Time is On nan Side of Long-Term Thinkers
Achieving challenging goals requires time. Achieving maturation besides requires time. But clip unsocial is not capable – patience, discipline, and condemnation are besides essential, arsenic they let for imaginable to materialize and nan powerfulness of compounding to activity its magic.
Time and compounding sound for illustration elemental concepts, yet fewer plus managers person been capable to harness them to their advantage. During times of marketplace volatility – for illustration correct now – it becomes difficult to support subject and conviction, which often leads to myopic finance choices, for illustration marketplace timing. As our caput of trading, David Schneider says, during specified moments we for illustration to put connected our Baron goggles, which thief america spot done nan shortterm sound and support attraction connected nan agelong term.
The information successful nan floor plan connected nan correct visualizes David’s constituent well. Over nan past 40 years, 83% of nan one-year rolling periods for nan S&P 500 Index person resulted successful affirmative returns. While nan median return was 14.5%, nan imaginable scope of one-year returns was anyplace betwixt -43.3% and 61.2%, a immense scope of uncertainty.
Expanding nan finance sky to 3 years resulted successful a higher percent of clip pinch affirmative returns (88%) and an ostensibly tighter scope of outcomes. Having an finance sky of 10 years aliases much importantly minimized nan imaginable for antagonistic returns and resulted successful an moreover tighter scope of outcomes. In short, nan longer nan finance horizon, nan higher nan certainty astir nan result – aliases astatine slightest this has been nan lawsuit successful nan past.
Long-Term Investors Have Had Better Chances of Positive Returns
S&P 500 Index – Minimum, Maximum, and Median annualized full returns complete various periods (Based connected monthly rolling periods, 12/31/1982 – 12/31/2022)
Notes: The capacity information quoted represents past performance. Past capacity is nary guarantee of early results. It is not imaginable to put successful an index.
Long-term perspective, patience, and subject are astatine nan halfway of our approach. We judge nan powerfulness of compounding applies to accumulating knowledge and acquisition conscionable arsenic powerfully arsenic it applies to finance returns. To paraphrase Warren Buffet, you cannot get 9 years of acquisition by hiring 9 first-year associates. This is why we continuously put successful our labor and do our champion to thief them grow, unlock their imaginable and, hopefully, support them arsenic Baron employees. As a Firm, this has allowed america to accumulate generational knowledge, which we see 1 of our strongest competitory advantages.
The scorecard beneath attests to our semipermanent success. Almost each of nan Baron Funds person outperformed their applicable benchmarks nan mostly of nan time, delivering important excess returns. Similar to nan floor plan above, nan likelihood of outperformance of nan Baron Funds has accrued erstwhile nan holding play has been longer. Our Funds person generated beardown excess returns since their respective inception dates.
The Baron Funds Have Generated Impressive Results
Baron Funds Scorecard (Based connected monthly rolling returns since inception arsenic of 12/31/2022)
Note: Only nan Baron Funds pinch astatine slightest three-year way grounds and astatine slightest 12 monthly rolling 3-year return observations are included successful nan array above. The capacity information quoted represents past performance. Past capacity is nary guarantee of early results. Current capacity whitethorn beryllium little aliases higher than nan capacity information quoted. As of 12/31/2022, nan annualized 1-, 5-, and 10-year (or since inception, for nan Funds that do not person a 10-year way record) capacity of nan Institutional Shares of nan Funds shown successful nan floor plan supra was arsenic follows: Baron Growth Fund: (22.40)%, 11.15%, and 12.33%, respectively; Baron Small Cap Fund: (31.05)%, 7.07%, and 10.21%, respectively; Baron Discovery Fund: (35.12)%, 7.61%, and 11.37%, respectively; Baron Focused Growth Fund: (28.14)%, 20.94%, and 15.39%, respectively; Baron Asset Fund: (25.87)%, 9.29%, and 12.40%, respectively; Baron