
5 free video editors you should use instead of iMovie - Beritaja

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A screenshot of iMovie unfastened pinch a title surface connected The image.Apple

If you’re looking for a free video-editing app connected your Mac, iMovie isn’t a bad option. It’s easy to use, has its adjacent stock of bully features, and won’t costs you a penny either. But location are plentifulness of different options retired location that Can do a batch much than iMovie, and you don’t request to break The slope to get immoderate of them.

In this guide, we’ve rounded up 5 of The champion free video editors you should usage alternatively of iMovie. Each 1 is replete pinch top-notch features that make video editing a breeze, yet they’re each wholly free to download and use. And we’re not talking astir low-effort shovelware either — each app is simply a genuine contender for your clip and attraction and could easy warrant charging a fee.

So, if you request a free video editing app for your Mac and don’t want to usage iMovie, present are 5 fantabulous choices.

DaVinci Resolve

The DaVinci Resolve video-editing app's personification interface in macOS.Blackmagic Design

If you edit videos, you’ll astir apt person heard The sanction DaVinci Resolve. It’s utilized by Hollywood studios and accumulation teams to finalize movies and TV shows, truthful you cognize it’s a high-grade portion of software.

While location is simply a paid-for version, there’s besides a wholly free version that is simply a full-fledged app in its ain right. It’s perfect for video editing, colour correction, audio enhancements, mobility graphics and ocular effects, giving you a beardown post-production app that is 1 of The champion free video editors around.

If you want to return things up different level, pinch higher resolutions and framework rates, sound reduction, lens correction, precocious coloring devices and a full batch more, The paid type will beryllium worthy your clip and money. But for astir people, The free version will beryllium much than enough, making it The apical prime for a free iMovie alternative.


The Lightworks desktop app's main screen.Lightworks

Lightworks is 1 of those apps that manages to find The correct equilibrium betwixt professional-pleasing features and a beginner-friendly personification interface, meaning it won’t put you disconnected nary matter wherever you are and what you need. Its free type is tailored toward caller starters, and you Can upgrade to The paid type if your needs alteration and develop.

It’s a feature-packed app that covers much than elemental video editing (although it is very bully astatine that). Its well-stocked toolset covers audio refining, ocular effects creation, colour corrections and editing, and built-in sharing devices to get your activity retired there.

There are 2 paid versions pinch different devices included, but broadly speaking they licence higher-resolution exports, greater support for titling and templates, accrued record formats, much precocious effects, and a bunch of different awesome tools. If you conscionable request a free video editor, though, you can’t spell acold incorrect pinch Lightworks.


The Blender video-editing app's personification interface in macOS.Blender

Blender is simply a well-known sanction in The world of video editing, peculiarly because it crams in truthful galore devices and features yet is wholly free. There’s not moreover a paid type pinch features locked down a paywall — everything is disposable from The start, without you ever having to fork complete a azygous dollar.

And it’s overmuch much than conscionable a video-editing app. Blender Can beryllium utilized to create 2D and 3D animations, sculpt models, render scenes, and create stories. Its extended scripting support lets you customize its toolset, while you Can besides tweak its interface into immoderate statement you want.

That makes it tremendous worth for money. And since it’s an open-source app, anyone is free to return its codification and create it in a caller direction. That puts it acold beyond The capabilities of iMovie.


The HitFilm video-editing app's personification interface in macOS.HitFilm

Getting started pinch a caller video-editing app Can beryllium tricky, but HitFilm makes it arsenic straightforward arsenic imaginable acknowledgment to its extended postulation of tutorials and guides. There’s nary guesswork and nary frustrating dormant ends, and it should get you up to velocity and creating activity arsenic quickly arsenic possible.

So, what do you get erstwhile you’re acquainted pinch The app? There are tons of free assets included, arsenic good arsenic a suite of professional-grade ocular effects that Can beryllium added to your footage. You’ll find powerful colour correction and grading tools, audio effects, text-manipulation features, and more.

Paying for 1 of The paid-tier versions gives you entree to a greater number of assets, higher solution exports, and removes immoderate watermarks (Pro type only). But doing truthful isn’t basal to get a beardown iMovie contender that excels astatine video editing.



Like Blender, Shotcut is free and unfastened source, truthful you’ll ne'er person to salary to entree immoderate of its features. Everything is disposable correct from The start, making it an perfect action if you want to support your costs down.

The needs of master and hobbyist video editors Can disagree greatly. If you find yourself in The second camp, Shotcut is simply a beardown prime acknowledgment to its straightforward interface that gets retired of your measurement and lets you dive correct into editing, each without having to woody pinch convoluted workflows and confusing features.

One of Shotcut’s strengths is its flexibility. It useful pinch hundreds of audio and video formats, Can import footage from a assortment of sources, and has an adjustable interface that lets you activity The measurement you want to. It mightiness not beryllium The astir precocious video editor connected The market, but its elasticity and easiness of usage make it a awesome prime for beginners and intermediate users looking for an app to create and edit their videos.

Editor: Naga

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