
102 Monthly Paying Dividend Stocks And 80 Funds For February

Trending 1 year ago

Dog catches golden winged dollars



All but six equities and each of nan costs listed successful this February batch of monthly-paying dividend dogs unrecorded up to nan perfect of paying yearly dividends from a $1K finance exceeding their azygous stock price. Here, successful nan MoPay collection, lie affordable (yet volatile and risky) bargains. One metric ($1k invested income>1 stock price) fits all!

Two years and complete eleven months past nan 2020 Ides of March marketplace dip, and earlier different pull-backs yet to come, nan clip to bargain apical output MoPay dogs whitethorn beryllium now.

To study which of these 101 MoPay equities salary "safer" dividends, spell to my dividend dogcatcher marketplace lists aft February 28th. Simply click connected nan past slug constituent successful nan Summary conception above.

Actionable Conclusions (1-10): Brokers Estimated Top Ten MoPay Equities Could Net 14.68% to 64.85% Gains By February 2024

Six of 10 top-yield MoPay stocks (shaded successful nan floor plan below) were verified arsenic being among nan top-ten gainers for nan coming twelvemonth based connected expert one-year target prices. Thus, nan Dogcatcher yield-based strategy for this MoPay group, arsenic graded by agent estimates this month, proved 60% accurate.

Estimated dividend payouts from $1000 invested successful each of nan 10 highest-yielding stocks, positive analysts median 1yr target prices for those stocks, arsenic reported by YCharts, produced nan information points for nan gains estimates below. (Note: target prices from lone analysts were not counted.) Ten probable profit-generating trades truthful identified to February 2024 were:


source: YCharts

Orchid Island Capital Inc (ORC) netted $648.45 based connected nan median of target estimates from 2 analysts, positive estimated yearly dividends little agent fees. The Beta number showed this estimate taxable to risk/volatility 54% greater than nan marketplace arsenic a whole.

Oxford Square Capital Corp (OXSQ) netted $430.12 based connected nan median of target value estimates from 2 analysts, positive dividends, little agent fees. The Beta number showed this estimate taxable to risk/volatility 15% greater than nan marketplace arsenic a whole.

Broadmark Realty Capital Inc (BRMK) was forecast to nett $303.37 based connected nan median of target value estimates from 2 analysts, positive dividends, little agent fees. A Beta number was not disposable for BMRK.

North American Financial 15 Split Corp (OTCPK:FNCSF) netted $220.40 based connected estimated yearly dividends little agent fees. The Beta number showed this estimate taxable to risk/volatility 134% greater than nan marketplace arsenic a whole.

Dynex Capital Inc (DX) netted $219.85 based connected nan median of yearly value estimates from 4 analysts, positive dividends, little agent fees. The Beta number showed this estimate taxable to risk/volatility 16% greater than nan marketplace arsenic a whole.

SL Green Realty Corp (SLG) netted $217.63 based connected nan median of target estimates from 18 analysts, positive estimated yearly dividends little agent fees. The Beta number showed this estimate taxable to risk/volatility 49% complete nan marketplace arsenic a whole.

Peyto Exploration & Development Corp (OTCPK:PEYUF) netted $200.52 based connected nan median of target value estimates from 2 analysts, positive Dividends little agent fees. The Beta number showed this estimate taxable to risk/volatility 96% greater than nan marketplace arsenic a whole.

Ellington Financial Inc (EFC) netted $194.39 based connected nan median of target value estimates from 8 analysts, positive dividends, little agent fees. The Beta number showed this estimate taxable to risk/volatility 85% greater than nan marketplace arsenic a whole.

San Juan Basin Royalty Trust (SJT) netted $172.00, based connected dividends little agent fees. The Beta number showed this estimate taxable to risk/volatility 2% little than nan marketplace arsenic a whole.

Canadian Bancorp Corp (OTCPK:CNDCF) netted $146.80 based connected dividends, little agent fees. The Beta number showed this estimate taxable to risk/volatility 2% nether nan marketplace arsenic a whole.

Average nett summation successful dividend and value was 27.54% connected $1k invested successful each of these 10 MoPay stocks. This summation estimate was taxable to mean risk/volatility 35% greater than nan marketplace arsenic a whole.

MOPAY (2) DOG PIC10 FEB23-24 Open root canine creation DDC 10 from

Source: Open root canine creation from

The Dividend Dogs Rule

Stocks earned nan "dog" moniker by exhibiting 3 traits: (1) paying reliable, repeating dividends, (2) their prices fell to wherever (3) output (dividend/price) grew higher than their peers. Thus, nan highest yielding stocks successful immoderate postulation became known arsenic "dogs." More specifically, these are, successful fact, champion called "underdogs".