Partners Fund: (42.41)%, 21.98%, and 19.49%, respectively; Baron Opportunity Fund: (42.83)%, 13.11%, and 13.13%, respectively; Baron Fifth Avenue Growth Fund: (50.49)%, 2.48%, and 9.39%, respectively; Baron Durable Advantage Fund: (24.81)% for nan 1-year play and 9.37% since inception; Baron Emerging Markets Fund: (25.82)%, (2.70)%, and 3.10%, respectively; Baron International Growth Fund: (27.29)%, 2.17%, and 6.50%, respectively; Baron Global Advantage Fund: (51.57)%, 4.21%, and 9.43%, respectively; Baron Real Estate Fund: (28.44)%, 7.65%, and 10.28%, respectively; Baron Real Estate Income Fund: (27.47)% for nan 1-year play and 6.91% since inception; Baron Health Care Fund: (16.90)% for nan 1-year play and 13.90% since inception; and Baron WealthBuilder Fund: (32.59)% for nan 1-year play and 10.36% since inception. Fund Primary Benchmarks: for Baron Growth Fund, Baron Small Cap Fund, and Baron Discovery Fund – Russell 2000 Growth Index; Baron Focused Growth Fund – Russell 2500 Growth Index; Baron Partners Fund and Baron Asset Fund – Russell Midcap Growth Index; Baron Opportunity Fund – Russell 3000 Growth Index; Baron Fifth Avenue Growth Fund – Russell 1000 Growth Index; Baron Durable Advantage Fund – S&P 500 Index; Baron Emerging Markets Fund – MSCI EM Index; Baron International Growth Fund – MSCI ACWI ex USA Index; Baron Global Advantage Fund – MSCI ACWI Index; Baron Real Estate Fund – MSCI USA IMI Extended Real Estate Index; Baron Real Estate Income Fund – MSCI US REIT Index; Baron Health Care Fund – Russell 3000 Health Care Index; Baron Wealth Builder Fund – S&P 500 Index. Fund Inception Dates: Baron Growth Fund – 12/31/1994; Baron Small Cap Fund – 9/30/1997; Baron Discovery Fund – 9/30/2013; Baron Asset Fund – 6/12/1987; Baron Focused Growth Fund – 5/31/1996; Baron Partners Fund – 1/31/1992; Baron Opportunity Fund – 2/29/2000; Baron Fifth Avenue Growth Fund – 4/30/2004; Baron Durable Advantage Fund – 12/29/2017; Baron Emerging Markets Fund – 12/31/2010; Baron International Growth Fund – 12/31/2008; Baron Global Advantage Fund – 4/30/2012; Baron Real Estate Fund – 12/31/2009; Baron Real Estate Income Fund – 12/29/2017; Baron Health Care Fund – 4/30/2018; Baron WealthBuilder Fund – 12/29/2017. Annual disbursal Ratios for Inst. Shares arsenic of 9/30/2022: Baron Asset Fund, 1.04%, Baron Growth Fund, 1.04%, Baron Small Cap Fund, 1.04%, Baron Opportunity Fund, 1.05%, Baron Fifth Avenue Growth Fund, 0.76% but nan nett yearly disbursal ratio was 0.75% (net of nan Adviser’s interest waivers), Baron Discovery Fund, 1.06%, Baron Durable Advantage Fund, 1.10% but nan nett yearly disbursal ratio was 0.70% (net of nan Adviser’s interest waivers). Annual disbursal Ratios for Inst. Shares arsenic of 12/31/2021: Baron Partners Fund, 1.11% (comprised of operating disbursal of 1.05% and liking disbursal of 0.06%), Baron Focused Growth Fund, 1.05%, Baron International Growth Fund, 0.96%, but nan nett yearly disbursal ratio was 0.95% (net of nan Adviser’s interest waivers), Baron Real Estate Fund, 1.05%, Baron Emerging Markets Fund, 1.08%, Baron Global Advantage Fund, 0.90%, Baron Real Estate Income Fund, 1.08%, but nan nett yearly disbursal ratio was 0.80% (net of nan Adviser’s interest waivers), Baron Health Care Fund, 0.89%, but nan nett yearly disbursal ratio was 0.85% (net of nan Adviser’s interest waivers), Baron WealthBuilder Fund, 1.08%, but nan nett yearly disbursal ratio was 1.05% (includes acquired money fees of 1.00%, nett of nan Adviser’s interest waivers).
Lesson #4: Building Trust is Critical
Honesty and transparency gain trust, and spot is basal to semipermanent relationships. We deliberation of our clients and investors arsenic semipermanent partners pinch whom we want to person lasting relationships. This starts pinch providing clear, timely, and high-quality communications. We spare nary resources to present what is important to our investors, and we person committed to supply accusation good beyond what our competitors do. As our caput of RIA sales, Frank Maiorano put it, “We activity successful an manufacture wherever sometimes you want to hide from nan truth, particularly successful years for illustration this. But arsenic difficult arsenic it is, delivering honorable truth and connection some successful bully and bad times earns spot which leads to semipermanent relationships.”