February's Monthly Pay Dividend Data

Three lists nutrient galore actionable conclusions and respective much un-numbered results. To tie these conclusions and results, February 17 closing prices and estimated yearly dividends were referenced from YCharts. Monthly salary (MoPay) equity (1) output and (2) upside imaginable lists were compared and contrasted against (3) nan precocious output (and higher risk) MoPay CEICs/ETFs/ETNs list.

Monthly Pay Dividend Qualities

Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual dividend investors anxiously await announcements from a firm, fund, aliases brokerage to study if their adjacent dividend will beryllium higher, lower, aliases paid astatine all.

Monthly salary stocks, funds, trusts, and partnerships pass nan holder each 4 and 1 3rd weeks by cheque and/or statement. If nan entity reduces aliases suspends a payment, nan holder tin waste retired of nan finance instantly to trim early losses.

This advantage has been curtailed erstwhile companies abruptly trim monthly dividends to prevention cash. Numerous salient MoPay firms declared dividend cuts betwixt May and June, 2020, including: Oxford Square Capital Corp; Partners Real Estate Investment Trust; Orchid Island Capital Inc; Cross Timbers Royalty Trust; H&R Real Estate Investment Trust; BTB Real Estate Investment Trust; American Finance Trust Inc; Mesa Royalty Trust; Solar Senior Capital Ltd; Ellington Financial Inc; Dividend Select 15 Corp; Chesswood Group Ltd; Sabine Royalty Trust; TORC Oil & Gas Ltd; Freehold Royalties Ltd; ARC Resources Ltd; Inter Pipeline Ltd; San Juan Basin Royalty Trust; Ag Growth International Inc.

Former MoPay apical 10 regular by yield. Bluerock Residential (BRG) announced December 2019 it was retreating to quarterly dividend payments "in keeping pinch manufacture tradition." That contented continued pinch Armour Residential REIT and Stellus Capital Investment Corp some transitioned to QPay successful June, 2020. Within 3 months, however, some SCM and ARR returned to MoPay mode.

Capitala Finance Corp (CPTA) trim its monthly payout from $0.13 to $0.0833 arsenic of October 30, 2017, past suspended it arsenic of May 3, 2020. Oxford Square Capital, however, issued this nebulous connection regarding its pending monthly payments: "While nary determination has yet been made pinch respect to nan Company's communal banal distributions for July, August and September, we judge that nan Company's Board of Directors will apt elite to trim aliases suspend nan Company's distributions for those months." On June 2, 2020 nan institution declared $0.035 monthly distributions for July August and September, 2020 which person persisted for nan past astir 3 years.

Top output banal for July, 2018, June 2021, and September 2021, Orchid Island Capital, released this cautionary statement pinch its monthly dividend announcements backmost successful 2018: "The Company has not established a minimum distribution costs level and is not assured of its expertise to make distributions to stockholders successful nan future." ORC board proceeded to back-up their words pinch actions cutting nan dividend from $0.14 to $0.11 successful February, to $0.09 successful March, to $0.08 successful September, 2018, and to $0.055 for May, 2020. However successful August. 2020 ORC monthly dividend accrued from $0.06 to $0.065 for September, October, and into 2021. ORC now pays a $0.16 monthly dividend and is again listed here.

The U.S. speech MoPay conception is volatile, transitive, recovering, and has achieved afloat strength. More trades successful monthly salary equities are disposable from Canadian firms, galore of which are besides listed connected U.S. OTC (Pink Sheet) exchanges. Active listed MoPays priced complete $2 were up from 71 successful October to 73 successful February 2021, and since October 2021 astatine nan afloat spot of complete 100 active, not seen for years. This database was constricted to 101 by raising nan stock value limit to $3 and not listing dividends yielding complete 25% aliases nether 3%.

List One:

US Exchange Traded MoPay Dividend Equities by Yield

MOPAY (3) US YIELD 1-101 FEB23-24

source: YCharts

Top 10 of these US speech listed monthly salary dividend equities showing nan champion yields for February, represented conscionable 3 of nan eleven Morningstar marketplace sectors. Representative firms divided 6, 1, and 3 betwixt nan existent estate, energy, and financial services sectors.

First spot went to nan first of 3 financial services assemblage members, North American Financial 15 Split Corporation [1]. The others placed sixth and seventh, Canadian Banc Corp (OTCPK:CNDCF) [6], and Financial 15 Split Corp (OTCPK:FNNCF) [7].

Second spot went to nan lone energy representative, San Juan Basin Royalty Trust [2].

Finally, successful 3rd to 5th and eighth to tenth places were six real estate representatives: Orchid Island Capital[3]; Amour Residential REIT Inc (ARR) [4]; Broadmark Realty Capital Inc [5]; Ellington Financial Inc [8]; AGNC Investment Corp (AGNC) [9]; Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT (EARN) [10], which completed nan February MoPay apical 10 equities database by yield.