Like knowledge, spot takes clip to build. And, for illustration British Prime Ministers, it tin vanish successful an instant. We are proud of nan estimation we person established, and we do not return it for granted. We are perpetually moving to beryllium ourselves arsenic a trustworthy semipermanent partner to our clients, our business relationships, and nan companies successful which we invest.
And, finally, #5: Lessons from Ron
Having spent 40 years moving pinch Ron, location is simply a point aliases 2 that I person learned from him.
For example, I person learned “It is apparently good to telephone group astatine 6am aliases 11pm, arsenic agelong arsenic you inquire “Is this a bully time?” erstwhile they reply nan phone.”
Or, “It’s good to show nan aforesaid stories complete and complete again – possibly nary 1 paid attraction nan first 10 times.”
I’ve besides realized location is simply a point aliases 2 Ron should person learned.
Such as, “Nothing happens astatine nan push of a button.”
And “No, nan machine did not suffer nan draught of your shareholder missive – again. You did. Again.”
And “You can’t ever get what you want.”
On a much superior note, 1 of nan astir valuable lessons I person learned from Ron is astir nan value of group successful a business. It is simply a elemental conception – that only group tin make a business successful. At Baron, our business is our people. Finding nan correct group and investing successful them – time, resources, emotions – is difficult and takes time. If it were easy, everyone would tally successful businesses. But it is nan difficult things that adhd existent worth successful nan agelong term. And this is why We Invest successful People.
Chairman, President, and COO
Investors should see nan finance objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of nan finance cautiously earlier investing. The prospectus and summary prospectuses incorporate this and different accusation astir nan Funds. You whitethorn get them from nan Funds’ distributor, Baron Capital, Inc., by calling 1-800-99BARON aliases visiting Please publication them cautiously earlier investing. The capacity information quoted represents past performance. Past capacity is nary guarantee of early results. The finance return and main worth of an finance will fluctuate; an investor’s shares, erstwhile redeemed, whitethorn beryllium worthy much aliases little than their original cost. The Adviser reimburses definite Baron Fund expenses pursuant to a statement expiring connected August 29, 2033, unless renewed for different 11-year word and nan Fund’s transportation agency expenses whitethorn beryllium reduced by disbursal offsets from an unaffiliated transportation agent, without which capacity would person been lower. Current capacity whitethorn beryllium little aliases higher than nan capacity information quoted. For capacity accusation existent to nan astir caller period end, sojourn aliases telephone 1-800-99BARON. Performance for nan Institutional Shares anterior to 5/29/2009 is based connected nan capacity of nan Retail Shares, which person a distribution fee. The Institutional Shares do not person a distribution fee. If nan yearly returns for nan Institutional Shares anterior to 5/29/2009 did not bespeak this fee, nan returns would beryllium higher. Baron Discovery Fund’s 3- and 5-year, Baron Emerging Markets Fund’s 10-year, Baron Fifth Avenue Growth Fund’s 3-, 5- and 10-year, Baron Fin Tech Fund’s 3-year, Baron Global Advantage Fund’s 3-, 5- and 10-year, Baron Health Care Fund’s 3-year, Baron International Growth Fund’s 3- and 5-year, Baron Opportunity Fund’s 3-, 5- and 10-year and Baron Small Cap Fund’s 3-year humanities capacity were impacted by gains from IPOs and location is nary guarantee that these results tin beryllium repeated aliases that nan Funds’ level of information successful IPOs will beryllium nan aforesaid successful nan future. Risks: All investments are taxable to consequence and whitethorn suffer value. Growth stocks tin respond otherwise to issuer, political, marketplace and economical developments than nan marketplace arsenic a whole. Non-U.S. investments whitethorn impact further risks to those inherent successful U.S. investments, including exchange-rate fluctuations, governmental aliases economical instability, nan imposition of speech controls, expropriation, constricted disclosure and illiquid markets, resulting successful greater stock value volatility. Securities of mini and medium-sized companies whitethorn beryllium thinly traded and much difficult to sell. The chat of marketplace trends is not intended arsenic proposal to immoderate personification regarding nan advisability of investing successful immoderate peculiar security. The views expressed successful this archive bespeak those of nan respective writer. Some of our comments are based connected guidance expectations and are considered “forward-looking statements.” Actual early results, however, whitethorn beryllium to beryllium different from our expectations. Our views are a reflection of our champion judgement astatine nan clip and are taxable to alteration astatine immoderate clip based connected marketplace and different conditions and Baron has nary responsibility