List Two:

Monthly Pay Dividend Equities by Price Upsides (and Downsides)

Results from YCharts, shown below, show 30 MoPay dividend stocks (as of marketplace closing value February 17) compared pinch nan median of expert target prices 1 year-out. The 10 top-stocks displayed 2.72% to 49.44% value upsides for nan adjacent twelvemonth based connected expert one-year target value estimates.


source: YCharts

Four (tinted) of 10 connected this apical 10 value upside database were besides members of nan apical 10 database by yield. The first 5 places connected this upside database went to: Orchid Island Capital Inc [1], Oxford Square Capital Corp [2], Broadmark Realty Capital Inc [3]; SL Green Corp [4], and Dynex Capital Inc [5].

The little level (by yield) 5 were, Peyto Exploration & Development Corp [6], Ellington Financial Inc [7], SLR Investment Corp (SLRC) [8], PennantPark Floating Rate Capital Corp (PFLT)[9], and AGNC Investment Corp [10].

Price upside, of course, was defined arsenic nan quality betwixt nan existent value and expert target one-year median value targets for each stock.

Ten MoPay stocks showing nan highest upside value imaginable to February 2024 were gleaned from 30 selected by yield. Three to 9 analysts person historically provided nan astir meticulous median target value estimates.

List Three:

MoPay Dividend Closed End Investment Companies, Exchange Traded Funds, and Notes, by Yield

Eighty apical monthly dividend paying Closed End Funds, Exchange Traded Funds and Notes listed beneath were culled from astir 800 candidates. Yields of 13.64% aliases greater, calculated arsenic of February 17, wished nan apical ten. All 80 show assets nether guidance [AUM] greater than $10M and are priced supra $5 per share.

MOPAY (5A) FUNDS CH 1-40 FEB23-24

source: YCharts

MOPAY (5B) FUNDS CH 41-80 JAN23-24

source: YCharts

The top-ten monthly-paying dividend finance companies, funds, & notes. showing nan biggest yields for per YChart & Yahoo Finance data, featured 4 closed-ended finance institution [CEICs], 3 uncollateralized indebtedness instruments [ETNs], and 3 open-ended finance companies [ETFs].

//' _fcksavedurl='' title='Agilent Technologies, Inc.'>A</a>) FEB23-24

source: YCharts

Four closed extremity finance companies (CEICs) placed first, fifth, seventh, and tenth. They were: Eagle Point Credit Co LLC (ECC) [1]; Pimco Dynamic Income Funds (PDO) [5], and (PDI) [7]; Pimco Access Income Fund (PAXS) [10].

The 3 uncollateralized indebtedness instrumentality companies (ETNs) placed second, 3rd and eighth: ETRACS Monthly Pay 1.5X Leveraged US Small Cap REIT ETN (MVRL) [2], ETRACS 2x Monthly Pay Leveraged US Small Cap High Dividend ETN (SMHB) [3], and ETRACS Monthly Pay 1.5X Leveraged US Small Cap High Dividend ETN (CEFD) [8].

Finally, 3 unfastened ended finance institution [ETFs] placed fourth, sixth, and eighth, Franklin International Aggregate Bond ETF (FLIA) [4], ProShares K-1 Free Crude Oil Strategy ETF (OILK) [6], and Simplify Volatility Premium ETF (SVOL) [8], to complete nan top-ten Exchange Traded Notes, Exchange Traded Funds, and Closed End Investment Companies database for February, 2023-24.

Compare Equity To Fund Performance

//' _fcksavedurl='' title='Barnes Group Inc.'>B</a>) FEB23-24

source: YCharts

Note that February 2023-24 apical 10 equity dividends are presently priced 5% nether those of nan apical 10 funds. Last September they were 2% higher. Last June they were 1% higher. The value differences were recovered successful nan outlandishly precocious dividends attributed to nan apical equities aliases funds. Without those overseas aberrations, costs are mostly priced higher than nan equities owed to nan overhead costs of money management.

Background and Actionable Conclusions

In June 2012 readers suggested nan writer see these funds, trusts, and partnerships successful nan MoPay article. A database of MoPay equities to buy and hold successful September 2012 resulted from those scholar suggestions supplemented pinch a precocious output postulation from here. That database was supplemented by an upside potential article successful October and a upside vs. bargain & clasp successful November. Another list factored December 2012 scholar comments.

Now we person a caller decade of 2020 that began past January, and continued successful February, March, April, early May, and mid May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. The progression continued successful 2021 successful January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. And carried-on successful 2022, January, February, March, April, May, June/July, August, September, October, November, December, and again, successful 2023, January, now February we comparison and opposition MoPay equity upside imaginable to nan output (and higher risk/volatility) should 1 beryllium tempted to bargain and clasp Closed End Investments aliases Exchange Traded Funds and Notes.

Yield Metrics Found A 19.19% Disadvantage For The Five Lowest-Priced Of Ten High-Yield MoPay Equities In February


source: YCharts

Ten monthly salary banal equities were classed by yield. Those results, verified by YCharts and Yahoo Finance, produced nan pursuing charts.

Actionable Conclusions: Analysts Estimated 5 Lowest Priced of Top Ten High Yield MoPay Dividend Stocks (11) Would Produce 17.70% VS. (12) 21.90% Net Gains from All Ten by January, 2024


source: YCharts

$5000 invested arsenic $1k successful each of nan 5 Lowest priced stocks successful nan apical 10 MoPay dividend canine kennel by output were predicted by expert 1 twelvemonth targets to present 19.19% LESS nett summation than $5,000 invested arsenic $.5k successful each ten. The ninth lowest-priced MoPay dividend dog, Orchid Island Capital, was predicted to present nan champion nett summation of 64.64%.


source: YCharts

Lowest priced 5 MoPay dividend stocks estimated arsenic of February 17 were: Broadmark Realty Capital Inc; North American Financial 15 Split Corp; ARMOUR Residential REIT Inc; Financial 15 Split Corp; Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT, pinch prices ranging from $4.34 to $7.97.

Higher priced 5 MoPay dividend equities, estimated arsenic of February 17, were: San Juan Basin Royalty Trust; Canadian Banc Corp; AGNC Investment Corp; Orchid Island Capital Inc; Ellington Financial Inc, whose prices ranged from $10.10 to $13.70.

This favoritism betwixt 5 low-priced dividend dogs and nan wide section of 10 reflects nan "basic method" Michael B. O'Higgins employed for beating nan Dow. The aforesaid technique, you now see, is coming useful to find rewarding dogs successful nan MoPay kennel.

The added standard of projected gains, based connected expert targets, contributed a unsocial constituent of "market sentiment" gauging upside potential. It provided a present and now balanced of waiting a twelvemonth to find retired what mightiness hap successful nan market. It is besides nan activity analysts sewage paid large bucks to do.

Caution is advised, however, arsenic analysts are historically 20% to 85% meticulous connected nan guidance of alteration and astir 0% to 15% meticulous connected nan grade of nan change.

Gains/declines arsenic reported do not factor-in immoderate taxation problems resulting from dividend, profit, aliases return of superior distributions. Consult your taxation advisor regarding nan root and consequences of "dividends" from immoderate investment.


If someway you missed nan proposal of nan stocks ripe for picking astatine nan commencement of this article, present is simply a reprise of nan database astatine nan end:

February MoPay Equities List

(Alphabetical by Ticker)

MOPAY (10) US 102 Alpha byTkr FEB23-24

source: YCharts

All but six equities and each of nan costs listed successful this February postulation of monthly-paying dividend dogs unrecorded up to nan perfect of yearly dividends from $1K invested exceeding their azygous stock price. Here successful nan MoPay postulation dishonesty affordable yet volatile and risky bargains.

Two years and eleven months aft nan 2020 Ides of March dip, and earlier different pull-backs yet to come, nan clip to bargain apical output MoPay dogs whitethorn now beryllium astatine hand. There person ne'er been much to take from. This month's database of 101 was stabilized by holding nan maximum output to nether 25% , mounting nan minimum value per stock for action astatine $3, and boosting nan minimum yields to 3%.

Stocks listed supra were suggested only arsenic decent starting points for your MoPay dividend banal acquisition aliases waste investigation process. These were not recommendations.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational and acquisition purposes only and should not beryllium construed to represent finance advice. Nothing contained herein shall represent a solicitation, proposal aliases endorsement to bargain aliases waste immoderate security. Prices and returns connected equities successful this article isolated from arsenic noted are listed without information of fees, commissions, taxes, penalties, aliases liking payable owed to purchasing, holding, aliases trading same.

Graphs and charts were compiled by Rydlun & Co., LLC from information derived from;;; expert mean target value by YCharts. Open root canine creation from

Editor's Note: This article discusses 1 aliases much securities that do not waste and acquisition connected a awesome U.S. exchange. Please beryllium alert of nan risks associated pinch these stocks.

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Catch A Dog On Facebook nan evening earlier each NYSE waste and acquisition time connected Facebook/Dividend Dog Catcher, A Fredrik Arnold unrecorded video highlights a portfolio campaigner successful nan Underdog Daily Dividend Show!

Root for nan Underdog. Comment beneath connected your latest favourite banal ticker to make it eligible for my adjacent FA follower favourite report.

Editor: Naga

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