to update them. The S&P 500 Index measures nan capacity of 500 wide held large-cap U.S. companies. The Nasdaq Composite Index is nan marketplace capitalization weighted scale of astir 3,000 communal equities listed connected nan Nasdaq banal exchange. The Russell 1000® Growth Index measures nan capacity of large-sized U.S. companies that are classified arsenic growth. The Russell 2000® Growth Index measures nan capacity of small-sized U.S. companies that are classified arsenic growth. The Russell 2500® Growth Index measures nan capacity of mini to medium-sized U.S. companies that are classified arsenic growth. The Russell 3000® Growth Index measures nan capacity of nan wide maturation conception of nan U.S. equity beingness comprised of nan largest 3000 U.S. companies representing astir 98% of nan investable U.S. equity market. The Russell 3000® Health Care Index is an unmanaged scale typical of companies progressive successful aesculapian services aliases wellness attraction successful nan Russell 3000 Index, which is comprised of nan 3,000 largest U.S. companies arsenic wished by full marketplace capitalization. All authorities successful nan FTSE Russell Index (the “Index”) vest successful nan applicable LSE Group institution which owns nan Index. Russell® is a waste and acquisition people of nan applicable LSE Group institution and is utilized by immoderate different LSE Group institution nether license. Neither LSE Group nor its licensors judge immoderate liability for immoderate errors aliases omissions successful nan indexes aliases information and nary statement whitethorn trust connected immoderate indexes aliases information contained successful this communication. MSCI USA IMI Extended Real Estate Net Index is an unmanaged civilization scale calculated by MSCI for, and arsenic requested by, BAMCO, Inc. The scale includes existent property and existent estate-related GICS classified securities. MSCI makes nary definitive aliases implied warranties aliases representations and shall person nary liability whatsoever pinch respect to immoderate MSCI information contained herein. The MSCI information whitethorn not beryllium further redistributed aliases utilized arsenic a ground for different indexes aliases immoderate securities aliases financial products. This study is not approved, reviewed aliases produced by MSCI. The MSCI EM (Emerging Markets) Index is designed to measurement equity marketplace capacity of ample and mid-cap securities crossed 24 Emerging Markets countries. The MSCI ACWI ex USA Index captures ample and mid headdress practice crossed 22 of 23 Developed Markets countries (excluding nan US) and 26 Emerging Markets countries. The MSCI ACWI Index measures nan equity marketplace capacity of ample and midcap securities crossed developed and emerging markets, including nan United States. MSCI US REIT Index is an unmanaged free float-adjusted marketplace capitalization scale that measures nan capacity of each equity REITs successful nan US equity market, isolated from for specialty equity REITs that do not make a mostly of their gross and income from existent property rental and leasing operations. MSCI is nan root and proprietor of nan trademarks, work marks and copyrights related to nan MSCI Indexes. The indexes and nan Funds see reinvestment of dividends, nett of withholding taxes, which positively effect nan capacity results. The indexes are unmanaged. Index capacity is not Fund performance; 1 cannot put straight into an index. BAMCO, Inc. is an finance advisor registered pinch nan U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Baron Capital, Inc. is simply a broker-dealer registered pinch nan SEC and personnel of nan Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA)
Original Post
Editor's Note: The summary bullets for this article were chosen by Seeking Alpha editors.
This article was written by
Select quarterly money letters.
Additional disclosure: Investors should see nan finance objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of nan finance cautiously earlier investing. The prospectus and summary prospectuses incorporate this and different accusation astir nan Funds. You whitethorn get them from nan Funds’ distributor, Baron Capital, Inc., by calling 1-800-99BARON aliases visiting Please publication them cautiously earlier investing.
Risks:All investments are taxable to consequence and whitethorn suffer value.
The chat of marketplace trends is not intended arsenic proposal to immoderate personification regarding nan advisability of investing successful immoderate peculiar security. The views expressed connected this page bespeak those of nan respective writer. Some of our comments are based connected guidance expectations and are considered “forward-looking statements.” Actual early results, however, whitethorn beryllium to beryllium different from our expectations. Our views are a reflection of our champion judgement astatine nan clip and are taxable to alteration astatine immoderate clip based connected marketplace and different conditions and Baron has nary responsibility to update them
Portfolio holdings are taxable to change. Current and early portfolio holdings are taxable to risk.
© Baron 2023 All authorities reserved